Saturday, September 21, 2024

Today History will be made and it belongs to the people of Zambia-Sunday Chanda


Sunday Chanda
Sunday Chanda

Lusaka, Zambia, 5TH January 2016 – Today is a very important day in the life of the nation, Zambia as His Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia fulfils a promise he made, on behalf of the ruling Patriotic Front (PF), to the Zambian people. With the signing of the Constitutional Amendment Bill of 2015 as part of the Country’s supreme law, President Lungu must be commended by all well-meaning Zambians across the political divide for affirming the promise of Zambia’s democracy.

We commend President Lungu for respecting the voice of the people of Zambia. Indeed “Vox Populi, Vox Dei” (The voice of the people is the voice of God). We commend President Lungu and his administration for acknowledging the voice of citizens as representing Zambia’s greatest hope.  Through a servant of the people, and a Government elected by the people and for the people, today Zambia is demonstrating that citizens have the power to change this country’s course as evidenced by the wide support the Constitution-Amendment Bill of 2015 has continued to receive.  

On this day, we call on all citizens, irrespective of their ethnicity, political or religious affiliation to put aside any difference of opinion and celebrate the Zambian spirit that binds us all under the banner of One Zambia, One Nation. This is because while President Lungu and the PF should be commended for honouring the promise, this day and its historic nature belongs to all the Zambian people, past, present and future, including those who fought tooth and nail in order that the Constitution Amendment Bill does not succeed. We must consider that to be water under the bridge because today is about joining hands across respective divides to celebrate the Zambian spirit represented by voices captured by the Chona Commission, the Mvunga Commission, Mwanakatwe Commission, Mung’omba Commission and indeed the Silungwe Commission.

Lastly, we wish to emphasize that while there has been discussions on the processes in the recent past, those on either sides of the debate must now respect the voice of the people which is coming into law today. There are those of our citizens who have opted to boycott the ceremony at Heroes Stadium on flimsy grounds, it must be said that in so doing they are expressing their democratic right but in a wrong way all together.

It is time to put aside any perceived and petty differences and allow Zambians to have a law they have demanded for and a promise President Lungu has kept from the point he released the final draft constitution on 23rd October 2014 as Acting President to this day. More work still remains and President Lungu will need the support of all Zambians as he remains persuaded that the country can and must deal with its constitutional challenges. This kept and fulfilled promise is the best New Year present to be given to Zambians by President Lungu.

Issued By: Sunday Chanda, Vice Chairperson, PF Media and Publicity Committee


  1. What a foolish way of wasting Tax Payers’ money over a half-baked document!

    First you deny Them their demand for a people-driven constitution by vetting, manipulating, adulterating, and picking and choosing what might be in your interests, then you slap the People in the face by asking them to come and celebrate your intransgence – what a mockery of the People:
    . No separarion of powers by
    avoiding cabinet out side
    . No devolution of power from
    Lusaka to the People at Regional
    . No equitable representation at
    regional, gender, youths , the
    disabled, political parties, by
    rejecting mixed proportional
    . No enhanced human rights

    PF must go to pave way for a party that will respect the will of the people!


    • Useless “Tuesday” Chanda, another visionless PF BANDIT!

      Bandit Chanda is a pathological liar, PF promised (LIED) to Zambian people they would deliver “a people driven constitution in 90 days”! After 5 years of failure to do so, PF BANDITS want to brag about a mere Amendment Bill? Get real PF visionless bandits.
      4 Months left for scumbags like”Tuesday” & his visionless bandit Lungu to be DISCARDED out of power! Pathetic Failures (PF).

      The Skeleton Key


  3. Scumbag “Tuesday” Chanda the visionless PF BANDIT!

    Where is the “90 Days Constitution” Pathetic Failures (PF)?

    4 months left for PF BANDITS to be kicked out of power completely & for eternity!

    The Skeleton Key

  4. We commend President Lungu for respecting the voice of the people of Zambia.
    Expecting less is downright stup!d. In fact suggesting that he should be commended for what he is expected to do better than he did is the epitome of retardation.
    Today is a very important day in the life of the nation, Zambia as His Excellency Mr. Edgar Chagwa Lungu, President of the Republic of Zambia fulfils a promise he made, on behalf of the ruling Patriotic Front (PF), to the Zambian people.
    Who does he work for? I thought we pay him. The sooner the Zambian politics begin to recognize the fact that when a president is elected he ceases to be a party president but a national president the clearer the roles would be. Edgar Chagwa Lungu is a national issue, not a party issue, ba…

    • …/cont.
      Edgar Chagwa Lungu is a national issue, not a party issue, ba Chanda!
      With the signing of the Constitutional Amendment Bill of 2015 as part of the Country’s supreme law, President Lungu must be commended by all well-meaning Zambians across the political divide for affirming the promise of Zambia’s democracy.
      I would have agreed with you but the dictatorial tone of the sentence puts me off, really.
      We must consider that to be water under the bridge because today is about joining hands across respective divides to celebrate the Zambian spirit represented by voices captured by the Chona Commission, the Mvunga Commission, Mwanakatwe Commission, Mung’omba Commission and indeed the Silungwe Commission.
      Again, must should not be used in a statement to…

    • …/cont

      Again, must should not be used in a statement to the people who pay the president. Learn to structure your statements in a tone that exudes respect for the people who pay your bills, albeit indirectly.

  5. Countries which had written new constitutions or amended their constitutions did not waste tax payers or borrowed money like this. Our constitution is not complete and you waste money like this because you want to use it as a tool for reelection. Zambians are easily duped

  6. The point that Sunday Chanda is trying to drive across is head the problem I have seen in you Sattish is that you want to control the ‘English’ that Sunday Chanda has used. Be reminded that ‘English’ is a foreign language and we were taught by different teachers at school, to me his statement is not as bad as you may perceive, I submit.

  7. God Bless you President Lungu, you are such a noble character and you stand tall amongst all presidents Zambia has had. We’ve been longing for such selfless yet progressive leadership in this country. It looks like we now have it. This constitution will indeed set the foundation for strong & progressive governance & systems which we’ve be denied for the last 50 years. You’ve exhibited a type of courage that is rare, selfless & noble & which your predecessors lacked. Be encouraged & feel proud as you sign the Constitution Bill into law today that you are performing a distinguished service & function for God’s people. God Bless Zambia!

  8. Today is a very painful day for uPMD, but don’t worry they will swallow it whether they like it or not.
    This Edgar boy, from the time he took over as Justice Minister (from the obnoxious Kabimba) he has kept every promise including delivering the constitutional amendments with critical clauses that Zambians desired for a long time. Such an angel of a President that Edgar is, so humble and pure, like a baby. And where is the Grand Coalition by the way, have they suffered a Grand Crumbling?

    • @Terrible: What will be signed at the Stadium today, is a PF Consitution, and I’am very sure that whenever we will have change in Govt, there will be another Consitution amendment. The signing ceremony itself could have been done at State House and beamed live on ZNBC TV and radio. It is very expensive to ferry cadres from all ten provinces of Zambia and to get HE the President to the Stadium (at high security cost). The money that will be spent on this signing ceremony could have been spent on other needy areas (schools, hospitals etc)
      The problem here is that we want to politicise everything.

  9. I have just arrived at Heroes Stadium, people are pouring into the arena in large numbers and at this rate, by 12 hours, the stadium will be full to capacity! I’m proud to be part of these patriotic Zambians and for sure i will be part of this history!
    Hard luck to those who thought the process would flop! Woe to those bitter cadres and their leader, the so called elder….kikikiki!!!! Woe to that disgruntled Chiti, iam sure they are all shocked that Zambian people are so intelligent and could see through their deceit!!!!
    Happy new year Mother Zambia!!!!!

    • @ Mutuloba!
      How do you define ubupuba? Surely, i now believe what the wise people say that “when a fool like Mutuloba opens his mouth, he is asking for a beating!!
      That aside, believe you me ala nakuwama kuno ku stadium! people are jubilant and even some patriotic upnd cadres are here! Sotambe mwanamayo ala nachiwama!! Ululululululu…Weyuuu!

  10. awe kandeya kuti washala it comes once in a lifetime kuti waipusula bane cilikuli uyo cikalipe kaili no more ukulanda pali constitution no campaign pali constitution kwashala pafyakulya na dollar bane.ECL the great viva pf ba SATA you left us with a man of action for real,he is a complete riplica M.Y.S.R.I.P

  11. today today you can re-adopt a life of load shedding

    i will not give up my powerful citizenship for load shedding and hardship

  12. Look at this equation: – Zambians + Republican President = New Constitution.

    Reading between the lines, Sunday Chanda is clearly admitting that late President Sata was the main stumbling block. By over-showering undue praises over President Lungu who, until christmas day, was quite happy to ‘sign with his eyes closed’ clearly implies that Late Sata IS THE ONE “who fought tooth and nail in order that the Constitution Amendment Bill does not succeed”. One has to merely look at the above equation to easily determine which variable has changed.

  13. It seems the opposition parties have run out of national ideas to discuss. The president is surely maturing politically. Well done your excellency. Spoilers/losers will always be part of any celebrations. GOD BLESS ZAMBIA. A TOAST TO ZAMBIA!

  14. MUTULOBA, you are shallow minded and not fit to live in this civilised generation. Munyelo Pwete is just reporting what he has seen and you go to insult him. If you belong to UPND, understand this, this is not a PF function but a national function. Cool down my dear I really pity you. Let’s be civilised the best candidate in the sight of God will carry the day. It’s not what you are thinking, it’s what God has in mind. Presidents are born they are not created. The lineage for presidents is already there, so if you start insulting your friend over something you don’t understand, it’s sad and ridiculous. Please take time to study the Bible. I like the song by the Catholics “Nkasulwa kubantu tekuli tata” Meaning, people may look at you to be valueless but you are of value & great…

  15. @ Mutuloba!
    How do you define ubupuba? Surely, i now believe what the wise people say that “when a fool like Mutuloba opens his mouth, he is asking for a beating!!
    That aside, believe you me ala nakuwama kuno ku stadium! people are jubilant and even some patriotic upnd cadres are here! Sotambe mwanamayo ala nachiwama!! Ululululululu…Weyuuu!


    Zambia’s biggest challenge is to turn the economic around so as to attract meaningful investment that will create decent jobs and assist in alleviating poverty. The tribalism aimed especially at the Tonga speaking people epitomises the continuing deterioration of the Zambian economy and the suffering faced by the majority in the country. If Zambians who know our past history of ONE ZAMBIA, ONE NATION habour such intolerance for other tribes, then our work to build a prosperous and peaceful Zambia is going to be hard to realise under the present economic conditions. Zambians must learn to and have the ability to look beyond their pain brought about the PF government if things have to change for the better. Tribalism is…

  17. @ Mutuloba!
    I have forgiven you because I’m in a joyous mood and a retard like you cannot spoil my mood!
    Meanwhile the mood of the people is excellent! Everyone is beaming with excitement!! What a day for mother Zambia!!!

  18. Ba under 5, you wanted 50+1,Presidential running mate, its is on record haleya halenya demanded for the above before the 2016 general elections. Dual citizenship is another positive move by the President….. This is a national event, When the President was been sworn in last year he promised Zambians a new constitution, which he is making or taking steps towards….He has also promised the Zambian people a referendum which i know he will fulfill. To all upnd supporters if this makes you mad Pls leave us.

  19. They will never be a time when politicians will satisfy every one in the country let’s not be like then it’s f000lish to believe what politicians promise or do and taking them personal unless you join them full time Sunday like any other politicians is doing a political job so why should his rubbish or sence upset someone normal let’s leave rubbish to the ones who like and work with it ours is just to vote for a person we want if he wins or loses that’s not our business after all its him or her who wants a job I have seen criminals in zambia being glorified both in opposition and government parties this is why I find it f000lish for anyone to be personal about this nocense we call politics in zambia

  20. They will never be a time when politicians will satisfy every one in the country let’s not be like them it’s f000lish to believe what politicians promise or do and taking them personal unless you join them full time Sunday like any other politicians is doing a political job so why should his rubbish or sence upset someone normal let’s leave rubbish to the ones who like and work with it ours is just to vote for a person we want if he wins or loses that’s not our business after all its him or her who wants a job I have seen criminals in zambia being glorified both in opposition and government parties this is why I find it f000lish for anyone to be personal about this nocense we call politics in zambia

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