Saturday, July 27, 2024

Imwe ma MP, why can’t you emulate bamwata Enock Kavindele?



More often than not, we see a coterie of individuals “kissing goodbye” to their noble professions as doctors, lawyers, engineers, economists and even as clergymen and catapult themselves into the frenzied world of politics claiming they want to serve our people better!

Their ultimate destination is obviously Parliament! But alas, most of them to do so without bothering much to comprehend the roles and responsibilities of a Member of Parliament. Little wonder why some of them remain mute much of the time during the life of parliament. When they finally get an opportunity to open their mouths, it’s either to chant, “hear!hear!hear” or utter the most vile and inappropriate things befitting the kaponyas!

This leaves us with no choice, but to conclude that most of these characters accidentally find themselves in the August house not to necessarily serve our people, but to enrich themselves! Their sights are obviously firmly set-on laying their hands on allowances and salaries, bagging the substantial gratuity at the end of their tour of duty and of course, driving away in an impressive SUV!

According to our humble understanding, an MP is expected to represent the views and aspirations of the people in their constituencies. Apart from this, they are supposed to set the tone for development by either initiating or lobbying for projects such as roads, clinics and hospitals, trading spaces as well as spearheading job-creation, especially with the introduction of the enhanced Constituency Development Fund under the New Dawn Administration. Last but not the least, they are expected to remain sober, the temptation of imbibing copious amounts subsidised beer notwithstanding, for them to be in a position to provide checks and balances to Government.

A good example of an MP is no other than bamwata Enock Kavindele, our once Republican vice president during the MMD regime. When he served as Chingola member of parliament for good number of years, he never at any time drew stipend from government, but instead directed his money towards development. During his tenure as MP, he saw to it that a mortuary was constructed at Chawama clinic, procured a hearse and ambulance for the community and of course, worked tirelessly to improve the state of roads in his constituency.

When President Kaunda learnt that bamwata Kavindele was not enjoying any emoluments from government, he wrote the following letter to him on February 2, 1999.

“My dear Enock, My attention has been drawn by his Honour the Secretary General of the party to the effect that since you became Member of Parliament for Chingola and also , indeed, now as a Member of the Central Committee, you have not been drawing emoluments from the National Assembly or from the party and it’s government. In this regard, you’ve applied for formal exemption from receiving a salary in terms of Regulations of the Leadership Code.”

KK went on to advise that he had accepted his application for exemption from receiving a salary and further emphasised that his request would be applicable, retrospectively, from the time bamwata Kavindele became Member of Parliament.

Now……how many MPs in this generation, even in their wildest dreams or fickle imaginations are willing to forego their salaries and allowances? Apart from perhaps President Hichilema who is currently not on government payroll, and indeed using his personal resources to sink boreholes around the country in order to ease the current water blues, who else is following into the footsteps of bamwata Kavindele?

If you are an MP or Cabinet minister, we are challenging you to consider start “eating” with the people, now! And by this, we don’t mean hosting your close associates and colleagues in 5 star hotels for buffets or binge drinking, but those in the shanties struggling to have 3 square meals a day, failing to buy uniforms for their children or in need of assistance to put their beloved ones to rest.


Prince Bill M. Kaping’a
Political/Social Analyst


  1. Ba Mwata already had money so he could afford to go without a salary. A rich person aspires for recognition while a poor person will aspire for riches but a passionate person will look to make a difference. Zambians are opportunists who are just discovering what it takes and feel like to acquire wealth. Our young nation is only approaching middle age status while other nations are nearing retirement or death. Wealth in Zambia for Zambians is just as old as our independence so clearly we are a young nation.

    • You wish. To be honest, people who support politicians like ECL cannot be found in the group of those who can go into politics without pay. Their mentality is just so obvious.

    • Oh no @personal physician, what an insult to call Mr Enoch Kavindele broke, my deal do your research before you say what you don’t know. Have some rest brother. The man you are calling broke is making over $10m from doing nothing but collecting royalty then he has other businesses that are bringing in money.

  2. ECL would emulate bamwata Kavindale, he is more than ready to go without a “salary” if voted into power. Not only that, ECL will “redeem” the economy of zambia. “viva” ECL

  3. That was in a different era. Hope you have also observed that many GRZ officials died in destitution because they were not allowed to own property and businesses?

  4. Bwana author, a point of correction! Dr Kenneth Kaunda left office in 1991, how could he have written to Dr. Kavindele in 1999? Please research your articles or proof read before you post.

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