Saturday, June 1, 2024

Simonda salutes Roan after Nkana draw


Roan United coach Kaunda Simonda is relieved after his side held defending champions Nkana to a goalless draw in Saturday’s FAZ Super League match in Kitwe to pick up their first point of the season.
Simonda’s team bounced back from three straight defeats to hold Nkana in Wusakile.

He said the draw at Nkana will motivate Roan.

“I feel happy you know we have been losing in the past three matches. When we are walking in the streets it has been difficult for us you know how people talk,” Simonda said.

Nkana coach Masauso Mwale has remained confident that the winless defending champions will bounce back from the poor start.
Nkana have so far posted three consective draws.

“It is worrying but I know they (players) will come out, these are the same players who have been bringing glory to the team,” he said.

“Football is some times cruel but I know they will rise to the occasion,” Mwale added.

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