Monday, June 17, 2024

Creating jobs or delivering a constitution in 90 days is unrealistic-Wynter Kabimba


PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba
PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba

Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Wynter Kabimba has admitted that it was not realistic that jobs or the constitution can be delivered in 90 days.

Speaking during a ZNBC Radio programme themed ‘Has PF Delivered on Campaign Promises, Nine Months in Government – What’s the Way Forward?’, Mr Kabimba, however said that the PF government is determined to create employment.

Mr Kabimba said the PF was determined to tackle all challenges including the high unemployment levels and appealed for patience among the citizens.

He said it was too early to criticise PF’s performance saying with time, the “fruits” of voting for President Sata’s led administration would start to trickle down to the masses.

Mr Kabimba said the PF’s victory was a revolution for Zambians from the corrupt MMD regime which he accused of running national affairs to satisfy personal needs after abandoning interests of citizens.

He said it would be unfair for Zambians to judge the performance of the PF Government in its nine months because it took over poorly-handled national affairs.

Mr. Kabimba also maintained that the fight against corruption is not selective but targeted at everyone regardless of political affiliation.

He pointed out that the PF wants to rid the country of corruption at all levels of society.

And Mr Kabimba said that the opposition political parties must feel free o engage the ruling party on local issues and not embarrass themselves by going to foreign dignitaries accredited to Zambia.

Mr. Kabimba said that diplomats are not accredited to Zambia to come and run the affairs of the country, but their countries interests.

He said that when the PF was in opposition it never approached donors on local issues but did so on issues with an international dimension such as elections.

Meanwhile, the he Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock will in the next two years employ about 4 000 trained personnel to fill vacancies in the ministry.

Agriculture and Livestock Deputy Minister Rodgers Mwewa said that 1 000 staff will be recruited this year while 3 000 will be employed next year.

Mr. Mwewa said that the move absorb all trained staff in the agriculture sector. The Deputy Minister was speaking yesterday after touring NRDC.

Meanwhile Mr. Mwewa is concerned at the poor sanitary situation of students’ hostels at the – NRDC- in Lusaka.



  1. Don`t entertain people who leave their current jobs to join new ones. Employ people who have never been employed before and do not ask for experience,people have never worked at all…!!!


  3. DR Phiri, Minister of Education, told Evelyn Hone students that the 90 day promises were for Kaponyas. So he admitted that PF told lies to win! I wonder how many lies PF has to tell. Nine months can be evaluated as well and judge the PF so far. What with confusion of realignment of ministries every 2 months!

  4. the only thing they have achieved so far is reshuffling ministers left right and centre….cinderella type of government…….

  5. #4 i’m 100% agreeing with u. I’m more iritable than ever. I watched paul kagame with CNN anchor GPS(google it) and one feels inspired by the policies and programs that are running in rwanda. Zero tolerance on corruption, inverstment in science and technology, heavy investment in public and social issues schools hospitals etc..having preferance to murwandi interms of employment. 
    I’m not hearing any of these from these pathetic party and kabimba should be ashamed to be talking about 90 days. That like fooling us. Hw does he expect people to listern next time around.

  6. Ahahhahhhaha Wynter, we like your honest. There we have it in black and white “WE LIED AND DUPED YOU STUPID ZAMBIANS”

  7. But Mr. Sata stood on the Courthouse steps on Inauguration Day with a Bible in hand and repeated the 90-day promise before the entire nation! Is Mr. Kabimba now saying that his boss is “not realistic” and which of his statements should we believe? 


  9. stupid *****s…… stupid *****s……… stupid *****s………… stupid *****s……… stupid ***** Kabimba…….

  10. If you believed or didn’t believe the 90 days and are getting upset about it now then you should question your intelligence. Don’t be “Muselela Kwakaba”. Think long term programs, not 90 days. 

    One thing in this article should be true regardless of your political affiliation, “Diplomats are not accredited to Zambia to come and run the affairs of the country, but their countries interests.”

    Promote and support good programs so that they those programs succeed. Politicians will come and go but you, you kids, your grand kids will always be there. 

  11. You lamentable failures we articulately told you that your ranting would eat you because there is a dangerous tag to lies.

  12. Other than being an army of potential revolutionaries, our youths in this dispensation of ranters are futureless, they are a lost Generation period. They have to seriously introspect and start a courageous match to reclaim their destiny soon if not now. There is need for self launched socioeconomic emancipation. How do you build a stable nation when all you are fueling is an economically disoriented generation? Can they marry, start families and secure the future of their children without socioeconomic solutions in sight?

  13. H.E. M. C. Sata is still unbundling districts…townships will soon be having District Commisioners, DEBS, etc, etc… Zambia will be the best run country.

  14. Dont put your trust in man. The heart of man is desperately wicked. Spare yourself the pain of disappointment. Some people were too lazy to check the promises PF made. Even after the thoughtful sounded alarm bells.

  15. from the comments it realy tells that we have alot of small brains in our country, its simple logic that what pf promised could not take place in 90days. i am shocked that people believed….

  16. Forewarning is forearming, PF chaps are in a dangerous predicament that needs serious thinkers to solve a dangerous situation. They are gambling in the hands of a revolutionary Generation that if not served, may push them all into mighty Zambezi river.

  17. “Election promises haunt Zambia’s Sata”

    A deadly stampede of women and children for jobs at a fishing factory and youth protests during military recruitments haunt Zambian President Michael Sata, brought to power on promises of jobs.In May, nine people died in a stampede when 5 000 women and children surged forward in anticipation of landing part-time jobs at a private fishing factory in the north of the country.

  18. Half the nation’s 13 million people don’t have formal jobs, and protesters say little has changed since Sata came to power in the world’s second copper producer under a year ago.Seven million are under 20 years old and earn less than a dollar a day.Last week, the Zambia Army’s nationwide campaign to hire cadet officers was marred by unrest as youths blocked roads with logs and set tyres ablaze in anger after tens of thousands turned out for only 800 openings.

  19. In September 2011 these young people had voted in their numbers for the new Patriotic Front (PF) under Sata.Those who missed the cut to join the army alleged corruption in the recruitment exercise because only close relatives of senior army officers and government officials were picked. The protesters claimed to have better qualifications than those selected.President Michael Sata, born in 1937 but who has never made public his exact birth date, was elevated to power from the opposition benches in last year’s polls on the wave of lies in promises to create jobs within 90 days.

  20. Appointing,disappoint,firing,reshuffling,creating districts,Creating jobs for pf bwanas and their close associates-Pf has done very well in these areas.

  21. It’s a circus full cycle now! These are the perils of voting for a damn lying CNP. You voted for him so enjoy your sour grapes, silently. Bo namunungu tuni ni saluluti samina sa mushobo mwa kola, nyooo mu lukehile!

  22. Personally i don’t subscribe to someone who cheats to get power, i wouldn’t even expect such a person to claim to be a servant of the people. We know you were lying and thats why we wont stop mocking you on the basis of the 90 days, you asked for this.

  23. few dubious contracts,such state house renovations,oil procurement etc are making summer kambimbi gain weight.kambimbi is a very small bird with tiny brains nowonder it can yup anyhow.time will catch up.

  24. The changing demographics and higher numbers of educated and unemployed youth littering streets hopelessly combined with an information revolution risks to mercilessly shove CNPs into might Zambezi river without being given the option of running into Congo DR.  Country men, the obtaining situation is getting critical and practically of an emerging revolutionary army for self emancipation. These factors played a critical role in the recent socio-political uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt. Watch the space. Its not kitchen sink politics and school yard propaganda of hired guns that will redeem the embattled but results of common good.

  25. Much as I am not a supporter of Ukwa, I dont think he is to blame. The blame lies squarely on those who believed his utterances despite his history of telling flagrant lies. With the youth you can say ok they do not remember what he was like in UNIP or Chiluba’s MMD, but what excuse can the old madalas including my own supposedly intelligent father give for believing that Ukwa was presidential material and would move Zambia forward? I think any fool that wants to become president should study on how Ukwa became the president of Zambia and lets not forget that a very high proportion of the electorate in the rural areas  did not vote – was that because they felt disenchanted with the political process or did they lack the logistics to get to the polling stations?

  26. It only pain those that believed in those lairs (CPNs). For me am cool and enjoying the drama. Next time read and listen between the line. LOL

  27. PF has now run out of lies – reality has dawned on them. Never in my voting age will I ever cast a vote for PF, never!

  28. Taking 90 days to put money in peoples pockets? That is too long. Incompetent. Vote for me next time, I will deliver in 60 days.  

  29. why cant winter kabimba and his party change from 90 days to 90 weeks so that the promise is within range? the majority will believe him as they believed the 90 days rant. after 90 weeks he can change to 90 months and letter 90 years people will still believe in that. what a government! full of kapunjunjus, hyenas without objectives. we need decent JOBS pliz imwe ba chimbwi. am burdened with a bunch of dependents and my children cant even enjoy my money.

  30. I posted this on the ZWD, but Loyd himoonga cant
    publish it coz his master HH, will stop funding him.

    Well written eassy, but lacks solutions to the many problems Zambia is facing………I wish to inform readers of this site that a shadow cabinet for UPND will be availed to you on Monday 16/7/2012…Look out for it.

    There is too much rhetoric in HH, thats why he cant be voted President of Zambia, The majority poor cant be fed with stories that lacks substance.On the issue of the dollarisation, this guy should have told us what PF should have done or what UPND can do to address that situation…I guess his dollar account has been badly hit by this development hence crying foul. HH y

  31. If this came from someone in the opposition, insults would have been flowing freely from the muppets who support PF.

  32. President Sata, Nawakwi, HH & Joyce Nonde are on the same flight to Rio, Brazil. The aircraft goes through turbulence and the cabin gets completely dark. Suddenly there is a kissing sound and then a slap! The plane comes out turbulence. The women & HH are sitting there looking perplexed. Sata is bent over holding his face, which is red from an apparent slap. All of them remain diplomatic and nobody says anything. Nawakwi is thinking, “Sata is crazy about Nonde.

  33. He must have tried to kiss her in the turbulence. Very proper that she slapped him.” Nonde is thinking, “Sata must have tried to kiss me but kissed Nawakwi instead and got slapped.” Sata is thinking, “Damn it. HH must have tried to kiss Nonde. She might have thought it was me & slapped me.”HH is thinking, “I have a plan, if this plane goes through turbulence again I will make another kissing sound & whack CNP again!”

  34. lol…Foolish Zambian who has bewitched you?????? You all knew Sata is a lier but you went ahead and voted for him….

  35. oh my GOD….wE WERE DUPED…ba kabimba naimwe.. why adimit..have you forgotten its was “dont kubeba” you are lucky you r not in govnment we would have fired you for imbalancing the president..

    Meanwhile mwaina!!!! are you still on ARV’SSS SIR..

  36. Yaba, Thank God I am not one of those who were duped. I have just realised that Iam a sharp. Feels good.

  37. Zambians should never allow a politician who has practised politics at section , ward, constuency levels ( LOWER POLITICAL ORGANS OF THE PARTY) to ascend to presidency. The results of such a mistake are there for everyone to sse. All countries in the wolrd are now looking up to distinguished and accomplished Corporate Executives for the top position of presidency.It is very pathetic to have these pathetic fools in govt.

  38. Its simple logic…..NO party can develop a country in 90 days.So most of you chaps are this dull that you believed that?Is this how dull zambians are?

    • Apparently that is how dull PF thought Zambians are when they made the promise! Shame to see a party treat the voters with so much contempt. 

    • The implication of what you are saying is that the people that voted for him on the 90 days promise are dull.

    • I would say  it was desperation,lack of education,lack of analytical skills a tribalism that drove people to believe such BS!

  39. Some ***** here will tell us that CNP SATA was just joking on the 90 days rhetoric, for 10 years and on party manifesto.

  40. PF is made of lies for liers by liers Sata should be ashamed of himself as an old man lies should not be like cob web in his mouth,the man is a disgrace to senior citizens the man has no dot of truth in him he is next to satana the father of lies he is another agent of the devil specilized in lies region zambia

  41. It’s tough being a politician. Half your reputation is ruined by lies the other half is ruined by the truth! I surely do not envy Kabimba’s position, it’s a classic dilemma of finding oneself between a rock and a hard place. Not even a snail’s teflon can slim Kabimba’s PF out of this catch 22 they happens to have embedded themselves into. In Kolwezi Katanga, they say: “Elyo lekeni lunye lwakwa Noah. Apuu inamusunga, yomunwi konji a ipweletele musululo pratatata mwa siziba sa mawindo muno mwaha!”

  42. This is the beauty of time, lies are now being accepted by the ones which told the lies. PF is a sure way of the poor sinking in deeper poverty. How sad that the uneducated Zambians were taken advantage of due to poverty levels prevailing in the country. PF just do the right thing; therefore we need to ensure we watch them.

  43. I have always known them to be liars and so I am enjoying every bit of it. I pray for more boobs and a harder life so that people can learn their lessons. Ni all smiles chabe for me lol.

  44. Winter is right what he is saying is that all those who believed the 90 days promise are fools and its the majority of zambians. At least I did not believe it so the fools who voted based on the 90 days are to blame. Sata and Winter new its not possible to do anything in 90 days. Let the *****s suffer

  45. I am glad for the first time we are getting answers from a political party though most are seeing it as political failure am seeing it as progress. People’s tensions are high and hopes it’s prudent of PF to say otherwise less people give up hope…. Well done Wynter well done PF…. neither should the messege of blamming the previous government become an excuse for improving the lives of people

  46. Miyanda has and always will be our best choice for president from 1964 to date. Open your eyes those that are wise.

  47. Thank you! At least now everyone knows what the opposition parties have known from day one. Now the blind supporters and street vendors who were excited know that the 90 days were for the leaders to get more money in their pockets and to get fat,

  48. Rodgers Mwewa is a Deputy Minister? Wow what a country!! This man spent some time in the USA a few years ago. The Man looked and behaved more like a Koponya than anything else. If this is the Caliber of leaders that Zambia has, then forget about ever moving this country forward. Sometimes I think Zambia is at the economic level where it is purely from foreign influence and the Local leaders have nothing at all to do with the little progress that has been made. Rodgers Mwewa is just a Minister because he is Bemba? Sata is not fit to be president of anything!!! Continue giving these fools more time at your own peril.

  49. And when i called them F.O.O.L.S i was insulted… no modern country can be lead by great 7 and achieve any meaningful development. I hope someone will prove me wrong. I absolutely do not see any sober minded intellectual in PF who can even come close to taking the country anywhere

  50. Chanda chimba III must be smiling he did a good job and brought out all that u wanted to know on UKWA but u wanted to kill him why are u complaining.

  51. I can foresee PF not even getting a 20% vote in 2016 thats if elections will not be earlier

  52. Whe HH reminds them of their fake promises they say he’s bitter and tribal!!!! Here it is now. What are the PF (Pathetic Failures) cadres saying?

  53. What’s wrong with you anti-PF chaps? The 90 days promise was just CNP having a light moment with his kaponya cadres. Even education minister and ka winter Bimba agree. Ni donti…fimofimo kanshi! Pabwato yaluka!

  54. What a circus. I love this drama and turn of events for sure. Kamimba is right we were foolish to take his jokes seriously. It’s now time for payback – twabamo! We just have ourselves to blame for listening to kaponyass and the like to vote for PaFwaka. Caught in own cobweb- stupid PaFwaka spiders! I rest my case!

  55. Capitulation of Winter Kabimba is admission of lies that have lost effect now with PFgovt. To admit failure is honourable than ifitala fya a ba Bemba. Today Zambians have realised PF Sata and Kabimba are liars more evil will follow to confound lies and their effects. Zambians are now upset for taking them as fools to be duped like children. They will punish you with votes as lies wont work on them. This should humble Sata and Kabimba but as you say it in your region ‘wa kalema ta leka’. Lies will lead to your down fall and leave behind a legacy of PF as a government of LIES.

  56. Please imwe bantu just start working implementing your development agenda let foul language and blame game leave the arena, something tangible has to start showing! Talk, talk and more talking, lies weaving into more lies when are we going to untangle? Action please the time bomb is ticking and it may explode!

  57. It is amazing how these politicians can lie and lie again. The minister of Finance and acting president (Chikwanda) said that his Govt. was going to build on the solid foundation left by his predecessor (former finance minister). What Wynter is talking about therefore when he talks of poorly managed affairs is only best known to himself. It is this inconsistence in this party (PF) that will no deliver any fruits. They will keep on giving excuses about MMD until they are voted out of power. They are busy giving themselves contracts through proxy companies they own while shouting loudly about the corruption of a party that is not in power. Nine months into power they are still mourning as though they are in opposition. PF will be remembered as the most inconsistent party in Zambian history.

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