Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Trump’s utterances sends chills to world leaders, new African Union challenges awaits


By Dr Vernon J Mwaanga

The election of Donald Trump as President of the United States of America in November, 2016 and his inauguration on 20th January,2017 as 45th President, has sent nervous shock waves to friends, foes and neutrals around the world .

His unguarded utterances on issues such as immigration, Muslims, free trade , refugees, the electoral system in America, women, NATO,the UN, Russia, China, Taiwan,  building a wall on the border with Mexico , persons living with disabilities , freedom of the press, enhanced interrogation ( a long hand for torture ), America first , the environment and climate change, among others , sent chills, not just in certain sections of American society, but to the world at large.

Within a few hours of his Presidency , there were a number of controversial Executive Orders signed, which were consistent with his campaign promises.

They include the withdrawing of his country from the Trans Pacific Partnership Treaty , travel restrictions on nationals of certain Muslim countries from entering the United States of America – including holders of green cards who had left the country and could not re-enter, as well as students studying in America who had gone to their respective countries during the festive season .

This led to massive demonstrations in more than 30 cities, by Americans who felt that Trump was taking the country in the wrong direction .

Both Republican and Democratic law makers voiced concerns about some of these executive orders which they described as “un-American” and a violation of the first amendment of the US constitution regarding freedom of religion.

Some of these Executive Orders are being challenged in the US courts and the Congress by both Republican and Democratic lawmakers and in many states of the union .

It is clear that the election of the unorthodox  and unpredictable Trump from outside the main stream of the political establishment, will dramatically change America’s role and image in the world .

His administration is likely to be nationalistic and inward looking at a time when the world is moving towards globalisation and multilateralism.

At a time when many countries are breaking down barriers to allow free movement of people and goods, Trump wants to build walls and by putting America first and advancing a conservative agenda, the impact in Europe is already being  felt and could affect election outcomes.

Although Trump’s Africa policy still remains unclear, some of the statements he made in the past about Africa and some of its leaders are indicative enough and Africa has no reasons to feel comfortable with Trump and his administration which comprises  billionaires and millionaires  with little or no government experience and have mainly come from corporate America.

He is the only American President who regularly takes to tweeter to express views which have not come through the bureaucracy to make sure that they are consistent with the official positions of his government.

In the art of statecraft as opposed to corporate craft, where he was used to making decisions alone, decisions and pronouncements he makes either through press interviews or tweeter , are usually based on collective input of officials and others to make sure that they are consistent with government policy.

Tweeter diplomacy by a President, let alone the President of the United States of America – the most powerful country in the world – is risky and dangerous.

The world is at risk of a new form of nationalism , which will negatively affect the gallant march towards globalisation.

Africa has now elected the Foreign Minister of Chad as the  new Chairperson of the African Commission of the African Union to replace Dr Mkhosazana Zuma of south Africa , whose tenure had to be extended by six months , because African leaders failed to elect her successor when they last met in Kigali, Rwanda .

The challenges facing the new Chairperson are daunting and they include industrialising our continent, peace building, less dependence on outside charity, strengthening African governance institutions , improving human rights, strengthening and consolidating democratic gains made so far.

While others includes cooperating in the fight against international and domestic terrorism , increasing GDP growth , raising living standards of the African people, health care , producing enough food and attending to infrastructure development.

African countries should support the new team by paying their contributions .


  1. Its okay. Us Africans we like running away from our own countires and our own problems. The new world order is that each country looks after its own citizens. So many Africans have perished in oceans trying to cross over to Europe hoping for a better chance at life or simply running away from abusive govts and regimes. I know this maybe a simplistic way of looking at the Trump Executive orders but our own African leaders have let us down for way too long. Perhaps somehow Trump’s actions will put a stop to the nonsense we get from many African leaderships.

    • @Ngolwa if you understood what the word “New World Order (ordo seclorum meaning – A new order for the ages ) ” mean smoke will start coming out your ears and eyes as your understanding of the word coined by the world’s most powerful rulers is far from what you think it means.
      Trump was inaugurated at “Capitol” Hill facing the obelisk in Washington DC – facing the obelisk in Rome, that inauguration was very significant in the political world as it marked a new era in world government. Please research more and you will fully understand.

    • Ba Truth -Seleniko Twikale, please educate us. I am sure in my statement I did mention somewhere that I was giving a simplistic view of effects of the Trump orders. However my point still remains that we need to make Africa favourable for its people. Our leaders were in Ethiopia at the AU summit. I hope somewhere on their agenda they discussed a strategy for engaging the Trump administration. As for the world order.. I meant it literally..looking at why Brexit and Trump happened. When Trumps says America first. ..he do thinks he means “including Zambia”. I am no political scientist but hey I live on Earth and I can see what’s going on. Otherwise I am enjoying the debate…Ba Truth.

    • Trump is a confused character altogether…… in fact he will become the most hated president in the history of America. However, Trump is far much better than our own, a man with no vision ( I haven’t mentioned anyone here except Trump)

    • Thank you @Ngolwa for clarifying your statement maybe I just misunderstood I am sorry otherwise we as Earthians are in the pockets of international politicians who play games to make us follow them with cheers of ululations. Think of war of the worlds the hand clutching the whole Earth.

  2. Badaala to be frank with you on immigration, he is spot, why do these lazy creatures like letting their countries get spoiled by lazy incompetent bums, then start immigrating to Western countries as economic refugees even when they have the power to put right leaders in office, for Muslims it’s even worse after welcoming them in your country they will even blow you up and call you infidels, infact he should have sent all Muslims back to their lands, they are a classical example of that fxxking dude that bites the hand that feeds them.

    • You are so very ignorant about the world politics, when I read comments like this I feel like it was written by a zombie who died 3000 years ago …… yayayayaya!!!!!

    • by ignorant I mean @Divide & Rule, Vernon knows what He is talking about… mamamama! but you! You are a clown.

    • @ Truth, don’t think you know it all! Divide & Rule has got points, so has Trump got. We know the thinking mentality of Muslims. When they are sufficient in number, they’ll start imposing the sharia besides blowing up people especially Christians. This, Trump has seen through.

    • @Lezgee do you even know who created Islam and what they use it for? do you know who blew up the twin towers in New York…. please stop it there is a lot you will not understand. Why do a lot of innocent people flock to USA, UK etc there is a lot of imingalato you don’t know please be quiet and don’t make me sleep because I am bored by this kind of ignorance.

    • @TRUTH SELAKO UNYE,that is utter rubbish from one amateur conspiracy theorist,next time don’t sh*t next to me fulufute iwe.

    • @Die and Rude You see what I meant when I said Zombie…… only the walking dead can posses a dirty mind like yours exhibiting the toilet like mindset on the public forum like this where we are supposed to educate each other….. please aspire to be like @Ngolwa, from what I can tell He is a dignified intellectual with a humour of a mature adult.

    • @ Truth, I have watched and read many of those 9/11 conspiracy theories, so, am not going to start addressing your questions concerning 9/11. About Islam, you have to tell me who created it cause as far as am concerned, it was created by that Nomad in the Arabian desert called Mohammed 600 AD.

    • @Lezgee first of all what is the definition of “conspiracy theory” I am not just trying to discredit your submissions onto this forum but to ague out a point more logically and with much an open mind. What I am saying is; why are these terrorists running away from their Countries? I won’t burst out into facts but I will leave it to you to research, if I am wrong then you are free to insult me. Such a phrase “conspiracy theory” was coined to discredit what ever truth may be out there since the powers at play know that knowledge, with the advent of the computer, is at our finger tips and they too know that even the truth will also be discredited together with lies just like you can not believe me no matter how I may prove my point with truth, your Idea and definition of conspiracy…

  3. Trump can help Zambia become great again by restoring constitutional democracy in this SADC country by barring Lungu and his cohorts from entering the USA and freezing their illgotten wealth.

    Lungu lost the August election and refused to handover power to the people chosen President.

    We pray that President Trump can ensure that the instruments of constitutional democracy that propelled him into the white house are also respected, adhered to and observed by tin pot dictators like Lungu and his advisor Ruphia Banda.

    • Jennifer, you are a delusional id!otic Zambian who blieves your hallucinations. Where did your preferred loser win any election in the history of his political career. Get a life, Man!
      Anyway, on immigration Trump is right, actually he should go further and fish out all illegal immigrants.
      On asylum seekers from war torn countries, my view is that a blanket ban is totally wrong, each case must be considered on its’ own merit.
      Americans were developing Islamophobia and they got the Trump now as they deserve!

    • @Jennifer Chidulika Zambia is a sovereign Country, even Africa can handle its own affairs why do you need Trump to fix Africa whilst He is dismembering America (North and South). I agree with @Mundetelele.
      Believe you me the next Super power will be Africa and this will happen in a way that no one will even understand Africa will unite and survive the onslaught that was heaped upon her, our children’s children will not believe when they watch from the archives how poor their forefathers were.


  4. wiI think WE AFRICANS should TREAD WITH CAUTION and AVOID PICKING AN UNNECESSARY FIGHT WITH TRUMP! Let him do what he wants, with what belongs to him, the USA! Let us put ourselves in FIGHTS that will NOT BENEFIT US! WHO DISAGREES THAT SOMALIA is the HOME GROUND OF EL SHABAB, a terrorist group now affiliated to the Islamic State? Who doesn’t know that ISIS has based in LIBYA and Al-qaida operated fron SUDAN for sometime? TRUMP has NOT SAID THE WHOLE AFRICA is banned so for now LET US KEEP AWAY and STRATEGIZE on how we can work with him!!

  5. Terrorism is major global issue. Poverty is also major global issue. Let us think of solutions to these issues. Trump bashing will take Africans away from the solutions to African problems. Trump was elected and inaugurated as US president. He is therefore the personification and embodiment American values. Some American values are acceptable to other countries of the world. Certain American values are not acceptable to certain countries. Before making strong objections to American policies, it necessary to understand American History. It is the Land of the Free where Freedom from want is a common value. The only former US president that attacks a presidential candidate and sitting president is Barack. This has to stop.

    • infact this obama black africans people idolise never did anything for AFRICA compared to Reagan, GEORGE H W BUSH, GEORGE W BUSH. He was so weak and obssessed with rhetoric while african dictators took advantage of his weakness. he was the most “lame duck” president the USA has ever had

  6. funny how all you guys are supporting trump on immigration and bashing africans seeking a better life abroad yet all of you are not in zambia as indicated by the flags,how laughable , fishing out illegals is law what am against is his approach because when he signed that executive order a lot of people where either on planes or at the airport and had to be turned away on top of that valid visas got cancelled affecting even those on business ,most tech companies employ foreigners in america,best way was to tighten issuance of travel documents that way he gets no backlash but achieves his objective no country can survive on its on regardless of how powerful it is perfect example is america has a lot of debt too from the chinese,that is the reality.

    • Well, the flags don’t tell it all. I can tell you that I live in Zambia but when I do post, for whatever reason it is unpredictable what flag shows up.

  7. Zambians, stop worrying about Trump the US or World Order..Let’s worry about the filth of our cities and build pit latrines in our rural communities..We can’t even put pain killers in the biggest hospital in the country?

  8. Interestingly before he won the Britons called him a bafoon!! now they were the very first to go to lick his butt! We living in interesting times mark my words. Africa it’s time too look inwards too. Forget Aid and tainted NGO money. Let’s use our resources for our own development instead of giving it free to Trump thieves!!!


  10. News
    Donald Trump is a threat to the European Union, EU Parliament chief Brexit negotiator Guy Verhofstadt. Guy Verhofstadt made the comment at a speech in London on Monday afternoon, warning that the union was facing a three-pronged attack from outside forces.

    Two of the forces were Russia’s Vladimir Putin and radical Islamism, he said, which were trying to undermine the EU project. But he added: “I have just come back from US and my view is that we have a third front that is undermining the EU … and that is Donald Trump.”

  11. Just watching from the terraces. You don’t get to becoming a billionaire let alone the president of the most powerful nation by playing stupid.

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