Saturday, September 21, 2024

ZCCM-IH receives partnership offers from Singapore


The Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM) has received offers requesting partnership submissions from Nava Bharat Pty Ltd from Singapore and Vedanta Resources Plc.

According to a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka today, signed by the Acting Chief Executive Officer a Mr W.S. Musama , the company acquired 100 per cent shareholding in Mamba Collieries Limited (MCL) in 2007.

This follows ZCCM-IH’s recent advertisement for qualified and experienced companies to bid as strategic Equity and Technical Partners in MCL.

The advert had requested for parties to submit proposals for the development of the coal mine and a thermal power plant in partnership with ZCCM-IH.

Mr Musama explained that ZCCM-IH’s Evaluation Team will commerce the final adjudication to determine the preferred bidder with whom negotiations will expeditiously begin as regards the development of the Coal Mine and a Thermal Power Plant.

Mr. Musama said that the adjudication will rank the bidders on the basis of the specified in the request for proposal documents availed to all the bidders that are listed.

ZCCM Investment Holdings Plc is an investment holdings company which is listed on the Lusaka Stock Exchange.



  1. I would like to read the partnership agreement to see what clauses are there. This seems dodgy as hell

  2. Imwe please lock up Chiluba and let us make progress. Just lock the thief up and we shall inspire investors’ confidence. The ka man stinks.

  3. Hope they are not only for our copper,and please Ba govt am begging you not to give them too much Authority as you have done kutuma choncholi,they should also be paying tax.

  4. imwe ba govt. zambians can mobilise funds for these partnerships. you do not need dodgy characters from singapore or indeed nigeria. abantu balikwata money iya clean mu zambia.

  5. Why not mobilise funds, capital through the creation of partnerships amongst Zambians. There is capable Zambians that are doing very well and can help improve and sustain our economy. However, I would not be surprised if the same people we call leaders are hiding behind the masks of these alleged investors and robbing us clean without questions asked. Foreogners bring in their equipment for free while Zambians wanna be business men/women, pay for theirs! Doesn’t this raise questions, Investors from Singapore? Who is behind this and are Zambians going to benefit? 😮

  6. Number 25 oooch. Are they chinese looking. These chinamen !!!!!!!. 3RqU do not blame me for utulubi the blog is boring since am and too many new comers and iregulars pretenders such as sh sh INFECTED PORK no BEEF, DOG sh sh :@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@):@)

  7. The name of the investors sounds Indian who could be living in Singapore, God please save our country from more plunderes. God bless Zambia.

  8. As much as I like to blogg, I can’t blogg with some chaps like kawalala and Zondiwe. Tell me guys is it ok to bring your boredom on the blog. Its eithier you know nothing about Zambian politics or you don’t have the interest of Zambia at heart. Am not being petty but Lets be mature as LT does not give us useless News. Its about our country of which we have all contributed in destroying. I know you will hate me for this but lets be mature and lets respect Lusaka Times.

  9. Kawalala,
    Honestly with your kind of blogging if a person who is not Zambian wanted to know more about Zambia, He or she would think that Zambia was a country full of jokers. People like you are the ones who helped plundered govt resources when you where a civil sevarnt in Zambia and who never took his job seriously.

  10. ukambe bible,then why do you like fueling beefs,mwanya,i was burned the whole of last year by LT,now am back ask prof mutengo wamenga,we started this blog

  11. Kawalala,
    Please have some manners. Am sure you can now start talking sense. Show us that naiwe you are educated by commenting on whats in the news article. Nokufika ati Chabooka, nisangyapo! lol

  12. kawalala

    Welcome back my dear,but for your own info we’ll never let you rule us with your filthy languege.tukana ce ungo zioneceramo ce my dear.

  13. Let there be prudence in the dealings. ZCCM IH show beyond reproach that in the deal, you shall be both finacially and technically responsive to the dictates of the conditions and provisions as contained in the said partnership agreement. Otherwise, if you fall short in any area and you proceed to be gotten on board,you will be abused. if you are abused the effects will bare down to the ordinary Zambians. Please ZCCM IH be prudent in your deals,we need effective and balanced progress.

  14. To be honest these investors/partners are taking us for nugs. They know we are a desperate nation who will fall for anything from outside the borders.

    Remember the 80s when our women thought a Somalian, Malian and people from Senegal were well off than Zambians?

    We never learn.

  15. kawalala, uli baaaaad!!!! Blogging has even become boring now, I dont seem to find any interesting topics here so I just end up reading people’s disses and beef. Typical Zed beef!!! :d/:d

  16. kawalala, uli baaaaad!!!! Blogging has even become boring now, I dont seem to find any interesting topics here so I just end up reading people’s disses and beef. Typical Zed beef!!! :d/:d

  17. sorry 53 but when you know that the 3 january, zcccm-ih don’t know publish the accounts 2006, 2007 and 2008, we can think that for a other time, zambia will be sto/len by indian vedanta…
    all the banks and the auditors are english and they work for indians
    For severals ocasion, the board of zccm-ih showed it is very bad ! J Chikolwa do nothing during two years and now they want to deal with indians !…i have doubt on a good deal for zambian, sorry !

  18. The problem with the current agreement were created by Chiluba and SATA who negotiated these agreements.
    If LPM and RB admin were like SATA they would have been sisnging about it everyday and passing the blame on Chiluba and SATA.
    But being mature people they took responsibility of the mess Chiluba and SATA left and simply sought ways of addressing them.
    This is why some of the people in Zambia, unfortunately even on this blog dont know that the mining agreements that SATA seems to shine about when talking were actually left behind by SATA and Chiluba.
    Of course some of you are aware because you know the dates when KCM started operations by indians and when LMP came into office.

  19. The winner is vedanta, because a secret deal when the privatization of kcm signed between GRZ and Vedanta…
    The winner for kcm accepted to develop other energy in zambia…

  20. Sata and Chiluba:d

    Alright so what do we do now then? Sit and feel sorry for ourselves for the rest of our lives or what?

    It`s interesting to note that Sata and Chiluba signed papers years ago which despite BINANI and KCM having left still has Zambia suffering.

    A lame excuse I think!

  21. #63. 3RqU,
    There is no excuse for anyone, what we are saying is that the new agreement that are being signed now under the late LPM and now RB will not be as worthless as those done by SATA and Chiluba.
    We are saying the the era of signing blind agreements went with SATA and Chiluba; this is why we dont want SATA to ever rule Zambia because they have no clear understanding of how agreements aught to be.
    SATA could not know Chiluba for 10 years and in yesterday he claims he regrets having supported Chiluba. Now for 10 years he did not know Chiluba was messing up the economy and yet he was 3rd in rank and an advisor. 10 years was sleeping and yet he still feels he has capacity to be rule?

  22. Cutey,
    Am feeling much better, am sure am feeling ill because I going back to work on Monday.
    I think Zambia is on sale, what do you think. ama Local investors are just looking on while the govt is busy selling ichalo chesu to unreliable people.

  23. 3Rqu is right, put this kawalala guy on ignore and pretty soon he will vanish just as fast as he came. If you all keep responding, that’s exactly what he wants & he will go on and on.
    How can someone be proud to call himself a thief? Christ said the thief has only one purpose: to steal & to destroy.

  24. Fine,
    Do you think RB is better than Chiluba and Sata. Do you think RB is going to make better deals for Zambia or he will aslo do the unthinkable?

  25. This obssession with Sata batata! I am getting worried now. I do not like people who use capitals letters when talking to a person. It`s very rude.

    How about the number of years the Zambian president spent in UNIP?

    This is no time to start looking back.

  26. Nine Chale well come back! Sarah Jones I am glad you are back. Looks like Matworld has a scar from that thief! :d

    Nambala 73!

  27. #70. Sarah Jones
    Absolutely, RB will definitely uncomparative make better agreements that what Chiluba and his advisor/third term chmpion SATA did for Zambia. No doubt about that.
    Dont be decived by SATA, they ruled with his role model Chiluba for 10 years but did not build any secondary school. Today he comes with his 90 day policy and tells you he will elect a secondary school every kilometer and a university in every province and you whole heartedly believe him. He claims he was not on the steering wheel but did he not know that Chiluba was supposed to build such infrastruture when he championed ‘third term’ saying Chiluba was the only man who could deliver for the Zambian people?

  28. #66′ Sarah Jones,
    Don’t worry about work on Monday, ise chinadiba kudala..

    I think Zambia’s sale {I will call it auction} commenced when ZCCM was sold. I lived under ZCCM life style my whole life on the copperbelt. kufola unga waa free, matebela ya free, ma bulb ya free, I never saw water and electricity bills.Then came ba investor.. everything ni history manje. [-o<

  29. Thanks 3Rqu, I just dropped in to check the latest. Now that I’ve done that, I’m going back to the sofa to see the news & chill out on a cold beer. Have fun & greet the other members of our lovely family:)
    PS. I was nambala 75(?):d

  30. #72. 3RqU
    Failure to look back will not take you anywhere.
    In fact most african govts fail because they dont want to look back.
    They dont want to know where they are coming from and therefore have no capacity to define where they are going.
    They have no value for Monitoring and Evaluation because they were told by a sangoma that ‘you dont look back’.
    They have not time for Audit because it is tabu to look back.
    And so they keep going in circles and blame colonial masters for their cyclic motion.

  31. A Babe Bahamas,
    Mwauka bwa?
    Nice to hear that you know the owners of Chimwemwe lodge at Petauke Turnoff.. ‘lovely investment’. The chalets are beautiful, the owner is wonderful too. Had a few lunches with my daughter.. They have ‘village chicken’ on the Menu hahah. LOL <:-p<:-p<:-p<:-p<:-p**==

  32. I like it when people get themselves in a tangle and try to be selective when responding.

    Any sign of things being done differently now? 😕

  33. Now you are free to divert the topic so that many of you can enjoy your usual contributions.
    You can now feel free because I am signing off.

  34. The first Performance appraisal on this Govt by the Zambian people will be held on 1st Feb 09 based on the 3 months probation period.The second performance appraisal will be held 1st May 09 based on the 6 months probation period afterwhich the Zambian people will decide based on the outcome whether to ask them to resign honourably or if the performance is positive then a yearly performance appraisal will be conducted on 1st November of each year until the elections in 2011.This will apply to every Govt that will ever rule Zambia.LT please come up with topics relevant to these assessments on the due date to give an opportunity to Zambians to fairly & objectively assess the Govt.

  35. New Zambia you now talking. This makes sense. Performance appraisal. Every person in Cabinet to get a rating

  36. Someone asked who owns/runs these prospective partners. Vedanta Plc. is based in India and run by its founder, Mr Anil Agarwal (listed by Forbes one of the 40 richest people in India and 164th in the world for 2008) and majority owned by him and members of his family. Vedanta currently owns about 80% of Konkola Copper Mines. Nava Bharat Ventures Ltd is an Indian conglomerate with assets in excess of US$10B, dealing primarily in ferrous metals, power, and sugar, as well as infrastructure development. They currently own Zimbabwe Alloys Limited among other things. The original company was founded by Dr. D. Subba Rao, Sri P.Punnaiah and Sri A.S.Chowdhri in 1972.

  37. I have been to Sinagpore and have seen that country. It got its independence in 1965 and we got ours in 1964. At that time the per capita for Singapore was US$65 while Zambia’s was about US$350. Today Zambia’s is around US$1000 while Singapore is US$20000 almost at par with UK!!! So I wouldn’t criticise them without undertaking appropriate research. In business circles we call due dilligence.
    So I suggest ZCCM conducts a due dilligence on this company before committing themselves to anything. On the other hand which company acquired 100% of MCL? When? How? Why? How is it performing? Does it merit future co-operation as a strategic partner?

  38. It will be interesting to find out how sustainable coal mining in Zambia is at the moment. Many firms pulled out of coal mining because it is less profitable than it once was. The Chinese firms that invaded the Zambian coal mines in the recent past have no regard for the safety of workers and the environment. Their mining techniques are, at best, rudimentary as they find it cheaper to use technology that most developed mining industries discarded in the 60s. Hopefully, we’ll see a change for the better.

  39. Passport Petition Teleconference
    Saturday January 3rd,2009
    Time: 11:00 am ( Central Time) USA time

    Listen and Download
    w w

  40. This is an important topic that would have been worthy of a healthy and knowledgeable debate. Alas, while I applaud those who have endeavored to steer the debate in the right direction, they have been overwhelmed by too many crass and trivial comments that should have no place on a site that is supposed to be frequented by intelligent country men and women. Indeed on many occasions, people and blamed criminal behavior in the country on the so called ‘illiterate’. I’m afraid we have not been the best examples for literacy of late.

  41. #61, Nine Chale,
    You have made me laugh and laugh and laugh as you just reminded me of what my ex= (b4 I got married used to say)

    He one day told me that if all men knew… they would be queing….LOL (8-}8-}8-}8-}:-$:-$:-$:-$:-$:-$:-$:-$

  42. Is #61 really happy in her marriege? Why can’t you forget about your ex. How can yo husband feal if he had to read yo comment?

  43. kawalala are you here to argue with the blogger or contribute to the development of our our country. this i our countries new an we must make contributions that will help our leaders in decision making, be it postive or nagative. not to throw bad words at bloggers. pls change for the benefit of all of us

  44. I hope and pray that ZCCM-IH have learnt a lesson from the conduct of Indian companies in our mining industry (Luanshya and Konkola)and will not make another costly mistake.We need investors but not at any cost and to the future detriment of our beloved country. 😮

  45. ” We need investors but not at any cost and to the future detriment of our beloved country. ”

    But does Zambia really need investors?? Why can’t the government start these businesses, hand them over to management or pension funds and float them so they can be publically traded?

    Why do the mines need to be foreign owned, when most of Zambia’s indepence they were state owned?

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