Sunday, June 16, 2024

ACC not investigating Dangote official and warns public to report corruption in 24hrs or face arrest


ACC spokesperson Timothy Moono
ACC spokesperson Timothy Moono

Alleged Bribery against a Dangote official

In light of various queries received on the position of the Commission on the above captioned subject, the Anti- Corruption Commission (ACC) wishes to confirm receipt of a complaint on the matter from Honourable Fackson Shamenda, Minister of Labour and Social Security.

The Commission wishes to advise that after due consideration of the complaint, the Commission has not instituted any investigations into the matter. In arriving at this decision the Commission has taken into consideration, among other issues, the circumstances and likelihood of an investigation which will disclose facts that show that an offence was committed under the Anti- Corruption Act.

The Commission would like to take this opportunity to remind members of the public to always report any cases of alleged or suspected corrupt practices directly and in confidence to the ACC.

In terms of Section 39 (1) of the Anti- Corruption Act No. 3 of 2012, Public Officers are particularly required to make a full report to the ACC or the Police, of any gratification corruptly given, promised or offered to them within twenty- four (24) hours of the occurrence of the event. Failure to do so without reasonable cause, amounts to an offence on the part of the public officer who is liable, upon conviction to a fine not exceeding two hundred thousand (200, 000) penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding two (2) years, or both.

In light of the above, the Commission wishes to encourage all members of the public and public officers alike to report all cases of alleged or suspected corrupt practices directly and in confidence in order for the Commission to appropriately and timely deal with the cases in line with its mandate under the law.

Timothy Moono
Anti Corruption Commission


  1. In short, the ACC are saying ‘Honourable Shamenda’s claims, as we suspected from the beginning, are a load of cr@p and we would advise him to get rid of that id!otic white stubble around his face because it seems to cloud his judgement’

    • The money meant for Shamenda for offered to ACC officials.
      Look at that Moono, you can’t see anything honest about him. Now it is ACC who should be reported to Police.

    • I believe Hon. Shamenda being a minister moves with body guards or police officers, why didn’t he instruct them to get hold of the Dangote official who was bribing him with a ‘Big bundle of CASH right at the hotel, since the guy had the bundle of money on him? There was some evidence at that time.

    • Right! What about Kambwili who has publicly said he can dish out the dirt on Kabimba if asked by the ACC? Will he also be arrested for not reporting the alleged corrupt activities of Kabimba?

    • Yes – and Kabimba who said PF is the most indisciplined, corrupt party he has ever seen. There are too many loose mouths on the Zambian scene. It is lucky we do not have a seashore; ships would have been sunk by these loose lips!

  2. So, Mr. Moono sir, what’s the point of reporting to you if our complaints will not be investigated? You haven’t even explained why you have not investigated!

  3. Why warning innocent members of the public instead of just arresting the dirty minister.By the time these *****s are out of office and ripe for prosecution we won’t need a prosecutor. Just put them in the dock and watch implicate themselves.

  4. is ACC saying they are going to arrest the minister? If not why not?ACC needs to be convincing, no double standards when applying the law or could it be an issues of money talks, And dangote has lots of it.

  5. the minister must have been put in an awkward position because such data is supposed to b on his finger tips as a public officer. ba honorable, ngamwali ipusha so apa dangote ameya ama points pali imwe , mwazimuka tee? so next time kumu kalampa HR manager palya pene pa hotel, not first mwabika issue mu pantry, mulepishamo pencil elyo mwaisa muku gomaika pa last ati shingananani shani shani, tayaka ba mudala eyo; kano mu MMD

  6. where would i report the Anti corruption commission if found wanting?
    nonsense ACC, just afraid of political tension between Nigeria and zed

  7. Moono, you are the most corrupt, you and your Officers. How many cases about corrupt public officers have been reported to you in writing and all you have done is take the same letter to the corrupt people and say look at what your workers are doing to you , be careful with them. In the process of your fighting against corruption you also get corrupted, you love money too much

  8. …and who even names their child Fackson. I don’t care about the spelling, it just doesn’t sound right. Now look what he has ended up doing over and over he is just fcuking up! Guys stick to our traditional names please. By the way, I hope ACC moves to fcuk him up!

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