Saturday, June 1, 2024

Cabinet composition not about nepotism, the ministers worked hard for the positions-GBM


Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba arrives in Kasama to officiate the ordination ceremony of Kasama Archbishop Ignatius Chama at St. Johns Cathedral.

Defence Minister Geoffrey Mwamba has said that the appointment of the current cabinet ministers should not be mistaken for nepotism because the individuals fought hard for the positions.

Mr. Mwamba said that President Michael Sata cannot look outside for people to work within his inner circle when he has people he worked hard with to remove the MMD from power.

Mr. Mwamba said that whether it is nepotism or not, the allegations being made will not change anything because the cabinet ministers are already serving in government.

He wondered were those accusing the President of practicing nepotism expect him to place the people he closely worked with while in opposition.

And Republican President, Michael Sata, is expected in Kawambwa district to grace this year’s Mutomboko traditional ceremony of the Lunda-speaking people.

Luapula Province Minister, Brig Gen Benson Kapaya, confirmed to ZANIS in Mansa that President Sata will be guest of honour at the Mutomboko annual traditional ceremony to be held at Mwansabombwe.

Brig Gen Kapaya said it was important for all the officers charged with certain roles in the preparations for the ceremony to put their minds to it because the Head of State has indicated that he was coming to grace the ceremony.

And Mines, Energy and Water development Deputy Minister Richard Musukwa who was in Mansa on a tour of some mines in the province also confirmed that the Head of State would grace the Mutomboko traditional ceremony.



  1. Apointing yo shushushus, What doe GBM mean by ‘Sata cannot look outside for people to work within his inner circle when he has people he worked hard with to remove the MMD from power’ But people he is appointing are from the same MMD so those chaps were just spies

  2. We all know its nepotism GBM, but please “Donch Kubeba”. GBM have you already forgotten the PF slogan barely 9-10 months in Govt? You are as dull as Boxer in Animal farm. Please squiler Kabimba, teach this guy to understand the slogan, his dullness is making us being attacked on our nepotism by tongas.

  3. Okay, fair game GBM. At least he has addressed this issue head-on and with candidness. I respect men who speak from their hearts, and for this alone I feel I won’t need to ponder why there is nepotism in PF – basically because he will repeat the same answer! But fair game to him. This is politics…in many ways what he says sounds logical – whether the practice itself is good or bad is a different question. We all know how much people like GBM spent on PF campaigns and they are basically working to get their ‘refund’ for the billions of Kwacha they spent to support Sata. If PF guys could be this candid, they would probably have less problems and may be respected for that. The problem is they often want to pretend to be who they are not. Now we know there is looting going on!

  4. Since Gen. Kapaya was Luapula province minister? I pray and hope that noisy Kaponya Roger Mwewa is fired for good. More-over Mwewa can’t be at Mutomboko becasue Mwata Kazembe is looking for him.

    • Mwata Kazembe does not like Rodgers Mwewa because he stood on PF and his preferred candidate Criticals Mwansa lost.You should research before you talk,Rodgers Mwewa is Mwata’s distant cousin and he(Mwata) felt being betrayed.Criticals Mwansa is Mwata’s friend from way back.Anyway to make it simple who is Mwata in this? 

    • Rogers mwewa was here in the USA sometime ago and I can tell you he is not qualified to hold any office in Government. He is just a simple kaponya. If it is Bemba’s Sata wants, why not appoint credible men like George Mubanga. Thats a good man right there.

  5. The fellow doesn’t analyse what he says before saying it. His statement entails that Sata was just working with his relatives & tribesmen to boot out the MMD. He excluded the other tribes just from the beginning. Why should they claim to be all inclusive now by forcefully appointing MPs from MMD as deputy Ministers? They bark a lot about HH being a tribalist & yet they are worse.

  6. Hence the appointment of your uneducated daughter to the Namibian embassy and Masebo’s kid to the Japan console….Thank you PF. We made a mistake to vote for you as Zambians.

  7. GBM no analytical capacity! Ku bwetuka chabbe. This is a typical case of big money is not always equals to big brains. You just happen to be in the right place at the right time and no thinking required. His utterances are always without any analysis and will one day bring shame to the govt if he has not already done so on several accassions. Shameful!

  8. i do not have a problem with the cabinet appointments but with these other positions where you do not need to be an MP. Start from permanent secretaries, DCs, Judges, Directors of parastatals, etc.
    If i was Sata and not tribal then for the 8 nominated MPs i would have chosen from the provinces where the PF didnt do well to balance my cabinet. Am sure all the eight nominated MPs are from Northern.

    Good lucky to Sata & PF but the living God will not allow this to continue for we are all equal in God’s eyes!

  9. An admission then that GRZ is composed not of the most able/competent individuals – straight from the horses mouth.

  10. pastor mumba fired them all,your mps are not MMD they are pf,you see what this fool saying,so pf now is one state.wakeup mumba.

  11. And some morons go bursting their arteries shouting “one Zambia one nation”. Thanks Godfrey mwamba for pointing out the obvious. Sata is a tribalist. He is running a Bemba govt and not a Zambian govt. It is time we demarcate the borders so that we all go our separate ways. Project Zambia has failed!

  12. What the people of Zambia have been saying since these family members took over has now been confirmed.

  13. Did those 9 MMD cowards you appointed whose most seats you are contesting in court part of the inner circle that made you win?

  14. Ok so its ok to have a kaponya as a minister just because he worked hard in removing the MMD from power???? Mama elo lwanya fye nomba

  15. Finally PF nepotism and tribalism is confirmed by someone in the inner circle. They should thank their stars that Zambia is a banana republic otherwise this confirmation could have led to a vote of no confidence in this nepotistic government.

  16. Power corrupts. Total power corrupts totally. Mr. GBM, you are financially sound and did not need this job. Lucrative contracts would have been awarded to you all the same, but no, because you campaigned hard for PF you felt it was your right to take your pick from the most lucrative of jobs knowing very well that you cannot deliver? There are better qualified and experienced people (including bembas) who should hold this portfolio. What added value can individuals such as yourself possibly bring running the country?

  17. Nepotism is ripe with northerners. Kaunda was the same, his government was Bemba and chipata ( not easterners, CHIPATA ngoni ). I had to state the obvious here, used to think Sata was a different type of leader brutish in a good way. Then he appointed Kambwili and GBM to important cabinet posts shake my head. Namugala and masebo would be smarter and more attractive choices. I miss seeing a good looking woman being minister. If ever the opposition needed a new voice it’s now.

  18. Imwe naimwe mulebako serious natu analysis twenu. Those close to Sata does not mean his family members. It can be any one such as Yamfwa Mukanga a Tonga or Lungu a Ngoni who fought with him.

  19. If Sata has whatever between his whatever , he should really fire this Minister. Did he have to open his mouth? First he makes online media popular by picking a fight with them, and now he wants to make the nepotism label stick on president Sata the way the names Ukwa & CNP have. This is extra ordinary indeed. This Government knows how to provide entertainment to the masses. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot.

    And if I may ask, why was GBM answering that question. Isn’t Sakeni the Government spokesperson to deal with such issues. Just when is this government settling down?

    Maybe he is being vocal because he knows what we don’t know and he is trying to reposition himself for the big time.

    • He reads them! (as can be seen from his fight with “online” papers) But his head and stomach is full of water, he can’t think

    • He tries to read them but he does not fully understand them because he is illiterate and needs someone to translate into bemba.

  20. What about the MMD MP’s sata is appointing into government? How did they help sata boot out the MMD?
    That’s not true mr minister of DEFENCE AND PF PUBLIC RELATIONS.

  21. This confession exonerates HH, we now know the true tribalists, so it means our votes meant nothing because we are not PF inner circle? Lets wait for 2016 and see what happens.

  22. GBM’s urgument does not gel because PF claim to have structures in all provinces and if this is so, why weren’t these pipo appointed under the 8 nominees? Most PF members who campaigned at the grassroots are discontented as they feel cheated and even risked their businesses and jobs during campaigns but they have not been acknowledged, or rewarded because jobs are being given to MMD fellas and close relatives and friends to SATA. This is a flimsy justification and next time please people we should all vote wisely, lets be not be used and cheated.

  23. @ # 22 Probably you did not live under Kaunda’s rule. The Man identified himself as a bemba but managed to Balance the Cabinet and the Central Committee. In case you are too young to know, the Central Committee was higher than Cabinet during Kaunda’s time. It was a typical Socialist arrangement which PF is trying to emulate. The Secretary General of the Party was a defacto # 2 while the head of Government was the Prime Minister. If you go into your archives you will see how Kaunda went to great lengths in trying to balance positions at any level. Please spare the man. He made blunders economically but that was like any other socialist state including China and the Soviet Union. He was nevertheless above tribal politics. A few of his relatives but they qualified.

  24. Who is saying the truth between LT and ZWD? favouritism will never end in Africa.Even me if I were the president I would first pick my associates and then others,why should they suffer when I have the powers.Everyone here can do the same so simply SHUT UP. 

  25. This is what people have wanted for so long. Admission that there is nepotism in appointments. Thank you Mr Minister for finally coming out in the open and calling a spade a spade. The pretense was too much.

  26. Ona sinyikuta se kwa butoto, apuu! He hearly killed his wife for telling him that he has a small penis. Now we know he has zero brains too whence ‘stupid’, what did Sata then see in this “sikapu mwana lilolo tumukela mungala?”

  27. The very error made by RBB. He antagonised all, but one, sectors of the Zambian society. He told them he never asked for their votes. He called them names, amambala. His eyes opened too late to the stark reality that he needed the other people to continue enjoying the spoils of being in Govt.
    What GBM confirmed is nothing new. Kapwepwe and Chiluba must be smiling in their graves; for Bemba hegmony; Bemba loading it all on all the other tribes has always been their prayer. And this is their finest hour. Yet only the Tonga and the Barotse are tribalists.

  28. GBM u are an embarrassment to the Bembas……Shame on u. How do we continue calling tongas and lozies tribal like this…eeee? Next-time shut your fat (jaribu-faced) mouth. Learn to practice Donchi Kubeba for once.. shaaaa? 

  29. The government could not keep denying this fact for a long time because it was crystal clear. Now, it is officially confirmed.

  30. It is not about quality but all about Bembas.Whether the vornomless cobra keeps on reshuffling his cabinet the quality of delivery won’t be achieved.What a combination aPF cabinet vs MMD deputies.

  31. # 44 You are right politics of patronage will never end in Zambia and Africa at large,Chiluba and Mwanawasa did the same.Jonas Shakafuswa was his newphew and Sisala who has been just acquitted is Maureen’s cousin,so continue making noise certain things will never change prove me wrong.GO LISTEN TO CHANGES BY TUPAC.   

  32. GBM may be better than MCS in that for once he has told the truth as it is. and having known the truth we should be set free

  33. I beg to differ,Willie Nsanda equally worked hard.At the end of the day did he get the Ministerial position?

  34. Ok fine. 2016 we are removing Sata and his relatives and friends from government. Don’t complain that no bemba is in the 2016 government and key institutions. After all I think you dont know that sata and his relatives and friends cannot win an election. Good luck to you bembas. And also don’t complain when you are locked up as bembas in masses come 2016 for plunder of national resources. you now know that your days are numberd and you will steal like no man’s business being what you are. We will lock all of you up bembas not like what sata is doing- only paying lip service on corruption fight.

  35. GBM is becoming Yellow Man. Is this what they call Jaribu cream? That is also a dangerous belly to have.

  36. This is how it goes….The chaps were pretending to be MMD wen in actual facts they were PF.In every meeting that MMD had and was attended by 5 pipo,atleast one out of those will leak the news.Banda balemudabwisha………..alande ifiii… its too late that he is knowing who were doing that thi time. hahahahaha….

  37. This absolutely ireasonable. People should not be appointed to run the people of zambia in a government on the merit of having worked hard for Pf to win the previous election. They can be appointed in the inner circle of the party like winter Kabimba. Otherwise we need credible people who can understand the situation of the country and have a dream of delivering Zambians from the shackles of poverty and unemployment. otherwise with this pase we are not going any where as a nation only few people will be benifit on the expense of the poor.

  38. In a democracy, a political party is like a club. You appoint people based on their standing in the club. Appointing people who belong to other clubs (parties) is risky cos they can resign any time they fee like. Some members in a club are prepared to die for the club! They sacrifice all to their club (party)…

  39. What GBM has said makes a lot of sense. pf was in opposition for ten years unforturnately there has been a lot of gate crashers like masebo, Gbm, bwalya chiti and the like. Even Obama when he won the elections he appointed his supporters from Chicago honestly did you expect sata to appoint people that never supported him?

  40. @ HEYA Kaunda’s reign caused nepotism even into the core of ZCCM. back in the day when bembas and Tongas were friends. It appears 2016 we need a leader not from the north period. Most other Zambians are waking up to this fact watch this space. 

  41. This is Vindication for those of us who have been telling you about the rampant Bemba tribalism in Zambia. I don’t want to hear any Bemba calling others tribalists from this point onwards. Bemba’s are the only people who have never voted for anyone outside their clan. The Tonga’s and Lozi’s proved they were not tribalists when they voted for Chiluba in 91. The Bemba’s proved they were tribalists when they refused to vote for Mazoka in 2002. The handwriting has been on the wall for a long time and only fools refuse to see it.

  42. So at the end of the day why do you call  HH a man who love  tribalisms WHEN YOU BEMBAS THROUGH GBM YOU HAVE TOLD US THAT TRIBALISM IS WITH YOU BEMBAS ….we will see what happens NEXT ELECTIONS /:)

  43. Since he went to Manchester University in london lol ,Fat albert wants to run the out GBM for presido

  44. It is quite clear that those who are in the so called bemba inner circle do not see that thye are setting a bad precedence for this country. I am disappointed that KK can be mute on these matters. Are there no reasonable bemba s in this country who can stand up and oppose this ridiculous appointment of an all bemba clan in government?

  45. @#58 Kolwe-You have used a very flawed analogy. You cannot defend something bad by alluding to the USA. Look at the US Cabinet, is there anybody from Chicago? Please, avoid using such wrong comparisons.

    • Obama first chief of staff at the white house Mr Rahm Emanuel who presently mayor of Chicago was from Chicago. He was followed by Mr William Daley who is also from Chicago. the point is you appoint your sponsors and supporters in running your administration.  

  46. GBM is right Sata worked with this people for 10 years in opposing MMD, So why look somewhere else now that PF is in power when there people who willingly sacrificed for 10 in PF. IF its only Bemba’s who worked with Sata so let be like that coz they are the people who only worked with Sata while other tribes didnt want, so just sucked up and move on. its just a political trick to appoint MMD MPs as deputy ministers Sata is using to weaken MMD for 2016 period.

  47. #16 – It is thinking like yours that has brought so much civil war, heartache and pain to a lot of African countries.

  48. There is absolutely no sweet without sweat. For over 10 years MCS strived to realise his dream and it was transformed into real fruition. Who has to share the cake? Of course the same people that had helped Sata realise his dream 

  49. @Bricklayer.
    You right,these kolwestans never voted for mazoka but mwanawas coz was chiluba’s choice.And what makes these move a lot?its like they are all over Zambia.In today’s Post a fanwell mwaba was saying, people of shibuyunji are happy of being re-aligned to lusaka when infact not.Who is he to speak on behalf of sala speaking people.How can Chief Shakumbila be in Mumbwa District as well as Lusaka or central province and Lusaka province?Winter come on.

  50. Most Tongas opposed PF , called Sata names,so why should Sata appoint them, you reap what you sow. I would do the same if I was elected president.

    • To educate your ignorant brain, Sata has tried to appoint MPs from SP and all UPND MPs are principled and they all refused his offer. Without that democracy in Zbia will crumble

    • If they are principled why taking the law in their hands by hiring youths to demonstrate? for your own information the race is not meant for the weak PF Is very strong on the ground

  51. Can some one tell me how English became the official language in Zambia,when it has 72 tribes ? It’s influence no one could stop that 

  52. The supporters of this tribal conandrum as confirmed by GBM (wife batter) feeds the perception that PF govt has lacked technocrats to stir development and quality of governance. ALL PF membership can not challenge Mr Sata to leave PF members as Deputy ministers to appoint MMD MPs. Granted he has a right, however there is TOTAL disrequard for PF members who deserve those appointments. When GBM claims appointed people(even those whose only qualification was being BEMBA) Did MMD MPs appointed equally worked hard for those posts?

    • You are wrong My Brother. Are you trying to insinuate that those that ;worked; all by coincidence have names such as Mwansa, Mwewa, Bwalya etc…. Let us be reasonable as Zambians. That line of reasoning you are trying to advance does not make sense. See beyond today, and yesterday.

  53. I also need to buy a dress’s a I Purchase of high quality wedding, your content, I really like post.

  54. The law allows the President to appoint any member of Parliament .I urge the so called graduates to stand as MP’s if the so called kaponyas are elected don’t complain in fact the Kaponyas are doing better than the illite in terms of business

  55. Hello there. I discovered the website the actual online. This is a great write-up. I will be sure to book mark the idea along with resume get more information of your helpful information. Thanks for the actual publish. I willundoubtedly go back.

  56. @ 63, Bembas voted for Mwanawasa who was Lenje.Stop this tribal crap, not all Bembas voted for Sata just as not all Tongas voted for HH.

  57. Mwamba is right. Sata and his ministers campaigned hard for years. You do not expect the President to appoint people who do not share his vision into ministerial positions. Kaunda’s case is different. We were under single party rule and everyone, starting from Honorables Elijah Mudeda, Malimba Masheke, Grey Zulu, Sikota Wina, Athur Wina, VJ Mwanga, simon Kalulu, you name them- they belonged to Unip and so KK had literary everyone in the country to pick from. How do you expect MCS to appoint people who are totally opposed to him and what he stands for? Even Obama has his closest guys from Chicago. That is politics guy. Grow up!

  58. Thanks GBM for confirming that your Sata and self are tribal, hence PF is tribal and in conclusion PF is for the Bembas. Shame to the other tribes supporting such a party.

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