Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Government challenged to explain Judge Chikopa’s status


FILE: President Michael Sata with Malawian High Court Judge Lovemore Chikopa (second l), Justice Naboth Mwanza (r) rand Justice Thomas Ndhlovu (far l) after a swearing-in at State House.

The Alliance for Good Governance says government should update the nation on the status of Malawian Judge Lovemore Chikopa who is chairperson of a tribunal appointed to probe three Judges.

Alliance chairperson Reverend Phukuta Mwanza says the nation would like to know how much government is spending for his upkeep while in the country.

Reverend Mwanza, who is also Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia executive director, says government should also explain the relevance of Justice Chikopa’s continued stay in the country at the expense of tax payer’s money.

Speaking at a breakfast meeting in Lusaka this morning, Reverend Mwanza says government should exercise caution and be prudent in the utilization of public resources instead of extravagantly wasting it by keeping a Judge who has not officially started working on his assignment.

The Alliance for Good Governance is a consortium of organizations among them; the Evangelical Fellowship of Zambia (EFZ), the Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP), the Operation Young Vote and the Press Association of Zambia (PAZA).

Others are the Zambia Federation for the Disabled (ZAFOD), the Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) and 2410.

And the Alliance has also expressed regret over the continued lack of consultation between the Patriotic Front government and opposition political parties on national development.

Reverend Mwanza says the absence of consultation does not help in fostering a positive relationship in a multi-party democratic system, where political diversity is an essential element for checks and balances.

He has since urged the Patriotic Front, being a party in government, to take up the initiative of calling on opposition political parties to dialogue so as to help bring about reconciliation.

Meanwhile, Reverend Mwanza has observed that the delay in putting up a legal frame work to back the constitution making process will grossly affect the legitimacy of the technical committee.

He says the Alliance laments the lack of critical direction and roadmap in the constitution making process as the committee has failed the draft constitution within the stipulated 90 days.



  1. Judge Chikopa ba ka kana impiya. They will share the loot. what else and what the hell is he still doing in zambia? he has adjourned all the cases he had in malawi to come and make money here.

  2. Payment in kind for the services he offered to the then opposition zambian leader when he was deported from Malawi

  3. there is no tribunal to chair. what the hell is he still doing in zed? let him pack his suit cases back to nyasaland.

  4. this judge chikopo has no morals, do you just stay for nothing and get paid just like that!let him go back..that means he has no business in he a good Judge..?

  5. You never know, maybe someone in PF is gay so Chikopa is hired for sexual services at tax payer’s expense. There must be some special connection not just the persecution of Zambian Judges.

  6. For your own info. PF is not known to swallow  pride in light of doing the right thing.
    For them it should pain you . Thats why according to them you are bitter.

  7. Government in a quandary; not knowing what to do and when to do it, now that so much has already been lost. Opportunity was lost when it was still reasonable to let this guy go back. Now, it is like saying, “after all I am already late, I an as well be off the whole afternoon”! They dont even know when it would be cheaper to send him and bring him back,,as opposed to staying back a few more days – the concept of marginal costing and the like!

    However, it is no surprise that the whole farce was effected without following the laid down procedure, which is, a complaint SHOULD HAVE BEEN LODGED WITH THE COMPLAINTS COMMISSION WHO WOULD THEN HAVE ADVISED THE CHIEF JUSTICE, who would then HAVE REFERRED TO THE PRESIDENT TO EFFECT THE SUSPENSIONS!! In the absence of the above, the RESPECTED JUSTICES WILL FIND IT VERY HARD TO GO AGAINST OUR PRESENT CONSTITUTION whether there is a valid case or not!!!

  9. We Zambians, we mean we can tolerate this nonsense??? Where are the students, Unza and CBU?? I remember during our tym at campus, we would demonstrate on such moral issues and believe u me its easier and quicker lyk that for the Govnt to act. So Ba Unza naba CBU make a peaceful demonstration against Chikopo. Don’t break cars or block roads, go to ZNbc and MUVI TV to air yo views, the country and the world will know about this injustice on my Tax. Definitely the govnt will act. Noti lyonsefye ati BC and closing Unza. Make and act on issues of national interest as well. Be a voice

  10. #6 taliban,
    You have wrapped it up so well. A principled and morally upright human being cannot accept to receive huge sums of money for doing nothing and at the expense of poor and suffering Zambians. This chap has even forgotten that he has a family and a job in Malawi. He is the lowest of all scum, a typical Malawian.

  11. What is official corruption and who can be answerable for it.On moral ground this silly so called judge should have decided on his own without being pushed to leave the country and come back when he is recalled.What type of a judge is this Cikopo fellow, can he deliver an independent judgement, surely. Go home to your family Sikopo.

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