Monday, June 17, 2024

Power, Warriors leave town for pre-season training


Power Dynamos and Kabwe Warriors have decided to hit the road for out-of-town 2014 pre-season training.

The Arthur Davies side is in Livingstone until the end of next week for a two week long pre-season camp.

Power arrived in Livingstone on Tuesday and will be in the tourist capital well into next Friday.

Meanwhile, Warriors are in Mongu where they are half-way through their training camp there.

Fellow FAZ Super Division side Napsa Stars too are in Western Province until this weekend.


  1. Hey poor performers what are you doing in Mongu this season? You should have gone there during the hot season. Besides, you need to get good players and stop recycling the same dagga boys

  2. Ba Deus Mwale, leave the boys in Barostland most Pre-Seasons Clubs go there and last yr POWER was in Mongu. Who knows why clubs go to Barostland(Mongu)? Let them train, we re 12 TIME Champion KALAMPA. “NKANA FANS, Evans Kangwa is wth us”. THANKS

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