Saturday, September 21, 2024

ZAF buys 8 Jets from China


Defense Minister Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba
THE Government has procured eight K-8P jets to improve operations of the Zambia Air Force (ZAF).

The aircrafts were purchased from the China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC).

ZAF Commander Eric Chimese said the jets would enhance the military wing’s ability to monitor the stability of the country.

Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba said the Government would also procure helicopters soon.

Mr Mwamba said during handover of the jets at Mumbwa air base yesterday that the Government was committed to ensuring that peace continued to prevail in the country.

The pilots of the jets showcased various aerobatic displays such as flushing of different colours that connotated the Zambian and Chinese national flags.

The minister said ZAF should utilise the aircrafts to defend and protect the country.

“For the lifespan of the aircraft to be guarantee, spares for maintenance need to be provided as and when required. We call upon CATIC to render due and timely support in this regard,” he said.

In November last year, there was another handover of a fleet of upgraded K-8 aircraft by CATIC to ZAF.

Lieutenant General, Chimese said Zambia’s flourishing sectors like mining, had put pressure on ZAF to intensively monitor those wanting to bring instability and sabotage the mining activities.

“We are witnessing increased mining activities and as ZAF, we have to ensure that we monitor those coming and going out of the country,” he said.

He said the inventory of Chinese aircraft ranged from transportation aircraft to fighter jet trainers which include MA-60, Y-12 and K-8 aircraft.

CATIC vice-president Liu Jianhai said his company had provided Zambia with different aircrafts and other services since 1979.

He was happy that the pleasant relations Zambia and China had continued.

[Times of Zambia]


  1. The JETS were bought by RB’s Govt. PF was anti Chinese. MULETASHA BANE. RB was supposed to attend the handover. Oh sorry he is a lecturer in USA

  2. RB will never come back to Zambia (take it from me), he will stay out of the country like all his Children. RB was NOT Zambian but of Malawian and Zimbabwean parantage. He presided on Zambia by “accident”, it’s like somebody winning a lottery! Yes, he may have given the go- ahead in procuring those Jets from China but, that ‘presidential prerogative’ and NOT that of RB as a human being. You cannot boast of buying Jets, Helicopters and other defence hard-ware and call it development, that’s what it means to be independent, any stupid ***** can do it…

  3. Take it as a given that there is always crossover from previous be it purchases, projects, debts or challenges. Our current state is inherited and it will one day be passed on. Would be interesting to not only see the positives acknowledged but also the negatives too. There are so many who make good points daily on all sides but also a daily diss competition of sorts where ‘ditto’ would suffice rather than competing to trade insults. Some offer solutions while others use anonymity to incite hate through tribalism or racism. Sometimes a story is just that. Why is it so important to stamp RB whose job was to work for us? We can agree to differ on viewpoints but do people need a constant kiss & hug? Mwah:)xxxxx

  4. Mr Defence minister, This report cannot be complete without mentioning how much money was spent in the purchase of the 8 fighter jets and are they new or reconditioned.
    Zambians have not forgotten the still unexplained scandals and controversy surrounding the purchases of the mobile hospitals from China. Please, it would be helpful to give full details, facts and figures.

    • Ba Jay Jay @ 31:
      You wrote “… Zambia has no to leverage whatsoever to ask for such terms as it has only 8 jets”. I wish to respectfully disagree you. To start with Zambia has all the raw materials needed to make this jet, from aluminum, to copper cable linings, to instrumentation, to avionics, to aeronautics, to titanium, to draftsmen/engineers just to mention a few. The Pakistanis do not even have half our kind of natural  resources needed and you think we have no “leverage whatsoever”?

  5. In almost every nation where the Chinese have handed over the K-8 Series of these jet trainers, be in Pakistan, Egypt or Venezuela and now recently India, these countries made sure that the jets were jointly produced. So, instead of asking for spare parts I would ask GBM to ask the Chinese to set up shop in Zambia so that we can produce those spare parts locally and also start making plans to produce the next generation of these aircrafts in  Zambia jointly with the Chinese using brilliant brains of the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise. Start thinking outside the box, we have all the raw materials needed to produce these jets in Zambia. It has been long since I last saw a big item Made in Zambia, let’s get back to those good old days.

    • Keep dreaming. this will only happen when Zambia graduates from making fitumbuwa and stealing copper concentrates.

    • This is wishful thinking on your part, that jet was called Hongdu JL-8 but to show appreciation for their Pakistani clients  they changed the name to Karakorum 8 jet, the Pakastani Air force have bought 60 of these jets in the past and have co-produced the series K-8P no guessing what that P stands for. Now since India and Pakistan don’t see eye to eye on military terms how do you bring them on board well invite the to co-produce their own version with tweaks.
      Zambia has no to leverage whatsoever to ask for such terms as it has only 8 jets, i doubt it if they will make another purchase in the next two decades. 

    • The Egyptians have the own variant K-8E with their own modifications that’s about 33 modifications to the avionics and airframe and have bought 80 of them in the past, this was to counter Israeli aircraft of the same period. Where as the Venezuelan air-force have the variant K-8W bought 40+ and specifically requested for no US manufactured parts to be used. 

    • Jay Jay I totally agree with you on many aspects,you seem to have quite a lot of data regarding many issues including this. It is your kind of person that we need to forge ahead in developing our Nation. Apparently we seem to be short changed with your kind on Zambia. Yes, regarding modifications it also depends on exactly what you want to use the equipment for, your weather conditions and the training required for maintenance of that equipment. In our case we seem to buy and operate equipment that is manufactured for specific purposes for other regions ultimately ending up with dismal performance from both the equipment and the staff. The equipment will not give you it’s best if it was maint for colder regions and you operate it in desert conditions, we still have a long way to go.

  6. …I agree with you brother Mumba, we are forever looking in the inside of issues than the outside. We are still living in the past, the colonial Era. Just look at our so called “Freedom Stature” along independence road in Lusaka; we went on to constructed a small tiny thing, just like in our ‘minds’ yet, that’s our symbol fo freedom. Instead of building a massive one like the Stature of Liberty in USA, we’ve become a laughing stock…

  7. Crazy stuff in Northern Rhodesia, they buy planes in readiness for bombarding Barotseland, Southern province or any other part that may give them trouble. What a waste of ndalama. Those planes are useless in fighting modern wars,I build military stuff for the US Defense for a long time and it makes me laugh to see ba Mwamba and Northern Rhodesian military flying the useless toys. You dont need to waste money like that, alot of meds or bore holes could have been dug to improve the lives of Northern Rhodesia. Which war in recent years has Northern Rhodesia engaged in and you cant even afford to have an F15 which is almost useless here for the Americans, imwe mukwanisa chabe tuma MIGS

  8. Ba Mwape:

    You got that right, we need that especially that we are endowed with such vast raw materials by our creator with a nation of very smart individuals. Zambians can achieve whatever they put their minds to they have proven that time and time again. Throughout the 70s and 80s we built our own manufacturing base from the ground up using INDECO & MINDECO using inhouse means through FINDECO. We even manufactured our own bullets used in the AK47s at secured locations to defend ourselves during our neighbors’ independence struggles. We had Zaire in the north in constant turmoil, Angola on the west, Mozambique on the east, Rhodesia on the south and Namibia on the south-east and long before General Gaddafi became the strongest army in Africa, Zambia was only second to Egypt.

  9. “Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba said the Government would also procure helicopters soon.” Hope you are not preparing the airforce to suppress your own people and those with different views from your own. ZAF commands a lot of respect for professionalism and I hope it stays that way. As a landlocked country, we need to be kings in the air from military to civilian. Zambia Airways once flew with pride because of it’s disciplined pilots most of them products of ZAF. 


  11. GBM alias ‘Cidumbo Maliketi Kapompa Saladi’ forgot to acknowledge the fact that these aircrafts were acquired during the reign of the MMD govt.PF shud not just be exposing the failures or negatives of the failed MMD govt but also acknowledge successes achieved by MMD. On these aircrafts, if any credit has to be given to anyone, it must go to MMD.

  12. @14, B. R. Mumba, Sr : Can you educate us more on the following assertion “… long before General Gaddafi became the strongest army in Africa, Zambia was only second to Egypt.” When exactly was this? Are you saying battle-hardened armies such as the Nigerian, Ethiopian and Angolan ones were nothing compared to the Zambian army? And point of correction there has never been a General Gaddafi in Africa.

  13. Ba Jelita:

    A militarily strong nation is a secure nation for investment, you cannot have thriving economies in a devoid of security … in this world not everyone is happy when things work well for you. To attract more investment, investors abroad look at how quickly a nation can respond to and/or avoid outside attacks on internal infrastructure. A good example is the terrorist attack in the US on 9/11. When the towers fell, the Pentagon hit and an innocent field crashed, the markets responded simultaneously creating the first bubble of the current economic recession we are recovering from as foreign investors cashed out from Wall Street. Even as a deterrent to would be saboteurs, when they understand that a nation’s defense mechanisms are intact, they can’t attack at will. 

  14. Continued for Ba Jelita # 11 …

    For instance, Lumwana is worth billions of dollars today and we have to protect such investments by investing in our military so that we attract more of such and then we can have enough to fix roads and your other small worries but national security is first prior to any development … you are the best.

    • Lumwana as a mine is more likely to be ruined by id!otic policies of PF, such as no export of copper metal, and low copper prices than by a foreign plane. UNIP ruined the whole Zambian copper industry over 30 years than a single incident of sabotage could ever manage. National security comes from democratic governance, economic growth, better education etc etc than more jets!

    • I respectfully disagree with your notions, UNIP built the nation and only ran out of ideas to manage what they built … and creating a manufacturing base for finished products is the only way to add value to domestic raw materials. Now the way to achieve that objective may be gradual instead of just imposing a complete ban. A government might give targets say by 2015 only 25% of copper can be exported in raw or bullion form and things like that … thanks a trillion

  15. Zambia is not and will not be at war no time soon. This is money poorly spent. What are we trying to protect? Our poverty? From whom? Jobs, roads, and food on the table please, then we can get jets to protect our prosperity. We will be like North Korea, big army but a starving society! Put food on my table, I will take my chances with regional peace, which actually means Barotseland. Rubbish, utter rubbish!

    • Ba Tata @ 24:

      Probably not now or never say never but peace and prosperity have a military price tag added to them, it is just the way it is.

    • Besides who ever imagined 9/11 would ever happen in America. The USA was not at war with anyone then, but look what it did to the entire world economy, jobs, road construction and food on peoples’ tables … smart national economic planning includes national security planning

    • B R, I said no time soon, not never! Yes we will always get the occassional car thieves along the pedicle or Ndola- Muf road, but you don’t need a jet fighter for that. When SA was under the white mans rule, yes this move would make sense. Am not against the purchase of this millitary hardware, its the timing that leaves me scratching my dome!

  16. That is the problem with banana republics. Huge amounts are spent on arms, yet basic facilities like medicines and well equipped medical facilities are lacking. Look at North Korea. Its citizens are starving yet they are investing in nuclear weapons. What is the point of having fancy jets when you have no natural enemies to fight against? The same ZAF cannot even intercept any planes because they are either too drunk all the time or have no working radar or no weapons on their jets. My guess is that these planes are for fly-pasts and pilot training.

  17. Ba Blue Blood # 19:

    You are right about “General” … really meant to say “Colonel Gaddafi”, thanks a trillion for the correction there, but back to the real issue of Zambia’s defense; the answer is “YES”.

    You see most people don’t know this but Mwembeshi sold by the MMD was a military installation not just a telecommunication apparatus. It was the first Earth Station in the Southern Hemisphere with the capability to even monitor skies up to Egypt and down towards the Antarctica. And YES, not even Angola could match us in the early 70s and 80s don’t forget that they only got independent in 1975 and by then the Russian had build wonders for us at Mbala. I would have to kill you if I told you everything else … just kidding. 

  18. Continued for # 19
    And why do you think the US wanted to build the largest marine base in Zambia for our region? We had the skill and compatibility to easily integrate with their systems but FTJ was weak and had a myopic perspective of important issues and said no. And YES only Egypt had a stronger military, why do you think we had refugees from all over and the countries they fled from could not attack us? During one of the test flights, late Lt. Colonel Zulu pushed his MIG 22 into supersonic pulling enough Gs and found himself in Egyptian air spaces and no country  in between could even read code names except them (Egypt) who could correctly identify his plane in the 70s. Zambia used to be strong, I want my Zambia back, KK was the real deal!!!

    • FTJ even showed the entire world State House tunnels not knowing they were for national security among other things.

    • You have no clue what you are talking about. Even at supersonic speed, Egypt is at least four hours away from Zambia and MIGs have no capacity to fly that far away from base without in-flight refuelling.

      As for the US wanting to build a MARINE base in Zambia, where were they going to do that – Kariba or Tanganyika? Or maybe Lake Bangweulu? What for? FTJ was right to reject such an insane idea.

    • I know exactly what I am talking about, and that is the reason the MIG 22 was grounded there for almost a year until a long series of quite KK diplomacy worked in our favor and Lt Col suspended. As for FTJ I have very little respect for that man even if we come from the same Chieftainship. He might have had other reason for rejecting the Marine base but my reference above has nothing to do with why he rejected the project, it has everything to do euphemism showcasing our military skills and capability to even attract the world’s remaining super power (the best nation God gave man as Sean Hanity would say) wanting to partner with the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise militarily.

  19. Why didn’t we order Lockheed Martin’s F35 instead? Can these fighter jets compete with an F-35 in combat? I foresee a post 2016 Commission of Inquiry into to this purchase!

    • Please!!! Compete with an F-35??? We might have to pit them against the Vietnam era F-4 Phantom….even that might be a bit too much for them to tustle with!

  20. @8 B R Mumba, Sr 

    This is wishful thinking on your part, that jet was called Hongdu JL-8 but to show appreciation for their Pakistani clients  they changed the name to Karakorum 8 jet, the Pakastani Air force have bought 60 of these jets in the past and have co-produced the series K-8P no guessing what that P stands for. Now since India and Pakistan don’t see eye to eye on military terms how do you bring them on board well invite the to co-produce their own version with tweaks. 
    Zambia has no to leverage whatsoever to ask for such terms as it has only 8 jets, i doubt it if they will make another purchase in the next two decades. 

    • Ba Jay Jay @ 31:

      You wrote “… Zambia has no to leverage whatsoever to ask for such terms as it has only 8 jets”. I wish to respectfully disagree you. To start with Zambia has all the raw materials needed to make this jet, from aluminum, to copper cable linings, to instrumentation, to avionics, to aeronautics, to titanium, to draftsmen/engineers just to mention a few. The Pakistanis do not even have half our kind of natural  resources needed and you think we have no “leverage whatsoever”?

    • In my own businesses, I learnt very early that nothing really matters more than your own perception. People respond to your ideas based on your own perception(s). If you go to them with your tail between your legs you will get nothing but if you go to them with a list of resources you are able to offer them, you are already half you through. In the Zambia I grew up, nothing was impossible, you could achieve anything you wanted and I want that Zambia back. In short, the answer to your question is “YES WE CAN!!!!” BECAUSE WE CAN!!!!

  21. The K-8 Jet trainer is much needed for ZAF’s depleted outdated Air force, This has new avonics and is a versatile jet trainer for intermediate advanced training for ZAF cadets and can also be mounted with gun and missile pods for attack missions…our Bolivian counterparts use this jet to combat drug traffickers in the jungle. 

  22. Yaba, iyo mulasabaila guys just as they say empty vessels …most retarded comments today on Lusaka times …

  23. B R Mumba, Sr says:
    You are are actually the only peson talking sense apa. Thinking outside the box is what will foster development. looking at such transactions and thinking of long term sustainable programs that will not only benefit the military, but the manufacturing industry too. Fi copper bwelekete, land bwelekete yet not a single industry sure?!

    • Ba Zambi-Can # 36:

      “Thinking outside the box is what will foster development. looking at such transactions and thinking of long term sustainable programs that will not only benefit the military, but the manufacturing industry too.”

      Could not have said it better myself … you are the best, thanks a trillion

  24. We do have other jets and war ships, it’s the government perogative not to disclose the true hardware. It’s called national security. So all you minority from y lovely lozi’s, Bembas and Tongas shut up. The hard working majority Lozi, Tonga and Bemba citizens are tired of your noise.

  25. Congratulations to Lt. Gen. Chimese, very young and fresh. I hope he is the Chimese I know from Course 31. We still need jets despite the high levels of poverty. Security is paramount.


  27. BR Mumba Sr. Thanks for all your blogs, you are a very well informed and wise person and we need people like you. People like you understand the true meaning of blogging. Please keep educating us. The only blogs I have read here today are yours because they leave me a changed person in that I get to know more by reading your blogs. Please keep on blogging and don’t pay attention to people insulting you because they world has changed a lot, some people find pleasure in insulting others. People like you ought to be in government because you are great thinkers and you believe Zambia can do better. I have not lost hope for Zambia, I believe we can do better and we can actually move to developed status. Just wanted to salute you and say thanks to you. Have a blessed day.

    • @ 46 Nelson, wow … I miss those good old days when we were busy searching for imfungo, time really flies … seems like yesterday. You were a great childhood friend, pal. I can relive that childhood with you once again given a chance, there were never any dull moments then, always thinking about the next big move, Papajelly-Ba Kitwe … you are the best.

  28. @ 46 Nelson, wow … I miss those good old days when we were busy searching for imfungo, time really flies … seems like yesterday. You were a great childhood friend, pal. I can relive that childhood with you once again given a chance, there were never any dull moments then, always thinking about the next big move, Papajelly-Ba Kitwe … you are the best.

  29. Ba Jay Jay @ 31:
    You wrote “… Zambia has no to leverage whatsoever to ask for such terms as it has only 8 jets”. I wish to respectfully disagree you. To start with Zambia has all the raw materials needed to make this jet, from aluminum, to copper cable linings, to instrumentation, to avionics, to aeronautics, to titanium, to draftsmen/engineers just to mention a few. The Pakistanis do not even have half our kind of natural  resources needed and you think we have no “leverage whatsoever”? 

  30. Continued for Jay Jay @ 31:

    In my own businesses, I learnt very early that nothing really matters more than your own perception. People respond to your ideas based on your own perception(s). If you go to them with your tail between your legs you will get nothing but if you go to them with a list of resources you are able to offer them, you are already half you through. In the Zambia I grew up, nothing was impossible, you could achieve anything you wanted and I want that Zambia back. In short, the answer to your question is “YES WE CAN!!!!” BECAUSE WE CAN!!!!

  31. Correction; “Zambia has no to leverage whatsoever to ask for such terms as it has only ORDERED 8 jets”…is what I was implying (apologises).
    I agree with you wholeheartedly on the need for manufacturing industry right here on Zambia soil do not get me wrong but what I disagree with you is on  the defence issue of you implying that China co partners with us here. Why the cost of production is just uneconomical and this is of defence jobs it is highly sensitive topic…why should China manufacture in Zambia when it can manufacture in Pakistan or Egypt its biggest clients. Yes Zambia has the raw materials to supply but has Zambia got the energy to power an electricity thirsty Aluminium manufacturing factory. NO Yet!
    Lets sort out our foundation first then reach for the skies… 

  32. @50 B R Mumba, Sr

    Yes I agree with you and share your passion and enthusiasm, in the business industry or any sector  that’s paramount as it rubs off on to your staff, clients and (would be) Investors. I’m passionate about business and I believe the potential for job creation in Zambia is limitless and not only segregated to the Mining Industry but our politicians do not share that vision the only vision the see is the next election date. There are future industries like bio-fuel farms and industry that need to be created…. 

    I can go on typing but these mobile devices at times have their limitations especially when on the move and LT comments platform is a self loading website and does not allow one to correct grammatical and spelling errors. 

    • You can change your politicians the same way you change your mentality. If you mentality has escalated and moved on, why keep the same people who are a drag on your ability to reach your imaginations? Even there the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise have proven time and time again that they are progressive and change things, change politicians and change their destiny any time they want to and so the real deal again is Yes we can because we can!!!

      As for issues with LT, talk to them, show them how best they can improve their product/service delivery systems (bill them for your advise/services), I am sure they would appreciate that … You are the best, thanks a trillion

  33. Ba Jay Jay @ 51:

    You wrote “… Yes Zambia has the raw materials to supply but has Zambia got the energy to power an electricity thirsty Aluminium manufacturing factory. NO Yet!
    Lets sort out our foundation first then reach for the skies… ” My answer: DID YOU KNOW THAT BY NEXT YEAR ZAMBIA WILL HAVE A SURPLUS OF 600 MEGA WATTS IN ELECTRIC SUPPLY?

    Yes we can, because we can!!!! And besides, we can produce excess and sales our surplus to other African countries in the region … thanks a trillion

  34. Ba Jay Jay @ 53:

    You wrote “… but our politicians do not share that vision the only vision the see is the next election date” My answer: You can change your politicians the same way you change your mentality. If you mentality has escalated and moved on, why keep the same people who are a drag on your ability to reach your imaginations? Even there the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise have proven time and time again that they are progressive and change things, change politicians and change their destiny any time they want to and so the real deal again is Yes we can because we can!!!

    As for issues with LT, talk to them, show them how best they can improve their product/service delivery systems, I am sure they would appreciate that … You are the best, thanks a trillion

  35. You can change your politicians the same way you change your mentality. If you mentality has escalated and moved on, why keep the same people who are a drag on your ability to reach your imaginations? Even there the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise have proven time and time again that they are progressive and change things, change politicians and change their destiny any time they want to and so the real deal again is Yes we can because we can!!!
    As for issues with LT, talk to them, show them how best they can improve their product/service delivery systems (bill them for your advise/services), I am sure they would appreciate that … You are the best, thanks a trillio

  36. Interesting..brilliant motivation stuff, trading minds love it, please join us on: 90 days (Government thumbs up/down every 90 days) and  Zambian People’s Parliament via facebook …keep it up Sir B R Mumba, Sr!!

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