Saturday, July 27, 2024

Jailing of Kambwili; good lesson for other tribalists!


We’ve no time celebrating or rejoicing over the sentencing of any human being to prison where they’ll have to swap their designer clothes for the orange garb and get to work undertaking backbreaking chores such as growing cabbages and tomatoes and of course, getting themselves soiled tending to pigs! We are a God fearing people……peace loving, in fact.

However, we have little or no sympathy for one Chishimba Kambwili for the unfortunate situation he finds himself in. In case you are not in the loop, the Kasama Magistrates court has handed him a 5 months jail sentence for the offence of expressing hatred and ridicule of the people of Southern province based on tribe and place of origin. Videos of Kambwili energetically uttering disparaging tribal remarks and spewing venom on a certain ethinic group as one of the former senior leaders of PF who is also an MP smiles, eagerly are available on social media.

Kambwili is not a stranger to stirring controversy on issues of tribe; he is a danger to this nation. As a matter of fact, prior to the 2021 general elections, the Electoral Commission of Zambia had censured and briefly banned him from the campaign trail for committing similar offences as the leadership of PF at the time remained tight lipped on the matter.

And way back in 2009, Local Government and Housing Minister at the time, Hon. Benny Tetamashimba, had requested Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata to discipline his Roan Member of Parliament Chishimba Kambwili for insulting the humble people of North-Western province during a public rally in Kitwe. During the rally, Kambwili blamed the people of Luanshya for having voted for Labour and Social Security Deputy Minister Simon Kachimba as Member of Parliament for the area, saying he knew a lot of well meaning and successful Luvales, but not Mr Kachimba.

Why should Kambwili always bring in the issue of tribe whenever he’s conducting his politics? Pitying one ethnic grouping against another isn’t healthy in a nation which is already polarised. We praise God for President Hakainde Hichilema who is already trying hard to reunite our nation by taking development to every corner of the nation and assembling a government that represents a national character.

Unfortunately, it seems our colleagues in PF and certain opposition political parties are are not comfortable with certain tribes! Whenever a golden opportunity presents itself, you’ll see them go to town demeaning and scandalizing those tribes. We’ve seen this from former cabinet ministers, senior members of the party and some of their MPs. We ought to remind these individuals that the genocide in Rwanda was a culmination of decades of division and incitement of hatred towards the Tutsi by extremists in the country’s leadership, which was controlled by members of the Hutu majority group.

It’s important to reiterate that there are still a few individuals still on the loose out there, including Patriotic Front MPs and so called opposition leaders. They remain unrepentant in as far promoting hate speech is concerned. Like rabid dogs, they have little trouble poking and provoking other ethnic groups by continuously stereotyping or labelling them.

We’d like to sound a clarion call to the police not to hesitate to bring to book such enemies of the people and subject them court processes where appropriate punishment will be prescribed to them as an example to other would be culprits.

Prince Bill M. Kaping’a

Political/Social Analyst


  1. Yes like you. But they won’t jail you because in the new dawn government tribalism and hate speech are one way traffic.
    You may pretend but it’s written all over your articles and face.

    • This article is cowardly. It goes to town on how tribal Kambwili is but doesnt mention who the other tribalists that should receive a lesson from the sentencing are. Yes it shies away from mentioning the well known tribalists in UPND like Siakalima, Sejane Mwiimbu Munkombwe etc etc

  2. He is tribal to the core without a shed of doubt. Is he not the same guy who went to tender a fake apology to the chiefs in Southern province after his usual tribal tantrums

    • And you loved him when he turned his foul language at Edgar Lungu. Who knows if he hadn’t ditched the Upnd he would have been our republican president… just thinking.

  3. He even told lies that the new government will only be employing people with names starting with Ha. I am a Musonda myself and I am employed under new dawn

  4. De Javu, when he was showering insults on Lungu, at no time did he say Nsengas are bad people and that Lungu will only employ those with names like Lungu, Banda, Mbewe, Phiri, Njobvu, Sakala, Zulu, Zimba etc.

    • May it be like that, but today he could have been picked for hate speech. That’s what I meant. He was cheered on by all the opposition.

  5. Dr Phil. A person from southern province was appointed DC on the copperbelt by the PF. He took this opportunity to campaign for the Upnd in the Lufwanyama area. It took the government to discover. So what do you call that.

  6. Apart from Sishuwa Sishuwa, Zambian historians are timid to write and reveal the truth. Otherwise, respectable professional historians, such as Robert Rotberg, will certainly document the sad events currently evolving in Zambia. Zambians are thus strongly advised to read the following book:
    Rotberg, R.I. (1972). “The Rise of Nationalism in Central Africa: The Making of Malawi and Zambia, 1873-1964”. Harvard University Press Massachusetts.

  7. Kaping’a must advise Vernon Mwaanga to courageously send an open letter to President HH and copy it to all opposition leaders to highlight events that enabled KK to unify 72 (+) tribes into One Zambia One Nation. KK teamed up with nationalists such as: Dingiswayo Banda, Fines Bulawayo, Lewis Changufu, Mainza Chona, Solomon Kalulu, Reuben Kamanga, Simon Kapwepwe, Robert Makasa, Peter Matoka, Samuel Mbilishi, Aaron Milner, Elijah Mudenda, Titus Mukupo, Nalumino Mundia, Andrew Muntemba, Wesley Nyirenda, Munukayumbwa Sipalo, Arthur Wina, Sikota Wina and Grey Zulu. Youths that supported KK included: Rupiah Banda, Peter Chanda, Alexander Chikwanda, Martin Jangulo, Jethro Mutti and Vernon Mwaanga. Avoid taking a dangerous trajectory likely to divide Zambians irreparably.

  8. Let’s just develop Zambia as Zambians…..Zambia is a very beautiful country…lets put our Politcal affiliations aside….lets learn to turn the other cheek…lets put tribe aside…

  9. This Kapinga moron is a tribalist also….he has so much hate and i wonder what he does for a living…just writing nonsensical articles 24/7

    • This Kapinga is doing the dirty work.
      There’s always one who agrees to block his nose and get his hands dirty.

  10. I am from having very good sex. Before the upnd Bigots start spreading rumours, it was with my wlfe. Eeemmbwa imwe

  11. Wht Kambwili ws saying ws true, ad Zambians shouldn’t sink the head in the sand. We all know abt this ad Zambians knows it wht our friends are, ad wht ws said its not something new. He ws right ad to the point, it’s just Zambians are scared little mouse whn they see is prosecuted they run away, let’s face the true ad don’t pretend. It’s an open thing, not today bt even after independence.


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