Tuesday, May 7, 2024

ZAF corporal convicted for defilement


The Mbala Magistrates Court has committed a Zambia Air Force officer to the High Court for sentencing after convicting him of defilement.

Before Magistrate, Stanley Sinyangwe, was Corporal Crispin Mutemwa Masheke, 30, a Zambia Air Force officer based at ZAF Mbala Air Base, who was charged with defilement contrary to Section 138 sub-section of Act number 15 of the Penal Code chapter 87 of the Laws of Zambia.

The accused pleaded guilty to the charge of having canal knowledge of the below aged below 16.

And in his ruling, Magistrate Sinyangwe, said he committed Masheke to the High Court because the offence committed required a stiffer sentence which was beyond his jurisdiction.

Particulars of the offence were that on unknown dates but between January and November, this year, Masheke did have unlawful carnal knowledge of a named girl aged 10, whom he was looking after.

Facts of the case were that the accused repeatedly defiled the girl after grabbing her from the bedroom into the sitting room of his house.

The ordeal allegedly started last year after Masheke took custody of the girl following the death of one of her parents.

However, the matter was reported to the police, who later arrested the accused on November 25, this year for defilement.

And a medical report presented to the court revealed that the child was defiled and may have contracted a Sexually Transmitted Infection following sexual abuse, as indicated by a urinary infection that she developed.

Meanwhile, Magistrate Sinyangwe, warned perpetrators of defilement and other offences that the courts of law would not relent in meting out stiffer punishment on perpetrators as a measure of deterring would-be offenders.

Defilement is one of the serious sexual offences in the laws of Zambia and carries a minimum sentence of 15 years imprisonment with hard labour for those found guilt of the offence.



  1. ‘The accused pleaded guilty to the charge of having canal knowledge of the below aged below 16.’

    The officer who is supposed to protect the nation has now injured the psychology of a GOVERNMENT TROPHY (aged below 16 or 16 years old). Sad reading, but he deserves the sentence he got.

  2. hearing this about a zaf man is no news at all. His former commanders are both in the court of law. Bad fish starts smelling from the head. Thare are alot of wrong things going on in ZAF from their headquarters to Mbala. Keep all these chaps in check!!!!!!!!!

  3. Birthday was ok. At least there was no rigging, i was worried the date wouldnt come up in the calendar. How re you Maestro?

  4. #9. Pumpy, nice learning that your “Birthday was ok. At least there was no rigging, i was worried the date wouldnt come up in the calendar.”

    On “How re you Maestro?”

    I am quite fine because my work load is increasing exponentially by the day. In fact, the rate at which I seem to be reducing in size appears to be inversely proportional to the gains in academic knowledge I am consequently acquiring.

    Anyhow, I thank the good Lord God that He still offering me life and also, that you have had your birthday nicely without rigging.

    Until the next episode, this is my epilogue for today and keep well, Pumpy.

  5. Bombohclaat! Woman plenty like rice but him rather molest a pickney, what a shame! Jail house is de only convinient place fe him, so dat he can get molested same way.

  6. Sembe naeve Officer analindila chabe.
    18 year is official grazing age.That girl was only 3 yrs short.But this one sounds like incest too.give him another 5yrs on top,so that the time he comes out of jail he will be 50 and weak to screw anybody.
    i have adopted another name depending on the story

  7. I just wonder how these guys manage to do this. I mean, my penis can’t even penetrate a virgina that is not yet wet.

  8. Masheke! you are a big embarrancement, a service man for that matter, worse still mwana amulozi.Where is the respect? How on earth can you screw a 10 yr old.I suggest to the police to open up another docket of Incest so that on top of the 15 yrs you receive another 15 or 20 yrs. By the time you will be out old age will cripple you summounted by Prison life. I think you need a medical check up at Chainama to determine your sanity. I doubt if you are normal.May you rot in Prison Corporal.

  9. Corporal Masheke, nyere ya bwanji yochita mwana panyumba? Kupaka vima hule ku Mbala uko? Nangu ten pin, wachita chabe instead of doing your dependent who is a minor. Chamanyazi chabe. You have nothing in mitigation Corporal. You are instantly dismissed from the parade and fall out!

  10. Musiyeni Soldier blue what’s the difference with RB and wifey 74yrs VS 27 Yrs = 47 then Soldier blue 30 yrs VS 10 = 20 yrs

    Chimo ni chimo

  11. This man is a dog, whats wrong with some people. What kid of military officer is he, i thought military personnel were supposed to be disciplined. i think the sentence for such offenders should be life imprisonment.

  12. #21, looks like you are a possible difiler because you have seen nothing wrong with masheke’s behavior.what if it was your daughter who was defiled would you cogratulate the defiler. Masheke should be caged and u should be caged with him.

  13. Ba lady first tell me the difference with Soldier blue and RB. I am not saying that he is a hero or what he did is commendable. I just threw it out there as chimo ni chimo

  14. i think the shud increase the sentence for these chaps coz the dont seem to learn from thier freinds to make matters more dangerous the chap shud be shot on site pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzz

  15. He was on training to check weather he could kill the girl or not.Civilians have no rights to refuse to be captured by uniformed officers.
    Poverty will lead to such issues in Zed.

    Viva H H a man who will be serious with Zed laws for implementations

  16. Vitendeni – Cut his bazzoka otherwise even when he finishes serving his term will still do it especially that will have been missing the stuff (sexually active)

  17. Iwe Peral. You havent seen that your soldier defiled a minor and RB’s case the lady was above 18 years. wait till someone defiles your daughter if at all you have or u will have one.

  18. Man you are crazy.come to states and take your pick.is it maybe there are longer virgins in zambia and thats why men have resorted to banging infants.can someone from Zed tell me?

  19. Pearl what do you mean by saying “musiye soldier blue” don’t support something wrong. Masheke deserves the punishment. To hell with his demon together with you.

  20. Masheke you are an embarrasment to all the service men and your commander at large.What is wrong with you men in this country,amaule fyani kuti wacita napali 5pin,leave small girls alone.There is no need of puting this guy behind bars,the best punishment is just to cut ayakwe (vitendeni)period.Mothers should feel safe to leave thier daughters with thier uncles,fathers and the like,napapata fimwansa kabinga imwee.

  21. Ha!! #40 Pompido. Ulwaile luli, kwa LT kona kuli akuna ma lozi.. kono ubulezi niti, uluswabisize masheke. ki lwa pili ni boona mutu ku ngola mwa silozi ne ni li ki ma bemba fela ba bangolaga sishobo sa bona

  22. UNZA MOOMA or (MOMA)?
    Any way use the offical language so we can understand and not LOZI. Better still you can use Tonga.

  23. #25

    Ba lady first tell me the difference with Soldier blue and RB. I am not saying that he is a hero or what he did is commendable. I just threw it out there as chimo ni chimo.

    End quote.

    Are you serious you don’t know the difference? Its not about age difference but age. An adult of whatever age must not go for a partner below 16. its not a crime for an 80 year old to marry a 20 year old but it is a crime for a 20 year old to go for a 15 year old. The difference? RB waited, Soldier boy didn’t. I hope he goes in for a long time.

  24. Continued from #45


    The other thing is that RB’s wife was previously unrelated to him where as the ZAF guy molested a young girl entrusted into his care. There is even a possible case on incest. Corporal Masheke can’t be compared to RB or Dan Pule – he (Masheke) has committed a crime.

  25. #41 Kezelaka.Ani lwai.Linja za batu ze zanyemisa.Silokoto siyo konya mbututu?.Na sepa nibona kwa LT baka ni swalela kwateng’i.

  26. The ZAF guy is a paedophile and rapist. He should be castrated without anaesthesia forthwith and the the wound covered with excrement to ensure he gets tetanus.

  27. Zambian laws are weak that’s why idoits like masheke keep defiling our children. In cases like this, I would urge the courts to adopt the Sharia(sp) law this will greatly help in detering would be defilers. very sad indeed.

  28. Ladies and gentlemen, first of all lets respect the first lady. its not about age here. she is this country’s first lady. have respect. as for that character called Pearl, pray that you never have a daughter who will be defiled because, really, your thinking and comparisons are way beyond normal. My friend, Walipena.

  29. Please,guys dont say that to me, some of u have don such,only that u were not caught.
    So top throwing stones at me if u no you have messed up too somewhere in your life! Dah

  30. # someone needs to cut your crown jewels off. you seem to envy masheke so much that you are sounding like a defiler yourself.

  31. NO 47, Kaanji is obvioulsy a pheadophile with a small you know what, how can u honestly think like that, i pray that u don have a daughter ,if u don’t i ask God not to bless u with one, with such an attitude one wonders what u would do to her.

  32. Some comments here are just as pathetic as the crime itself. When I consider that some of you would have done the same or already have, I feel like leaving this site for good.

  33. #56,who are you refering to?Sata lost,once beaten 2wice shy shy.He’s not even seen in public,he’s face has turn blue.They are calling him,Sata Blue for now!

  34. Lady F, stop those comments right now, iam in your room though you cant see me,iam related to Mshala,u remember him?

  35. most of you ladies tested John much earlier than you potray.
    Lady F ,swallow your pride and tell the truth when you first touched John,no offence

  36. It’s really a pity and a shame.
    I know this guy as he was my intake mate.Seemingly good christian with Godly manners.Now imagine what he has done.I feel sorry for the wife.He was actually a married man.Oh Masheke!

  37. 47
    It looks like you envy the guy and wish you were in his shoes.. You moust be a sick bastered who would prey on children!!!i Pray to God that no children are in your care!!!! SICKO… Anonymous you are right! He must be tbe Dogs Brother!!!!

  38. #55,Do you honestly think this defilement issue is funny? God in heaven watches everything so stop being funny by making the defilement case sound like a joke sha!

  39. mob justice best treatment in such cases, 15 years is nothing compared to the pain inflicted on the poor child.am sure zaf man was doing it in order to get a promotion, shame indeed. sick man, may he die from his std etc..i hate such sick pipo with passion.

  40. #41 – Lubabang’ata ! Romour has it that he defiled the step sister coz he wanted to be filthy rich by January 2009.

  41. His sick dog friend died in jail before sentencing, his johnny got rotten while there, good punishment from God. there was a man in kabanana or chipata compound a few years ago who was defiling his niece (orphan)on a daily basis in the presence of his wife. i believe the saying that people are first punished here on earth before facing hell.

  42. I will try by all means to capture number 47, he must be a difiler already and he should be caged before he difiles more innocent children. He should be a lunatic and sick chap to habour such dangerous motives of seeing virginity in our young children and infants in napkins. Characters like him even defile their own blood children. I will not rest until i catch up with you number 47

  43. #21 Pearl, I beg of you in the name of everything that you value, please don’t be blinded by politics. There are things that are beyond and more important than political competition.

    Mrs Banda is a mature person under the law. She is legally married with a ring.

    This story is about a child of ten. Every one is appalled except you. You should be ashamed of yourself and your shallow politics.

  44. #19 I agree with you. What a disgrace to the service. I hope he finds hard core criminals at Mukobeko Prison who will screw him as well from the ass. Shaaa!!!!!!!

  45. lets pray : with all intent and purpose of the holy ghost,I command the evil demons,the sepernts and such vices to leave the corporal in peace.

  46. What a sad story. Right now we are in the midst of commemorating the 16days of activism against gender based violence. When we read a story of a poor helpless under aged girl who was defiled by the person who was supposed to take care of her and protect her from defilers, people can even afford to joke about such sickness and madness. Castration would not even be painful for this man, but yes, castrate him and then send him to Mukobeko where he will find men who will do him by force and then he will know the extent of his evil desires. Then he will know what it is to cry out in pain and nobody responds to you. Shetani!!

  47. We can say alot of things about that rapist, let us try to see how we can help our innocent girl.I ask the Goverment to help that girl.To help her to begin with psychology because it is the first step,secondly material wise.It is really painful on how some other men are able to destroy the lives of innocent girls, and for that matter an orphan, shame on you officer.

  48. Just for the record, RB’s wife IS NOT 27!! She is 38+ I know that for a fact, quit comparing a shameless, sick man to a man who made an honest woman out of someone, leave the man be, ulemu. As for the story, I just shudder to think of the untold molestations, fathers are now pouncing on their daughters..eish, Jesus please take the wheel.

  49. Too bad for the cool Masheke. I wonder what might have been going on in his head.
    Since you did it,there is no compromise,go to jail.

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