Saturday, June 1, 2024

‘Zambians are tired of unrealistic pronouncements’ – CDP


The Citizens Democratic Party (CDP) has charged that Zambians are tired of academic pronouncements that don’t relate with poverty reduction.

CDP interim chairperson Robert Mwanza said government has continued to state economic figures that don’t relate with the poverty reduction levels.

He added that the Zambian government has continued to boast of the economy growth and yet little is being done to alleviate poverty in the country.

Mr. Mwanza has since called on government to invest more in the agriculture sector to increase the agro sector.

He said that once that has been done, poverty in levels in the country would reduce further.

Mr. Mwanza stated in an interview that it is high time that the local industries in the country are empowered economically.
[ QFM ]


  1. Ba robert mwanza with ka one man commando party not even briefcase bcos he cant afford one. if you expect govt to feed you then those pangs in your stomach will continue. you talk about agric policy are you so dump you cant see the bumber harvest due to govt agri policy. my parents in the village have grown enough food for sell and feed themselves thanks to govt. FRA has already paid my parents enough cash to see them thru till next season. these are poor parents who use hands for farming on a small piece of land in chinsali

  2. u mwanza u hqave no idea what u are talking about. actually zambian are tired of chaps like u with tu ma political parties which are based on no ideology , have no plan except talk talk talk

  3. This guy needs a course in Economics first.

    He does not seem to know how poverty is calculated.

    I dont think he even knows what poverty is.

    Zambians need to be educated before they are allowed to use simple terms which are very complex to understand.

  4. I think this man Mwanza has got a point. To be fair, the problem African Countries have got is that they are forced to produce statistics that are supposed to impress the so-called co-operating partners and not as a measure of how the standard of living is improving in the Country. If we are doing so well, how can we still have pit latrines; without a single programme on how to get rid of them? Shopping Arcades are for the few. It may just be that these one-man parties could be speaking on behalf of the poor, because they themselves have no access to government resources and therefore understand how difficult it is to make ends meet.

  5. You cannot form a political party based on one policy only, namely agriculture. Zambians already grow a lot of maize.

    The Government already buys enough maize through their agents, as do private traders.

    Zambia needs a proper change of Government, with leaders who have broad views and living today (not in the draconian age of yester-year) – regardless of their age, who will bring Zambia to mdern developmental levels.

    Right now, Zambia is like a nation that is just coming out of war in its appearance, apart from a few touches here and there in Lusaka.

    Mwanza is not the one who can condemn the failed MMD Government – he is also just another academic.

  6. You know poverty when you see it but how do you judge how widespread it is? Here lies the importance of statistics if conducted well & often enough. CSO should be the authority to answer the poverty level question but their answers are often confusing so that we’re left at the mercy of the politicians to provide answers that suit their biased agendas.

  7. The CDP have an excellent manifesto, which can be found at:

    thecitizensdemocraticparty /com

    They deal with a lot more than agriculture alone, but even if they did, it would be a huge improvement over the current fire sale of national assets that the neoliberals like the pass on as ‘development’.

  8. More from the CDP:

    Manifesto Preamble

    # A revolutionary change in the manner government business will be conducted through immediate decentralization to
    bring power closer to the rightful owners; the people.

    # A reduction in size of the central government

    # A clear and defined separation of powers between the three arms of government to pave way for transparency to root
    out the culture of corruption

    # A massive and deliberate political and economic investment into our people.

    1.Putting people first in a decentralized, honest and open government
    2.Putting people first in wealth creation
    3.Putting people first in quality and accessible health care
    4.Putting people first in quality education
    5.Putting people first in tax relief by broadening the tax base

  9. “Putting People First in a decentralized, honest and open government”

    For two decades, the fight against corruption has yielded very little results. While it is important to chase after individual perpetrators of corruption, it is highly important to also change the environment in which these individuals operate. The system of checks and balances is not aggressively pursued and/or implemented, and the Executive Branch of government is practically the backyard of the sitting president and party, who is given too much leeway to make arbitrary decisions. The Executive will remain to be a sacred cow, as long as this branch is answerable to itself only. …

  10. Anthropoogist,

    Are you so dull that you first need an Economics lecture before you can define poverty? That is the problem with you bookworms, no real life lessons have you learned.

  11. (Ctd…) The CDP will suggest and enact legislation to promote an open system, encouraging checks and balances in the three arms of government, where we will see a reduction of power in the Executive, compensated by equal distribution of power in the two other arms of government in order for the entire government to be transparent.


    1. Weak political will to implement the decentralization program.
    2. Too much power concentrated at the center.
    3. The separation of powers is practically non existent and the Executive has an over-abundance of unchecked power, vested and delegated through the position of President.
    This has made the position of President too powerful, resulting in a failure to critically analyze the numerous challenges our nation faces.

  12. 4. Culture of corruption still present.
    5. Current cabinet of 22 ministers plus deputy ministers is too big and inefficient.
    6. Duplication of functions in government ministries and departments.
    7. Redundant and/or ineffective projects/programs continue getting funding.
    8. Minimal input from the Executive Office of the President in overseeing the preparation of the national budget by the Budget Office.
    9. Government leaders have a culture of thinking that being a government leader especially at high levels .i.e. Ministers, puts them above other citizens. They have been allowed to carry out their business in a brash manner, and spend half their time in office trying to ensure the security of their respective positions.

  13. 10. Lack of utilization of specialized professionals to formulate and execute government policies. Politicians should do politics, and should not be left with a blank check over their
    respective ministries.

    The CDP Solution

    CDP’s strength lies in its political will to see a radical change in our country’s government business.

    1. Immediately implement the decentralization program.

    2. Pass legislation that will restrict the President to appointing Cabinet ministers from outside Parliament. Cabinet ministers will not be members of parliament to avoid conflict
    of interest and ensure separation of powers between the Legislature and the Executive.

    3. Pass legislation that will establish the position of an elective provincial governor, city and town mayors.

  14. 4. Reduce current levels of corruption by minimizing interaction between the civil service and the general public by introducing technology in service provision.

    5. The Budget Office will formulate the President’s spending plans and evaluate the effectiveness of ministry programs, policies, and procedures, assess competing funding
    demands among ministries, and set funding priorities.

    6. Shut down duplicated programs and programs that are under performing or outlived their use and resources reallocated to other under funded programs.

    7. There will be no cabinet minister reshuffles in a CDP government. This will encourage continuity of policy and efficiency. Changes will occur in the manner of appointments
    and dismissals.

  15. In addition to the current practice of parliament ratifying appointments of cabinet positions, dismissals will also require approval of parliament.

    8. As part of the cost containment program, CDP will reorganize and reduce the current 22 ministries to 18. The position of deputy minister will be phased out and all resources reallocated to under funded ministries or projects. The permanent secretary will be the number two officer to the minister.


    And they go on. Their manifesto is well worth reading, so Lady Gaga and Gundix, they most definitely do not only base their policies on agriculture.

  16. The bloggers above (apart from Mr. K)… that’s why I say Zambians love mediocrity. Here is a party that shows sense from every post I hv seen from them on LT and other media, but bloggers want to shoot it down at every opportunity. After partly reading the CDP manifesto one cannot help but be pleased with it and offer support. (thanks Mr. K) . Even HH who is a cut above the rest fails to get support. Zambians would rather support buffoons like Sata and his ramblings. Keep it up you guys from CDP and even NAREP, at least you are not just buffoons. Can’t forget HH as well.

  17. Mr K there is nothing new that you or mwanza are bring to the table. I dont understand what you stand for . secondly what you have presented so far is what these semi socialist parties in zambia have already outlined.

  18. MrK on your no14 posting so you thing corruption is caused by interaction between the civil service and the general public and that the introduction of technology will eradication it? Corruption is not inherent by acquired. People who lack will find short cut to make ends meet. when people have enough they protect their enviroment such as jobs, companies countries and so on

  19. i actually visited the website and blogaz are right this is just another waste of time. no substance at all and nothing different

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