Sunday, June 16, 2024

HH/UPND statement on the passing of Nelson Mandela



First and foremost, my heartfelt condolences to the people of South Africa on the passing of President Nelson Mandela. My condolences are more so to the people that called this great son of Africa, father, uncle, grandfather, great grandfather and more importantly husband. Your loss cannot be over emphasised. I hope you will recover from this loss, most united as a family in celebrating this world icon.

When Mandela was arrested, I was 2 years old. When he was released from jail, I was working. Meaning I spent all my life hearing about Nelson Mandela. I am privileged to have lived in the Mandela era, because all I know and do in politics is inspired by this selfless man. My personal reflections about this man can be summed up in a few words; selfless and honest. When Mandela was under trail at Rivonia, he chose to tell the state the truth. Ordinarily a man who was a lawyer, is expected to address the court to issues that would conjure leniency, but Mandela knew who he was fighting and told the truth. This is a quote from that speech “……. I must deal immediately and at some length with the question of violence. Some of the things so far told to the Court are true and some are untrue. I do not, however, deny that I planned sabotage. I did not plan it in a spirit of recklessness, nor because I have any love of violence. I planned it as a result of a calm and sober assessment of the political situation that had arisen after many years of tyranny, exploitation, and oppression of my people by the Whites.”

Mr Mandela you leave behind a legacy that no one can fill but one that everyone can and should admire. You leave behind principles and rules by which you lived your life, that everyone should strive to live by. It is moments like these that people must strive to ask themselves, “How do I want to be remembered? What do I want people to say after I am no more?” Mr Mandela made tough decisions in his life. Decisions that are now paying off. Still in the speech during the Rivonia trail Mandela ended by saying he had dedicated his life to fighting for the liberation of black people. This dedication was summarised by saying “It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if need be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.”

Colleagues we should have this kind of resolve in our lives collectively as a nation, and individually, to die for what we believe in. This is a major lesson one learns from Madiba’s life. Madiba shall forever remain on my list of extra ordinary people to have ever graced this earth. When everyone expected him to revenge, he chose to forgive, when everyone expected him to kill, he chose to preserve life, when everyone else expected him to punch, he embraced. One thing that still strikes me is this statement. After a sustained criticism by the opposition, he had this to say “I run a country and they run political parties, meaning I have a larger responsibility than my critics.” Mandela endured a string of events that would have broken a lesser man. It would have been easy for Mandela to harden himself and become bitter. To surrender to self-pity and regret, to retreat from public life and give concessions to the apartheid regime. But he chose to break lime at Robben Island, so that generations would enjoy freedom, equality and self-rule. He broke lime so that the region would benefit from the economic success story of South Africa. He broke lime so that generations and generations would benefit.

Go well Madiba, you lived your life to the fullest. Join me colleagues once more in celebrating the life of a great man. He surely is not here in presence but his legacy lives on.

Thank you.

Hakainde Hichilema


    • Ziiiimya HH. Things like these Sata can’t be compared to HH. And PF are too slow, UPND are always first to come out with best statements. Maybe PF waits to copy some wisdom.
      Lets wait what will come from George Chella, because he has more power than Ba Mwansa Kapeya.

    • He was a great Man, but I think we are getting carried away here

      There is an even bigger funeral in Zambia, with the deputy minister passing on

      I don’t understand zambians


  1. That fine HH, You seems to be wise today only….may you leave long to gain some knowledge, from people like President SATA, President Mugabe, those are the men of the moment!

  2. Thanks HH good message right there, though I know some people will start attacking saying too early for a statement and when you wait abit they will question why, or will just fetch other rzasons to attack not only you but the President as well, knowing already how these Bloggers think I hope am not getting too much in their minds! Even at this such sensitive moments, let people be rational for I know emotions are flying everywhere.

    • PF are in a mess, they don’t know who should release a statement:
      – Is it Kabimba as PF secretary/CEO to ANC
      – Is it George Chellah with his Facebook language?
      – Or maybe that Cabinet Secretary unknown, zoro, will
      – And Mwansa Kapeya just waits, to avoid being fired or shouted at next Cabinet meeting.

    • @ Nostra,
      Dont worry, they are getting their grip on, by next year things will be much different than they have been, infact they will want to prove all the critics wrong and show the world that they can. Nobody wants to leave a tattered legacy, at some point we are all humans with that core of goodness inside us which will light up, thus, in as much as people think our president wont do anything good, I for one have faith that he will try to iron out every wrinkle before time comes for him to vacate this earth!

    • The message is already there. It was prepared when Madiba was admitted to hospital 5 months ago by Amos Malupenga, then it was edited by Emmanuel Mwamba. Right now Kapeya is busy editing the script to align it to the PF policy on international high profile funerals.

    • That is the wish of all African country citizens Cameroon in particular !! Let our leaders here take his example….

  3. great words HH, hope you will emulate the good qualities of leadership. all the best in your journey of life

  4. Good message and well Done. Please Ask President Sata to Request the Nation to Fly Flags at Half Mast for 10days of the Funeral. This man changed the world and inspired many. Tell the world that ANC Headquarters’ used to be in Zambia? MHSRIP

    • So why should we politicize the statement that is not political at all. Whats wrong with Zambians…and some of you champs keep on talking about things that do not actually help you in anyway.. you behave like ignorant cadres who kill themselves over things that they don’t actually understand. This is not time to call each other names. HH hasn’t said nothing about Sata or whoever are you the spokesperson for PF? this is time to unite and Mourn the Late Dr Chikusu and now also the great son of Africa Mandela not time for politics..there is time for everything and only the wise realize that, you can pretend to be wise just for this once if you are not!

      Rest in peace Dr Chikusu and Icon Madiba.
      thank you

    • So why should we politicize the statement that is not political at all. Whats wrong with Zambians…and some of you champs keep on talking about things that do not actually help you in anyway.. you behave like ignorant cadres who kill themselves over things that they don’t actually understand. This is not time to call each other names. HH hasn’t said nothing about Sata or whoever are you the spokesperson for PF? this is time to unite and Mourn the Late Dr Chikusu and now also the great son of Africa Mandela not time for politics..there is time for everything and only the wise realize that, you can pretend to be wise just for this once if you are not!

      Rest in peace Dr Chikusu and Icon Madiba.
      thank you!!!!!

  5. What an inspirational message from a hard working promising leader. I hope when elected you will live to protect the poor and the vulnerable. You will foster forgiveness and reconciliation for all your enemies.

    Viva Mandela, MYSRIP. Your legacy lives on.

    • @ Wanzelu, what promising leader? HH to be a hard working leader, my foot. HH is an underfive and will remain so. HH has enemies, which enemies that he would forgive? HH can never forgive anyone, why is he bitter with the 2011 outcome up to now? I have never seen HH’s smile. Besides, he is a free-mason. Who would want a free-mason for a president? It is a pipe dream. Continue dreaming. Lets us pay tribute to the man of the moment (Madiba).

    • Diva, I agree! Kaili Sata smiles all the time and he was never bitter when he lost elections to RB. I remember vividly when he called a press conference and congratulated RB on his win while smiling all the while. Please HH, emulate Sata’s ever smiling face, maybe you might win the next elections! (am assuming you are a PF cadre DIVA and PF cadres have never been known for their wit, so let me state in black and white that I am being sarcastic and in no way support your PF or your statement. So please, do not thumb me up) 🙂

    • @Diva

      Its well with me. You are absolutely entitled to air you opinion in what ever you you wish. Now is not the time to get petty but a time to remember a great leader, our world hero and reflect on his selfless great achievements.

      It pays to have some sense of occasion when you open your mouth. Don’t put yourself up for criticism when there is no need.

      Calm down, easy does it.

    • Diva, I agree! Kaili Sata smiles all the time and he was never bitter when he lost elections to RB. I remember vividly when he called a press conference and congratulated RB on his win while smiling all the while. Please HH, emulate Sata’s ever smiling face, maybe you might win the next elections! (am assuming you are a PF cadre DIVA and PF cadres have never been known for their wit, so let me state in black and white that I am being sarcastic and in no way support your PF or your statement. So please, do not thumb me up)

    • The over 5s have equally disappointed big time. An LDS church leader once said “Old people talk about the past because they have no future. Young people talk about the future because they have no past”. So who is better placed to take you into the future? The answer should be obvious!

  6. @Mwanta Yaav Kingdomand Stan: What a bunch of repugnant persons you are . To you narrow minded people, everything is a joke. You wouldn’t even recognize the truth even if it was trying to penetrate your stinking ass. With people like you in our midst, Zambia is doomed. Just because you can open and write an e-mail does not necessarily mean you should post comments on this site. Give space to people who can contribute objectively and not pathetic lunatics like you. Find a life, you jerks!!

    • @PM, do you want everyone to pay homage to HH. No way, respect other people’s comments and opinion about HH. HH will NEVER RULE and I repeat HH WILL NEVER RULE ZAMBIA fullstop

      Rest In peace Madiba.

    • @kapaso
      what will you do when he ascends to presidency in 2016? 1diots like you only see tribe in someone and not capability. you would prefer to support a clown for president and end up dieing in hospital because he has fired the care givers for demanding what they were promised

    • Mr. Kapaso that language can only come from a frustrated individual, what has HH’s opulence got to do with your frustration, please take it somewhere else, it is very infectious, it sickens us.

    • Kapaso ndiwe galu chabe. take your foolishness to your pathetic life. The ocassion here is for the mourning of Mandela and not about your use.less opinons.

  7. @KAPASO: It is NOT about paying homage to HH. It is all about responding to what someone is saying without personalizing the issue. Great minds do not discuss issues on the basis of who said them, but rather on the contents of the issues. Ignorance and stupidity is permeating young Zambian minds to a point where they will become obsolute to the rest of the world. My advice is, if you dont a have a progressive mind, stay away from any form of discussion which has any semblance of intelligence.

  8. Now we wait to hear what George Chellah ought to write……he is probably still waiting to compile and edit some copy and paste statements from across the world

  9. HH is a sober minded politician. Lets try to be objective and realize that he is a better alternative to the Panga Family.
    As for me, I will campaign for him.

    • Far much better! And it is the reason why PF has hired bloggers to write negatively in the hope that they can neutralize the message.

    • indeed panga family,rilly he is better option for a better Zambia,if he also misbehave we shall kick him out,the PF gvt has got no mch interest for the people of zambia.,but only the leaders to secure themselves and also their biznes,and to make poor people suffer more EG,mealie meal,transport

  10. MHSRIP. He struggled in life for his country and he also struggled to die. What is good is in all his struggles is he reached the ultimate of what he wanted. MHSRIP once more.

  11. @Diva, How can u say u have never seen HH’s smile; how does a fake smile contribute to your welfare and those of others. You should avoid being petty, short sighted and ignoring the glaring truth about your suffering as a result of poor mangemnt of the country. If you , you eat, dress, travel, or let me say u have it easy in life, i pretty sure it is not as a result of goood leadership of the country. NOT AT ALL. If u have chosen to burry your head in the sand, be it.

  12. A message from a zambian role model to a global giant who has just departed.Well said HH,your message is coherent and it upholds the respect of the zambian people.

  13. …….” all i know and do in politics is inspired by this man”. surely ba HH if you are inspired by the works of the late Legend, we would have seen a lot of civility and compassion in the way you conduct your politics. Mandela believed in humanity, civility, compassion for a fellow human being, love and equality of the human race. the big question is: Do we see all these virtues in the way you conduct your politics? Deep down your chicken heart, you know the answer!
    To Madiba, go well Umfundisi! Your works will surely follow you! Indeeed it has been a great journey! Your long earthly walk has finally ended! Go well Umfundisi!

    • now tell us what “‘uncivility’, ‘inhumanity’ and lack of compassion” you have seen in HH. Or maybe do you want to tell us about the great opposition leader Lucifer the serpent was?

      MADIBA, you ran a full race, and won. Nobody can measure up to you. You are the greatest- MYSRIEP

    • @ Mario
      How????? I have checked all political, social, and cultural literature and i have not come across any point where this under 5 can be equated to the legends you have mentioned! I think the best you can do is to quickly wake up from your slumber and avoid those weired dreams!

  14. Madiba is no more but his name will live on, not that he claimed to be a saint but lead by example. Trully a great loss to his closest family members, SA, Africa and the whole world @ large. HH, great messege, keep it up, even christ was sold for some dirty cents so in life, there will always be those going against the truth.
    RIP son of Africa.

  15. fuseke HH ati Mandela had this to say “I run a country and they run political parties, meaning I have a larger responsibility than my critics.”… leave Sata to govern we mbwa iwe

    • how much are these guys paid kanshi? Their anger even seems real (is this what hunger can do…?)
      Leave HH alone, if he was not a threat, SATA would be ignoring him and not pay pipo to sabotage everything he does and to speak ill of him!!!!

  16. @1.1 NOSTRA-ANUS
    If you are impressed with such comical hollow statements,keep it to yourself or do us a favour by waiting for the official GRZ statement not these enclave bantustan statements laced with high grade aromatic alderhyde.
    You said sata copies from HH, ist not the opposite….”sata did this in opposition am doing same” thats the under5 song everyday

  17. So why should we politicize the statement that is not political at all. Whats wrong with Zambians…and some of you champs keep on talking about things that do not actually help you in anyway.. you behave like ignorant cadres who kill themselves over things that they don’t actually understand. This is not time to call each other names. HH hasn’t said nothing about Sata or whoever are you the spokesperson for PF? this is time to unite and Mourn the Late Dr Chikusu and now also the great son of Africa Mandela not time for politics..there is time for everything and only the wise realize that, you can pretend to be wise just for this once if you are not!

    Rest in peace Dr Chikusu and Icon Madiba.
    thank you!!!!!


  19. “A good head and a good heart are always a formidable combination” … we give thanks to everything you have done, Nelson Mandela. Forever in our hearts. One Love.

  20. “I run a country and they run political parties, meaning I have a larger responsibility than my critics.” – Mandela. Say no more HH!
    Great statement from our opposition leader. It’s been a while I heard such a remarkable statement from HH. Continue with such positive attributes & I can assure you of winning many hearts. Now, where’s cobra’s official statement on madiba’s passing on?

  21. I wish the coach should not substitute FELIX KATONGO in the quarter final match against Rwanda , those RWANDESE can elude us the CECAFA title

  22. I join HH and the rest of world leaders in mourning this son of Africa, Madiba. Mandela became the forth leader whose passing I mourned (genuine tears running down my chicks) after Samora Michel, Levy P. Mwanawasa and FTJ. Madiba really lived a selfless life. Whereas many in the ME and Africa are busy persecuting their political opponents, Mandela chose to forgive those who took lives of his closest friends. This is life worth admiring and living. How I hope that my leaders will emulate this great son of Africa whose admiration has forced national flags of great powers to fly at half mast!

    My kinsmen, when your liberation day comes, remember to emulate Madiba whose vocabulary was summarized by two words, “reconciliatory forgiveness.”

  23. so HH is also planning sabotage? sorry tongas. zambia is in very capable hands. HH and upnd will always be a tonganyoko party, soon to be rendered irrelevant to zambian politics. Mandela had the right and reason to have the revolve to be what he was because there was a real cause. not a resolve to end an lllusion’ bemba dominance’. HH go back to your businesses. u are a failed politician. let others resusitate upnd. because upnd is on popular on ZWD. mansa by-elections told it all. under PF we are seeing zambia being land linked, universities being belt, mines opening up. hospitals being constructed(now shangombo(remotest point in zed) having a general hospital. civil servants going home with better salaries. les us not be selfish o have evil motives. lets unite for a better zambia

    • which orifice where you born from? You are a piece of stinking $hit! You are so full of evil! Voersk you son of a dog!

    • amid all these high profile funerals,some people have the energy to insult others,very surprising.Can we show some civility if we are to be respected as Africa.No one will gain anything by insusting but if we all show love towards each other then the greater the benefits.We may differ in perceptions but emmotions should not override us.Rest in peace doc chikusu and Mandela.

  24. Protocol demands that opposition parties have courtesy to wait for Government to issue it’s statement before they start issuing theirs, who cares how old you were?

    • Protocol may well demand, but these statement should be issued ASAP- if plot 1 is in slumber, why wait and for how long?



      RIP- you will always be remembered



  26. HH statement is KK’s speech of the 70’s.
    Proof? Please compare and contrast statements on Madiba’s death from Obama of USA, David Cameron of UK, and other worthy political, sports and business leaders. There were brief and to the point ie to convey condolences to the family and to the people of SA in general.

    • Cakubabani ba PF attack dogs! And where is your PF tribal warlord leader’s statement? Is he still under the influence of medication?

  27. There is noting Good about HH statement, the thing is to express sympathy to our friends and relatives in South Africa whether write GOOD or BAD all what is important is to sympathses for the loss of a Great Man. Zambians like politics on even on issues that are not Supposed to . BE serious Zambians.

  28. While we a commerating the death of Madiba for his contribution towards the dismantling of apartheid, let us also not forget to hold in high esteem the name of Dr Kenneth Kaunda for his greatest contribution towards the liberation of the southern African states with sacrifice of the zambian people.Madiba RIP

    • Get lost with your KK. He is nothing but a Chief PF cadre! Mandela was a DEMOCRAT. Kaunda was and is still the archangel of Dictatorship! Mandela left democratic institutions and a constitution that South Africans swear by! Your Kaunda did none of these things. You’re still fighting for a constitution half a century after independence! Kaunda screwed Zambia politically and economically!


    • Shut up you screaming PF cadre! Where’s your decency? Go and register for a new panga…….your fellow tribal militia are already getting theirs!

    • Goncalves, if Luapula Premier is really blogging from Canada as his flag bespeaks and he is 50 as he always declares, then he is not a student and since he is a fanatical supporter of sata and them, he is probably in the employ of government which means reasoning is futile! Cease and desist Goncalves my good man! Burst not a vein arguing with Luapula! If a man cannot put aside his hatred of another and instead focus on the message this person has expressed, then there is no salvation for such a man. He has been programmed to hate anything HH. The Cobra’s venom has indoctrinated Mr. Premier! And he will not be moved!!! He would rather swallow a bullet than acknowledge that HH has spoken sense.

  30. After a sustained criticism by the opposition, Mandela had this to say “I run a country and they run political parties, meaning I have a larger responsibility than my critics.” This is very true. Even if political parties criticize, they run political parties, but a Head of state runs a country. Therefore, President HH, be mindful that no matter how much you might criticize the Head of state, you just run a political party (UPND) but the Head of state runs the entire country. However, your message has really made sense. Continue with such spirit. This is your Zambia and we love you so much. As for Madiba, Rest In Eternal Peace truthful Son of Africa! Amen.

    • Madiba admitted when he got it wrong .Thats what that statement refers to. Unlike your Ukwa, who hibernates when his cadres kill each others and does not appologise when he blunders.

  31. One thing HH should learn from Madiba is Humility which he seems to luck . But I like HH’s quote of Mandela’s words ;
    ‘One thing that still strikes me is this statement. After a sustained criticism by the opposition, he had this to say “I run a country and they run political parties, meaning I have a larger responsibility than my critics.” . We hope HH understands that Sata runs a Country while he runs a Political Party and his friend/foe has a larger responsibility than his.

  32. Good message HH. For once u a showing maturity. Please work on your humility. Emulate our great grandfather -MADIBA(RIP).He really was our mentor(I was five yrs old when he went to prison).Zambians please try to learn something from this great son of Africa.

  33. I absolutely do not see anything wrong in HH issuing a statemnet on behalf of his party on the demise of a great man- Madiba, contrary to what the PF attack dogs or drones would want us believe. This is just a general statement whose aim is to sympathise with the late’s family and South Africans. It is also reminding us to learn something from Mandela’s life style. Mandela fought the white man for black people to be free. The white man left 50 years ago. We have now turned to our own with pangas and machetes. This is time for self introspection and not mindless attacks HH.

  34. Such a statement can only come from a hypocrite like him.If Sata was what u demons say u would be scampering to all directions like comfused rats.But because u are possesed of a demon of hate and tribalism u can’t see this.let Sata run ur Zed !

  35. You use the word I so many time that one will have an impression that the massage is about yourself and not Mandela. Any way that is the nature of Emperor HH. It is either I or me

  36. HH has quoted Madiba as saying,


    Well, I hope HH quoted MADIBA correctly!
    I also hope that HH knows the number of press conferences Madiba held (if any) during his entire presidency!

  37. HH trying to win the sympathy of the nation by issuing statements and speeches. Who can’t write a well articulated speech? Every issue in the nation, he wants to be in the forefront of writing speeches. Well continue but it is a wrong campaign strategy. He wished he was the president. Well he needs to a work a little harder than releasing speeches and statements.For 2016, HH should forget. It looks like I hate him but that is what will happen in 2016.

  38. This is a problem with political novices. They play to their online followers instead of laying groundwork for 2016. These are Government to Government issues and not running to online publications. The best he could have done is sign the condolence book at the South African High commission/Embassy

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