Saturday, June 15, 2024

Mulongoti discharged, returns to home


Mike Mulongoti addressing the media at the conference
Mike Mulongoti addressing the media at the conference

People’s Party President Mike Mulongoti has been discharged from Awryp Medical Hospital in Johannesburg South Africa.

Mr Mulongoti was evacuated to South Africa for specialist treatment in January 2019 after being admitted to the University Teaching Hospital (UTH) in Lusaka.

Zambia High Commissioner to South Africa Mr Emmanuel Mwamba confirmed Mr Mulongoti’s discharge from Awryp Hospital.

Mr Mwamba said Mr Mulongoti would be made an out-patient following recent developments.

He said Mr Mulongoti will continue receiving outpatient treatment from Zambia.

Mr Mulongoti has since left South Africa for Zambia.


    • Mulongoti is indebted to the Zambians not uwakasaka Kandalama!, Jay jay. If Lungu reads your statement he will think that you are technically saying that he is the one with the bag of money and he will dance!

    • So what will PF do with the funeral plan and speeches they prepared?
      Please spare this one, he is not a big threat to your King Solomon.

    • Silliness, we can’t have proper hospitals in Zambia to this date? do these fools really calculate the cost of airlifting people? let’s be fair. if Poor Zambians are dying in badly maintained hospitals, let these politicians who steal the money with no vision also die in the same hospitals. Sorry Mulongoti family, it’s not about your father. BUT THE FOOLISH LEADERSHIP.

    • Nostradamus – The problem with alcoholism especially in severe cases such as yours; you reach a point where you think you are drinking water but its Vodka.

  1. Can Ministry of Health please tell us the taxpayers of Zambia the total costs of Mr Mulongoti’s treatment in South Africa and compare that cost to the cost of equipping UTH with the high tech medical equipment the Hospital in South Africa has?

    • What??? Ba Jairos, you mean the medical equipment is cheaper than Mulongoti?
      They rush them abroad, just in case he dies so the funeral can add some value. “Ati bafwilile ku South Africa, even the coffin is different from what we see..”

  2. Great news we thank God for your recovery and cancellation of your appointment with Death. welcome back and May God Bless you with many more days

  3. He will never oppose the government again, he will sing praise hallelujah to Mr EC Lungu in all angles. Zambian politics sinks

  4. The Bible says ‘A live Dog is better than a Dead Lion’ meaning as long as you are alive you have the opportunity to make peace with your maker because on the the Day of Judgment all Men will be judged on how they decided to live their lives, For Jesus and others by default for the Devil. The Bible is the Word of God. By it one can obtain knowledge of how to live a life acceptable to God and receive Salvation from judgment of an eternal end in a Lake of Fire. John 3:16

  5. 1 Corinthians 6

    9 Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, 10 nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. 11 And such were some of you. But you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus and by the Spirit of our God.

  6. I’m totally pissed off with these guys. We have UTH. KK has never gone to SA. He gets treated at UTH. Now we have every Jim and Jack being sent SA with no shame.

  7. The country as a whole should be happy that, Mulongoti a former Cabinet Minister and a prominent politician did not confront the South African Xenophobes while he was in RSA. The story could have been told differently. Welcome, son of the soils! The whole country now awaits which path you take in your calling, politics. Your first word will highly be anticipated. My belief is you will praise Lungu and the PF government but what will follow will define most of the Zambians as a people. I hope you will note disappoint and disgrace the society from which you were bred!

  8. We praise the Lord for the healing. God is with you. and grant you many years to leave. Those who have been wishing you bad feelings and the enemies of the Cross who do not fear God and want any with opposing views dead. They are the sons and daughters of the devil. Let us bless then at this moment and hand them to God who knows where they belong.

  9. Mwanawasa did it for Sata but Sata continued to carry out his duties as opposition Party Leader. Government always recognises the role of top opposition Party leaders and former Government leaders and accords them the necessary support in time of need. Not to do so can be politically suicidal.

  10. Sata reconciled wth levy upon returning from treatment in south africa.he personaly went to state house to say thankyou to levy whom he initialy used to cal wl be dificault for mulongoti to say negatives about lungu after this,its human nature.

  11. So now what has mulongoti got to say?
    Is he with ruling or opposition?
    Has he got different opinion now?
    We need a press conference.

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