Monday, June 10, 2024

We are tired of being treated like foreigners in our own land – workers at AVIC international


Mongu District Commissioner Maurice Litula addressing Irate Mongu-Kalabo roads workers who are protesting for improved salaries and working conditions in Mongu
Mongu District Commissioner Maurice Litula addressing Irate Mongu-Kalabo roads workers who are protesting for improved salaries and working conditions in Mongu

More than 150 works working on the Mongu- Kalabo Road in the bridge department in Mongu Western province today downed tools demanding for more money and better conditions of service.

The irate workers, who marched from Mandanga area to the District Commissioner’s Office, alleged that their employer AVIC international was not following laid down labor demands in addressing them on many issues.

David Mwiya an electrician who spoke on behalf of the aggrieved group alleged that workers at the bridge department have for a long time being subjected to inhuman treatment, unpaid for overtime hours, no proper working suits among others.

[pullquote]We are being treated like foreigners in our own mother land as if we do not have leaders, these Chinese always insult us, they fire us anyhow and they do not even pay us accordingly[/pullquote] Mwiya also alleged that Chinese instructors are fond of insulting works at any slight disagreement adding that workers were being fired at will on a daily basis.

“We are being treated like foreigners in our own mother land as if we do not have leaders, these Chinese always insult us, they fire us anyhow and they do not even pay us accordingly,” Mwiya complained.

He said the workers who are supposed to earn K800 at the end of the month have in the recent past being paid less the amount for reasons that have not been explained to them.

“We are being paid less the amount of money we work for, instead of getting K800 at the end of the Month we are always getting less the amount.” He added.

(Mongu-Kalabo Road) Workers at AVIC bridge department busy working on time for the bridges of Mongu- Kalabo Road
(Mongu-Kalabo Road) Workers at AVIC bridge department busy working on time for the bridges of Mongu- Kalabo Road

Mwiya also said the works are also being denied sick leave saying that if a worker was reported to be sick an amount was deducted from his pay to cover for the day.

“Even when you are reported sick, these people are always removing from our monthly pay to cover for the day,” he said.

AND addressing the irate workers after their compliant, District Commissioner Maurice Litula said he would hold a meeting with AVIC international management in an effort to get to the bottom of the matter.

Litula said government’s desire is to see both employers and employee work in harmony and that exploitation of Zambian citizens in any way will not be tolerated.

He said the Mongu-Kalabo road project is one road project that is at the heart of the Patriotic Front (PF) government but that does not mean that people should be mistreated.

“The PF government is committed to ensure that the Mongu- Kalabo road is completed in good time, but that does not mean that our people should be treated like there are nobodies,” Litula cautioned.


  1. Litula who gets a full tank of fuel for his white 110 landrover everyday free from the same AVIC, do you think he can do anything.Just go back to work & get no money in your pockets,thats what you Mongu youths voted for,you even threw stones at your own man MILUPI thinkig that promises of SATAN are true.

  2. You are just too lazy, every monday you are off sick ? you also claim overtime but the work done was supposed to be done in normal hours. When you were caught drinking shaka-shaka at launch time you said it is because you are hungry.
    when company now buy maize meal you want to sleep after eat in hot sunshine.
    How can you destroy safety shoe in 1 month ? that old shoe is not the one you take.

  3. The problem with bloggers like Isu and Boss contribute without analysing what is all about. Sata is not possibly aware of what is happening just as the DC was not. Hate will not take you anywhere. Kalabo – Mongu road is an ambitious project any delay will have consequences. Negotiating is the best way

  4. What about the laziness, regular time off work, malilo, malilo, malilo, every other day? You can’t clap with just one hand! Hard work has it’s rewards, if not tomorrow, one day your children will benefit. Our country? Don’t play that card every time, do your bit to take your country a little further. If your leaders rush to put a minimum wage & don’t work on implementing it, whose fault is it? The ‘Tidye nawo’ culture has been adopted, no cares for the ordinary, remember Sata’s boy used to sell puppies, Tidye Nawo has put him in a different class! Just roll your sleeves up & work hard, DC? A cadre to take care of your problems? Don’t think so!

  5. #7 Pafwenamwine
    This road project was started by RB .. Now continued by Sata .. meaning there has been some lope wholes and the K1.25tr at RB’s time maybe too small for the 40bridges and tarring the road. They need extra engineers than workers instead.


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