Saturday, June 1, 2024

Forcing Chief Justice to resign has serious implications – Dr. Mumba


Nevers Mumba
Nevers Mumba

MMD presidential aspirant Nevers Mumba says forcing the Chief Justice to step-down will result in serious implications for the country’s democratic system.

Dr Mumba has also hoped that the calls for the Chief Justice to step-down are not politically motivated. He since stated that those who want the Chief Justice to go should wait for the judicial reforms to take place.

Dr Mumba says the Government should first embark on judicial reforms, before the issue of whether the Chief Justice should continue or not can be addressed.

There have been increasing calls from some stakeholders for Chief Justice Ernest Sakala to step-down as the first step towards judicial reforms.


  1. It’s not HE MCS who wants the CJ out. It is us the MAFIA. Watch out you Zambians

  2. Ba pastor when one groundnut is rotten then all the groundnuts are rotten. Kuyabebele. we students shall camp on the supreme court grounds untill he goes

  3. Ba Nevers, kindly articulate what will happen than mere serious concerns worse off talk to us like kids being advised by their Dads that sex is bad without giving them reasons! No rhetorics, categolically tell us what legal implications it will have. Do not just be seen to utter empty utterances which are vague for the sake of being seen to say something. Your advice lucks merit and content? What are you saying or telling us in plain english?

  4. Pastor, the CJ has failed the Zambian people, he needs to go immediately. What type of a leader are you who suports failures!!!!


  6. Ba Loveness which students?, we know u are PF thugs pretending to be students. Which institution are you from? coz watching those PF thugs yestrday they looked to be from Chibolya, and Soweto.
    The Govt is wasting Tax payers money to feed you so that you make noise, SHAME….SHAME…

  7. What wrong has the Chief Justice done compared to Nchito??? Get serious you bootlickers, it Mutembo who should go.

  8. I challange Mwembe n Inchito to a fight with both of them on side against me. Watch how I will knock off their front teeth out so that they stop talking and sowing seeds of hatred in this country….

  9. This current govt is calculative in the manner it is implementing it dochi kubeba policy/ies. The issue of CJ is about deviating the attention again from the Tribunal which they formulated too early before due process and course of the law. Now the whole nation is almost of the case which is the real case, the returning of K14billion to the people. If you send a man over 2.1billion to prison, what are you still doing with the two men (one even serving within the justice system) owing this country to the tune of K14billion plus interest? Talk of protecting criminals, and being allegic to corruption being one and the same for some people’s world. For sure ‘tolelefye shibile sydrome’ at it best.

  10. What wrongs has the chief justice done for him to resign? Charge him then! Just a short while there was an uproar about henry banda, for unspecified charges. Whats going on? Judicial reforms should start with setting parameters not attacking individuals!

  11. The cj is at th helm of a corrupt advice to ukwa is to hire a foreigner cj to help overhaul ths rotten a livin testimony.i bribed k10m to tht ndola magistrat nw registrar and sand whch i took to hse he ws buildin,bt stil dd nothing to acquit my br despite promisin bt kept on adjournin comin 4my money and sand u corrupt lot.if it was chiluba,he wud v bn acquitd.u pretenders.

  12. people of Zambia let us reason together ifikokola efibipa, the brighter the star, the closer it is to your eyes, the corruption which is being preached is not only in GRZ but in all of us, it begins with us, let us change shall we see light.

  13. Mumba has never spoken anything sensible since i know him. He opens his mouth for the sake of it and this is the one who wants to lead the former ruling party? This jocker makes Siulapwa sound intelligent

  14. Zambia is for all Zambians, let the PF Government not support and shield the mafias with pending cases to pay back loan from DBZ. The Chief Justice resignation should not be politically motivated as it seen to be. The president must be careful because what he is doing now to others will follow him soon without fail. He forgets soon, all his past will follow him and will die of heart attach when he is brought to court together with his children also.

    JUST WATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Ba objective and credible Lusaka Times the following comment appearing under the headline ‘Ruling on Judges tribunal today as PF thugs plan to protest at High Court in the name of students’ on Zambia watchdog has been deleted. the comment went as follow:
    am sure this was also the best opportunity for the opposition to flex their muscles in terms of numbers, since they claim that they are popular and are speaking for the people. If the so-called PF thugs will converge at the courts, let the opposition do likewise. But I know they cant because they do not have numbers

  16. Democracy MR/Pastor Mumba goes hand in hand with education. Many Zambians now are educated and as such are able to discuss deep issues. It is not right for the Chief Justice to remain in power with his hands dirty, in as much as it is not biblically right for you to be called pastor when you are a politician. You can choose one. From beginning, they were kings, prophets, and priests. Where do you belong Mumba??? Understand the issue first before you open your mouth man. What DOES IT MEAN TO BE CALLED “CHIEF JUSTICE?” Where is the power of Justice if the Chief Justice himself is not just??? Mumba think man please!!!!

    • The CJ has nothing wrong. It is only those with evil intentions who are scared of his presence in office. They want to have one appointed by them so that there shall be no checks and balances from the judiciary. What is happening is more like a football team wanting to have referees from among its supporters. Soon and very soon Zambia will be a worse than Zimbabwe. 

  17. I think all bloggers should be arrested bcoz it seems in zambia we have deloveloped a culture of trying and sentencing pipo in the post

  18. If the CJ had high morals, and economic security, he would have resigned. That is what statesmen do when any doubts are raised against them.

    Sadly, Pastors, Politicians, Professionals in Zambia do not do this. They wait for someone to shame them by axing them out of offices.

  19. “GUNDIX” fimo fimo.There is no need to resign if clearly the calls are coming from malicious and bitter people- Mmembe and his cronies.

  20. Thats why you’ll never make it, you can’t simply read what the poeple want. Your reasoning is good for you because YOU reasoned it but take the majority’s reasoning and swallow your pride. YOU ARE NOT ALWAYS RIGHT. Once you understand this, you’ll follow MCS’s footstepps.

  21. I watched Dr Mumba on ZNBC yesterday, I must say he is impressive and coherent. He talked sence through-out and any objective person will agree. On the Chief justice, how can that office be belittled by small UNZA kaponyonyoz? The CJ has a few months before his contract expires, let him exit gracefully. Is it because he refused to shake hands with Sata? It is in every Zambian’s best interest to have a strong opposition Party. Leave the dignified office of the CJ alone, stop blowing cold air over everything. Abash arnachy.

  22. Those UNZA students aught to know that they have a greater responsibility than to peddle interests of a few people. Your responsibility and expectation is heavy. We walked through that institution, at really diffuculty times and we rose up to real issues. This is how come we hold responsible offices today, this is why we make things turn now, this is why we ran the affairs of our country effectively now. Please know your position and responsibilities.

  23. Those chaps from UNZA just know how to eat and do pupu.Nevers just like anybody else agree with reforms not only in Judiciary but also in Sata’s brains.The issue at hand is,do reforms start with suspending people and calling for people to resign? For lending institutions this is a timely warning if you are dealing with freinds of Sata.

  24. I love Nevers Mumba first as a person, and also as a pastor (Man of God). But I hate him as a politician. I end here.

  25. LT stop moderating my comment and please dont delete it. There is nothing wrong with my first comment. Aaah yashani iyo.

  26. Attention Zambian Citizens.
    I am concerned.
    How come K2.1B attracts 2 years sentence.
    Is this the sentence for the rich? Less Years for crimes.
    Two months ago a poor Zambian man was sentenced to three years
    for stealing K6,000 if not mistaken. Sentence for the poor.
    Stealing a chicken in Zambia can even earn one 2 years Prison sentence
    Is this justice? Is the justice system fair in Zambia.
    Why Countrymen? Why should we allow this to happen?
    Is this the standard of our Justice System in Zambia.
    Zambia needs urgent Judicial Reforms.
    We need them now. We demand for them now.

    • The state failed to prove that the money was stolen. So, his case is failure to account for the money – a lighter case.

  27. If indeed students (UZA, CBU) were for the idea of CJ to go they would have marched enmasse to Supreme Court…but as it seems the PF intelligencia has failed to mobilise them. PF has difficulties convincing intellectuals…even kaponyas have lost interest in them!

  28. I find statements such as this one made by Nervous Mumba very shallow. They are meant to reflect intelligence and great analysis but to the contrary…Whats the point of telling us that the  removal of the CJ will result in serious implications on democracy without telling us what those implications actually are..Utter Rubbish

  29. Typically of politicians to beat about the bush..the other day Fackson Shamenda was asked what the GOVT intends to do to create jobs and the chap says we will put measures in place..WHAT MEASURES that’s what we want to know…

  30. Is it not the chief justice who went dine with Chiluba when he had a case to answer. Everybody said the CJ is mingling with thieves. Today this same CJ has bcome an angel. Zambians forget so easy. This same CJ even refused to shake hands with then opposition leader Sata.
    Zambians forget so easily

  31. Dr Mumba does not even understand the bible he reads, how do we expect him to understand national issues let alone legal ones?

    Life being as complicated as it is, Mumba might beat Mutati who is far superior in understanding issues and even better educated. Mutati does not need fake doctrates nor bishopwoods. Mumba cannot match other leaders in other parties like Chipimo Jnr. or Milupi of Narep or ADD, how can he lead MMD or the nation of Zed?

  32. Those failing to bring allegations against the chief justice and do not want to follow the due process of the law are unreasonable and a sign of lack of wisdom.

  33. Its sad that people are assuming MCS wants to fire the CJ. To the contrary MCS was advised last year in November that he should allow the current CJ to run down his current contract which is ending in September 2012..And that is exactly what he is doing.Has anyone noticed that the CJ is accorded the respect that office deserves by the MCS. He has not been marginalised in anyway. We have seen him at Statehouse fucntions that call for his presence on numerous occassions..Its amazing how a Pastor like Mumba can tell blatant lies and still profess to be a man of GOD

  34. we want thieves, crooks, swindlers, schemers, corrupts, looters OUT.
    We want a clean sweep…
    regardless of the method used….if the shady guys hang on to their seat….

  35. @judge chikopo..Nchito and gang wont get jail time.Liato could not explain how he obtained the loot he had buried at his farm..With the Nchito gang the obtained bank loans using the laid down procedures and submitted collateral and guarantees for the loans. Follow their case nicely and you will learn that their Creditors including DBZ are seeking recovery of the loans by calling in the assets Nchito and gang pledged as securities..In this scenerio Nchito and gang owing money is not considered a criminal office but a civil matter as per our constitution..Thats why even MCS has not fired Nchito

  36. Sata is not in charge of the country. It is the Zambian Mafia. They dictate how things should be done and when.

  37. This dunderhead! What serious implications are they? You bet he does not know them himself but just hallucinating like he does at Christian crusades. I mean, our judiciary is rotten to the core and that core is disErnest Sakala, so just how could reforms be effected with a rotten core? Maybe Mumba believes the ‘power of prayer’ can do this but realistic Zambians like me believe in the lord who helps those who help themselves i.e. remove the stinking Sakalanyongo!

  38. Who are the Mafias, mention some among the know are Mutomba Nchito, Mohan… I stop Judge Musonda warned us that those are dangerous.

  39. Kapoko stole10bn , liato hides 2bn , Membe loots 14bn..Jesus would ask who “Which of the three would feel guity when Zambia is called a poor country?’

    And we would say “we wud say kaaya” Then he turns to sata and asks the same qn’ sata would answer….Its “dora siliya’ wHY DID SHE LIQUIDATE ZAMBIAN AIRWAYS????????????????

  40. the thugs want CJ out because they have stolen enough,…may all the sorrows of this world follow you chaps..without any reservations..we hate you n GOD will judge you will never enjoy our money you are stealing..

  41. ba Mumba what are you saying?

    I cant seem to read your statement what is your contribution to this debate?

  42. We need to clean the Judiciary and get rid of all the corrupt judges. The time is now with or without the CJ.

  43. As surely as I remain the ruler of Zambia, No born again christian will ever rule my accursed country. I may allow Mutati to rule because he is a Lion and an adulterer. I only allow those who worship me to rule. Lu 4:7  If you, then, will worship me,(like the current) it will all be yours.”

  44. @Loveness namano tamuli efyo mulelanda. what kind of students can u be reasoning at the same level with Ukwa !haha mulasekesha saana eco muponena!
    u can’t achive anything in life, reason like ba kaponya olo Ukwa!

  45. That the CJ is corrupt is not in dispute! Leaving that honourable office in disgrace is the price he must pay for his corruption and for allowing the judiciary to descenmd to such low levels.

  46. Pastor mumba is a disgrace to the church and politics. this man sold a house he was given to enter politics, he failed to build a descent church for the people if mmd votes for this chap then they are finished. give us are visionary leader not just a foolish pastor who thinks just talking is all there is to do.talking rubbish in fact.

  47. MMD is finished?? Sad to have such as aspiring candidates, VOTE WISELY ELSE YOUR PARTY WILL BE FINISHED

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