Saturday, June 15, 2024

Zesco targets 6000


File:Zesco Managing Director Ernest Mupwaya (r) talks to Southern African Power Pull (SAPP) Chief Market Analyst Musara Beta at the opening of a SAPP guidelines review meeting in Lusaka

Zesco Managing Director, Ernest Mupwaya has said Zesco plans to connect 6000 new customers every month in order to increase electricity access from 22 per cent to 50 per cent by 2030 as mandated in the Rural Electrification Master Plan.

Mr.Mupwaya said Zesco has so far progressed well towards the realization of the 2030 Vision in the energy sector.

He was speaking during a presentation at a stakeholder’s meeting at Fallsway Lodge in Livingstone recently.

Mr.Mupyawa said the World Bank has invested about US$75Million(K3.6Bn) in the Increased Electricity Access Project.

The projects would result in a total number of 65,000 new customers and benefit about 550,000 inhabitants in rural areas.

“The project is expected to provide service to over 65,000 new customers including households, public facilities, and commercial establishments, benefiting a total population of 550,000 rural inhabitants,” he said.

Mr.Mupwaya said Zesco also planning to make rehabilitation works at some of the substations in order to ease overload and subsequently reduce load shedding.

In Southern Province about 25 hectares of land has been secured for installation projects around Livingstone and the surrounding areas.

Meanwhile Southern Province Minister, Elijah Muchima has disclosed that rural electrification projects in the Southern Province have reached an advanced stage.

Mr Muchima said so far about K400Million has been spent on the electrification of Sinazongwe’s Chief Mweemba’s Area, one of the parts of the country that has not been developed in a long time.

Mr.Muchima was speaking when he toured Sinazongwe last week.

And Livingstone Energy Consumer Watch Group Coordinator, Reverend Paul Banda has said Energy Regulation Boards (ERB)’s Tariff Adjustment proposal on electricity is justified.

He said consumers in Livingstone have no problems with the 22 per cent tariff increase by Zesco as it is still lowest in the Southern Region.

He however advised Zesco to match the increase with the service in order to convince the consumers.


  1. ZESCO could have done a lot by widening the customer base, but has always been preoccupied with increasing tariffs on existing customers to fatten its corporate bottom line, feed its top heavy management team and sponsor MMD. Its quality of service has been extremely disappointing but managements does not care as long as they get the money.
    This rural electrification program has been in place for many years even during the Kafupi admin. We paid extra on our bills towards this but where has the money been going? To MMD I guess

  2. hoping that the increase in revenue base will result in affordable electricity. it will improve business enviroment, besides this plan is long over due

  3. I paid Zesco to have electricity installed at my plot last time i was i Zed in March,upto date zero,nothing has been done.Now how do you expect to connect 6000 customers per month?
    And please MD keep Zesco monies for operations not donating it to the apointing authority,that is what has made Zesco bankrupt

  4. On the road to the future you meet people who’ll make or break you.One of them is you.How can Zesco help 6k when it needs to be rescued FROM ITSELF.

  5. i think for zesco to improve perhaps to should concentrate on production of electricity and then sell it to agents who should distribute it.

  6. are these statistics real?
    6000 per month wen my application for connection has taken 4 months??
    this man said the same thing at chileshe kadenta’s show in October and at that time i thought my house will be electrified but to no avail!
    stop lying man!.
    find out yourself wats wrong with the customer’s plea.

  7. this is nonsense. i paid 7.9 million last year and still in the dark despite various visits, calls and oiling peoples pockets. useless chaps

  8. Zesco management has failed miserably to deliver it is to change leadership ,you are embrassing us a lot despite lots of money you pay yourselves as salaries and allowances.Please bwana minister root out bad eggs from this sleeping gaint sooner than later.

  9. ZESCO needs to deliver campaign money for MMD. The fat boy needs to work hard. Otherwise Nyama Soya will sack him – hence these unrealistic targets.

  10. This guy is fatter needs to go to the gym if not he will suffer from heart or sugar diseases.and they we start complaining and accusing people having witched him.

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