Monday, June 3, 2024

Major Chizyuka urges UPND members to Impeach HH


UPND president Hakainde Hichilema

Out-spoken United Party for National Development (UPND) Namwala Member of Parliament (MP) Robbie Chizyuka has called for the immediate impeachment of UPND president Hakainde Hichilema because he is a vision-less leader.

And Maj Chizyuka has charged that Mr Hichilema is just being used by Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata in the UPND/PF Pact.

Maj Chizyuka urged UPND MPs to start the impeachment process on Mr Hichilema because he was following experienced politicians because he has no vision for himself in politics.

“I urge my fellow UPND MPs that time to impeach HH is now. I say so because UPND is doomed and going nowhere under the leadership of president Hichilema. HH formed an alliance – the UDA which cracked and today he is with Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata which is heeded for a split,” Maj. Chizyuka said.

Maj. Chizyuka said former Mongu Central MP Francis Simenda should lead UPND to the 2011 tripartite polls and not Mr Hichilema.

Maj. Chizyuka said this in an interview with ZANIS in Lusaka today.

He accused Mr Sata of being selfish and aspiring to became UPND/PF Pact presidential candidate in the 2011 polls.

Maj. Chizyuka accused Mr. Hichilema of having contributed to the failure of the United Democratic Alliance (UDA) in the 2006 run-up to tripartite elections.

UDA consisted of Edith Nawakwi’s Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) and the former ruling party United National Independence Party (UNIP) for Tilenji Kaunda.

He charged that time to impeach HH is now because UPND is doomed and going no-where under the leadership of president Hichilema.

He explained that Mr. Hichilema, who was also UDA President in 2006 failed to run the Alliance because he was a visionless leader who was just being used by (PF) leader Michael Sata in the UPND/PF Pact.

And commenting on Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata who vowed that a degree or piece of paper will not stand in the way of his political presidential aspirations, Maj. Chizyuka described the UPND/PF Pact as a failure that is aimed at ‘killing’ the UPND.

The National Constitutional Conference’s (NCC) this week unanimously adopted a clause requiring those aspiring to stand as presidential candidates in future elections to have a degree as a minimum qualification for the top post.

The PF leader has no such qualifications and has described the clause as nonsense and waste of time by individuals suffering from inferiority complex.



  1. You’ve just lost your chance of continuing to be MP. Do you even have any ambitions yourself. Can you talk about what U want to do before talking bout HH

  2. He knows that he will never be an mp for Namwala again. The reasons for impeachment are not sound. Why does he want others to lead UPND? What about himself? F.o.lish man.:-w[-(

  3. How about you Robbie? What is your Vision? By the way, I could not stop laughing when I listened to you failing to articulate yourself on `Face the Media’ on radio Phoenix last year. Typical of pipo with military background!

  4. I just cant find any sense in mr chizyuka’s speech, what a poor politician with a desperate and dull mind!!! The degree foolishness is a big time share of tax payers money by the so called NCC parasites. How many univerties do we have in zambia? We have more colleges and alot of graduates from this institution. Do it it they are all so dull to run the affairs of this country. If peace has to continue in this country some one should throw that clause in the toilet.

  5. I want to encourage all grasuates from all colleges, trade schools and many other higher learning institution to stand and fight this madness.

  6. This university thing came about because most of our presidents were depending on advisors for everything. I think it is just fair to accept this fact. Do not look at a president as just an individual there on top to be fed with information, but he should also be technically knowledgeble enough in certain fields.

  7. #10 But there is no specific ddegree and besides university here in Zambia which provide a programme desigsned just for a president. Suppose one has a degree in witchcraft from one one of the American university?

  8. Degree in what? just a degree? Even in ichibemba? Lozi? Mabwe? then you can stand ? wahhhh-MuZambia Ba Rupiah twachula kabeyini kumushi please”’

  9. Maj Chizyuka just resign from UPND.then you will see how unpopular you are.You are such a dull man personally I have met you in Maala.You are a tribalist.You belong to the stone age.Today Zambia is one, we don’t look at what tribe some one is. You have hatred for the Bemba speaking people.I met you at the so called Junction in Maala nzuma.When you heared as speaking in Bemba you uttered very premitive words, not befitting a former Maj.To us whether HH or Sata for President in 2011 no problem we will accept as no party can field two presidential candidates at the same time.Just resign your are a finished politician.You have done nothing for the people of Namwala.More over you have no right to speak on behalf of UPND/PF pact you foolish and blind maj.


  11. This is the only MP in the Southern province without smelling college air. He does not even know when one can be impeached. What law or UNPD constitutional by laws has HH broken? You see, these are people Veteran Senior Citizen Ben Kangwa wants and always props up in his tirades on HH and Sata.

  12. Chizyuka, how can you accuse someone of having Presidential aspirations? Is it against the law to aspire for a position?

  13. This guy iz just an empty can making noise coz tew me the reason for impeaching HH do not make no sense what kind of a major iz he…actually he iz da one who haz no Vision coz hez talking bout impeaching and trying to point someone else why not himself?? he knows he iz vision-less….to hell wiff ya impeaching MF

  14. Chizyuka you are right,tell this tonga chicken, Sata wont let HH stand, if he was genuine, and an honest man in the pact, his comment on this clause would have been, that is not a problem for us in the pact HH has the qualifications he will lead. Not this nothing will,l stand in my way, a degree is just a paper. HH you are being used, a man with Alevels is seeing things better than you a degree holder. Let HH get out becoz the time to get out of this nonsense is now. Sata wont let you stand, no way in hell

  15. A former snr officer of the armed forces speaking nonsense like this makes sad reading. HH must start disciplining his people if the pact is to succed. Maj get you facts right! HH never formed UDA, he found it after the demise od the galant leader nady Mazoka. You oaught to be smarter, alas you are otherwise, knukle-head.

  16. To those who doubt that Veteran is Ben Kangwa, have you seen him comment lately on this blog? No. The reason is he is in Los Angeles were your first lady (Ghost Worker) Thandiwe is right now. Probably he has no laptop or he is sharing hotel room with someone in the entourage or from the embassy. I will let you know when Ghost Worker leaves LA.

  17. Robbie, waloba ilyauma. Come October 2011, we are escorting President Hakainde Hichilema to State House. Use your gratuity wisely, otherwise uzachucha.

  18. Chizyuka is not a graduate,but has been to unza for a year where he acquired A levels before being recruited to military service. He is an accomplished military personel who saved Zambia deligently.I will not tolerate those demeaning service men.

  19. Robbie is no longer a service man but a politician whose life is in pockets of those that he serves. The day Robbie chose to stand for elections, he became a public person and as long as his life depends on tax payers’, forget about him being a service man. Will you say the same with Shikapwasha? After all he is more senior to Robbie. Man, this is life in public office. You get ridiculed and at times even insulted. After all Robbie deserves both.

  20. “And commenting on Patriotic Front (PF) leader Michael Sata who vowed that a degree or piece of paper will not stand in the way of his political presidential aspirations, Maj. Chizyuka described the UPND/PF Pact as a failure that is aimed at ‘killing’ the UPND.”-LT. I can’t find any comment relating to the degree or piece of paper as such calls it. Is it LT or Major Chizyuka that is misleading. Instead od commenting on the degree issue he comments on the PACT. I guess he is drunk with the Pact and it must be giving him sleepless nights (or he is worried that he also has been affected) and he knows that it will have no bearing on the 2011 elections and when the Pact is govt, if at all they manage, they will certainly also be starting another constitution making process! Watch this…

  21. We have alot of educated fools hence some came up with this degree mess. For this major….he is just a major failure without a vission.

  22. There are really some universities that can accord an honourary degree to the PF President MC Sata for his contributions to democracy and the rule of law.
    Can the party look into this issue and have it resolved as a matter of urgency.

  23. Spot on, Major. The crumbling pact is an opium of the gullible masses who have been hoodwinked to think they will assume the reins of power come 2011. Sata is a Judas Iscariot, a truth bender and an shameless opportunist who has betrayed a lot of people before. Ask FTJ or KK whom he called fonko fonko after he jumped ship in 1991 to join MMD at the last minute when he realised that UNIP had no chance. He also promised to drop all of Chiluba’s court cases during the 2006 campaign claiming that Mwanawasa was persecuting him because of his tribe. [-(

  24. #27 we have full respect for service men, it is only that the majority of Zambians are to young to appreciate and remember the work they did for Zambia after independence. True, they make not have academic qualifications we have, however for those of us who remember, we have the greatest respect for their role in society when acrimony and war break out.

    Major Chizyuka sees failure in HH’s leadership, the question we should ask our selves is, is their truth in this statement, has HH failed? If you look at UPND 2000 and UPND 2010, has the party grown, under the leadership of HH. I think in all fairness, the Major is not far from the truth, he is the only one bold enough to put it out there. As HH has said in the Post today, not all graduates are good leaders, UPND convention is needed…


  26. A major is a major and will forever remain a major unless he moves to a higher level then his title changes. He can become president but still be called president major because he is a qualified major. Those titles don’t just come, they are worked for and also go to collges and universities mind you? Inact Chizyuka has papers more than other degree holders. And no one will grab the knowledge he has away from him. So he is also a qualified soldier is his field. And these are always respected untill they die.

  27. Major Chizyuka should just wait. No need to impeach HH. If Major is being used by MMD to discredit HH is just wasting his time. Time will tell. He better keep quiet now otherwise he may lose the respect that the Major should have.

  28. i think its true that HH doesn’t have a back bone to stand on his 2 feet. HH is just being used because he just follows wherever the wind takes him. lets be realistic here,Sata will not him to stand in 2011. i think UPND will soon fade!!!!!!![-([-(

  29. I think its true that HH doesn’t have a back bone to stand on his 2 feet. HH is just being used because he just follows wherever the wind takes him. lets be realist here, Sata will not allow him to stand in 2011. I think UPND will soon fade!!!!!!8-|8-|

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