Sunday, February 9, 2025

Government to Continue Importing Electricity, Speed Up Power Projects


Government will continue importing electricity and speed up the completion of electricity power generation projects that were planned to be established countrywide.

Chief Government Spokesperson Cornelius Mweetwa says the government is also closely monitoring the water levels for hydropower generation at all power stations following the improved rains in some parts of the country.

Speaking when he delivered cabinet resolutions during a press briefing today, Mr. Mweetwa said the government is working to address all logistical challenges and ensure a constant supply of fuel across the country and at filling stations.

And Mr. Mweetwa said to address cholera, measures have been taken, which include pre-positioning medical and non-medical logistics and stocks to all cholera high-risk districts and at all the provincial capitals.

The Minister also disclosed the approval by Cabinet of the establishment of the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA) Regional Office in the Republic of Zambia.

Mr. Mweetwa said the approval is based on the fact that BADEA currently does not have a regional office in Southern Africa.


  1. All talk; no action. They’re now even tired of talking about net-metering. Meanwhile, the crippling blackouts rage on. Cry my beloved Zamunda.

  2. Always waking up when it’s too late. this is a National catastrophe and deserves presidential attention
    yet todate very little has been said by him. His silence is NOT goldern

    • Enough has been said about the drought…….

      What do you want the president to
      say ???………

      that the drought is bad. ????


    • As the leader of the nation I would have thought he could enlighten the nation what is being done to alliviate the problem not his spokesman, who tells us that power generation is being expidited how many times have we been told this ? shouldnt this have been done years ago ??
      As much as you are an ardent supporter I am the exact opposite to me the GRZ is out of control
      it does know whether its Arthur or Martha
      Ive said before HH is an astute businessman, Honest, and good moral standing BUT this does not relate to him being a good president and leader of this nation

    • #Spaka. When you were in opposition rain was not a factor….in Dubai there’s no rain.
      What else is there to say…..urinate in the Kariba dam

  3. ” speed up completion of power generating projects” – what is meaning of this. Pour in more resources? What was the expected delivery time? With the ” speeding up” what is new time frame, it changes from what to what? Very shallow press conference as usual

    • This how poor and useless Zambian journalism is………..

      They go to a press conference to only listen like robots………..

  4. We must understand that things do not happen automatically, we have to be applying ourselves fully. Research and monitoring of our environment is very important because that is the source of our human strength.

  5. Was enroute through Vienna International Airport. It is CO2 emissions free as it has its own solar power supply. And all this power generated through an average of 1917 hours of sunshine annually. Zambia has an average of 2836 hours of sunlight per year (of a possible 4383) and a lot of land where these solar panels can be installed.
    In this day and age, Zambia, Zesco, government, engineers or whoever is supposed to make this country great again, has not explored this?!?
    Wonder if anyone is understanding @Deja Vu’s “in Dubai there’s no rain”?

    • Don’t be too quick to judge. Dubai is also just transitioning to solar as it is still mainly powered by gas plants. Sometimes i wonder why it is the poor countries being asked to transition to clean energy when in fact we should be the last on the lot. Coal or thermal power should be used until such a time when we can affordably transition. Life is not easy for poor nations.

    • If I remember correctly the previous administration wanted to set up a nuclear plant somewhere in Chongwe but the Upnd influenced the chieftainess with the help of course of…… to reject the project.

    • So @Tikki what should we do? Accept inferiority and incompetence as a permanent and unchangeable national condition? Leave Zambia? Dig our own graves and jump inside leaving everything for investors to take? Solar also needs maintenance, it’s not a magic solution

    • Anyway for the “we can’t even…” people like Tikki, it’s possible to hire expertise from superior countries to be in charge of the power stations. Even whites from America or Europe could be permanently employed there if we cannot be trusted

    • You’ve hit the nail !!!!! on the head bring in outsiders much like the british council ran the councils and brought them uo to a reasonable standard The canadians the railways updated signals and lines and a huge workshop what happened ?? all brought back to ruin again
      We need advisors not money

  6. Importing expensive electricity while you export yours cheaply. What would HH say if it was another leader doing so? What words would he use? GUESS.

  7. Guys,
    I keep on talking about my pragmatic road map to restore normalcy in Lake Kariba in 3-5 years. Please give me a hearing!

    • Yes Tikki,
      I’ve realised that.
      I’m not asking for money, just living expense. Zambia has been good to me, I feel compelled to give bacl something to the country…as I approach the twilight of my career!

  8. The truth on the matter is…….

    Apart from signed contracts……

    If zesco has , for example 1G watts of power…….

    And decide to export that, they get say $1million cash money in the bank , now……

    If they decide to sell that in Zambia , they only end up with $600,000 if they are lucky , in the bank because of inefficiency, corruption and theft and a poorly designed transmission network …….

    You can argue that that loss feeds the domestic economy,…….,

    That is why zesco needs to modernise and improve efficiency


  9. #Spaka. We say insoni ebuntu. Mr Hakainde Hichilema didn’t give oil as reason for availability of power in Dubai. He pointed to the head as he said IN DUBAI THEY HAVE NO RAIN BUT THEY HAVE ELECTRICITY 24/7.

    • How long did it take dubi to be the dubi it is today ?????

      We are 3 years old with HH………

      Don’t you think it is fair to give him same time to develop as dubi has had. ????


  10. Solar energy is the future…….

    For the past 8 years I have been urging the Zambian GRZ to invest in a domestic solar manufacturing industry……..

    By now 80% of domestic would have been on solar , we would have a booming export solar industry for panels using Zambian copper in the wiring , and batteries creating thousands of jobs

    It seems , Chinese solar manufacturers in china are telling them it is not possible…….!!!!…… very dull we are.


  11. Some people are very thick in saying we should continue to burn coal, coal is the reason we have climate change because it causes climate change and hydro dams cost billions to build and only work if it rains but if we spent those billions on solar panels and then employ locally with our copper we would have heaps of jobs for Zambians but then no business for the China man or the corrupt Zambian political parties , solar by day hydro by night and extra to export to make money. as for nuclear needs lots of skilled people and maintenance and we know from our roads etc. Zambians don’t do maintenance, then we radiation leaks and we die of cancer.

  12. Zambia also has geothermal power potential around Bweengwa River and other possible sights with active geological fissures .Kenya has 70% of its power coming from geothermal with very rare blackouts.

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