Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Hichilema Explores Collaborative Opportunities with UNDP and Advocates for Green Industrialization at Africa Event


In a significant stride towards advancing Zambia’s role in sustainable development and global environmental initiatives, President Hakainde Hichilema engaged in a constructive discussion with the United Nations Development Program’s (UNDP) Assistant Secretary-General and Regional Bureau for Africa Director, Ahunna Eziakonwa.

During the meeting, the President and Ms. Eziakonwa explored potential UNDP support for Zambia in hosting a regional technology hub and implementing a carbon market strategy framework. These endeavors aim to empower Zambia to actively participate in carbon credit markets, contributing to global efforts in climate change mitigation.

“We are optimistic about this outcome,” expressed President Hichilema, underscoring the potential impact of collaboration with UNDP in enhancing Zambia’s capabilities in technology and sustainable environmental practices.

In a separate engagement, President Hichilema joined other African leaders at the Africa Green Industrialization event, convened by President Ruto of Kenya. The forum focused on the importance of leveraging Africa’s wealth of critical minerals for industrial applications and the transformative potential of green energy in shaping the continent’s economic landscape.

President Hichilema emphasized the pivotal role that Africa could play in becoming a global industrial powerhouse by shifting towards value addition through production and manufacturing. He highlighted the significant economic opportunities that such a transformation could unlock, providing quality jobs for African citizens.

“Our continent hosts the critical minerals needed in industrial application. If we pivot towards value addition through production and manufacturing, Africa can be a global Industrial powerhouse, in this billion-dollar green energy revolution, redefining the economic landscape,” stated President Hichilema.

The President expressed anticipation for the various investment pledges made by the private sector to actualize this green industrialization initiative. He emphasized that such commitments would not only drive economic growth but also contribute to the creation of sustainable and quality jobs for the people of Zambia and the broader African continent.


  1. The mischief is that they’ve somehow managed to deceive him that he’s an international statesman and poised to be greater than Mandela by 2026. They’ll continue to invite him and his fellow puppets to such fora and allow him to deliver useless speeches punctuated by staged applause to make him feel pumped up and at end lay before him documents to append his signature on the dotted line to commit Zambia’s resources to foreign control. His AG has no time to study what he’s commiting Zambia to as he’s busy awarding consent judgements. The consequences of electing a puppet might be more costly than that of a drunken kleptomaniac

  2. The largest known polluters are the US, China and India but the puppet has been deceived to believe that Zambia can play a major role in influencing climate change. Lord come quick!

  3. By the way this isn’t the first time that Zambia has gone through this. After one such summit, Catherine Namugala came back and introduced Carbon Tax. Those of us that drive SUVs still pay this tax whenever we renew licenses. How has that money worked for us? We don’t even know where it goes. We’ll appreciate if you sort out the haphazard farming input distribution than spend days at those summits when Kabuswe’s miners are waiting for you


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