Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Shamenda commends KCM for not pruning workforce


Government has commended Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) for rescinding its earlier decision to lay off over 2000 workers.

Labour Minister, Fackson Shamenda, said the shift by KCM not to lay off the workers is a clear testimony of its commitment of not only focusing on retention but also on the plight of its employees and their families.

Mr Shamenda also said he was impressed with KCM management’s commitment during the preliminary discussions with Government and union leaders among others on the matter of laying off its workers.

The minister, who was flanked by his deputy, Ronald Chitotela and other senior ministry officials, was speaking to journalists at a press briefing in Lusaka today.

Mr Shamenda further said it would have been unfortunate to lose such a huge labour force and thanked all stakeholders for addressing the issue with deep concerns.

Meanwhile, Mr Shamenda has warned that government will not entertain any local or foreign investors wilfully trying to lay off workers in the country.

Mr Shamenda has since called on other investors to emulate KCM’s gesture of upholding the dignity of the workers in the country and not only to focus on making huge profits.

He said government has provided a conducive environment for all investors to operate in, adding that it is ready to dialogue with investors on all matters pertaining to investment in the country.

Konkola Copper Mines (KCM) yesterday rescinded its decision to lay off 2000 workers.



  1. Asryt !! Well done Shamenda and your team.I thought you were fighting a losing battle.You have proven me wrong.Aluta continua !!!

  2. I would love him to explain why KCM pays only 50 Million bags to ZESCO when in fact it uses 150 million bags of electricity. Who pays the difference.
    What measures are putting in place to avoid excessive emissions of contaminants that is affecting human life.
    They can produce full audit of how much so far has not been paid to Govt as tax.

  3. When are Zambian gov’ts going to stop treating its citizens like school kids…what’s changed since last week? I suspect the gov’t has awarded KCM concessions in exchange for retaining those 2000 casual workers. A hefty bill that will be paid by the taxpayer whilst Vedanta Resources PLC enjoys the massive profits.

  4. Fishy! The KCM new what it was having down the sleeve and needed some means of having our Govt to the table and employ issue was the easier way. KCM sent panic in Govt and Zambian Circles by threatening to prune workers this ended up dealing with their owing ZRA to me this was the major issue Kcm wanted Support. Again we have been swindled. These are Mwenyes masters of dirt business watch them carefully.


  5. Shamenda you’ve just traded the $25.6m owed by KCM for the retention of those 2000 useless jobs which will cost KCM a paltry $5m in wages if those poor workers were to continue working for a decade. You’ve just given away $20.8 m to these Guptas!

  6. Ba Shamenda you have been duped by JJ and Manish! they have got you just where they wanted you are even congratulating them. please take time to talk to employees privately, then you will know the truth about these Indian satanists! Problem is when they line your pockets you even forget the people who voted for you. people have lost jobs at KCM and they will continue doing so while you get personal favours from these blood suckers! we know how many ministers’ chilcren have their school fees paid by KCM, your hour of reckoning is near!

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