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Thursday, May 2, 2024
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Over 5 million people certified as eligible voters.


The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) says 5,167,154 voters have been certified as elligible registered voters in this year%u2019s tripartite election.

ECZ Public Relations Manager Cris Akufuna confirms this in a statement released in Lusaka.

Mr Akufuna said the final voters register has the details or the registered voters attained during the inspection and verification period.

In the final ECZ voters register, Northwestern province recorded the least number of voters of 315, 670.

The Copperbelt province has recorded a highest number of voters with 844,569 voters followed by Lusaka with 659, 670 voters.

Eastern province has 644, 725, Central province has 482, 013 and Luapula province has 408, 937 registered voters.

Southern and Western provinces have 643, 588 and 394, 660 voters respectively while Northern Province has 659, 534 registered voters.

Out of the official of the total number, 2, 590, 821 voters are female while the male voters are 2, 576, 333.

And Mr. Akufuna says people wishing to obtain a copy of the register booklet for their polling stream can purchase it from the Electoral Commission of Zambia Offices.

He added that the Commission is also selling the constituency Maps at K25 000 per copy.



  1. CENTRAL 486,027 .
    2 COPPERBELT 853,816 .3 EASTERN 652,104 .
    4 LUAPULA 417,149 .
    5 LUSAKA 777,818 352, .
    6 NORTHERN 667,532 .7 NORTH WESTERN 319,134 .8 SOUTHERN 648,298 .9 WESTERN 401,438 226.TOTALS 5,223,316 2


    • Excellent analysis Ken. Those who have done quantitative statistical analysis will even see how the increased numbers in eligible voters favors Mr Sata in this year’s elections.

  3. Lusaka, copperbelt, central and northern go out in full swing thats 2644m votes in total we can do it. forget the villagers and go out in full swing.

  4. Since C/belt is the highest followed buy Lusaka it means a win for PF coz he always leads in the two provinces.

  5. Most voters in lusaka, CB rrgisteted to kick the MMD ou. Nothing tangible will change. RB has never won in ludaka ever dince we introduced multy party democracy

  6. Number 5 you are very right.Keep on HOPING! But the fact is Satas popularity not only in these 2 provinces but country wide has dwindled.He is losing for the fourth time and retiring but BITTERLY. Your hope is wishful thinking.

  7. the Cobra has lost popularity in Lusaka and the copperbelt because of his homosexuality agenda and his agenda on BRE etc.

  8. It’s seems PF is forming govt when i look to the figures above CB,LK,Northen,Eastern central and luapula,western.We’ll hammer the MMD this time around.Luapula is giving PF 90%.Northern 85%,CB 80% lusaka 70%,Central 45%,eastern 40%,western,37%,Northwestern 40% southern 10%.
    I wonder how HH will win the presidency when i look to those registered voters.His strong olds will be swallod by one province.Then the two province he claims will be also swallowed by one.Leaving him number last.Yesterday siulwapwa said HH know he can’t win.UPND supporters saleni amano mwashala!

  9. 5..#.. If what you a dreaming that SATA always leads in the provinces with higher voters, sata would have been a president already. In fact this year sata will loose badly, these people who are not bembas but stays in copperbelt and luaka provinces because of works or jobs made these provinces to have more voters than other provinces where there are no job opportunities. Don’t forget these provinces have mixture of supporters, so I would put HH to lead because to his strong hold, he will be scoring above 80% campared to sata of 45%. This will make sata loose.. MMD have done there home work in sata’s strong hold. it is not easy as you a talking man. seat down count how many days have remained to vote.SATA was saying alot from MMD will join PF but have you seen one..talking too much..

  10. the commission has worked hard and we comment them for a job well done..lets continue to support them as this is a critical stage. There is more to be done..the election is nearing and i can see the victory for RB

  11. The MMD has lost support after loosing three of their previous seats,two to HH,one to SATA,and they are also poised to loose chongwe ,so everyone saying sata has lost popularity are out of their dog own mind.

  12. Its gonna be a tight race.. many jobless young people should turn up in large numbers to vote in a leader of their generation.. HHHHH ..The other old leaders are just there to block the young ones and continue to be in town instead of being at the farm. 2011 is for ritiring sata and RB

  13. Most of the registered voters are young and will be looking at voting for a young man like HH. Sata and RB are too old and need to rest lest the country is prepared to have another presidential bye election in the next two to three yrs.

  14. MMD can only win becaue ECZ has given them extra 113788 votes in reserve. All the province total is 5,053,366 and ECZ total is 5,167,154. Those with brains can count and prove this. Mr Akufuna we now know the plans you use. The computation by the ECZ is right and thankx for telling us that you have extra votes pending for MMD party. No wonder Mr Banda is boasting about winning.

  15. Hmm, almost half the population registered to vote! I hope all these voters are real people not just ghosts with pre-prepared ballots

  16. Pabwatooooooooooooooooo no matter what. But can someone help to understand this well what ba Lusaka times have written here (The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) says 5,167,154 voters have been certified as elligible registered voters in this year%u2019s tripartite )

  17. Pabwatooooooooooooooooo no matter what. But can someone help to understand this well what ba Lusaka times have written here (The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) says 5,167,154 voters have been certified as elligible registered voters in this year%u2019s tripartite ):-?

  18. Lets not not forget that copperbelt and lusaka is not made up of urban only but has rural areas infact the majority of voters are in rural areas and u know what tht means to pf?

    Yes pf will win in lsk urban and copperbelt urban like always but zambia is made up of nine provinces…i foresee a situation where the Cobra will come fourth in some areas like western and n/western province

  19. eastern and central are the winning provinces for rb. the rest will just confirm his victory. for luapula its fifty fifty

  20. ECZ my son is five years old. He added the figures from nine provinces and his total did not much with your total. What should i tell my son what the difference of 1.1 million coming from.
    I smell a rat.

  21. Province Registered Voters Actual Voters Spoiled Votes MMD PF UPND Other
    Southern 643,588
    Western 394,660
    Eastern 644,725
    Luapula 408,937
    Lusaka 659,670
    Copperbelt 844,569
    Northwestern 315,670
    Central 482,013
    Northern 659,534
    Total 5,053 366
    ECZ Total 5,167 154
    Difference 113,788

  22. So there is rigging already if these figures are anything to go by, except we dont know in whose favour yet

  23. I conquer with you guys , please can we keep these figures so that electrol commission will not lie in future
    It is typical that every election year results always exceed the number of voters, which is impossible and strange. bur as Zambian we do allow this escalate. why are we docile?

  24. The spoiler here is HH after being bought for a few pieces of silver. The pact would have done a great damage to corrupt govt of RB & Movement for Mass Destruction. All the same RB kuya bebele. HH threw the chance of leading this great nation when he he selfishly broke away from the pact. HH this was your only chance of wining the hearts of urban dwellers.

  25. HHHH should have read between the lines and think beyond 2011by this time allowing SATA to be the only contender so as to liberate Zambian people from MMD. If you just did that HH, you will be regarded in the class of one Martin Luther King Jnr and Ever green Nelson Mandela. Hear this, Dr Paul Eunenche, pastor says, if you lack favour, check your character. Its your character that determines your favour. Remember people do not forget the good thing one does for them.It was only when Sata was governor, minister of local govnt and health that gave him the popularity he is still enjoying today.

  26. going by the figures and we can only pick five provinces and the justice is done: copperbelt/ lusaka/ luapula/ western/ nothern. if you take 75% of the registerd voters in these provinces you will gate 2 225 527 votes for PF and then add 20% votes for PF from the rest of the provinces you will gate 417 199 and if you add the 2 figures you will gate 2 642 726 for PF which is an outright win in favour of PF. uno mwaka tule abuka.

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