Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Finance Minister Felix Mutati heads to Belgium for talks with EU


Mr Mutati speaking during a meeting with coperating partners
Mr Mutati speaking during a meeting with coperating partners
Finance Minister Felix Mutati has left for Brussels, Belgium, the Capital of the European Union, for high-level talks with the European Commission.

During his European tour, Mr. Mutati will focus on development and economic relations through consultative, negotiation and networking meetings with various organisations and government representatives in Belgium, Luxembourg, France, Germany and Sweden.

The Minister will hold talks with the EU-Africa Caribbean Pacific Organisation [ACP], European Investment Bank, The French Business Association, The French Government, AFD [Agence Francaise Du Developpement, Orange Safrocom, Credit Suisse, Germany Ministry of Finance, and GIZ.

Others will be Bombardier of Sweden, Swedish International Development Agency [SIDA], Swedish Government Representatives, and Swedish Business Community. Mr. Mutati will also participate in a roundtable discussion with Swedish Organisations, ABB, Eltel and SIDA.

In Brussels, the Minister is scheduled to meet the European Commissioner for International Development Neven Minica and Mr. Koen Vervaeke, Managing Director – EU External Action Service.

Among the issues to be discussed will be the strengthening of EU-Zambia development and economic relations.

Mr. Mutati will also seek investments in the Zambian energy sector; present the case for acceleration of the Tanzania-Zambia electricity interconnector; seek support for Zambia’s land titling programme; and, reaffirm Zambia’s commitment to climate change and need for more financing towards mitigation programmes.

In the discussions with the European Investment Bank in Luxembourg, the Minister is scheduled to discuss investment and support for aquaculture development; farm block development; and support for scaling-up solar.

Mr. Mutati is accompanied to Europe by Permanent Secretary for Finance and Economic Management in the Ministry of Finance, Mr. Mukuli Chikuba, Acting Director of Budget Mrs. Mwaka Mukubesa and other government officials from his Ministry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Ministry of National Development Planning.


  1. So in short we will display our begging bowl in a lot of nice looking offices. At least you are one of the more eloquent ones and can diplomatically make it sound like it is win-win while burying the thought of what we did with money sourced from
    Europe before…

    • Strengthening, strengthen and more Strengthening!
      How many times have I heard that?
      Why do you people like to trade in pointless activities? How much more Strengthening is required? You have been Strengthening for ever, do you people never get fade up of doing the same things again and again and again and again and yet not going anywhere?

  2. anyone who is somebody is in Davos


    what did we do, what will come out of these meetings.

    why do we keep wasting tax payers money like this?

  3. Zim manufacturing is now thriving because of good policies of restricting imports while visionless PF is on continued borrowing spree.

  4. who will give them money v must put a stop to this baggers when they r throwning people out of zambia with out any reson this matter should go to the presdient his minsters r doing wrong thing than grabbing properties for these people my 3 friends have happen to them now the case is gone to human right then they r taking it to the international court of justice y shoud the europen union give these people money when they r doing thing like this

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