Saturday, June 1, 2024

President Lungu warns PF top Leadership not to mislead him


President Lungu and Party CEO Davies Mwila at the just Ended PF Conference
President Lungu and Party CEO Davies Mwila at the just Ended PF Conference

President Edgar Lungu has warned the Patriotic Front -PF- top leadership to stop misleading him.

President Lungu says this needs to stop because they will consistently distance him from the power base who are the Zambian people.

The President who is also PF Leader was speaking when he addressed PF Officials at Chipata college of education in Chipata.

The meeting brought together all elected PF leaders in Eastern Province.

And the President has called on PF members to respect traditional leaders.

He said the PF members should realise that traditional leaders are part of the people that the party promised to deliver development to.

Meanwhile PF Secretary General Davies Mwila said eastern province will always be the party’s stronghold.

He said all party officials must ensure the position remains so.

And PF provincial chairperson Andrew Lubusha said the party is intact in the province.

He however, appealed to all party members not to be divided over elections, as the PF is a democratic party, that respects elections.


  1. Just enjoy being misled bwana …it’s a normal trend at this point in politics … You have become do rich yourself it is technically impossible to continue connecting with the masses the way you did when you had far less….plundering is a blinding agent bosses learn that

  2. Gay Jay, your comment please, By the way where is the defeated and frustrated Hacks your boss? The chap seems to have lost it all, especially the last three months since January.

  3. Regrettably they don’t seem to change for the better. They wake up with lies and breathing lies. Mr president take action without warning.

  4. Lungu must just warn himself. Look at Yaluma they have dropped him from the Central Committee. Do really think Mr Lungu , your decision will make PF stronger in Northern province the answer is no. Yaluma is part of the PF founders and level headed individual who works quietly and has massive followers.
    You are damaging your chances in Northern province.

  5. Its good that pf holds elections within the party structure. .ba under5 from the time the de.monic party was formed no elections and the same id.iots claim to be a democratic party non sense.

  6. Eastern province was once a strong hold for ANC ,UNIP ,MMD. Politics is a dynamic game. Mr Mwila should know this fact and therefore shouldn’t be surprised when the tide changes

  7. Very true Mr. President. In fact, they do not want to hear anything from the grassroots and yet that is where the truth is. Unfortunately, they are the only ones who have total access to you. Please warn them strongly. Even us the nobodies we love the party and its leadership but usually not treated well by the people around you. May God’s Holy Spirit continue guiding you and enlightening your mind.

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