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Wednesday, May 1, 2024
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Sata urged to give RB a chance


Opposition Patriotic Front leader, Micheal Sata, has been advised to respect the will of the Zambian people, who elected President Rupiah Banda to manage the affairs of the nation.

Presidential Affairs Minister, Gabriel Namulambe, says Mr Sata should desist from engaging in activities likely to frustrate efforts of safeguarding the economic interests of the people of Zambia.

Mr Namulambe told ZANIS in an interview today that President Banda should be commended for appointing persons of high intergrity to serve in his administration.

He indicated that all Cabinet ministers were working hard towards addressing the negative effects of the global economic crisis.

He challenged Mr Sata to give President Banda chance to concentrate on issues affecting the welfare of the people.


  1. sata you have no choice but to give banda a chance…sata will never be president of zedians but his good as an opposition.

  2. soldiers from the Zimbabwean army on Monday ran amok in the capital Harare and attacked civilians whom they questioned how they were surviving when members of the defence forces were finding life hard.

    The dramatic incident caused mayhem in the city and almost sparked riots, but armed military police had to be called in to quell the situation.

    Scores of unarmed soldiers, estimated to be over 200, were said to have caused similar incidents on Saturday and promised to return on Monday. Eyewitnesses said the soldiers went berserk after they couldn’t withdraw their monthly salaries from the banks.

    They assaulted people, mainly civilians and foreign currency dealers, questioning wher

  3. Hey Namulambe you are right,he (sata) has to give him(RB)chance and he has to support him because he is the leader of the country,but a point of colletion,pipo did not vote for him(RB)you rigged the election results,If anything we pipo of Zambia we really wanted change but mwatwikala pansansa.Namulambe days are numbered you shouldn’t forget that.

  4. Maybe if he is sensible this man will just heed the advice, even if it is wanting power, awe te ifyo bane

  5. Mr Sata really looks worn out,he also needs tuma Body Builders,unlike RBs Image Builders.
    Anyway,this man has to learn to accept that he will never be voted into office,never at all…..chwe chwe chwe chwe………!!!

  6. RB and MMD know that Sata is the real winner and this is why they’re panicking. After bribing their way into power, they now want to make peace with the opposition so that they can steal properly. But there will be no peace! Go Sata, we’re behind you!

  7. We lost so what. Even if PF MP’s voted for increasing salaries for constitutional offices I want Scott and his MP’s to demostrate against the increase……Fred will support my cause


  9. What chance? crying out loud like a baby. IF MMD was that strong it wouldn’t have said this, it just shows how weak this party is. MMD ni fwenya fwenya chabe. Show us what you can do and stop Kudadaula. What a shame! You are showing us the people that you have failed alrealdy, What has Sata done that you should start pleading to be given a chance? For what? Stop crying and start working and show this Sata that you can do it.

  10. I find Namulambe’s statement to be unfortunate in that there is no need to give RB time to relax. How can Sata,the opposition and even citizens allow RB to cheat us before elections that fertiliser will be sold at K50,000.00 only to rocket sky high after winning? This is what Satan is reminding the people of Zambia. Why give RB time when after all the man was Veep and in any case has to perform to our satisfaction and expectation?

  11. And he risks remaining there, you do not have to be crude to get a message across, he is always crude possibly that is why many people do not listen to him

  12. A chance to reduce fertiliser or sorry increase, a chance to reduce mealie meal prices, or sorry to increase, a chance not to increase constitutional allowances or sorry to aprrove increase, a chance to maintain maize reserves, or sorry to export and then import, FAT CHANCE!!!!!!!!

  13. Saying Sata will never be President is a coded way of saying a Bemba,will never be President.Chaps you are mistaken.Sata is a man of the people, and people’s power always win. MMD has been in power for over 17 years, and their policies of treating our country like salaula yapa market, selling every thing to foreigners including the copper mines which were sustained at great cost by Zambians during the depressed international copper prices only to be given away for US$24 million by Mwanawasa in his scheme to externalise copper profits from Zambia.MMD of Chiluba,Mwanawasa and RB are the causers of economic problems in Zambia.

  14. #32 Sata was part of the first 10 years of MMD even number 3 in Govermnment, the time sata was not there in past 7 years, the economy grew, yes he is man of the people who always eats from their plates without them realising he is eating from their plate, what can Sata do at 72 what he failed to do when he was 40, Guys move on, is it only the democrats in this world that think!!!

  15. Yes boyi Matworld, ine ndifye bwino, only working too much. Don’t worry about your girl, it’s always in and out of love until you finally settle with the right one…icupo ne ng’anda fyali shupa sana, so don’t rush into it, waumfwa?
    Big up Sonny Eric too, he wrote some German and got me really curious…I want to know more about you guys. Life is too short, I believe in linking up and celebrating with people before my last goodbye.

  16. Sata has no capacity to give any person a chance.
    Sata has failed to give chance to anyone in his own party.
    Even when he deligates matters to his spokesman lubinda, he still goes round to prepares his own material to talk about and shokes both local and international media. Unfortunately even Lubinda gets shoked. So how can he give RB chance? Is Sata ever going to give anyone chance. He can’t. He confessed himself that not everything he criticised Mwanawasa was from geniune criticism. He confessed during his famous reconciliation that most of the criticism was merely due to hatrade. Now is that the man who knows how to give chance. Namulambe forgot that he was dealing with the same Sata.

  17. Well #36 Fine I think I would also have some bad feelings against people who sent me to jail 3 times for no reason, wouldn’t you?

  18. 32. Moffat Mwale,
    I am shoked that you think that “Saying Sata will never be President is a coded way of saying a Bemba,will never be President.”
    Are you convinced that Bembas can’t produce anyone better than SATA?
    You have adquately shoked me, and I would like to belive that your intention is to insult Bembas.
    I believe there are better Bemba guys than Sata; and so why should you believe that if Sata fails to become president then Bembas will never be presidents.
    Your view of things and worse still of the Bembas is not very impressive my friend.
    I wish Bemba would ask you to appologise for your statement, honestly speaking. That is too demeaning on the part of Bembas!

  19. I voted for RB because he promised to reduce fertilizer pa 50 Pin. Now manje it is almost pa 300 pin.
    Ni wenye wa bwanji Kansi?

  20. Quite good verbs in this “article” – “has been advised”, “says”, “told”, “indicated”, “challenged”… unfortunately it still bolis down to “The Minister said”. Who cares

  21. #35 Sony Ericsson, I’m not sure which side you mean but with my last goodbye I meant THE final departure from the land of the living. Anyways, I sure hope I’ll be on the right side, whether here or beyond.

  22. okay- I thought the role of the opposition, is to keep the government on their toes?? not be complicit and support everthing the govt. does irrespective! what is wrong with MMD and Zambians who seem to think that the oppsition should be silenced until the next election! that is bollocks, how else do you hold the govt. to account!

    MMD are talking rubbish fueled by the fact that they know that the election was rigged ( yet again)- The oppositon UPND,PF ,HP etc… should scrutinise what MMD does so that MMD follows through on its election promises!

    If MMD have nothing to hide, then they should not be scared of scutiny, that is how a democracy is supposed to work!

  23. MMD ministers should concentrate on doing their jobs- and ask themselves how voting to increase their own wages is helping the stricken Zambian economy! bunch of hypocrites!

  24. #45. Miss President
    I agree with you that the opposition aught to keep the govt on their toes to improve life for the people and the country. But you dont do that by calling on the public to demonstrate, protest, etc, actions which will simply cause chaos and frustrate national progress. You dont see food prices go up and you think the solution is to demonstrate. Do you undersatnd the causes? Tomorrow you will start protesing because copper prices have gone down on world market, or because their is no rain, or because October has become too hot. When you are faced with a crisis you are expected to contribute ideas, dont just say the govt must remove the crisis or else we protest. How?

  25. Opposition political parties are vital in a democracy, as they provide a system of checks and balances and hold the ruling party into account. This is important so that the government can fulfill it’s mandate to the people.
    You may not like the oppositon , but you need them in a healthy democracy otherwise the rulin party will feel that they have carte blanche to do whatever they want and you can not allow that for the sake of mama Zambia!

  26. # Fine
    What other methods of demonstrainng would you propose?
    They only way that people can do so is by organised peaceful process! that is not inciting violence, it is peacefully showing that you are unhappy! This is done all over the world, from Sweden, to America, in the UK etc… it is not a crime, it is a democratic right! It is wrong to accuse people who want to peacefully demonstrate of causing chaos and confusion just because you are unhappy that they are protesting! if you see that something is wrong, you do something about it, you dont just sit there and take it, like you have no voice!

  27. here in the UK, there will be protests over increased train prices! so what? no one is being accused of causing chaos, it is a means to the end. Instead of bothering Sata, the govt. should concentrate on proving him wrong, and being a good goverment that does not opress people! we do not need a Mugabe style Hitler govt in our beautiful land!

  28. Thanks boyi Chale for your advice.lets get intouch.Sony ericson Phiri what are your contact details? I want to send you mice(mbeba)My mum is also from Eastern so she has killed about 50000 mice and she cant finish them alone so she wants me to find someone who can help her to eat I thought of you my dear.My email adreess is [email protected]

  29. If you read between the lines the Minister is saying “just be quiet everyone otherwise you might possibly scare our bosses the investors”. If investors can’t handle investing in a democracy where people have a right to demonstrate, then they can just go home.

  30. How on earth do you PF people trust this GUY Sata. Let PF hold a convention and define themselves. Not a single convention for the party since inception and you call it a democratic Party. My foot!

  31. #55 convention is a waste of time and money right now because Sata would be selected as party prez just like that. The only people it would help are imbecile shushushus like Chishimba who would just be there to destroy

  32. PF is prone to hooliganism and chaotic behaiviour and cant be trusted in what they mean when they say ‘peaciful’.

    The SATA guy has been known to use pangas and machettes to deal with opponents. The GUY is bitter that he lost and he is calling for Protests agaisnt who? Against Millers, Grz or farmers?

  33. #57 A Phirie

    That is not the point. Democracy calla for elections no matter what the popularity of would be candidates are. You seeem not to understand what democracy is you people in PF. Good thing though, SATA lost.

  34. #59 democracy doesn’t demand party conventions you know, candidates can be selected on another basis. For example RB is UNIP (that extremely democratic party that never did anything wrong)

  35. #49.Miss Presiden,
    Protests, whether peaceful or not are meant to resolve deadlocks.
    You dont just see a crisis in the nation and the first thing you think about is a protest. Firstly you are supposed to contribute a workable plan that can help the govt and the nation as a whole to come out of the crisis. You dont just say to the govt, “remove the crisis, we dont want it” No. Give possible workable genuine plans and engage them in positive solution finding discussions. Now if you have suggested workable solutions that are a clear possibility and the govt simply becomes stubborn, at that poitn you can demonstrate.
    But you cannot just say, “It should not be like this”. Say how it should be.

  36. #63 look at what just happened in Thailand. That is true people power… government sacked and banned from politics – for rigging

  37. #50 OK Sony, I got you now..sorry I was talking in parables. My next trip to Zed is not yet set. I am currently working on a fail safe plan to establish a business entity. As soon as the concept is all wrapped up, then the journey is on. I hope it won’t be too long.

  38. Sony Ericson Phiri,I forgot to tell you one thing.its illegal to kill Mbeba where you will be arrested for porching.Haaaa haaaaa!

  39. Any way, SATA like his cadres are not mature enough to accept defeat so they will twist everything to comfort themselves. Grow up, Sata lost.

  40. Has Obama choosen any blacks in his government? Has the ransom been paid for the Saudi Tanker in Somaliland? Has Mutharika made up his mind on Vera?

  41. #64. Sony Ericsson Phiri
    They had facts with them and that is why the court ruled in their favour.
    Now here in Zambia, you have oposition leaders who impound every vehicle on elegations that they are carrying ballot papers for rigging but each time those vehicle are checked in presence of every stakeholder they find nothing.
    Now do you expect the courts in Zambia to grant to such parties their desires just based on the feelings they have or on facts?
    Should the courts in Zambia rule in favour of the opposition just because the opposition feels likes there is a ballot paper in a vehcile even when there is nothing?

  42. # 33 John Chinena, Liteta I agree with you on that score. Last month Sata was asked if he’ll contest the 2011 elections and answered that only God determines the future. The man has still ambitions of being President and the excuse he’ll use is that Rb was 4th Presido @ 71 so why can’t. When this happens you will see the resurrection of PF supporters who as usual follow blindly shouting that the Man is Zed’s change even at the age of 72 in 2011. Guys let this man offer what he’ll would have done in the midst of this crisis and we will judge him on that.

  43. #77. Sony Ericsson Phiri
    Bvubwi was a lie from Sata, you look at the register.
    Over 13,000 registered voters and only less than 5,000 voted,
    LCC office was another rummer, that is why you dont know what happened in all these cases.

  44. Bloggers Party.

    President– Martworld
    Vice President– Chewe
    Minister of Defence—GOLYATI
    Minister of information– Baby c
    Minister of Tourism– Spectator
    Minister of Agriculture– PF die hard
    Minister of Justice– Maestro Hhehhehhehhe
    Minister of foreign affairs– Sony Ericsson Phiri
    Minister of Finance– Rashid Jones
    Minister of ……— Supergal
    Minister of Investors– Nine chale? Give yourself a Ministry

  45. Gabriel Namulambe, you are better off keeping quiet. We will start exposing your (mis)deeds in Mpongwe. Tulimishi mwisho, mwikale lukoso tondolo mwebo.

  46. Bloggers Party

    Minister of Higher Education and Culture– Nine Chale
    Minister of Mines– Geologist
    Minister Of Sport– Mossad Kgb
    Minister of Planning and Development–Georgia Russia
    Minister of …..– Choma 1
    Minister of Villagers– Village Concept
    Chief Whip– Vote Rigger
    Minister of Health– ako kanono ba nevers?

  47. The oppossition Leader– John Chinena Liteta.

    How many hours do you spend talking about Zambian politics, You might as well get paid for the hours you put in on how you will improve the lives of Zambians. More will follow.

  48. #79 Fine!
    When a party is ushered into power based on specific campaign promises and they fail to deliver, that is not a “crisis”, that is political misconduct and people have every right to express their displeasure through peaceful means. Wasn’t it the peaceful mass demonstrations and international pressure that got Chiluba to abandon his third term bid? It is very easy for RB to ignore the fact that he made false campaign promises, as long as Zambians continue to complain in their homes and on the “internet”. It is very difficult to ignore thousands of Zambians gathered to peacefully demonstrate and communicate their objection to what is going on. We posess more power than we realise.

  49. 39 – Fine, I have seen your comments about what I wrote on Sata. I am extremely proud of the Bembas for producing Sata. He is the best that the Bemba’s can offer. Sata was against the sale of our country like salaula the way Chiluba and Mwanawasa did. Certainly under Sata’s policies Zambia’s industrial capacity would have been enhanced. The companies would have been run by Zambians and all the profits ploughed back for the development of our country. Sata is supported by us intellectuals because of his principles and policies which clearly have been demonstrated over time that he has the best interest of Zambia. For these reasons one day Sata will rule,even if he is Bemba.

  50. Nine Chale,Sonny Eric and Matworld don´t you people have e-mail addresses where you can write eachother your personal feelings ?
    writing things only known to yourselves on a blog ! Wow, so it is true , you can take a man from the village but you can´t take a village from a man !

  51. #85 There is no ministry of Villagers. Give me ministry of Home Affairs so that i can deal with trouble PF die hards.

  52. There are a lot of people like Sata who were in MMD government who were against Privitisation. Over time these people were identified and thrown out. The fake favourable economic weather that was Zambia in the past 5 years was caused by increase in copper prices on the world market. This was the golden opportunity for Zambia to maximise profit returns from the mines, alas what happened, Mwanawasa externalised all copper profits. Corruption and negligency can be provided against the chaps who negotiated this US$24 million mines sale The consequencies of the ecomonic melt down that is coming to Zambia is man made by Chiluba and Mwanawasa and RB who has pledge to follow the same failed policies

  53. Stop flattering Sata and giving yourselves false hope.MMD and state machinery hates sata with passion.I have had friends Red Brick in key position confide in me that Sata is not one of those fitting the executive offic ticket over their dead bodies. Strangely that feeling is widely shared among the retired and actively serving.They have Sata will never be Head of state under any circumstances.All these rants are nothing but self exhaustions in absolute vanity.Sata isn’t the agent of any change, peace, hope or stability but Zimbabwe trails.

  54. Minister of Home Affairs– VILLAGE CONCEPT
    Minister of local Government and Housing– Pumpy
    Minister of Environment and Natural Resources– Artful Dodger
    Minister of Energy and Water Development– Luapula Fish

    After being locked in a long meeting with the President Matworld it has been agreed that you will only receive pay slips and wages will be sent to Charity.

  55. 92. Interesting confession. In what capacity were these people confiding in you? Lets wait and see what we will reap from failed MMD economic policies. The coming economic melt down will certainly smoke smoke out every one.

  56. Ba Sata Pulizi, let’s work together in the spirit of One Zambia One Nation; One Nation, One Leader…and that Leader? Ni-Banda!

  57. #80 BP.thanks so much,that’s a good prophesy.Unfortunately I haven’t seen your ministry.#95 JM you will be the secretary of state,then BP you will be chief of staffs.#80 BP dont you think that’s too big for me? Anyway God bless you.

  58. What this silly minister wants is to have no opposition at all. Why should the opposition sit on their behinds without making these goonies work? In fact without Sata, MMD would be discussing turning Zambia into a one party state. The party and its govt nonsense. MMD leadership and those chosen to be in cabinets must know that someone is watching. Party politics is a competitive game. If they expect PF to be praising them they should find other jobs. Sata is mandated to watch their failures. After all we don’t really know who won the by-elections even the Levy Sata elections. Probably Sata is the legimate President.

  59. The thing is, to keep Sata in line Government should acknowledge that what he is saying is true. Satasays the truth. The only problem is that he is in the opposition and is such a backwards country that it cant learn from truth. What Government can do is to give opposition leader a better role. Call on him and do things together sometimes.

    What not put him in paliament and let him ague with those sleeoing in there???? or organise some debates with him???. You know that what he is saying is OK and he likes Zambia same as you do. I mwe bakabwalala, dont you feel ashamed that you always keep on doing what people dont want!!!

  60. #28 i agree sata is best at being opposition leader and should remain there NOT President please.It would be so shameful to give such a man the most important job in our land

  61. Okay batata ba Sata, elections were rigged. There is not much that we can do for you now, but in 2011 be more vigilant not those mickey mouse games like chasing after innocent trucks, Bwalya’s Anti Rigging Company, everything in 90 days etc etc. Racing to Plot 1 is a serious sport okay?

  62. #91 Thats your own opinion but I do not agree with you. Sata was no.3 in the Chiluba government and he enjoyed being there up to the end of it(10years) and we did not see him resigning not untill when he was not given presidency thats when we saw him leaving to form his political party kantemba. So if it was not for that he could have been there up to now. They were together with chiluba committing all the attrocities of abuse of office even the pangas and machetes issue in Chawama for chiluba’s third term bide. Unless those with short memories can believe him.cont.

  63. If it’s true that Rupiah Banda used deceit in gaining the Presidency of Zambia, then his victory was empty and he only deceived himself. For deceit deceives the deceiver.

  64. This man and his regime destroyed farming in zambia and this food shortage is as a result of his poor management, thats why no matter what drum he sounds people of Southern, western and even North-western provinces will never believe him. Whenever the name Sata is mentioned somewhere many people associate it with Chiluba because he was his spokes person. Sata will never rule this country or rather pf will never rule as long as they maintain sata as their president. Sorry for this but thats the truth on the ground in zed. What good things can he produce now that he did not produce at No.3 level in government. What advise can he give GRZ now, let him do farming to produce more food.

  65. Only those with short memories can go for Sata. We know he is good at talking but he can convince those who forget easily and those who move following where it is warm. The man is a humaniser, these are guys who enjoyed in Chluba government. The woman he has is no. 5 (can you imagine all these 4 were bad ones), atleast if it was two because we could have said the first one was a mistake. This man has nothing good in his mind and his past is just haunting him thats why he lost elections.

  66. This man sata is by far not the messiah for zambia and Rb is even much better and he is the least zambia can have. Given Lubinda is better placed to be party president.

  67. Please people, a man who has been so close to leadership over the past 44 years and has failed to convince any of them cannot make a grade. Sata simply is a waste of time and can never meaningfully change Zambia. Give me an example of one personal project he has successfully run and sustained for long. The man is simply a day dreamer and wishes things could happen by finger pointing and shouting. Things don’t work like that and let us not have short memories. He is very dictatorial and violent. He supports Mugabe. I have never smoked dagga but I know it has everlasting effects on someone’s character. watch out.

  68. Dear ALL;
    PF leader tells his MPs to vote for salary increament, including his vp Guy Scott(aka yellow maize),then goes out and tells his cadres to demostrate in all towns simulteneuosly against the same increaments his party supported in Parliament.
    What kind of mediocrity is this?!!!
    Namulambe is thus spot on.

  69. Honestly people, Guy scot is the leader of the opposition but he voted in favour of the salary increaments inside the house but in public he is told by sata to organise a group of youths to protest against salary inceaments, imagine these guys. Even those who send their children to protest because sata or pf said so please wake up. Sata and his commitee members are enjoying coca cola in their mansions and you are sent into the streets wake up. It’s good and reasonable to protest willingly but do not do it under sata’s instruction.

  70. Sata supported a dictator in the name of Robert Mugabe and people are there praising him that he can do something for zambia, those who support him cannot just learn anything from Zimbabwe and what leadership is he going to offer in SADC. Why can’t we learn from other successful sadc countries like Botswana who have no dictators but have intelligent leadership to move things. Wake up zambians we need new blood and not failures who want to reduce us more. We are already reduce, we need someone to help us improve.

  71. Sata, like Miyanda, is a chief demagogues. His quest to scale the Zambian political ladder will always remain a dream, period. This is the role HH seems keen to inherit from Sata when zeZondwe expires.

  72. What chance is Namulambe talking about? Chance for him (namulambe)to continue being a minister. He should not forget that we remember how he campaigned on tribal line in Mpongwe

  73. I agree with no 103, but thing that surprises me is Saviour Chishimba. After insulting Sata and calling him names, we a;; saw the scandal he caused. He has now decided to join Sata again. Can anyone make any sense out of this
    ? This guy is really lost.

  74. Yes Chishimba is very sick. Infact his medula oblangata is finished. Can you imagine the chaos he caused just to make sure Sata would not ran for president? if you ask me this Chishimba is just looking for attention and a way out. It hardly makes sense to think that after all that drama they are now friends.Can someone please comment! Somebody needs to knock some sense into that man. He seems to think politics is just a game of chance. what is wrong with chishimba? Awe mwandini

  75. Namulambe should just keep quiet because PF is there to make sure that the government is doing the right thing. Give RB a chance for what? Isnt he ored governing, Why should mr SATA be an issue always. Leave the Big man alone cause we truly love what he is doing.



  78. Guys i think Sata is a tough tested man, LPM failed to deal with him and now its Nyama Soya, anyway lets wait and see. though he wants to chase us once in power but i think he speaks for the poor and not us the rich.

  79. Sata just speaks anything that will please the hearers. And in most cases he has deceived many analytically vulnerable people. If he has anything better to offer to Zambia why was he satisfied with Chiluba’s leadership? Why did he fight for Chiluba to continue leading the nation even after the second term? Sata was convinced that Chiluba was delivering to the people and that is the same level of delivery you expect from Sata, if not worse. Sata was so convinced that Chiluba was the only person who was able to deliver to Zambians and he fought tooth and nail for the ‘third term’. Now today he lies to you by using words you want to hear and you simply believe him even when you are educated.

  80. All you talking about Chishimba should not forget that apart from Machungwa non of the rebel MPs can retain their seats if there are by elections thats why they are invoking all these useless injunctions. They used PF even though they knew MCS charecter especially Estella Sinyangwe who happens to be a niece to Chipolopolo MCS

  81. What chance are we talking about here!Chance to allow MMD to do whatever nonsence they want!Our president MCS is just doing the PROPER role of an opposition party leader!It was reported yesterday that some people in Southern Province are surving on wild fruits or is it tubers(their UPND MP held a press briefing to report that!!!) and you want the STRONGEST opposition party to sit back and watch such bad happenings while RB is busy dosing!!Wake up!.Sata kept LPM in check and he will not stop doing so now. MMD get used to him! He is here to stay and we are behind him all the way. VIVA PF! VIVA MCS! VIVA CHECKS AND BALANCES!!

  82. kampa
    Stop attacking sata with baseless points,he is the only aggressive and principled man in the opposition so let the big man soldier on with his fight for a noble cause. The opposition is purely there to offer checks and balances and he is doing just that. Go SATA GO! You are truely a politician with machless qualities.

  83. Sata is boring now. We need fresh blood. The problem with you people is that you support people blindly. Change, we want. But fresh people, not used up and spent pre-independence politicians. Twanaka.

  84. Rupiah banda you are my tribeman but didnt vote for you coz you dont offer no future to at MIT school of planning and i laughed when Teta was appointed the minister of local government.Africa YOU ARE GOING NOWHERE WITH PIPO LIKE TETA RULING YOU.

  85. Which people’s choice when the elections were clearly rigged. Tashicela mumo. You will regret one day soon.Sata clearly won the election and you tell him to give rb a chance? NONSENSE!!!!!


  86. In order to indulge in a conversation and later on reconcile with SATA like what Chishimba has done needs you to pretend that you are as insane as him. I can imagine the conversation between the two:

    ” Awe mudala, fila chitika, awe kwena walimpotela sana. Nomba filabeko fye bwana pantu iwe naine tuli ma monko”

    What madness!

  87. The MMd are scared .pipo MMD store the mr sata dont stop push nyama soya hard so that he can turn this country to a peace of meat like our late President tried to do.

  88. #71 No wonder you are anonymous because you have little to say from your brains!!! Just shut up!!! you are boring!!! Leave
    Sata alone; he is an Opposition Leader for Zambia! Who are you in Zambia, you little brain!!!

  89. RB reduced fertilizer to 50 Pin before elections manje after ma vote mwayikilako soti to 300 pin,mwezi umozi tyala mwayikilako na wunga. AAA! A Banda mubonalini banthu kubvutika muma komboni.
    Asata oziba, na mwe ukani!

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