Saturday, September 21, 2024

AU meetings open in Addis


Minister of foreign Affairs Harry Kalaba and Ugandan Foreign Affairs Minister Sam Kahamba Kutesa at the official opening of the African Union Executive Council meeting in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.
Minister of foreign Affairs Harry Kalaba and Ugandan Foreign Affairs Minister Sam Kahamba Kutesa at the official opening of the African Union Executive Council meeting in Addis Ababa Ethiopia.

Meetings of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU) have kicked off in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.

ZANIS reports that the two-day meetings of the executive council are being held ahead of the 29th ordinary summit of the African Union Assembly scheduled for 3rd to 4th July 2017.

The consultations of the executive council are expected to deliberate on various issues regarding the AU’s agenda 2063 in which leaders of the 55 member states are rallying together in an ambitious program to transform Africa into a united and prosperous continent.

The council’s deliberations and resolutions will be passed on to the AU assembly of heads of state and government, which is the supreme body of the union, for approval or amendments.

Foreign Affairs Minister, Harry Kalaba, who is attending deliberations of the executive council said Zambia’s participation in the summit is crucial.

Mr. Kalaba said the ongoing summit is important as heads of state and government will focus on ways of mobilizing resources to implement various programs on the continent.

“This is June-July session of the summit is crucial as member states will be discussing the budget, so as Zambia we must attend and take part in the deliberations,” said Mr Kalaba.

Mr. Kalaba expressed happiness with Zambia’s growing influence on the continent as evidenced by the election of Ambassador Albert Muchanga to the AU Commission as Commissioner for Trade and Industry in January 2017.

“We are reclaiming our position and I am happy that President Edgar Lungu is very instrumental in ensuring that we reclaim our position, this is why you can see Ambassador Albert Muchanga, here in Addis Ababa at the African Union,” he said.


  1. We freed ourselves from colonial powers but we are now reaching out to the yoke and putting it up on ourselves. This 2063 agenda is not going to benefit Africa.

    The best way to create a United Africa was what Muammar Ghadaffi wanted to do. They killed him because he’s idea was going to free Africa from the West.

    It doesn’t make sense having a United Continent which is not free. We will still be economially under the colonialists.

    • Why do Zambians like cleaning in hears at meetings, and plucking their teeth after lunch. It used to annoy me in those NGO meetings. Most of the time I could just pay them their tuma sitting allowances. Then we sit under trees discussing witchcraft, I used to enjoy those mwee….
      I wonder what abena Kalaba

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