Friday, October 25, 2024

ECL Built Schools in Bally’s Village, but HH Has Never Built Anything in Luapula or Eastern


By Dr. Chris ZUMANI Zimba

Introduction: Free Lessons from Adolf Hitler of Germany (1933 to 1945)

When Adolf Hitler became ‘President’ in 1933 on the NAZI Party ticket, he was the most popular and powerful politician across Germany. A skilled politician, vicious activist, and gifted public speaker, he could speak for hours to an audience that listened prayerfully and clapped joyfully as if they had seen Jesus Christ.

During his 13 years in power between 1933 and 1945, Hitler became politically powerful, institutionally elevated, ideologically great, and iconically renowned. The media and political space were monopolized by him to the extent that most Germans feared the mention of his name as if he were a human god.

Blindly, many Germans supported Hitler’s authoritarian policies, which destroyed one of the best functional democracies of that time in Europe. He made Germans believe that he was creating a modern superpower and gallant war state that would dominate Europe and the world for them as an Aryan race. Hitler identified racism as his biggest and best political tool to manipulate and own pure and original Germans.

In most of Hitler’s public statements, he praised the German pure race and questioned why Jews, Christians, and other foreign races were prospering more. He publicly mourned the sufferings of ‘his people’. His main racial cleansing targets and victims, who he blamed for Germany’s suffering, were Jews. Consequently, Hitler used state institutions to systematically massacre and covertly assassinate millions of Jews.

Hitler’s political agenda of restoring sovereign power, racial pride, economic dominance, and military supremacy resulted in an oppressive regime, brutal repression, ethnic regionalism, racial cleansing, genocide, and world war chaos. Most people failed to see the destructive nature of his actions.

Hitler eventually destroyed himself by committing suicide, plunged his government into darkness, and changed Germany’s sovereign pride into a bloody dictatorship. He became responsible for a deadly global war that destroyed Europe and parts of the greater world from 1939 to 1945.

How Bally Is Blackmailing Tongas in 2024 with Hate Speeches and Regional Politics

When President HH visited Choma during his 2024 New Year trip, he expressed divisive politics by calling on ethnic gods and making nepotistic hate comments. In Masuku, he told the people of Southern Province that before he became president, they were harassed and abused for speaking Tonga. He complained about the use of dangerous weapons like pangas against Tonga speaking people during the previous government.

Additionally, HH said that the PF government had deliberately sidelined Southern province in terms of development. He reminded them that Tonga speaking people were ethnically segregated and discriminated against, receiving a maximum of two bags of fertilizer each under past regimes.

On 3rd January 2024, Citizens First (CF) President, Harry Kalaba lamented HH’s use of tribal language in his public speeches. Kalaba called upon citizens to oppose and condemn HH’s ethnic hatred, political tribalism, and divisions.

Our Critical Analysis of HH’s Divisive Comments and Tribal Politics in Choma

  • HH’s gospel of ethnic politics, regionalism, and hate speeches during his End Year Press Conference and recent speech in 2024 in Choma indicate he is politically bitter, regionally segregative, and dangerously divisive.
  • HH is manipulating and holding the people of Southern province to ransom for future votes by exploiting and blackmailing Tongas.
  • HH is not repentant or ashamed to preach ethnic hostility and plant political discrimination and divisions in a country founded on “One Zambia, One Nation”.
  • HH should emulate Lungu and Kenneth Kaunda, who showed love and development projects to all Zambians regardless of tribe, political affiliation, or religion.
  • Despite being insulted and rejected in Dundumwezi, Lungu showed love and initiated multiple developmental projects there, including the US$ 20.9 million, 247 Kilometers Kalomo-Dundumwezi-Ngoma-Itezhi-Tezhi climate resilient road.
  • In HH’s own village, Lungu built modern classrooms at Bweengwa Secondary School using his own money.
  • HH, despite his wealth, has not shown similar generosity in Luapula, Muchinga, or Eastern Province.
  • Lungu’s inclusive approach is contrasted with HH’s current divisive rhetoric and segregative actions.
  • Lungu’s legacy includes significant developmental projects across Zambia, including in regions where he was politically rejected.

Conclusion and Public Appeal

HH has failed to deliver his 2021 campaign promises and has adopted divisive propaganda to manipulate and blackmail the Tonga speaking people. This is unacceptable in any functional democracy.

We call upon opposition politicians, civil society groups, scholars, the church, students, media, activists, traditional leaders, the youth, men and women movements across Zambia to condemn and oppose HH’s continued assault on our country’s mantra of “One Zambia, One Nation”. Political tribalism and divisive regionalism destroy nations.

HH should consider the teachings of Proverbs 6:16-19 as he governs Zambia. We pray for him and his family.

Dr. Chris ZUMANI Zimba is a Political Scientist, Researcher, Author & Consultant specialized in Comparative Global Governance and Democratic Theories. He holds a PhD, MA, BA, and Cert in Political Science. Zimba was President Lungu’s Political Advisor from December 2019 to August 2021.


  1. This is a very poorly written opinion piece. The free lessons from Hitler do not fit with the subsequent points, and are at best terribly argued. Shocking analysis given the academic credentials the writer claims to possess.

  2. Lungu did not build anything. The funds spent were loans that that to be repaid. That is why the economy is bad.
    Lungu did not use any money from his pocket but used tax payer’s money to enrich himself and the family.

  3. Lungu was more tribal than HH. There was only one Tonga minister in his Administration, Edify Hamukale, whilst HH has appointed many from the eastern province, muchinga , Northen and Luapula.

    • Dont blame Lungu for what you caused. Lungu had no Tonga members because the tribalists refused to vote for anyone who wasnt Tonga. So where was PF going to get a Tonga from?

    • @iLunga: So, the tribalists graduated from the same colleges as the non-tribalists, sometimes even at the top of the class, ahead of non-tribalists, but refused the jobs offered to them by Lungu, or chose to accept only jobs in remote rural districts of Western, Northwestern and Southern Province, while the non-tribalists all, regrettably, got jobs along the line of rail up to Livingstone, right? The tribalists just asked Chiluba to fire them enmasse from the army, police and civil service. The tribalists then just begged Sata to build 3 universities, in the non-tribalist provinces of Muchinga, Northern and Luapula, using the money forced onto Sata by the tribalists coming from their provinces, right? The tribalists forced Sata to take Siavonga and Itezhi Tezhi from their province?

  4. MAMAMA THE TRUTH IN THIS IS SO HUGE. but remember we all say HHs in laws village when it was raided by police. There was no running toilet. Imagine being married to a loser who claims to be zambia most successful farmer but he can’t even help your parents build simple toilet

    • @Kaizar Zulu: HH’s inlaws do not want you speaking on their behalf. That their family was raided by the police is the ethnic oppression and harassment that makes Tongas vote for UPND. As for toilets, I am not going to ask you whether there are toilets in chama or chadiza, never mind flashing ones. The point of the matter is that you do not care about Chama or Chadiza. You do not live there. Your house is in Chamba Valley, which is in Tongaland Lusaka. Why are you enjoying the facilities and services of a Tonga city, and using them as a basis to attack other Tonga areas? We do not deride the people of Chama, because in many ways, they are as much victims of your stealing and criminality as the people of Bweengwa are.

  5. You know, LT can tolerate comments from us, as debators, which may sound provocative. However, the posting of this article is crossing the line, because LT is itself disseminating an article that is divisive, and offensive to us Tonga. How much more, how much longer are these ungrateful people going to be insulting us? You drive drive from Kabwe, to Livingstone, you find these people in our cities, living in large houses, owning big piece of land, and even selling our land, owning cattle when their grand parents were driving barefoot and penniless, from Kasama and katete, to our land, where they have acquired this education and wealth with which they are insulting. Tell me a town in Eastern, Muchinga, Luapula or Northern, where they speak Tonga… give me just one

  6. All the Chewa and Bemba who are in the Tonga towns are there because their grandparents could not afford pay English poll taxes, so the ran to Kabwe, Lusaka, Mazabuka, Choma, Kalomo, Livingstone, Vic Falls and Hwange, where Mayenge went and the crowd was speaking to them in Bemba or Nyanya. Remember, all of you are reading this from Lusaka, which truth be told is not your land. No Tonga would dare go Kalasa Lukangaba, acquire land there, enrich himself and his tribe at the expense of the people there and their natural resources, and turn around and insult the Lunda, the Bemba or the Chewa. He would probably produce maize and beef, and save them from tute and katapa, but that is another story

    • @ I hate Kaizar Zulu…..Wow. You’re proving the very point of tribalism that you’re trying to condemn. You’re talking about other tribes coming into your town (Livingstone) to prosper…blah, blah, blah. You’re not aware that Tongas are also scattered all across Zambia and prospering and no one is harassing them ? They’re all over the Copperbelt, living in mansions, selling land, etc, and no one is harassing them. Quit your tribal thinking buddy. We’re all Zambians. Stop being divisive.

  7. Lungu did not do a damn thing for us. Lungu left Southern Province in debt that it never benefitted from and cannot pay back. If you want to start talking about how much money you think you put in Southern Province, lets also count how much money you actually took out of Southern Province… Can you afford the electricity that you take out of the province every year? It has historically brought in more forex than copper. Can you account the money you make from Tonga coal, that you sold to Indians, and then pocketed the money or used it to build another floor at your tribal university in Mpika? Without our electricity and coal, there is no copper mining in Zambia. Without copper mining, the electricity is still getting enthusiastic buyers in Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa, etc…

    • @The Patriot: You cannot keep quiet about the article above and blame me spreading tribalism and divisiness. If you do that, you too are part of the problem, because by being selective in your condemnation, you are taking sides. A few Tonga may be on the Copperbelt, but there are more Lamba in Kabwe, Lusaka, Kafue, Mazabuka etc etc than there are Tonga in the Copperbelt. I know this, the GRZ sent my father to work there, but since then, none of us are there anymore. Without our electricity, our coal, there is no Copperbelt. So you cannot come from Chinsali or Chadiza or Chipili or Chandeshi, to validate or justify your shenanigans in Southern or Lusaka Province, because a couple of Tonga may be in the Copperbelt. That is between the Tonga and the Lamba.

    • Please check your history properly before you confuse everything! Colonialists built Kariba to support Copper mining. Before coal used to come Southern Rhodesia, from Hwange until somewhere in the 1970s that KK opened Maamba Coal mines to minimise dependence on Rhodesia, still everything revolved around copper up to today. Right now we are importing some electricity from Mozambique, thanks to our revenues from copper. Lamba people, where most of the copper, emeralds are found in Zambia and similarly in the DRC don’t boast about how their copper has built to two countries! Once we stop following the colonial model of development, you will see that all provinces in Zambia are rich!!

  8. This id!ot writes that HH holds the Tonga captive? Who is he to speak for us? He says HH spread hate speech in Southern Province, is this not the worst sort of projection. These foreigners come in our land spew hate on us. We paid for the freedom of Zambia. We were the first to revolt against the English. When the time came to send Kaunda to negotiate with the English, we paid for the trip, yes we the Tonga practically alone, enabled the pennyless Kaunda and the pennyless UNIP to travel to England to negotiate with the English for the independence of Zambia. When the election of 1963 were held, the Federal Party got slightly more votes than UNIP. Nkumbula’s ANC could have given its vote to the white run Federal Party, and let them rule Zambia we Tonga gave it to UNIP.

    • It is hard to know where the first known revolt started from. However, what some of us learnt in school is that formal opposition to colonial rule was started by Dauti Yamba, who in 1946, formed the Federation of African Welfare Societies of Northern Rhodesia. Other followed, like Lawrence Chola Katilungu who was a unionist in the mines while miners were critical to the independence struggle. UNIP was getting support from places such people as Kwame Nkuruma of Ghana so flying to the UK for independence had more to it, than just money from selling cows. Despite that, there is no denying that Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula was a real nationalist who sacrificed personal grandeur to ensure Zambia’s independence and subsequent success of One Zambia, One Nation.

  9. You accuse HH of being Hitler… Has HH ever committed violence on anyone? Has HH every discriminated against a region of Zambia? Has HH ever favoured Southern Province? Has HH ever put Lungu in jail the way Lungu put HH in jail 14 times, or planned to assassinate him if he rigged the 2021 elections? This fool invokes Hitler but he has never read anything about Hitler. He claims that Germany was a stable democracy before Hitler came to power? Germany had not been a stable democracy. The Germany that was formed in 1870 started a s militaristic state, which was born in the violent throes of wars ravaging Europe and America in the whole 19th century. Germany was born out of the Franco-German wars of 1866 and 1869.

  10. Germany was not born a democratic country. Germany came into being as federation of 39 monarchies. This was a loose federation of convenience, as the 38 other Germanic stated agreed to seed sovereignty to Prussia because they realised that on their own, they were too weak to resist the Republican French, or the English monarchy who was gobbling up and plundering large swarths of the world. The German were penultimate anti-democrats; their greatest export in the world at point was mornarcy. Therefore the King of Spain was a German, the King of Belgium was a German, the Queen of England was German, the King Russia was German, the King of Austria was German..their Germanness connected them biologically by all having the gene for hemophilia..

  11. When the World War 1 started, the 3 main protagonists, England, Russia and Germany were led the by 3 first cousin George of England, Nicholas of Russia and Wilhelm.. In Germany and Russia, the army controlled by the Kaizar and Tsar (which are variations of the same Roman title Ceasar) and not the parliament, were the next strongest instutions, and so Democracy was the farthest thing from the minds of people. When was ended, and Kaizar abdicated, the political institutions of Germany were thrown into chaos, because the country was not structured to function without a strong man at the top. The vaunted army was reduced by the Verseilles impostion (it was not a treaty) from 4 million to a measely 100 men, and could not hold the country together,

  12. A low state civil war raged in the land. The Freikorps, and other right wing militia fought those ones over there; the communists were very strong and held their sway over there. Many of the 39 states had their own paramilitary units. In this land of commotion, the German army spied of suspicious groups. The German army deployed an Austrian corporal to spy on fledging organisation, called the National Socialist Party. This corporal sat in at one of the open meetings of the party, and when the leader of the party, and Anton Drexler got up to outline a visions for Germany in which he called for a unity that included Jews and everyone else, the young corporal, who had been steeped in the prevalent racism of the day, stood up in the audience, issued a frenzied speech.

  13. In the speech, he railed against the Jews, and disavowed any possibility of ever uniting with them. This Austrian corporal had been influenced in his early years by teacher who preached German purity and supremacy (does this sound like what some Zambian tribes from the north and the east believe about themselves?)…. The small crowd was amazed and mesmerised. Instead of expelling this corporal from the meeting, they invited to return to the next one, and so begun the membership of Adolf Hitler in the NAZI party. The similarities of the NAZI and PF are amazing. Both of them were based on a messianic near illiterate, Hilter and Michael Satan, who nursed grievance at imagined slights and injustices to “his people”…

  14. In the case of Hitler, he lamented the condition of Germany during that time which he said were caused by greedy Jews and other foreigners. In the case of Michael Satan, he complained in the open press that there were too many Bemba in prison, and too many Tonga at UNZA. Hitler tried to overthrow the government of Bavaria in the 1925 Munich Pusch, for which he was arrested and sentenced to prison. Hitler spread his hate, and terrorised German politics with his brown shirts, that were lead by the homosexual Ernst Roehm. PF depended on it panga wielding cadres to terrorise Zambians in the markets and bus stops. Hitler came to power by swindling and intimidating opponents. Sata came to power by lying to the Lozi about the Barotse Agreement.

  15. Also, as I have said, I met ex-president Rupiah Banda at a get together in an overseas country, where he told us that the reason why lost power, was because of Bemba tribalism. Hitler used tribalism against the Jews to gain power.

    .. Now I can continue to distort history, to paint people in ways I like in order to convey a narrative. Yes Michael Sata and Chiluba were tribalists. Yes Michael Sata was a liar. Yes Michael Sata was a thief. However Michael Sata was not an Adolf Hitler. I hate Lungu, but I have always agreed with his decision to take KCM from Agrawal. The point I am trying to make is that we can all play this hate game…

    • In which was Chiluba a tribalist? The same Chiluba who counted among some his confidants people like VJ Mwaanga, Nakatindi and Sikota Wina (before they fell out), Bennie Mwiinga, Eddie Shamutete etc. Is it not the same Chiluba who differed with Sata and Benny Mwila over succession in MMD he insisted that it would be insensitive to allow another Bemba speaker to take over from him because leadership and wisdom could come from all regions,which is why he put Mwanawasa in the presidency!?So, for you, every Bemba who rises to top leadership is a tribalist? Southern province has been voting UPND since its formation even in times of acclaimed good leadership under Levy, what is the reason for that??

  16. Who does this divisiness help? I have disagreed with HH on many things on this forum. You have defended Michael Satan and Edgar Lungu for borrowing and stealing US $33 billion ($32.5 billion to be exact).. None of you will talk about this, and some of you will try to defend stealing. I do not care about politicians. I defend HH when you attack him because he is a Tonga. I attacked him together with you, when the decision to give KCM to Agrawal was announced. I have yet to hear any of you attack Micheal Satan, Lungu or Chiluba on anything, and yet the 3 of them destroyed the country. If Lungu was not a thief, a tribalist and a violent Kaponya, I would support his nationalistic economic policies than the neo liberal economics of HH.

    • The clique and their supporters of tribal supremacists are hell bent on removing a tonga as president……… matter what he does.

      Never give them ammunition by siding with them in attacking HH………..

    • From these 3, only Lungu destroyed the country! Sata only ruled for two half years after people decided to discard the MMD because Ruphia Banda had moved away from Levy Mwanawasa’s approach governance. RB was corrupt, wreckless and nepotistic to the core! He is the one who started destroying Zambia within his two years reign. Ba Sata’s reign reversed some of that damage but the time was too short to correct everything and unfortunately people’s love for PF swept Lungu into power who picked up the bad ways of RB and indeed destroyed the country! Chiluba inherited a country with the economy at its knees! He had little or no choices as everything had to be done according to the IMF and World Bank! How did he destroy the country??

  17. The problem is that Lungu does not have any principle. His economic nationalism is a covenient trope for looting Zambia. He has no principle. He robbed his law client; he robbed Zambia. Robbery is the economic policy of Lungu. I want to believe that the economic policies of HH are the realistic outcome of having to deal with the IMF to manage this debt of US $33 billion. I want to give him the benefit of the doubt, and to believe that giving Agrawal KCM, was a condition for receiving help from the IMF. HH and I attended UNZA at the same time, and I do not know anyone who attended that fantastic institution whom I would not not give the benefit of the doubt. With me, it is the debt, the debt the debt, the debt. Resolve this and you neutralise me.

  18. This is far from being the truth unless you are not in Zambia and blind to the CDF developments across the country. Such negative criticism is not expected for anyone at your level of education and standing in society. This is unfortunate and such must not be published by any responsible media because evidence exists of the new dawn developments

  19. ………

    These are people who advised lungu that he is popular and winning………..

    This is a person as advisor to lungu..,……

    did not see fit to advise him about the negative effects of corruption allegations and the brutal rigne of PF cader thugs on Zambians……

    Only fooools would listen to him………

    • He PhD claim needs to be checked. Hr needs to tell us which university he got it fr. His fb profile mentions a rural university in Germany… they don’t have him on their past students

  20. When Frederick Chiluba became president, he closed all the cattle dips in Southern Province. This led to the death of 2 million cows. Cows are the backbone of Tonga agriculture, because they draw our plows. The very next year, there was a famine in Southern province in part due to the shortage of cows to till the land with, and because drought afflicted the area that year. When the people asked for food aid, Chiluba refused to help them, saying they had cattle; they should sell it and buy food. Chiluba, and Sata later on, then spent millions of dollars of government money, much of it coming from Southern Province, to try and introduce animal husbandry to Luapula, Northern and Muchinga, but this failed. When you ask why we Tonga vote UPND….

  21. ……….

    The tribal supremacists have been schooled by ‘I hate Kaizar Zulu’ above……….

    Where is Dejavu ET’ al for a rebuttal

  22. The author is masquerading as a “Dr”. We need him to tell us where he got his PhD from. The small rural university in Germany which he purports to have graduated fr doesn’t have his name so his day of reckoning is coming

  23. Kaisa Sulu asked ECL a question. Do’t you want to be president?. ECL confused, he said “what?. Kais Sulu said, ” Leave it to me.” Well as a Clinical Officer, that was the results.

  24. Hello Fellow Zambians,
    If what the author has written is true and the President said those words then you should not condemn the author but question the objective of the President for using those words. Don’t ever take peace for granted if the top man begins using those divisive words. When others use you rush to condemn, wait until one day you realize that it’s easy to lose what you have. I urge you all cheerish peace.

  25. Some people when they read something, they read it with tribal intonation hence they picture what they are reading as Tribal because that is what they are themselves, tribalists. To get people to London in 1964 for our independence, its the cattle from Namwala that was sold to raise the money to take Kaunda and others to go to London for independence talk talk. This is tribalism and no body condemned it and contributed except North Western.
    The tribalism which is in Zambia is based on laziness and people think that Government is a source of money hence tribalism on their mouth.

  26. That Germany action you are talking about started from the Berlin Conference of partition Africa. The idea of partitioning Africa was for Europeans to share the land of Africa. After sharing what was going to happen was to massacre Africans and Britain disagreed and. Britain withdrew herself from that Berlin Conference. That withdraw of Britain from the Berlin conference hungered Germany. All the hunger was spilled out through Adolf Hitler in the Second World War. Do not forget that the First World War was with Germany and in between Berlin Conference and the first world war, there were bitter words.

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