Sunday, June 2, 2024

Zambia Reach Cosafa Finals


Zambia will meet and hosts Zimbabwe in the Cosafa Cup final on Sunday beating Mozambique 2-0 in the semi-final played today in Bulawayo.

The win is a major relief for coach Herve Renard who will preside  over his first Cosafa Cup final in charge since finishing third in last year’s tournament held in South Africa.

Zambia dominated Mozambique and took the lead in the 8th minute of the first half through striker Enock Sakala after receiving the ball from the left wing from midfielder Luka Lungu who delievered a cross into the box for the Zesco striker score with a flick-on in a match the 3-time champions dominated.

Zambia made sure of their win in the 84th minute through striker Felix Sunzu after replacing Sakala when he headed down the ball on the near post just three minutesc after coming on the pitch.


  1. Good show zed. But our team likes doing the opposite when we expect the best from them. LETS NOT BE OVER EXCITED. LETS WAIT FOR SUNDAY to see what happens . Our team is unpredictable. A win will be our consolation for missing the chance to go to the world cup in 2010. Come on do it boyz. Abena Nine chale ati shani. Muliche!!!!!!!!

  2. Cosafa is a very good tournament for the players to showcase and develop the talent and also provides them an opportunity to be captured by soccer scouts as the matches are beamed live on supersport channels

  3. At long last we have a win to write about over the Mambas, though a weak team. This will give us the morale to beat Rwanda and qualify for the AFCON Angola 2010.

  4. This is Chipolopolo; when you have high hopes, they ll give you stress, ignore them they ll perform. So pa Sunday katwishi!!!

  5. I watched the game. Felix Sunzu did not score any goal. As far as i can recall Allan Mukuka crossed an in swinger from the right wing and a Mozambican player shot in his own goal.

  6. Lets give credit where it is due. Well done boys! all the best on Sunday period. Had we lost you could have had your knives out for Renard. You must take into account the material he is using. If you plant kalembula for suer you dont expect lettuce.
    We just have to deal with what we have and see what comes out of it.. Apart from being a developmental tournament we have CECAFA and CHAN knocking on the door. These are players of the future.
    I wonder what happened to Sanida, Kasungu and Ben Mwanza.

  7. Kudala kunali MPILA maningi…osati madays ano…! Fwaka too much…! where is CECAFA??? UCAR, HANGUNYU,CHANDA,PHIRI ETC????

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