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Bring back the real Broken Hill man skull


A group of grade nine students from Shanalumba Basic School in Livingstone, who visited the Livingstone Museum, recently appealed to government to ensure that the real Broken Hill man Skull is retrieved from the British government.

The pupils, who where on an educational tour demanded to, see the actual skull of Broken Hillman instead of the replica that is kept in Museum.

The Broken Hill Skull was discovered in Kabwe, 1921 at the first lead mining site. It was the first early human fossil to be found in Africa and was taken to the United Kingdom for carbon dating. The Skull is today housed in the British Museum in Central London.

The teacher, Macbeth Mwangala, who was their leader in the educational tour, said it is important that the pupils learnt more about their ancestors and their heritage.

Ms Mwangala said the tour was one of the practical undertakings that the school has put in place to equip the pupils with observational learning.



    • You are right dear,African art ware should be returned so that funds generated out of tourism is invested back into especailly the communities of the arts origin.Yah u are right.

  1. he he umutwe ubwele, these guys are making money out of it in the UK.
    Broken Hill man can raise money for Kabwe town back at home

  2. Western governments are notorious in stealing antiques that are important to african culture have been exported to benefit other cultures. items like the ishango bone, nubian mummies, lucy skeleton(oldest human remains) and who knows what else. We need to start digging up colonialists Cecil rhodes and display them in museums or better yet beat the living daylights out of their bones like haitians do.

  3. These colonialists ra ped and ravaged the land to even go as far as digging up zimbabwean kings burial sites to get gold. We need to reciprocate with kindness and dig those yurugu bones and feed them to starving dogs if they don’t give back broken hill man

  4. LT didn’t I tell you about this skull before and you said you didnt want any part of it? I am glad other people are talking about this tool Broken Hill is not a political issue, it is Zambia getting what rightfully belongs to Zambia.

  5. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    This is a cleaver and genuine call by the said pupils. As for “The teacher, Macbeth Mwangala, who was their leader in the educational tour, said it is important that the pupils learnt more about their ancestors and their heritage“, I am very impressed. Is this the new culture of misleading our young ones? What is so important about ANCESTORS LIKE BROKEN HILL MAN and HIS/HER HERITAGE? What about being realsitic and doing what we can properly as opposed to extrapolating things that are clearly impossible to give us the truth of the matter?
    Anyway, it is a free world and each one is free to do what they like.
    Taking LT blogging to another advanced level.

  6. Now that we are educated and have come to understand how certain things are done, it is right and fitting to have the Broken Hill Man skull returned. If they want to hold on to it then fine, however, they must pay an annual fee. Just imagine what they would say if we wanted the body of Sir Winstone Churchill to be brought to Zambia for viewing. Would they let us have it? I doubt. But our friends have always gone to other countries and gotten archaeological materials at no cost in most cases. It won’t be long before they come to dig in our grave yards in search for who knows what.

  7. It’s a good call,the British govt especially has taken many of such historical objects from africa & other former colonies & not returned them,if it broken hill man went for carbon dating then what is it doing in a British museum now,don’t we have museums in Zambia?Oh yes we do.

    #7 Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe,i don’t understand your case,why are you against the proposal or why do you think our youth are being mislead?

  8. Yes indeed, all other countries have been taking back what belongs to them. Ethiopia has just retrieved their obelisks from Italy, which privatised them when it invaded and lost the war in Ethiopia. We also need “Kabwe” back where he belongs with his ancestors here in Zambia. Kanshi bane tubwesesheni umuntu wesu Kabwe.

  9. Tipaseni muthu mwebanthu pulizi! If the Egyptians can get back Remains of their pharoes, why should we fail to retrieve a ‘head’?

  10. LUSAKA TIMES: Thanks for covering this story and bravo to Shanalumba Basic School in Livingstone. LT, we still need a step ahead by pertitioning the Govt to have the Broken Hill man skull returned. I think enough is enough, please open a page we sign our petitions.

  11. I don’t think the current crop of politicians would have the confidence to approach Britain and successfully obtain the skull of Broken Hill man. Last time someone from the British gov’t said the skull belongs to ‘no one’ because ‘broken hill man moved from place to place’. We need a petition like someone has suggested plus much more action on this matter.

  12. Am relieved that more people are begining to appreciate the extent to which these ‘blue eyed caucasians’ that Shavez,Mugabe ,Ghadaffi Ahmadinejad,Hu Jintao , Saddam ,Nkrumah etc talk about. They rape our countries and take away as much of our resources as they can possibly mint out.The CIA are busy ensuring civil unrest thrives to create just enough confusion to continue raping our Africa…look at DRC,Zimbabwe,Iraq Angola,Sudan,Congo Brazzaville,Palestina,Madagascar,South Africa,Uganda etc
    Africa need to urgently unite to fight for its roght and resources,its the only way the continent will move foward.

  13. #3 ba tente imwe, let me educate you coz looks like u know very little about britain. its the little things like the broken hill manand many other from all over the world covering world history as far back as the broken hill time and beyond, that make up londons museums so rich that they attract millinos of tourist to britain earning it lots of money in the form of visas,hotel acommodation,transport,tax etc.they dont have to charge at the door to the museum.for your further info…you have to pay to enter the museums eg the natural history museum… what are u saying? rubbish

  14. these guys the british have a very bad history and seem to be getting worse…these are the things leaders like Ghadaffi ,Mugabe .Chavez Ahmadinejad etc talk about. Britain and US ensure there is conflict and confusion to distract our attention while bale twibila…look at DRC,Zimbabwe,Uganda ,Sudan,South Africa,Mozambique ,Angola …………..the only way is for Africa to come together and act on this issue and only then shall we be counted we need them to buy our materials,but so do they thats why we need to have a say in the way things are done and set our own prices….look at the arabs…they set the price using supply and demand law..and they are respected big time.when they cough america and europe acknowledge

  15. Tekanyeni bane, mwitukana sana, ask K.K he might know why it did not come back home. It’s true ifilala fyamunda yanama. We want B.H.M’s skull back home.

  16. Abasungu have stolen a lot of things from Africa. In Ethiopia they even uprooted obelisks in Axum. Let us start by changing even names of landmarks such as the Victoria Falls to original names like Mosi-Oa-Tunya or Shungu Namutitima then they will know that we are serious.

  17. Hi folks. Don’t worry. We are a group of German scientist in relation to the famous Broken Hill Man / Kabwe Man, a type of HOMO HEIDELBERGENSIS, origin in Germany. We working actually together with Zambian people trustful on a better presentation of this human being in Zambian . You will get some informations about it in near future.

  18. Hi KA’DOYO! Greetings. Your head will be also famous if you are willing to wait the next 200.000 years and an explorer than will find u.

  19. Hi #24 I am sure it will be found, but this time, mine will go some place over universe instead of Briton, because the explorer will be coming from same planet out there ha ha ha. Have a great day.

  20. Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe - ndeezwa ku-musanza for Zambians in the 2011 tripartite National elections

    9 JIGGA greetings and sorry for not coming back to you on your “#7 Rocket Scientist Maestro Hhehhehhehhe,i don’t understand your case,why are you against the proposal or why do you think our youth are being mislead?” on time. The reasons are that: 1. Why we human being not evolving into another type of species if indeed we can from Broken Hill man?
    2. Why is it that Broken Hill woman has never been found to date?
    3. Was Broken Hill man the only one of his kind and type in his time?
    I hope these few querries will open your eyes. ___ Taking LT blogging to an advanced level.

  21. UK is a secue repository for this artefact., otherwise some Zambian politician will just swag it for his collection or sell it to the chinese to be ground down for medicine, just like the country’s vast mineral reserves which they have sold, thereby lining their own instead of the nation’s coffers.

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