Tuesday, June 4, 2024

William Banda sounds warning as Magande escapes beating at MMD card renewal exercise


The hour has come to...MMD acting Lusaka Province Chairman William Banda addresses a meeting at Kabanana Basic School in Lusaka
MMD acting Lusaka Province Chairman William Banda

MMD Lusaka Province Chairman William Banda has threatened to spill the beans against any National Executive Committee (NEC) members, cabinet and deputy ministers undermining President Rupiah Banda’s leadership.

Mr. Banda said he was aware of some NEC members, Cabinet and Deputy Ministers who do not support President Banda.

Mr. Banda said this during this year’s MMD card membership renewal exercise for Lusaka province.

He said president Banda was in full control as MMD President as well as the sole candidate for next year’s presidential elections.

He assured President Banda that those party members de-campaigning him would soon be sorted out. He said he has since instituted a high powered intelligence unit that would crack down those de-campaigning the President.

Mr. Banda sounded that he wants sanity in the MMD and Lusaka province in particular. Mr. Banda said the 2010 card renewal exercise launched in Lusaka today will provide a platform for the intelligence unit to work flat out in ensuring that President Banda wins the next year’s tripartite polls.[quote]

He appealed to MMD National Chairman Michael Mabenga to stop interfering with erring MMD cadres because the intelligence unit has been instituted to deal with such matters.

Mr. Banda donated a new bicycle and undisclosed moneys to Bertha Mwansa who is former MMD founding member for Women Affairs Chairlady.

Those that were present at this year’s MMD 2010 card renewal exercise are former Republican Vice President Enock Kavindele, former First Lady Maureen Mwanawasa, and former Agriculture Minister Mundia Sikatana.

Others include former Mines Minister Kaunda Lemba-lemba, former Home Affairs Deputy Minister and former Ambassador Libya Derrick Chitala.

Meanwhile, confusion ensued as an unknown MMD cadre threatened to beat former Finance and National Planning Minister and Chilanga Member of Parliament Ngandu Magande following his unwarranted attacks on President Rupiah Banda and Vice President George Kunda.

There was a near punch-up but alert MMD Youth Security Wing managed to thwart the fight amid shouting.



  1. Nonsense! Nonsense! I thought vigilante style of politics died with the demise of UNIP, but again this maniac was a UNIP stooge who still thinks there is room for such nonsense in today’s politics.

  2. #1 Chnondo, Yes indeed this is UNIP. The president must intervene and keep William Banda under chek, he is a very violent man from his UNIP days.

  3. There you go Zambians. Back to the 80s. Mulefwa ba shetani na UNIP.

    UNIP mulilo
    Uwaikatako apya!

  4. Maybe FTJ was right to send this chap to Malawi.

    Look at that photo. All those people are elderly ladies. How shameful that our mothers are being used as pawns in this silly game between MMD and the pact. The poor women have been robbed of their self respect and are employed as professional ‘clappers’ at political rallies.

    Zambia, Zambia… who will save us?


  6. Good Evening

    Again, I don’t know whether to laugh:)), cry :(( or just 😮 shake my head at this piece of news…

    I’m fed up of these solipsistic micropolitics which wont bring any meaningful development to Zambia.(:|

    Goodnight folks|-)

  7. So what is wrong with people aspiring for the MMD presidency? Isn’t that what democracy is? This guy still thinks he is UNIP!

  8. Chumya said police were just watching as the MMD cadres were beating up their members and that in the process, two of the female cadres were injured and were rushed to the University Teaching Hospital.

    “When we were waiting for our turn to march past the President, the MMD cadres started beating our women. We want peace but the police are not protecting us. If we mean to reiterate, things will be bad here,” he said.

  9. The sad part is not William Banda uttering the nonsense he did. It is the presence of the real MMD people listening to this crap. Derick Chitala, Kaunda Lembalemba, Maureen Mwanawasa (wife to the chibumba) in MMD good days. How can these guys stomach the vomit from Banda?

  10. William Banda. For the first time am support FTJ for what he did to you.My advice is ,you better retire now from activate politics. PACT is coming in power and you will end up in Malawi again. Why join MMD in its last days.Some people a naturally dull, why do you want to repent the same mistakes you did in the last days of UNIP? Old man grow up.

  11. Well well well Iyi naikosa. For once people seem to praise FTJ. Ba William tulelandafye pakanwa te makofi iyo lesa tafwaya ifyo twapapata

  12. have u seen what sata has brought to the politics of this nation? Now it is a question of how violent, abusive and mad you are. because people have supported a mad man, now if you look at upnd and mmd u c that they have also taken to vigilante politics. the seeds sown by the cobra have poisoned zambian politics. Anyway off to harvesters with the family

  13. Zambia: Supreme Court; 14TH JULY AND 25TH OCTOBER, 1994

    Banda v Chief Immigration Officer and Another (S.C.Z. Judgment No. 16 of 1994)



    ………we hold that the learned trial judge was correct on the evidence before him, to declare and hold that the petitioner is not a Zambian; ……………..The appellant deliberately lied about his father, mother, brothers, sisters and place of birth. He has failed to prove that he was born in Zambia while the investigations carried out by the state against him showed that his parents came from Nkono village, Nkota kota in Malawi…..

    Appeal dismissed with costs.

  14. This is Sata’s Chawama option and HH;s Mapatizya option. Sata and Mr William were both hardcore trained vigilantees with grassroot magnets.I foresee 2011 election as Zambia’s most expensive election ever only matched by Levy’s 29% 2001 election.A party with resources and highly trained national wide youth wing need to prepare for a nightmare.I foresee a ANC and Zanu-PF were Sata gets his PF party name scenario.

  15. Mwebena CB, atishani ba Father Frank Bwalya kukamfinsa? Tabala getter Chi husband mu jail? I fear it won’t be an HIV aids hubby with years of starvation making turns with others on his bottom. Any news on his condition as regards scenarios of sleeping by a bucket of amafi on his headside?

  16. Zambians!!!! surely we can do better in terms of leadership, look at thie granny! they are all colonial thinkers! when will his children, or grandchildrens be leaders.. Give the fresh blood a chance.. RETIRE.. PIECE OF SHIT!

  17. The fools are the Zambians who have allowed themselves to be led by these foreign born thugs. Rupiah and William Banda. Are we saying we cannot find our own good leaders within ourselves but be led by these fools in the name of Bandas? One from Malawi and another from Zimbabwe? Tongas, Lozis, Solis, Bembas, Lundas, Lambas, Nsengas, Tumbukas, and all other Zambians, are we so damn that we should be led by people we really don’t of? Are not intelligent enough to be good leaders? Are we not brave enough to handle our own affairs to an extent we have to rely on foreign dictators like the two Bandas? Couldn’t be right to prosecute Banda, Chiluba and others in MMD to have led Zambia illegally? Now that Chiluba is not protected by the immunity and the office, cant we bring back the Kafupi saga?

  18. I cant believe that a person in #16, living in the UK, can sink so low as to use such derogative language against another person. Freedom of speech i guess huh?

  19. Chipimo targets Zambians abroad

    National Restoration Party (NAREP) president Elias Chipimo jr has embarked on courting Zambians living abroad.

    Chipimo kick-staterd this campaign this week with his first meeting in South Africa.

    Friday ning, Chipimo reportedly addressed Zambians in South Africa at Rivonia Boulevard where he sold the ideals of NAREP.

  20. On another blog this morning, I said William Banda, as Lundazi Senior District Governor, in 1990 and 1991, used to whip MMD supporters. Clearly, William Banda, whose real name is Saidi Hawali, has imported UNIP tactics into the MMD. This is the man who will set Zambia on fire and not Father Frank Bwalya who today is rotting in Kamfinsa Prison. Zambians twapapata fumyenipo aba bakolwe, mwacula muno. Ala fwebanenu tulekala bwino ku Diaspora mwaeba. Lwenu nga mwabwesha Lupiya.

  21. We are now politically, logistically, morally, intellectually, spiritually, emotionally and institutionally ready to renew the MMD mandate with RB has continuing party President and Head of State. We stand ready to systematically handle any situation to MMD and RB victory in 2011.So help us God!

  22. Banda says ready to contest next year’s elections

    Zambia?s President Rupiah Banda said Saturday he was ready to contest the 2011 elections and challenged members of his party to contest his candidature at the party?s convention.

    Banda told hundreds of supporters during a party membership card renewal exercise in Lusaka that he was ready to contest the presidency and he would put himself forward at the national convention where the presidential candidate would be elected.

    “I am ready to stand and have never told anybody that I am not standing. The convention will be held and people are ready to challenge me and contest for any other position,” Banda said.

    The country?s ruling party, the MMD, has been engulfed in leadership wrangles on who should be the presidential…

  23. Banda?s ex-defence minister George Mpombo has declared that he would challenge Banda?s candidature while former finance minister Ng?andu Magande has condemned the NEC for endorsing Banda.

    Magande has accused the party of been undemocratic by endorsing Banda as the sole candidate without even subjecting his candidature to an election at party level.

    Banda told the members that the national convention would be held soon saying the leadership would decide.

    “People should not panic that there will be no convention, the convention will be held and the leadership will decide,” Banda said.

  24. to be honest zambia deserves UNIP. that’s the only party which fits the zambian psyche, it’s our identity
    the sooner we accept this reality the better for all and sundry.
    viva UNIP!!! though they must change the name dropping the I to UNP or NNP (new national party)

  25. Veteran, we are not going to allow your Zimbabwean dictator to rule Zambia any more. We are ready to do everything possible to get rid of him and those that support his dictatorship. Zambia shall be led by Zambians only. Not any one with a sketchy and divided citizenship. We are ready to be led by a Zambian born dog than this Zimbabwean dictator. If it means showing him a red card (which you have interpreted into blood), we are ready. We have intelligent Zambians who can do a better job than these kabwas you call Bandas. Time has come for us to stand up for our nation. If you MMD are afraid of red papers, then get prepared for what is coming. We cannot be ruled by foreigners anymore. That time is gone. If it means people losing what they cherish, well, we are ready. RB and William must go.

  26. I now understand why most of our intelligent people stay away from politics. Zambia is a very good example of how not to lead a country. You almost look back on the KK years with great respect and admiration, because back then, there was some leadership.

  27. No *13 you lack vision what makes you think that PACT is going to win.dull thinking why cant you challenge Sata and Hakainde to go to conversion.Why MMD only?

  28. #16 My point is that there was a time in zambia when political ideals were espoused and preferred to violent threats. If sata gains support with his thuggery and bullish behaviour then it follows that his opponents will resort to matafe behaviour also as shown by HH and WB. i hold him responsible for introducing and selling filth on the political scene. You as his sympathiser have demonstrated what the nature of the demon in operation in his party is about.Now if your mother showed u what u r talking about some of us do not cross that line. i refuse to insult back because I am NOT a child of the devil and do not support satan.
    “An evil man is bent only on rebellion; a merciless official will be sent against him” – Proverbs 17:11

  29. George Kunda’s recent claim in parliament that Chiluba has since 2001 suffered ridicule is not only legally wrong but also a horrific reminder of the lack of principles that characterises Zambian politics today. I find his demeanor ethically questionable, especially that he was the lead lawyer that secured the London conviction against Chiluba. One has to think very hard to find a single upright lawyer or judge in Zambia these days. They are seem to be shameful stinking lumpens amounting to nothing but a rented unlearned mob of the executive to dispense kangaroo justice against us, in our courts while being paid by us to do so. No wonder even ex-deportees like William Banda the ” Malawan ” have the nerve to come back, get appointed to run the capital province and start threatening us.

  30. Zambians, that is what you deserve! When you are in power and a galu like this comes along to support you, you do not denounce such suupport. You embrace it until you are the one in opposition. Sobwe bana!

  31. I, call upon all peace loving Zambians. Why do we allow ourselves to be ruled by foreigners? Who is william Banda to intimidate us. Chiluba have you seen what you are doing to our country.RB,WB and Chiluba this time you will not get away with it crimininals.I, call upon our men and women in uniform to sort out these criminals RB,Chiluba and WB. Before Zambia becomes another Rwanda. Who is William Banda to tell Zambians who they should vote for?Zambia army, Zaf, ZP, Zns and all other security wings of our country wake up. This RB , Chiluba and WB are up to no good .They are setting our country on fire.You have the power to stop this nonsense.WB a refugee in Zambia.Why did Chiluba deport you to Malawi.? Zambians come on.We are not foolish.

  32. Day in day out blogging vacuos hype to self without a target audience.The Chawama and mapatizya option have been challenged.Sata’s thuggery is a check mate. he will have to go back home in mbeya Tanzania for option 2 after failing the Chawama option and tribalism cards in 2006-08.

    Now highly haunted Sata has met his match of real grassroot organising politicians.

    As PF we have been reduced into blagabogios only good in :-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@.

  33. Mr. Kapoma Kabaso,

    Your ignorance on constitutionality and citizenship is antiquated failed strated to nowhere.You tried on KK you called Malawian, Chiluba you called Zairean, Mwannawasa you called a Malawian Yao and now RB a Zambian Ngoni from Mpezeni with all his parents there you now call Zimbabwean.All thesehave failed and they have no mileage in the Zambian constitution or electoral system.When they were liberating the country, you found them heroes but now vanly while seated on your lame buttocks you are belaboring calling them foreigners.Tell us about Sata the Ncuacusa from mbeya Tanzania. With you its like you are in natural :-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-@:-

  34. Mr Magande should have remained in UPND and supported the late Mazoka.Today Magande is an outsider in MMD.The best he could do now is to take a long leave from politics, come back when it’s appropriate.


    May I please have 4 bloggers to complain about #18,#21,#26,#41 and #42 so that this impersonator can be blocked.Veteran has been impersonating my ID.

  36. For sure, I know Chapi to be a good analyst not the guy who impersonating his ID. ‘Red card’ impersonator

  37. We declare peace in Zambia in Jesus name, may the Lord uproot every architect of violence in Zambia in Jesus name.

  38. # 26, i attended this functioned held by NAREP in Johannesburg last week. I can safely report that Elias Chipimo jnr has no direction and his party is not going anywhere. When asked about his G A Y or same gender relationship rumour he could not deny, when asked about his vision of Zambia when he becomes president, he could not articulate a single sentence that made sense. The man does not have a single idea of what he wants. He was only rescued by Kwangu Liwewe who saw that Elias was making an A S S of himself and so she limited the damage by regulating the proceedings

  39. Why waste time on chaps like WB, am sure an open grave is waiting for him soon or later. All chaps like VJ are on life elongating drugs and soon solemn songs and national morning, we hope they go before 2011 so that we can have peace.

  40. The same retrogressive pathetic politics. If someone disagrees with you it doesn’t mean you should beat them you nuckle heads.

  41. #36, In my posting on #13 I didnt mention anything about MMD conversion (why kill a dying dog). You said PACT wining in 2011 is lack of vision, I forgive you knowing that you don’t live in Zambia and you have not facts. SATA, lost by 35,000 votes to RB , which am sure HH got more than 35,000. Meaning HH + SATA could have won last election. Mind you HH and SATA are not good friends, but they have come to understanding that its only through the PACT that will make them form the next Govt.If you are typing from the embassy you better start looking at plan B, than burying your head in the sand.

  42. How did Banda get back in the country? If the courts found him to be Non Zambian how has he all over a sudden become a Zambian and holding a high political post? Zambians we need to wake up. Our politics are controlled by foreigners, FTJ, RB, William Banda, Our mines are controlled by Indians and Chinese. Zimbabweans have taken over our Markets, Kanshi what is there for Zambians? We need to take our country back.

  43. Bushe tekamudala aka kabutukile kuma Malawi? Mu Zambia twalisebana sana. Aka muntu ka ku Nyasalanda ekale panga icongo so. William just wait for time,you will go back faster than you sneaked in.

  44. William Banda sounds warning as Magande escapes beating at MMD card renewal exercise – Are responsible reporters or just a mouth piece for the MMD? You headlines sounds more like you are reporting on a lawful act by a person when in fact this man is acting like a vigilantee! Which by the way is illegal anywhere!!

  45. Andrew Mpande, The Dre, Kalos2020,Chapi the whinner, Vinthu Vina Mwebanthu and Mulenga New Castle,

    With your history of insults, whynnning on creative LT honchos who independently feature also some pro MMD news article and indeed all selfless pro-MMD activists, why don’t you chaps as PF league boycot LT and instead start your very own pro Sata blog where insults could freely reign? I would join you there.Let leave LT because this form has proved an issue driven blog where sanity and intervention has a place. We are not doing Sata any good here by accusing the LT Honchos, insulting RB and shooting blanks on MMD activists? Don’t we have creative PF cadres who can start a pro PF blog? Don’t tell me we are all street kids without brains.Leave LT to the elitists, intellectuals.

  46. ‘Frank Bwalya Married in Jail’

    Dissident ex-priest Frank Bwalya turned pro-Genocide advocate in Zambia has been married and taken a sexual intercourse test drive in Kamfinsa hardcore populated criminals jail. Captain Kobi a 15 year remade who married Bwalya on Saturday evening declared himself Chief husband and immediately opened the intercourse relationship in full view of cheerleaders. Per jail tradition overnight, it believed other sub captain turned in for their rounds. Prison warders on duty this morning have found Bwalya fatigued and weak after overnight services. Bwalya that sleeps on a cold concrete without blankets overnight has had his mattress and beddings the government provided him grabbed every night by fellow imamates only to be returned every morning. Overnight he…

  47. ‘Finally Bwalya takes his i do marriage vows’

    Frank Bwalya has been married and taken a s-e-x-u-a-l intercourse test drive in Kamfinsa hardcore populated criminals jail. Captain Kobi a 15 year remade who married Bwalya on Saturday evening declared himself Chief husband and immediately opened the intercourse relationship in full view of cheerleaders in an overnight jail traditional ceremony.

  48. Fr Frank Bwalya is an innocent Zambian who is trying redeem this nation from being managed by foreigners like RB(an *****).

  49. Straight red card for RB! How do u arrest someone for distributing red cards? And he is proud of it and preaches it at FTJ’s church BIGOCA

  50. Very terrible words from WB there especially “He appealed to MMD National Chairman Michael Mabenga to stop interfering with erring MMD cadres because the intelligence unit has been instituted to deal with such matters“; Does this mean that D Minister and MMD National Chairperson Mabenga has been reduced to a spectator on the terraces of MMD goings on?

    Be serious, MMD, and show that you have respect for your top party leadership.

    On another note, UPND kwiinda mu-PACT yaboola. Mwapya ba-eM eM Di. Viva PACT for 2011 elections under the visionary leadership of president HH of the UPND.
    Matt 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and these things shall be added unto you.

  51. sick indeed,the man is eying for a position in govt.but this man can’t even speak without including violence in his statement maybe he should join the army and not the Zambian army because he can just wake up and give a fun command.nway i forgive him i doubt if he has been to school because even he thicking happens to be poor.

  52. NO 1 you are spot on. this indeed is UNIP. I thought we had seen the last of this circus after 1991?
    The problem of reclying Politicians. Mr William Banda is speaking like a by air…….Sad!


  54. This Banda is amafi yekayeka.How can this country sink this low as to allow,umuwelewele to even feature in the news.If you want this country to stagnate beyond recognition continue wasting your efforts covering imbeciles like this man and all those who give him an ear.He is the most useless chap ever to emrrge

  55. Zambia risks extinction with such nonsensical chaps like William Banda who should be with his grandchildren passing on words of wisdom,and preaching unity for our beloved country .This man because of poverty of mind,body and soul has to talk nonsense all the time.The Presidency of this country has been relegated to a very low level.Zambia deserves better than this damn s…..We must rise to save our motherland,and this foolish man Banda must be sent to rot in hell together with his sponsors.

  56. I support Ngolwe.It is really sad that Lusaka Times even though there is freedom of expression should allow
    defunct heads like Banda.Can we please have intelligent coverage that can challenge our thinking instead of provoking us.Thats why you find people resorting to insults.This is not supposed to be so.Introduce news that can liven objective debate that will add value even with divergent political views.We are tired of this low quality coverage of low quality *****s and imbeciles in the name of William Banda .

  57. This is so upsetting.How can this man have the audacity to dish out so much dirt.Where are the right thinking people in MMD.Surely this party still has some people who can reason rather than rely on finished cabals to control a once powerful force like MMD.It is rubbish like this that has made people to switch camps and also the reason why other Ministers are just quiet. Behind the scenes they are so disgusted..I salute Namulambe,Shakafuswe,Mpombo and Magande for courageously standing to defend what they believe is right not this blind loyalty yama ule Dora,Catherine Namugala who snatched a husband from her sister,Ishilu,VJ who fathered a child from his girlfriend’s daughter, Mulongoti,Shikapwasha,Kafupi,imbeciles Mumbi,Chimumbwa etc.Hats off to Mutati and Mpande,Dr Kalombo Mwansa.

  58. The problem in Zambia is that the best would be leaders are on this blog….lets go home and put our heads together and see if we can bring about the change we need……………….!:-w

  59. William Banda is a villain. The man is simply dull and violent. Chiluba did well to deport him. I would do the same if i was in power. Please dont bring vigilantes back u failure

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