Saturday, June 1, 2024

Mbola Joins U23 In Camp


Lucky Msiska’s Under-23 side has received a boost with the arrival in camp of Zambia international defender Emmanuel Mbola ahead of the All-Africa Games qualifier against Zimbabwe.

Zambia will host Zimbabwe this Saturday in Lusaka in a Maputo 2011 preliminary round, first leg in Lusaka.

Mbola trained with the team on Monday just 24 hours after arriving from Egypt with the senior national team where Zambia lost 4-0 to Kuwait in a friendly international in Cairo on Friday.

The TP Mazembe wingback is the first of six foreign-based player’s call-up for the All-Africa Games qualifier.

Msiska is hoping Emmanuel Mayuka, Fwayo Tembo, Justin Zulu, Chisamba Lungu and Roger Kola will be able to make it by the Wednesday deadline.

Meanwhile, also returning to the team from senior team duty was Zanaco midfielder Simon Silwimba who was also in Cairo although Red Arrows defender Jimmy Chisenga has been ruled out due to injury.


  1. Mbola Mukote!!! He can lie to the europeans that he is 17 but here he shudnt pull that stuff, pantu he was at his pick during the africa cup (26 real age at the time) now his finished coz age has caught up with him

  2. This is the only change for that boy Mbola to redeem his skills, otherwise if he doesn’t perform against Zimbabwe, he should be thrown away.
    And # 6…what a name man.

  3. Is Clifford Mulenga still arrive? or he is very finished? that ka boy would hv taken over Kalu but Kalu alimunyatilila he doesnt like any1 to make a name in zambia..

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