Monday, June 17, 2024

President Sata joins KK’s Birthday celebrations


File: First Republican President Kenneth Kaunda cutting his birthday cake last year

President Sata has sent a special best wishes message to First Republican President Dr Kenneth David Kaunda on his 88th Birthday.

In a letter to Dr Kaunda, President Sata stated that words alone cannot put across the Zambian people’s happiness as they join Dr Kaunda and his family in these celebrations.

This is according to a press statement made available to Lusakatimes by George Chellah special assistant to the President Press and Public relations.

“You have sacrificed so much for our country just to make us who we are today – proud Zambians. It is gratifying to note that even in advanced age, you continue being the great compassionate citizen of the world we have always known,” read President Sata’s letter in part.

“Your Excellency, like you always remind us: ‘One Zambia, One Nation! Love thy neighbour as you love thyself.’ We commit to these noble principles and guarantee that what you have taught us over the years will be our lead and guide.

“On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Zambia, the people and indeed on my own behalf, I submit my warmest congratulations and best wishes to Your Excellency as you celebrate this great and befitting event. Wishing Your Excellency personal good health and prosperity. Happy Birthday Shikulu!”


  1. Happy birth heroe. Its good that in your time, you have seen your nation bring the cup home. Have a good one!

  2. ‘your excellence’….wow, he still retains the salutation in retirement.

    Well as far as his ?excellency Ukwa is concerned…..


  4. KK didnt do anything extra ordinary for us to be this indebted to him. Those who were there in the 70s and 80s know the kind of suffering us Zambians went through because of KK WAMU YAYAYA. Its only the kids of today who sing songs of praises for this man.

    Happy birthday, nevertheless. 

    • Ba Madiba:

      Correction: Please site facts, the 70s were the best for Zambia, not only did the nation experience economic prosperity, the majority of the Zambians were born during that period. We experienced the largest population explosion during that period and CSA stats show, Zambia ruled in the 70s all the way into the mid 80s.  In desperation, KK attempted to sever his ties with the IMF in May 1987 and introduce a New Economic Recovery Programme in 1988. However, this was not ultimately successful and he eventually moved toward a new understanding with the IMF in 1989. With the collapse of the Soviet bloc in 1990, Kaunda was forced to make major policy shifts; he announced the intention to partially privatize the parastatals, these changes came too little, get your facts straight.

    • Sorry meant to say “CSO” (Central Statistical Office) not CSA, I don’t know where that came from.

    • The early 80’s were also good years for Zambia.I also was educated from primary school up to UNZA where I got my first degree for almost nothing(They called it free education).Many more Zambians who were there in can agree with me.The country may have taken a wrong path in terms of modern economics but KK did his best to educate his people.Now our families are enjoying the fruits of our high level education.How about your’s Madiba?

  5. @Madiba, the real hero. university pu-nk.

    If Madiba is your hero how do you fail to see KK in the scheme of things with regard to your hero
    Madiba. Some of these chaps are so thick and foolish they fail to see the wood for the trees 
    KK is a hero whether you like it or not everybody else recognises it. Suffering.. do you know what suffering is?

  6. Happy Birthday, batata, you are our father/mother of the National, let the all mighty add on years, in your life. With love from all of us.

  7. Kaunda inherited a country in 1964 with a billion pounds in reserves. A per capita income of 1400 dollars. Zambia was in fact the second richest country in Africa after South Africa. However kaunda spent the next 27 years of his reign building a one party dictatorship centred around his personality cult. He succeeded in impoverishing a potentially rich country so much so that a middle income at independence per capita income fell to 290 dollars by 1990. Kaunda’s legacy is simply a legacy of failure. He is a good case study of how not to govern a country
    . That is why his memoirs will only be published after his death. Happy birthday super Ken!

    • This Garbage is simply not true. KK was a good leader who just stayed a bit too long in power. The 70s and early 80s were great. KK did not inherit those types of reserves you claim here. The British colonialists would not have left that much money in the hands of blacks.

  8. When his dictatorship was in full swing, this is the day that all newspapers carried nothing but his birthday wishes………form parastatl companies and all the other minions (well, whatever that word means, i learnt it from the POST newspaper)

  9. The people demonising KK only see one side of the coin. Zambia indeed did lose a lot of monies that it had inherited, but we also must recognise that the imperialist were hell bent on ensuring that Zambia did not continue to enjoy and develop further this wealth. Any scholar will recognise that we were fighting the West because of our freedom fighting activities; By lending a hand to our brothers and sisters in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia…. the western block had put us in the firing line for covert economic sanctions. The one party system was a necessary evil, It helped free our neighbours. Unless we are blind, but don’t we all see the fruits of our sacrifice? lets be realistic guys. KK is a visionary and a hero to boot. I can’t see it any other way.

  10. @ No. 11 Pompwe the Ninja of Nagasaki

    Shut up if you werent there. I bet you are still in your teens. This isnt the stuff you can get in a History book or formal education. You have to get it from elders like No.14 and 15 and they will narrate to you how it used to be back in the days. Grow up. 

  11. Happy birthday. But plz advice current n future leaders NOT to run a country like their own chiefdom as u did.

    • What i do not understood is in fact how you are not acuallty a lot more smartly-appreciated than you may be right now. You are very intelligent. You recognize thus considerably on the subject of this subject, made me individually consider it from so many various angles. Its like women and men aren’t interested until itc3ƒc2ads something to do with Woman gaga! Your personal stuffs great. Always deal with it up!

  12. Feliz cumpleanos ex presidente.A toast to a great life well lived and a healthy start to the second half of your life.As for me i’ll know i’ve made it to your age when the candles cost more than my birthday cake.

  13. Michael Sata has completed the rehabilitation of KK. Just love the respect he accords the man. Happy Rehabilitated Birthday KK. You are Zambia’s Numero Uno ICON. A Ngoni Aunt.

  14. @Madiba, real hero.
    If I wasn’t there? I will confirm, I was very much there.  Only I see or rather I saw both sides of the coin. Its you that needs to grow up and get a real education. 
    Seeing, from the flag and if you have been tagged right. You are in some form of education establishment. My advice is, visit the library and do a bit of unbiased research on this topic. Or better still find out why you owe KK a lot. 

  15. From Independence struggle for our own nation, to helping liberate Angola (1975), Mozambique (1975), Zimbabwe (1980) and Namibia (1990) all within a short spell. To Non-Aligned Movement to mitigating and refusing to be used as a pawn for wars and arguments between the West and East. From inheriting a Capital City with Zero buildings and a semi-tarred Cairo Road to all the skyscrapers, you handed over to the MMD who have not build a single new Skyscraper down town since. From a hundred university graduates to hundreds of thousands, now even  millions not only from the UNZA and CBU but from all over the world with scholarships ranging from Russia then USSR throughout, China, Eastern Europe, German, France, Italy, the Scandinavian countries, England, Canada and the United States of America 

  16. Continued … From zero major health institutions to creating General Hospitals in every district to UTH, a University Teaching Hospital, the first in Sub-Saharan Africa which produced the best medical practioners in Africa. At that time RSA was not considered part of Africa, it was British South Africa. From few primary schools to minimum one in each township in urban areas to one in each village in rural areas and from writing on slates and on the floor to black boards in each classroom with chalk in every possible color and free note books for each student, to a World Bank sponsored program of each district having a minimum of five secondary schools depending on population.

  17. Continued … Our school lunch programs included Kampompo and two pint of milk for every child enrolled for free, my Dad was the only one who worked but I did not even know what hunger was until I went to secondary school and that was only because of extended hours of study compared to primary school. From townships with houses that looked like horse stables, to townships with paved tarred roads with night lighting in each town, to clean cities an organized system where thieves and bandits were not the issue any more only Mushala hiding in the bush to one of the most secure nations on earth with defense systems only second to Egypt

  18. Continued … to a country that would have public television ahead of Russia and China by building the Mass Media Complex near old City Airport and Copperbelt Studios in Kitwe. We were the first nation in Africa to broadcast in FM when every one else were using SW Band radios, we made/assembled everything (cars, batteries, pots and pans, TVs, radios, etc) in Zambia with an exception of airplanes and trains our exports were always higher than our imports and our balance of payments were always in black. Zambia’s manufacturing base was only third in Africa right behind South Africa and Rhodesia now Zimbabwe. 

  19. Continued … We created systems under FINDECO, ZIMCO, INDECO and MINDECO that set up the country on the right footing with the first National Development Plan all the way to the Fourth by the time you left office, I can go on and on and on, and ON!!!! And yes, things got bad at the end only because you had overstayed in power and that’s the only thing I will ever fault you for but in my book, and to all the Mumba generations hereafter, to myself who was born five years after independence included, I will let them, there was a hero … only one African hero, the only African hero I know and once shock his hand. His name is KK, the first president of the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise.

  20. Continued … I would hear you tell us all, when you opened Trade Shows, you would address everyone and say … if you are in school, work hard, if you work in the mines, work hard, if you work in the industries (private or parastatal) work hard. Bane tu bombeshe, tu twale ichalo cesu pantashi… and we all did, we worked hard and after that played hard. Our Dad’s worked hard, our Mums worked hard by making sure we all ate good, had good nicely pressed uniforms for school and as kids we all worked hard in school. There was a surplus of us entering into higher institutions of learning than there were available.

  21. And finally … Happy Birthday, Mr. President … your name is known in every nation in African and around the world, As I travel around the world, every time I am asked where I am from and I tell people I am from Zambia, the very next thing I hear is your name, Kenneth Kaunda. I cannot wait until you are a hundred years old. You are an epitome of real democracy in Africa, one of the first to peacefully hand over power after losing an election all for the love of humankind. One Zambia, One Nation … Uushitasha Mwana Wambwa, we used to say … Tiyende Pamodzi Ndi Mutima Umo!!!!

    • Well well done BR MUMBA, have made me cry,reminding me of how KK used to keep us.yes we have to appreciate this man,he Educated us from grade 1(one)writing with a free Big pencil.Than these thieves called MMD.

  22. Thank you @B R Mumba Sr. You couldn’t have portrayed our beloved KK in a better light. 
    A hero will alway be a hero. Happy Birthday Shikulu KK

    • Ba Pompwe:

      I am a product of KK’s leadership and I am not ashamed of his fall. All great leaders fall at times but it is how they fall that makes a difference. Even in his fall, KK made the right decision. History will be full of books singing more praises for KK than FTJ a hundred years from now. A hundred years from now, it will be more than clear WHO’S WHO!!!! Forgive the others who don’t see it because for some reason they were part of the “HOUR”. The hour did more harm that UNIP to the economy. The HOUR could have built on the foundation already laid for them but they destroyed everything and then discovered they had no clue how to build anything. The HOUR has now gone, we have to pick up and rebuild, we built before we can build again. You are the best!!!

  23. Correction … I think it is not “Mwana Wambwa” but Mwana Wandoshi. And by the way when your son Kaweche who worked with my dad died, you started another war … this time against HIV/AIDS. You teamed up with President Bill Clinton and the Gates Foundation and others, this time to make sure the enemy did not devour our people’s lives. That has been your fight since you left office and Zambia is now recording lower rates than other African countries because you are winning. Others would have said, after all AIDS killed my own son, ka bafwe!!! But not you, an injury to your own son was an injury on the rest of us … Happy Birthday, Mr. President. There are very few people I would ever mimic but when I grow up, I want to be like you!!!

  24. Ba Pompwe @36:
    I am a product of KK’s leadership and I am not ashamed of his fall. All great leaders fall at times but it is how they fall that makes a difference. Even in his fall, KK made the right decision. History will be full of books singing more praises for KK than FTJ a hundred years from now. A hundred years from now, it will be more than clear WHO’S WHO!!!! Forgive the others who don’t see it because for some reason they were part of the “HOUR”. The hour did more harm that UNIP to the economy. The HOUR could have built on the foundation already laid for them but they destroyed everything and then discovered they had no clue how to build anything. The HOUR has now gone, we have to pick up and rebuild, we built once before we can build again. Live Long & Prosper, KK

  25. Ba Madiba @8:
    Correction: Please site facts, the 70s were the best for Zambia, not only did the nation experience economic prosperity, the majority of the Zambians were born during that period. We experienced the largest population explosion during that period and CSA stats show, Zambia ruled in the 70s all the way into the mid 80s.  In desperation, KK attempted to sever his ties with the IMF in May 1987 and introduce a New Economic Recovery Programme in 1988. However, this was not ultimately successful and he eventually moved toward a new understanding with the IMF in 1989. With the collapse of the Soviet bloc in 1990, Kaunda was forced to make major policy shifts; he announced the intention to partially privatize the parastatals, these changes came too little, get your facts straight.

    • Sorry meant to say “CSO” (Central Statistical Office) not CSA, I don’t know where that came from.

  26. Father of the Nation…Please give us advice on the Barotseland issue. We do not want to hear about it in history books after you have have left us.

  27. BR Mumba Sr, Walasa! I can not agree with you more. Please tell these teens about Zambia’s history. Zambia was a haven in the 70’s and people from all over Africa wanted to work in Zambia. I for one owe a lot to KK. I am what I am today because of him. Free education from Grade 1 up to UNZA. Now I can not send my child to UNZA and then UNZA is no longer the UNZA we used to know. Of course the old man made mistakes, but who doesn’t? Happy Birthday ba KK. Wishing you many more years.

    • I want KK to know that I appreciate him while he still lives because when he is gone, no amount of words would wake up him and no matter what volumes would be written about him, he would not be able to read about them himself. I don’t believe in honoring people only after they are dead, I honor them while they are yet alive. I do that to my parents as well. I talk big about the accomplishments of my parent to my kids while they are yet alive, I honor my parent now, now when they are in the grave … thanks a trillion for asking.

  28. Mahatma Ghandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandella and our great KK.To fight for the DIGNITY of Man, there is no price. He fought a galant battle to free and liberate Southern Africa.Against all odds, today we celebrate the achievement of this great Man of Africa.Long live KK, One Zambia, One Nation,Titende Pamodzi.

  29. Pompwe the Ninja of Nagasaki @26
    If you were there, then you know. If you have forgotten, read the Weekly Post editorials and articles of the early 90s.
    B R Mumba, Sr @ No.43
    Who needs to get the facts right? In the early 70s, due to the low copper prices, the Zambian economy was hard hit and didnt experience the growth that you are talking about. In the 80s, we had all sorts of shortages even for the most basic things like mealie meal, cooking oil and sugar.

    Look at the Barotse issue. Isnt KK the reason why we have problems now? 

  30. @Nostradamus. 
    It’s putting history in perspective. Telling the truth about a true states man, our beloved KK.

  31. Ba Madiba @46:

    You need the right facts when you go public otherwise you expose your ignorance. I don’t know what Zambia you lived in but let me give you facts about the 70s. My dad bought a new car (Toyota Crown Custom) in 1975 for cash. He walked in a show room picked up one and bought it for cash. I don’t know if you know what kind of car this was. A Toyota Crown Custom is a predecessor to today’s Lexus 400. Back then the Japanese’s top line was the Crown Custom and dad bought that for cash working at Blackwood Hodge as an accountant. In 1979, Dad bought a brand new House for cash. I don’t know if you can buy a car for cash let alone a house. But that happened in the 70s under my nose. In the 80s he bought a 200 acre farm for cash. These are facts, and I can go on.

  32. Now yes, there were shortages of essential commodities and long ques, I lined up once or twice myself with my mum at ZBC and OK as early as 4:00 in the morning, I remember that … that was once or twice and the situation normalized. It was not like we always went to line every day. Be honest with yourself and the public, it was not like it even lasted two years of people working up that early to line up. It was a brief moment in our history and those are the facts again. Come on now, give me some bones to chew …. site some facts, I love to debate with facts. I did not win the Copperbelt championship in debate for nothing back way then when I was in secondary school!!

  33. meant to say “… people waking up that early to line up” and not people “working” up that early to line up … I apologize for that

  34. B R Mumba, Sr , I hope you understand there are always two sides to any story. The reason hwy courts collect evidence from both parties.

    I am sure people who had their relatives killed by the KK machinery would find your views upsetting, Kaunda was not all good.

    And whats that, pretending that the ques were not present all the time. You seem to forget why KK was removed.

    The chap brought the economy to its knees, allbecause of poor planning. He blew up all the money Welensky left in the coffers on popularity projects which you have tabulated well above. When the money run out he also run out of ideas…..

  35. # 17 Roy and 47 Real Madiba. You have nothing to offer since all your facts are misplaced. Your opinion for late Mwanawasa and current Sata to respect KK profoundly is a figment of your imagination. You do not know your country well and where you are coming from hence your immaciated opinion. KK ranks among founding fathers of African nations. Barotse issues are coming up because of impotent leaders such as Sata’s deceptive promises to people of Western province. Western province like any Zambian have never felt separated before eccept today when they are under guard and threatened by Mr Sata. Revisit your facts and know where and how we have come this far. Happy day to our founding father of Zambia.

  36. Ba Fred @ 51, Ba Fred, please Ba Fred … give me facts and not mere speculations, give me convictions of cases proven concerning people killed by the KK machinery. You see, I can easily come up with stories of people killed by the FTJ machinery, I can easily come up with stories of people killed by the Nixon machinery, I can even argue that the US Government insiders (machinery) killed President Kennedy. But without facts these would all be foolish speculations meant to incite people and not fact. So, if you really want to debate … hit me, please hit me with facts and not mere speculations. This world is too advanced for cheap shorts. Speculation are not facts until proven so, you don’t build economies and/or nations on that. Please Ba Freddo, please

  37. #53, there were no convictions, but would a ratonal person expect any convictions in a dictatirship, againt the dictator?

    Who killed Kapwepwe? nkhumbula? etc Dont tell me there were no convictions, so no one killed them. these are not subjects for simpletons, sir!

    ok, kambarage, or whoever killed his prostitute , did he get convicted?

  38. Fred@51
    Which people where killed by KK machinery?The major political dissidents in KK’s time lived to see him get out of power…….Shamwana,Musakanya,Gen Miyanda,Col Nkunika,Gen Tembo,LT Luchembe e.t.c

    When KK left power to FTJ and his machinery,Zambia witnessed unexplained deaths and assassinations of prominent people …..Wezi Kaunda,Shamwana,Richard Ngenda,Paul Tembo,Ronald Penza,Cuthbert Nguni….Zambia was also a christian nation during that time…

    People also forget that the late Edward Shamwana was the lead defence council for KK when he was charged with treason by FTJ.This tells you a lot about the man..That is why KK is held in high esteem.

  39. Ba Fred:

    People dies even in mysterious circumstances and just because they are seen to be at logger heads with the Head of State does not mean that he sanctioned their death. How about Nalumino Mundia, he too died a mysterious death but do you know how many political operatives sacrificed their lives for your peace, do you know how many intelligence officers died for your national security? Yours in person, not for the same of Nkumbula, or Kapwepwe. Only keep to things you can substantiate otherwise you open a can of worms you have not clue how to close it. This world is more complicated than the simplistic view most of us live in. You can’t pin any of your above on KK, you have no facts yet again. Please get me more facts, I am nostalgic for real meat.

  40. And by the way, it was not a dictatorship … the people from the “HOUR” wanted us to believe that. We had elections, except you had to vote for KK or a Frog at times especially after 1978. In fact, do you know that KK offered to step down in 1972 and Daniel Munkombwe and friends of the very Nkumbula could not let him do that during the Choma Declaration? ANC then joined UNIP and they all refused to accept his resignation. In 1978 he offered once more, but it was Members of the Central Committee who held a meeting and amongst themselves could not find a suitable replacement. It was then who declared in 1978 that KK wa Muyaya not KK himself. As I said, please give me real facts, I have never known a dictator wanting to step down twice.

  41. meant to say People die, not “dies” and in the last #58 meant to finish as follows …  I have never known a dictator wanting to step down twice let alone lose an election in 1991 and hand over peacefully. What kind of Civics were you guys learning during the “HOUR” of thieves. It all sounds so discombobulated to me and I am now beginning to worry for my country. We need to set the records straight once and for all.

  42. 58, do you surely beleive that hogwash, he offered to resign ang people told him to caryy on, really?

    You says,it was not dictatorship, but there was a state of emergency from the time you were born till 1991? i dont think you are that styupid, i am having to convince myself you are just pretending in order to prop up the big man.

    How do you explain the 30 year state of emergency? please try to be methodical, dont pretend…….

  43. sorry about my spelling, i am enjoying my 4th or 6th cant quite remeber and its nearly midnight here in the Uk

  44. @B R Mumba, Sr: You are probably the only honest and sane person on here so far. I am practically the same age as you (born 5 years after independence) and I can also go on and on about KK’s era. But no need to say anything when you have already done a wonderful job educating these younglings, or the people who simply want to tell half-truths—let it ring brother!

  45. @Madiba, real hero: If you were even just half honest and appreciative as you hero Madiba is, you would acknowledge the heroics and greatness of KK in that part of the world. In fact the first thing Madiba did after he was released from prison was to visit Zambia to personally thank KK for his stance and support of liberation movements in Southern Africa region (thats why Zambia was called a front-line state). Most of the henchmen of your hero (Madiba) lived and politically and civilly matured in KK’s Zambia. These are just plain facts!

  46. It is not hogwash, pal … the Choma Declaration is a document and you can get it and read it yourself. Besides, your uncle Daniel Munkombwe is still alive, he was one of the ferocious organizers of the Choma Declaration, ask him independently whether KK offered to step down then or not, then you can come back and argue your new facts based on oral tradition. In 1978 my own step-grand father was a Member of Central Committee in Central Province and his words were as solid as gold. He was part of the discussion that declared KK wa muyaya, not KK himself. These are plain facts … no hogwash, the only hogwash we have here seems to be perpetration of speculations and nothing factual.

  47. Cont.. from #64
    @Madiba, real hero: If such contributions to humanity does not make KK a hero in Zambia according to your standards, then I don’t know what would! For some strange reason, Zambians seem to always have a way of diminishing the contributions and achievements of their leaders. Why is this?! KK can go to South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Botswana, Mozambique, Angola, Congo, even overseas and be “worshiped” for his fight against “exploitation of man by man” (remember HUMANISM?!), bigotry, colonialism and apartheid (a form of White Supremacy), and yet his own people want to deny him this honor and belittle him—strange, isn’t it? No one says KK never made mistakes! But that shouldn’t subtract from his heroism and contributions he made as our founding father!!!!

  48. Cont… from #66
    @Madiba, real hero: If you were too young to remember or you are simply conveniently disregarding facts, please know that the economic problems Zambia faced in the later parts of the 1980s did not just mushroom out of a vacuum. Zambia being a landlocked country, the racists in South Africa and Rhodesia knew if they closed the Zambia’s outlet to sea, its economy would suffer hence preventing Zambia’s (Kaunda really) support fort freedom movements in that region.

  49. Cont… from #67
    @Madiba, real hero: This is the reason why TAZARA and the oil pipe line were built with the help of China. These things of course were done at huge expense at a time when copper prices worldwide were falling. And at a time when multinational lending institutions began forcing, mostly third world countries/economies, to adopt “unrealistic structural adjustments” which had very devastating effects on indigenous populations and economies.

  50. Cont… from #68
    @Madiba, real hero: Mismanagement of whatever wealth was left by the colonial had nothing or very little to do with the realities of the Zambia economy in the 1980s—these gain are just plain facts. In fact, the monies left by the colonials was put to very good use in form of educating our own doctors, lawyers, teachers, nurses, agric officers, politicians, and so forth. Infrastructure building was also huge after independence—@B R Mumba, Sr has already propounded this point adequately! So facts ba Madiba, facts!!!

    Happy birthday supper Ken, happy birthday!!!

  51. By the way not 30 years of emergency (again only facts, please nothing but) … KK ruled for 27 years and of these only 20 of them were under the state of emergency. And just so you know, the state of emergency was not meant for Zambians. We were at war with rebels from other nations and the last nation to get independent was only in 1990, Namibia, KK left office in 1991, go figure that out. Powers under the state of emergency gave the presidency (Commander in Chief) power to order armed forces to retaliate to enemy forces without calling upon the legislature to approve. For instance, not even in the United States, can the President can’t go to war without Congress’ approval unless under a state of emergency or eminent danger to the general public within the United States. 

  52. In Zambia we were always under attack, ever heard of Lwangwa Bridge bombing? Ever heard of whites painted black found around Mwembeshi? The state of emergency was meant for your own security nothing against you and your family. South Africa did not even get independent until 1994 three years after KK had left office and the South African ANC was based in Zambia for crying out loud!!! Who told you the state of emergency was meant to kill you and your own relatives? It was meant to protect you and me from outside threats, God have mercy on our souls!!!

  53. No, so you have decided to defend the 20 year state of enmergency/?this is schizophrenic to say the least. And you want to imply it did not apply to lo0cal people when it did?

    Whats the point in giving you facts when you will twist them likein that manner?

    I am quite happy to let you decide what you like but its good you know you are deciding based on you own preconceived ideas and and desregarding the hard factys. thats how the world operates, i cant change you….but go on defend the indefesible 20 year state of emergency.but be assured you will never gatehr a crowd with such…self apeasement

  54. State of emergency means the consitution, whether we had it or not, did not matter.kaunda could do whatever he liked and people like Mumba think that was alright…….and still pretend KK was not a dictator.

    If he helped sorrounding countries to get independence..that does not make his oppressing of his own people justifiable…..

    • He is part of the 77 families that benefited from kaunda’s misrule. They are nostalgic about the privileges they were enjoying as the country was sinking. Kaunda was their bread winner. Don’t waste time on them!

    • Rod:

      Another statement out of the blue, my family did not benefit from KK government, we were ordinary citizens … we had relatives that worked in government some very high up but back then, no one was allowed to use personal positions for personal privileges so your assertions are completely wrong. KK’s own children never even went to special schools for instance, they went to the same schools you and I went. Please argue with facts.

  55. 20 year olds iN Zed today would be surprised if told that there was a generation which did not even know how western products like ”’well, coca-cola…looked like. all because one dictator wanted to cling to poer…at all costs.

  56. it took zambians to vote for anything…incidentally that turned out to be send the dictator out of power. people knew FTj was garbage in the head but voted for him because he was the ‘pan’ and not the ‘fire’

  57. bro Mumba, you mightb have won that debate in that ‘urban’ area called copperbelt but to me you are very raw.

    Kaunda is lucky he reigned when people were that ignorant, it it were now he would be mates with charles taylor……infact he there is still time for us to contemplate that move.

  58. Fred, I wanted to help you but you have no clue what you are talking about. The constitution is what gave KK power to operate under the state of emergency. And given the circumstances at the time I was growing up, the 1970 parliamentary approval for KK to declare the state of emergency was done by 159 members of parliament. KK did not impose the state of emergency himself, again … please pal get your facts straight. It looks to me like you really did not grow up in the same Zambia I did and if you really did, you just have serious hatred for the Big Man, and with that, I can’t help you … I rest my case.

  59. I doubt you have the capacity to help me , i am more inclined to think the vice-vesa is more feasible.

    KK forced the 159 people to vote in that styupid way because they wre all UNIP, basic civics would have made that fact clear to you but its now becoming apparent you might have skiped that phase.

    Are you trying to say Kk ‘s dictatorial tendencied=s were imposed by the peole on themselves while he remained benovelonet…are you dreaming?

  60. As for winning the debate, we will leave it to the audience on this forum to judge not you and me … panelists never give scores to any debate, judges do. You and I fall in the first category (panelists) and we can’t be judges of our own debate … back to more important things. Stay blessed over there in the Land of the Angles, as for us over here in the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave (The United States of America) its bye bye for now.

  61. Cheers, i am not bothered about winnig, but hope you keep an open minf=d wherever you are. dont defend the indefensible and gro up please, cherio

    • How presumptuous of you to ask me to grow up, when I believe we don’t even know each other. You gave no facts at all, your points were all wishy washy, nothing concrete, every time your points got debunked you rushed to something else you could not even back up with facts, you brought about winning this debate in your own words, now you would like to back peddle and you call me raw? Brother, please!!!!!

  62. BR Mumba Sr

    Well documented, good job. We had a working structure in Zambia; in KK’s period. We have a lot of ignorance being expossed by those who not do their home work before posting comments.

  63. The winner of the contest we have just witnessed between Fred the Member and BR Mumba is Fred the Member. In fred the member’s dicourse there was no sentionalising of facts, no hero worshipping but simply presenting the truth as it stood then and remains now. The only person who can dispute KK’s ruthlessness and his draconian approach towards is opponents are those who grew up close to him or never understood Zambian politics. Unfortunately the people wjho are capable of narrating the full story of who really KK is are these sworn to confidentiality and secrecy-intelligency and OP.So we will never get the first hand facts. But make no mistake, the KK mamed, tortured, KK detained without trial. Ask Elias Chipimo Snr, Godfrey Miyanda and FTJ himself.

  64. bystander @ 83. Please stop this nosense. Every intellectual and independent observers know your guy lost the debate. He gave no hard facts, you kids are pathetic and truly have no clue what Zambia stood for. You are a lost generation as far as some of us are concerned. BR Mumba, Sr won hands down. It is kids like you that actually made me stop actively contributing on this forum, full of noise and no substance. The Mumba chap won and you and your friends can come here and post under different names but we can read for ourselves. Fred boyi lost hands down, Mr. no facts and constant bubler for nothing.

  65. Happy Birth Super Ken. Many more returns mudala, I owe my early child development to your strong leadership. As for mistakes, it just shows that you are human just like the rest of us. God bless Zambia.

  66. hahaha, Whoever won the debate, I dont care, but the fact is KK was bad ass** and that is why he was voted out of power in 1991, unless BR MUMBA is implying that Zambians were stupid** to have voted a good leader out of power then. ** hoooo, even SATA ditched him on the 11th hour to join MMD. People have enough of KKs nonsense and it will not BR MUMBA’s propaganda to convince us otherwise. We all know what was going on before 1991.
    However, we will continue to respect KK becoz its our culture to do so, but please dont make him a god that he is not.

    Otherwise happy birthday.

  67. I cant celebrate his birthday just like i cant celebrate Ftj’s and Sata’s.Kaunda misruled.He had the chance and blew it.Maybe if he had not killed his childhood friend Kapwepwe.Its sad to note how Zambians have such a short memory.Sata praising Kaunda?Where is the $7 billion you said Kaunda stole?Was Kaunda not born icinkula?was he not born in Nyasaland?was it not Sata who in ’92 said Kaunda should be arrested?I wonder what our children will know about this man (K.K) and Zambia.A lot of half truths are told.What about the Anc cadres using Zambian passports and the use of Zambian money?Are they going to pay?I think bashi Panji must reflect on that as he cuts the cake.GOD BLESS ZAMBIA.

  68. Mind wht u Vomit here some u,we had free. Education cos of. KK.some of us are were. We r coz our parents got educated n bursaries by him

    • Agreed, no man is perfect just like no man rules alone. Yes KK overstayed, yes KK made mistakes but show me a single human who has not. Most of those spewing hate most likely able to access this website because of the foundations laid by KK’s administration. I personnally owe him a lot – the meals at school, free excellent education right up to university, excellent medical facilities! Happy Birthday Super Ken!!

  69. Some people were failures in Zambia and they want to blame that on KK so when they had a chance to go out everything they saw out there spooked them. Forgive them, they are simply dillusional that’s why they can’t appreciate anything KK did. I did not see any hero worship with the BR Mumba guy whoever he is, I saw facts.

    The Fred guy on the other hand could not even understand how long the state of emergency stayed and how it came about among many other issues.
    I went to school during KK’s time and succeeded, got a scholarship to then East German under bursaries, and succeeded. I owe KK a lot and this is not hero worship these are facts and you can’t argue against facts, Fred lost the debate as far as am concerned.

  70. It is incorrect to claim as Sata does here that KK has “sacrificed so much for our country just to make us who we are today – proud Zambians.” We did not ask him to sacrifice for us and besides, there are others like Gray Zulu, Mainza Chona, Zukas, Kapwepwe, Munukayumbwa, the Wina brothers, Nkumbula etc who also made sacrifices. Further, there are others who paid the ultimate price itself, life, so that we could be free. Therefore, for a former Northern Rhodesia riffles agent of imperialism to write such a letter lumping all credit to Kaunda stinks.

    • Shallow post ba Mulenga. Firstly read and understand the english, Sata did not say KK is the only one that made sacrifices. His reference to KK was necessitated by the occasion i.e KK’s birthday. Secondly no body needs to ask some to make a sacrifice for what they believe in. If others benefit from such a sacrifice well and good.  Jesus sacrificed his life for man kind, am guessing you think this also sticks because you did not ask him to make that sacrifice. And i suppose your dad and mum stink because you did not ask them to make the sacrifices the made to get you an education and make you the man you are today..

    • What kind of heart is this, ba Mulenga? Did you ever have grand parents to put some social wisdom in you?

  71. Ba KK is a great Zambian..In my book he holds a higher place than even Mandela.Look at how the man handled our cries for the introduction of Multi party politics. He cut short his term of office in respect of our cries to have democratic elections. Peaceful hand over of the instruments of power when he lost the election. Now the man has directed all his energies to the fight against HIV / AIDS and through Habitat for Humanity building houses for the homeless. A true Humanist, a great Inspiration

    Happy Birthday KK. May God grant this great son of our land good health and many more years

  72. B.R. Mumba sr. well articulated Iam one of the beneficiaries of KK’s sound vision. I want to school from sub A (writing on a slate) to university for free. boarding schools were like the private schools of today. it was one Zambia one Nation no tribalisim as is the issue today we had British shops in Cairo road and did not see any need to go abroad or over seas for shopping the list is endless the man in a Hero indeed no wonder God has given him a long life so he can see what present leaders are doing to our beloved country. Please current leaders do go to KK for advise you can learn a lot from this man

    • “no wonder God has given him a long life so he can see what present leaders are doing to our beloved country”

      Ba Mwale … I could not have said it better, you are the best.

  73. Many of your birthdays have come and gone but the freedom you have handed to Zambian people will live for ever. You have won the hearts & mind of your people, who will forever remember you as the hero of your nation. I have had pleasure in meeting you your excellency, i was surprise to see how young at mind you looked. I hope i will have pleasure in meeting you again in August 2012 when i visit Zambia. May Allah Almighty give hidayat.
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