Sunday, June 16, 2024

Former Labour Minister Austin Liato handed 2 years in jail with hard labour


Former labour Minister Austin Liato with his wife and sympathysers at the Lusaka magistrate court

Former Labour Minister Austin Liato has been handed a two year sentence with hard labour in the K2.1 billion case by a Lusaka Magistrate court.

This is in the matter in which Mr Liato was facing one count of being in possession of property suspected of being proceeds of crime contrary to section one (1) of the forfeiture of proceeds of crime Act number 19 of 2010 of the laws of Zambia.

Principal Magistrate Aridah Chulu handed Mr Liato the jail term when he appeared for judgment this morning.

Magsistrate Chulu has also forfeited the money and Mr Liato’s farm were the money was buried to the State.

In litigation Liato pleaded for leniency from the court stating that he suffers from a heart condition and takes care of a big family.

He becomes the first former senior government official of the MMD facing corruption charges in the courts of law to be convicted.

Mr Liato buried the 2.1 billion Kwacha in two steel trunks under a thick layer of concrete slab in a highly fortified and electronically fitted structure at his farm in Mumbwa.



  1. But the justice system in Zambia is really crazy. Two years only. Anyway, he´ll lose the belly and look more human. Monga ni chichula pa mala!!

  2. …too bad. A man with a big family plus losing the farm for his children. Breadwinner. God is there for u.

  3. The judgement has been long over due. 2years is an ok sentence for some plundering our national resources. i would have been satisfied with this court proceeding if mr liato had disclosed the source of the 2.1bn. Forfeiting his farm as well comes as a harsh judgement as it wasn’t proven that he had  obtained the farm from criminal proceedings. 
    Hard labour that come as a free gym for liato.

  4. He needs to sweat off that FAT! It will be good for his heart condition. Two years is too short for this mambala!! LMFAO kekekekekekekekekekeke

  5. This king of liniency is astonishing. Ka Samuel liato mu background. Sorry guys all the best. Remember, this is what greed can do.

  6. Good. These are the kinds of tangilbe results that will restore some kind of credibility in the system in normal people’s minds. By why only 2 years? Anyawy, let this be a lesson even to current Govt ministers and people entrusted with public property. Heart condition? Wasn’t that due to lack of exercises? so, let it be proper hard labour to cure that condition as well. Killing two birds with one stone.

  7. It is better for him not to appeal because the judgment looks fair to me. It seems the lawyer has misled him. He will be shocked if the High Court stiffens his punishment

    • The appellate court cannot stiffen the punishment if it was within the stipulated range, which I think was. The guy is losing his farm too.

  8. Eish… who will take care of that beautiful lady beside him (wife)? Anyway, I find the sentence fair except for the forfeiting of the farm, I am of the opinion the money should have been forfeited but not the farm, unless he can’t prove that he bought the farm land using legitimate means.

  9. The wife imwe sure….. who will be servicing her now! Now Liato tell your wife where you hid the last box of cash otherwise azamnyaula winangu.

  10. 12 and 17 forfeiting the farm is the requirement of the law. The farm was a storage area for the money so to detur him from repeating the same crime the storage must be seized. For example if a poacher is caught transporting gorvernment trophy and even when one is caught with gorvernment trophy in their vehicle, the vehicles is impounded and when found guity, the vehicle becomes state property.

  11. Very fair judgement.Actually he should have been sentenced 8 yrs like koppla belt provincial accountants.

  12. That is too long time, 2 f@#king years for NOT stealing, and Mutomba Nchito is walking with a free erection. Judge Chuulu must be suspended, and tribunal set.

  13. The Loot is taken by the state. The major point magistrate Chuulu dealt on was the way the money was buried, under a concrete slab. This meant Liato had no intention of using that money for sometime. There by deprived the country of having that money in circulation. U do not keep legally obtained money under a concrete slab and put electric fencing around that house housing the loot. it proves money NOT genunely obtained. Yaba. Liato joins Funjika, Musengule, Kashiba Bulaya in Chimbokaila.

    • Brother,Bulaya serves his sentence or jail term in UTH.I have mate him on more than two occasions with his little daughter(around 12 years old).Corruption is also at UTH,you only start seeing it when you are sent to Nkanza Lab for a test that can easely be handled by UTH.

  14. if he gets 2 REAL years in prisons that all u need ,a normal person is broken after the first 2 weeks , bt i’m sure he’ll hav friends on inside ,all thugs do

  15. Just appeal like Katele, take two years to resolve the case then, oyu serve sentence out of court! Clever eh?

    • That is objectivity. Until there is a complaint of stolen money somewhere, the prosecution was operating on conjecture. For it to be said to have been stolen, there has to be associated with a complaint somewhere.

    • No 30 which skul did you go to? dont u know that wen u keep money and is not in circulation is a crime? wake up


  17. but where did the money come from?where is the proof that it was stolen money? We have loopholes in our accounting systems if K2billion can be stolen and no-one knows where it was stolen from.

    • Why didn’t Liato take the stand to explain where he got the money if it was not through criminal activities? He decided to remain quiet, the same way most drug dealers decide to stay quiet than further incriminate themselves when they are caught. The same way prosecutors don’t have to categorically prove the money seized from a suspected drug-dealer came from dealing drugs, especially when the suspect has no other “gainful” employment/business that can explain away the disproportionate amount of wealth/money in his/her possession. All you need is enough “reasonable suspicion” that the money was the proceed of a crime—-the kind of suspicion prosecutors apparently were able to raise in this case since Liato is now a convict!

  18. Good riddance, hard labour because he was labour Minister. Who’s next? See you in two years Mr. A. Liato

  19. this outcome sounds fair, what sentence should be given to one holding onto K14billion? Justice indeed.

  20. Its a circus in Zambia, if one steals 1 million kwacha, you give them 10yrs with hard labour. Anyway its true that justice is for the rich.

  21. so 2 billion gets you 2 years – so 14 billion should get the dpp 14 years, and then you have to add in the other monies owed to other institutions such as NAPSA,  and the fact that the loans were acquired fraudulently, and if you throw in tampering with court records and contempt for walking out of a case, as well as being fat like Liato are we talking of 25  years plus?

  22. Good 4 his c.v. chap was a unionist, cadre, m.p, minister now jail bird. after this he will be ripe 4 presidency. very vital elements needed


    • You are a dull accountant my friend. I thought as an accountant, you must have done some financial law.

    • These are the kinds of people we have running the Zambian economy – unethical! What body certified you as an Accountant or are you a pencil clerk claiming to be an accountant?

    • Fake accountant,from the little business law you learnt at school,who pays the loans,Meembe and Nchito or Zambian airways?

  24. This case was handled by myself. This is just the beginning. Crooks are trying to make me resign, shame to them. I have have just put 2.1 billion and a farm into the state coffers, more money in your pockets

  25. Can someone send me the cell phone number of his beautiful wife. I wanna take over the responsibilities on this nice looking lady!! Heish… she’s cute!!!!

  26. And this is why we need reforms in the judiciary..If the guy who committed this crime was from the KWA areas he would have been handed a 10 year sentence..Common people lets get serious

  27. I hope the government will put the money from this man to good use. pls mr president remember the hospitals where we have no diagnostic equipment ect ect. that money can buy a few equipment like mri scans ect. the Zambian people are always running to south africa to get proper treatment all the time. i think its time we ipmroved the health services in our country. If this money is not enought for such equipment then at least get the hospital loundry’s repaired and working. buy linnen for the hospitals and hospital pyjamas and drugs. its heartbreaking to see people being nursed in such diplorable conditions.Zambia is not a poor country. its the mismanadgement of some selfish politicians like Liato. i hope he has now realised how selfish he was.

  28. Number 44…Don’t get your facts twisted. Owing someone money is not a criminal offence in Zambia unless that money was obtained by false pretences. Nchito and his friends wont get jail time, they obtained those loans through bank OD and bank loans. Check your facts. The final court ruling will be a judgement in default to sell their assets and recover the money..No Jail time.


  30. The hard labor will cure his heart disease because he will lose all the fat causing the health problems.

  31. This is a very good fund raising venture by Nchito and Mmembe. The K 2bn will be part payment towards the DBZ debt. 

    • Uyu ena ni kapoli sana who doesn’t even know tribes of fellow Zambians. My friend, bemba names always have nouns and consonants. If liato was bemba, he probably would have be named lianto or limanto. Kabili nakupapa sana.

    • #63.3 You have got it all wrong, Every name be it bemba or otherwise, even an object’s name is a noun and in addition every name has consonants and vowels.

  32. Man I wish I learn this lesson, not to steal public funds when I get into that position. But my question is why did he chose to remain silent? Whom is he protecting? Feels like am watching ‘The Sapranos’.

    • You are right @Uncle P. He’s certainly protecting the godfather for fear of having his family wiped out. And it actually helped him from not incriminating himself. He pleaded the so called “Zambian” fifth amendment to save his backside, his fellow goons and most importantly, his family.

  33. I don’t like Liato, but this is a political decision by the PF and not a conviction. How to you jail someone for choosing to keep his money at home?

    • Even drug dealers claim the money they get through selling illegal drugs is theirs and theirs only. But for as long as dealing in illegal drugs remains a crime (the same way stealing is), it doesn’t matter where you decide to stash your loot the State/law has every right to seize it and send you to the slammer! The same principle apply here.

  34. Dear Mr. Liato money money,

    I greet in the name of Natural Justice.

    This letter serves to inform your that following your conviction & the two years sentence you shall serve in jail with hard labour. I wish to voluntarily take over the assets and liabilities of your beuatiful wife.

    I trust this will meet your favourable consideration.

    yours sincerely
    Mwanamfumu shimichita Panono

    • He he he he … you cranked me up!!! Mwanamfumu shimichita Panono? Mwanamfumu tachita panono, atichitila apakulu pantu ena ni shimulya pakulu …. you made my day though, thanks a trillion for making me laugh.

  35. Sorry Mr Liato but we all have to pay for our sins, even the ones in government now will go through the same prison cells at Chimbokaila if they think that they are clever and transgress. One question though, why didn’t the DPP enter a nolle prosqui for Mr Liato too if he has done it for his friends at Finance Bank etc? Is there a difference between refusing to pay back K14Billion and burying K2.1B at your farm? K14B is 7 times more serious money than K2.1B, isn’t it?

  36. 2 years is long enough for him to learn real agriculture where people plant vegetables, not trunks of laundered money. He can also join the prisons football team while I work on his kama nice wife.

    He should have thought about his family before engaging himself in crime. And the heart condition is a fairy tale.

    One down, many many more to go. Musokotwane, Siliya, Mutati no pushing in the line – you will all get your turns.

  37. @ Sweet men # 13, rumour has it that the farm belonged to his late wife. The consequences of remaining silent is forfeiture of storage place, money & imprisonment. # 30 Jazzie Jazzie understand the repercussions of burying such a huge amount in the ground on the economy of this country. If this money was not concealed in such a manner, the state would have found it difficult to prosecute this case. Further Liato should just serve his sentence or he will earn himself more years in the high court!

  38. That means the guy will only serve foe one and half a year? Then he will be free soon and by then the PF 90 days will not have any tangible development result as they are good at talking and condemning corruption when they are busy being corrupt themselves.

  39. Hie judge Chikopo ,there in intercontinental where you are holed.i hope you are busy taking notes on zambian legal system.The ones who cried loud about corruption have just succesfully won a conviction and the judiciary is fine in this case…….Think my friend before your dent your legal career with these crooks

  40. #48 Please explain to us how somebody with so many debts can be allowed to accrue more and more if it is not through fraud? Doesn’t it bring into question the reason why the DPP chose not to carry on with the cases against Mahtani? Whatever you say and celebrate about this particular case the DPP is compromised and if he is not made to account for the funds he owes the Zambian public and financial institutions, this conviction will only prove what has been alluded to – that ‘the fight’ against corruption’ is merely a smoke screen to settle scores against perceived political opponents and is selective.  It is highly questionable to celebrate the conviction of Liato and not demand that the DPP resign and pay back the monies he owes.

    • Kaseba,the loans talked about were given at once.The banks formed some kink of a consortium and gave zambian airways a loan with a condition that more partners be found.That is meembe and nchito’s companies got shares.They found problems in zambian airways which already had some loans.If you follow this case with honest and dig a little bit deeper,you will discover that meembe and nchito don’t have any loans connected to zambia airways,but zambian airways as a company has.The two gentlemen just made poor business dicisions to join an already limping company and acually lost a lot of their money.Politicians saw an opporturnity to fix the duo using the loan of a company and user friendly judges.My friend,just wait for the tribunal sittings because the evidence available is very solid.

    • @Chipuba Chenu mweka ba Kaseba! hope u undstnd company law n inparticular limited liability clouse::::DPP was not operating as sole owner but as a business partner,,,,,the court erred in telling him to pay

  41. But this reporting – details of the case? Please? Not just the sentence and the article of law broken

  42. Two years is the only leniency the government can give for the grat President. unless if it was MMD no problem this time we could have been talking something else. Which big family Ba Liato mukamba, i for one dont think you have a family to keep. Your workers where threatened given row cabbage as if are animals. you kept your money underground. Zambian were crying for the increament whilst enjoying other peoples effort. I wish you misbehave in the jail so that they slap another seven on top of two. Viava Liato which all the best in the new world of fotress.

  43. You are too ugly Liato, Chivumo chako chija are you are able to……..can i be a care taker of you farm? then i need the Keys of every thing you have.
    \:d/ only two sure:)>-

  44. Two years is too little. He should say where he got that money from and i am sure he got plenty more than just that 2.1billion so, the wife is safe. She is spending…

    • @Margaret Malungu, he is a small fish who will be shut up nicely if he becomes a snitch. Remember late Ronald Penza and how he was killed? There are mafia bosses in the MMD who would do anything to keep him silent and they have almost the entire judiciary in their pockets. Ask yourself, how can a former ZCTU secretary who became finally a chairman, accrue K2.100,000,000 in such a short period of time after just being appointed a minister. Do the maths. Divide 30 months into the K2.1 billion and even add what he got from the NCC. The maths does not add up even if you were to resurrect the creator of the pythagoras theorem. You don’t make that kind of money so fast, short of being involved in illicit activities or winning a lottery if you are here in the USA.

  45. @54 This chap is not Bemba he is Lozi. Not all thievies are Bembas the pretend to be Bemba. Go well and any one can take over your wife. Bye-bye. The prison captains will sodom you.

  46. What does the judgement actually say? if it say two years from the time of arrest then he spend less than two because already its over six months since he arrested. If he appears and he is out on bail that will reduce the time even further worse still if the high upholds the same sentence and he appeals to the supreme court then he may end up serving the whole sentence outside especially if he can mange to oil his way around to slow down the process

    • Ubukopo, sentencing from day of arrest is only available if you have not been on bail to account for time already spent on the chucks

  47. mmmmmm…I strongly suspect there is something conealed in that tammy. My GUYS at Chimbokaila pump this thief hard from the ass so that the things concealed in the tammy can be vomited…..

  48. viva pf abash oppositions supporting corruption.surely mwanaa that heart problem will be cured the manual work you will be doing and climbing the kasalanga is the good excise and insanya will be feasting on you.amen insanya shalaina.

  49. The wife looks good…just my type. Iam coming over to take of the most important responsibilities. Kumudyela mambala so that all those who intend to steal from the poor must know they will go to jail and leave their wives outside for other men to enjoy.

    • You are very evil. The fact that this toka-leya ***** is now convicted, does not warrant you have to go after his family, especially your criminal assertion about his wife. I am a bemba by tribe but have lozis and ila friends. The m***f**** is going to prison, but it’s a crime to try to go after his wife or his children. Lets stop this devilish kind of behaviour for even as a Zambian, and a bemba, I do not subscribe to very personal oriented hatred. Let the burger save his given term, though we all would have loved to see him serve at least not less than 10 years. God is for all living creatures that he created.

  50. this is good news and it should send a clear signal to all who have looted or thinking of doing the same. we only hope the law will be applied equally to everyone. this man looted and attempted to conceal the loot by burying it, mmembe and nchito looted and attempted to conceal the loot by forcing dbz to withdraw their case…. so what is the difference?
    the people are watching

  51. Pity the wife plus this is june and the weather is chilling. No more chwela chwela Liato boyi. Its simply gone my friend.

  52. Well, let there be consistence it the justice system so that every crook gets to the Gallows!!!!!

  53. I will add Liato’s cute wife on the list of my sweeties. She won’t resist because this is June afterall.

  54. Mutembo Chito did not steal K14B but it was the company that had business relationship with the Bank.Please leave the man alone you corrupt chaps in law no man can bear the cost if the limited company goes under that is why banks need to take every precaution when lending man. you will not succeed to denounce a man of God Mutembo is helping to clean the rotten system he is not a thief like some of us

  55. #58 Mwanamfumu: He he … you cranked me up! Mwanamfumu shimichita Panono? Mwanamfumu tachita panono, atichitila apakulu pantu ena ni shimulya pakulu. You made my day though, thanks for making me laugh. Nshamonako mwana mfumu uuchita panono!

    Back to Liato, he was facing one count of being in possession of property suspected of being proceeds of crime contrary to section one (1) of the forfeiture of proceeds of crime Act number 19 of 2010 of the laws of Zambia.

    What did him was his inability to repudiate “being in possession of property suspected of being proceeds of crime” and prove his source of funds by remaining silent, mafia style. He exactly knows why; I did n’t know we had mafias in Zambia, he chose to protect a bigger fish by take the bullet, go to jail … scary stuff!

  56. Please enlighten me fellow bloggers as to what the crime in this case is???
    I understand that the man buried K2,1bil but is it a crime to hide money in Zambia. If its corruption what is the corruption that was committed. I’m sorry to say but I feel that the Prosecutor in this case has not proven that the funds are proceeds of crime or that they are indeed from corruption. Your comments and clarification will be appreciated. My understanding is that the Prosecutor must prove without any reasonable doubt that someone is indeed guilty and a suspected person is not obligated to say anything, hence the “u have the right to remain silent”

    • There is a principle in law called “reasonable suspicion and circumstantial evidence”! If there is reasonable suspicion backed up by some strong circumstantial evidence that you killed someone, even if there is no dead body, you can still be convicted and sent to jail for a long time. Deciding to remain silent is no defense! It is only there to prevent self-incrimination (another provision in criminal law.) This is the same principle at play in this case—-Liato’s silence doesn’t mean the prosecution failed to raise enough suspicion that the money found buried on his farm was proceeds of a crime—-apparently the judge was convinced too and Liato is headed to the slammer!

  57. The onus is on the prosecutor to build a strong case in this case, the case would’ve been to show some sort of bribery or kick back that Liato received  which then enabled him to have the K2,1billion concealed in the make shift shrine. 
    I am an AML /CTF expert and I always try and follows cases that involve proceeds of crimes/ terrorist financing/ Money laundering and this is the first case where NO CLEAR link has been made between the crime and the proceeds. Is it a crime in Zambia to hold large sums of money without declaring??? 

    • If that source could be proved, the case would have been specific, eg corruption or theft etc, there is a reason why this is found in our penal code, to deal with cases of this nature whereby you would simply get away by not saying anything, follow the case and you will find a reference by DPP to some decided case

  58. Dont cheat us because this man will appeal and LT will not cover the story, we shall still be meeting this cow in the street. If i find him loitering in the streets of mongu i will take him to prison myself

  59. Bashi Chilufya chishinka mwalakinila ichalo. Mubofyeni Mutembo ukukonka ifunde lya calo.
    Lesa abenenwe nshiku peeeeeeeeeee!

  60. I find that this is not a fair sentencing, did they actually prove he obtained that money through illegal means. Some of the comments on here are plain ignorant. Why do we have this hatred for people who once held power or are in positions of power? All stems from that inferiority complex Zambians have. We like to gawk, rejoice and celebrate at other peoples downfall, he MIGHT have acquired that money through some unorthodox method but what crimes did he commit? He was a man who worked & probably had some other sources of revenue. We forget these people have families and are human too, can you imagine what his kids,wife & family are going through right now? Have some sympathy, there was no proof a crime here. 

    • Fuseke iwe – the law proved that he had a case to answer. Whats this got to do with inferiority complex

    • Obviously you are devoid of even a little knowledge about the laws of our land, Zambia. Akale efyo balemitetela amatwi for being a kambone (witness) uwabufi. Agreed, there’s nothing nice about a man going to prison, but most important, there’s no evil worse than a single person deny several thousands of Zambians including his own family, tribes mate and people, by burying money enough to rejuvenate their well being. We stopped gawking after the 1986 riots when zambians took the law into their own hands because they felt Dr Kaunda wasn’t listening. Do not under estimate the wisdom of fellow zambians especially if you are a beneficiary from the corrupt MMD government.

    • @pan ,proceeds of crime !!!!!!!!!!!!! the guy failed to prove to the court that he obtained the money Legally!!!!!!!!to all of us lets try by all means do things within the law.the judge cant be foolish to make a rulling with no evidence,,,,,,think before you put up your useles argument ba Pan

  61. 2 years yachepa sana. Anyway with hard labour will help liato with his heart issues coz his heart issues is because of the fat around his heart considering his weight he is obesity.

  62. My confusion is on the judgement “Magsistrate Chulu has also forfeited the money and Mr Liato’s farm were the money was buried to the State.” so even the judge was involved since he (the judge) forfeited the money! ba LT straighten me out on this one please….cavuta cizungu ayi? 

  63. By extrapolation, 14 billion should attact 14 years. Ow, its not by proportion, is it? Ok, the point still remains that Mmembe and Nchito should do some time for their silly efforts to avoid repaying the 14 billion……….

    • It is a pity there is no medicine for dullness, borrowing should become criminal? Then close all the banks for being accessories to criminality

    • Borrowing is not criminal, avoiding to repay is. No matter how you twist the issue, someone who borrowed has to be made to pay back….

    • The MMD couldn’t prove this case even when they used state machinery to discredit Mutembo and Mmembe during their time. Lets get serious because if they had been found with a case under Rupiah Banda, george kunda (afwilezile bwangu), dora siliyt, ronnie shikapwasha you name it, they would have been in prison by this time. But the state failed to find a case with them under the MMD and RB and that’s why DBZ withdrew the case. If we want Mmembe and Nchito to be convicted, then lets allow the tribunal to go on so that the 3 judges can refute allergations labeled against them and if Nchito and Mmembe are guilty, we let the law take its course.

  64. Which normal person can defend Liato for his theft of 2.1 billion? The sentence is even so faire, Lioto commited a very terrible crime. Let other thieves learn from this…..jail awaits them period. well done court.

  65. some people on this site are very ignorant bad……it was left to him to prove that the money was his and not stolen, the thing he failed to coz he remained silent, so automatically Liato was in possesion of stollen money..hence his 2 year jail sentance. Has that helped you ignorant people who always like ranting?

  66. @88 Survivor. I understand your confusion. What actually happened was the State through the DPP lodged with the court an application to have the seized assets sudject of and used in the crime forfeited to the state. The court ruled in favour of the state. This is a matter of criminal law for which liato was found criminally liable. Mmembe/nchito are not facing criminal charges. The case of DBZ v Zambian Airways and 3 others is a matter of law of TORT-company law as they were not found in possession of K14b & invloves a transactional dispute between 2 legal persons – Mine AIr Services v DBZ.

  67. @83, Observer:

    There is a principle in law called “reasonable suspicion and circumstantial evidence”! If there is reasonable suspicion backed up by some strong circumstantial evidence that you killed someone, even if there is no dead body, you can still be convicted and sent to jail for a long time. Deciding to remain silent is no defense! It is only there to prevent self-incrimination (another provision in criminal law.) This is the same principle at play in this case—-Liato’s silence doesn’t mean the prosecution failed to raise enough suspicion that the money found buried on his farm was proceeds of a crime—-apparently the judge was convinced too and Liato is headed to the slammer!

  68. @86,Pan:

    They should think about their families before committing such crimes! We can not allow a situation where people are let loose after they commit a crime simply because they have families to look after. In fact, ordinary people even get stiffer punishments stealing a chicken than what this ‘mambala’ got. No sympathy from here!

  69. Very lenient. Dnt worry about the wife he is quickly buying another farm where he will bury his wife and kids so he can find them safe after 2yrs.

  70. 2 years insn’t too bad for him, atleast these 2 years will be a time to meditate upon his stealing. And may be he will be a changed man after serving.

  71. Thieves, Lock all of them up.Call himself a labour Minister, Dog, no i wil be insulting the faithfull dog, hope he comes out full of aids, Next,

  72. Post #30

    Have you heard of tax evasion?………. SMH

    I’m surprised by people who feel sorry for Liato. When one (in this case allegedly) steals public funds implications could be a child dying because the government could not afford to immunize that infant.

  73. proceeds of crime !!!!!!!!!!!!! the guy failed to prove to the court that he obtained the money Legally!!!!!!!!to all of us lets try by all means do things within the law.

  74. Chiluba and his wife were caught pants down with stolen public funds running into trillions of Kwacha and yet one Phillip Musonda refused to register the London Judgement against the thief. Musonda even went on to quash Regina’s conviction despite having been found with clearly stolen property she failed to account for. Well, the stinker is now dead, with our money and Musonda is all to blame for this and should pay. As for Liato, what you sow is what you harvest. Shouldn’t plant thorns and expect to harvest apples! I just hope someone will on the outside be oiling your wife’s engine keeping it in shape. Ukaiseleze lilengwami tuwe.

  75. Attention Zambian Citizens.
    I am concerned.
    How come K2.1B attracts 2 years sentence.
    Is this the sentence for the rich? Less Years for crimes.
    Two months ago a poor Zambian man was sentenced to three years
    for stealing K6,000 if not mistaken. Sentence for the poor.
    Stealing a chicken in Zambia can even earn one 2 years Prison sentence
    Is this justice? Is the justice system fair in Zambia.
    Why Countrymen? Why should we allow this to happen?
    Is this the standard of our Justice System in Zambia.
    Zambia needs urgent Judicial Reforms.
    We need them now. We demand for them now.

  76. No wonder sons and daughters of the so called rich persons are driving expensive cars living in lavish houses spending like there is no tomorrow ‘its all free money only god will judge them

  77. “we like it in kaoma”,and this should be the lesson to each and everyone who is incharnge of any depertment. because we have seen no any charnge. In mr Liato’s controlling period everything in kaoma is behind. May the spirity of the ruling part continue. job 16: vers kulimwena

  78. But it is not nomal for a vanderrism like this one to be jailed for two (2)years, this is an fair. For the poor person to still ony a chicken will aregedry jail for two and half year, atlist if it was even eight year

  79. Ladies and gentleman wont you agree to reducing his sentence to 1 year if he confesses about all culprits involved and the full amount that was circulated as what was found was jst a drop in the ocean.

    • The man chose to be silent when put on his defense. I guess he still has the option to negotiate a leaner sentence in exchange for information in his appeal. I think a few days in jail and the realization that someone will be chewing the wife may encourage him to do this


  81. I had a good time with Liato’s beautiful wife last night. I ******* the hell out of her! She was very happy about it.

  82. She will soon forget about her non bed room function potty bell husband, Liato. Just give her thre weeks.

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