Saturday, September 21, 2024

Lungu addresses rally in Mansa


Edgar Lungu on his way to file his nomination at Cabinet Office escorted by MPs, Cabinet and Deputy Ministers and Central Committee members.
Edgar Lungu on his way to file his nomination at Cabinet Office escorted by MPs, Cabinet and Deputy Ministers and Central Committee members.

Patriotic Front Presidential candidate Edgar Lungu this afternoon received a thunderous and heroic welcome by the people of Mansa.

And Mr. Lungu announced that he has appointed Home Affairs Minister Ngosa Simbyakula as central committee legal and discipline chairman.

Addressing a mammoth rally in Mansa this afternoon, Mr. Lungu assured the people of Zambia that he will not abandon President Sata’s vision because it is because of that vision that the people voted for him.

Mr. Lungu notes that by 2016 by the will of God, he will come up with his own vision.
He has also encouraged many people to join the party even those from other political parties so that they work together.Lungu with Ngosa

And PF National Chairperson Inonge Wina says it has been a big struggle for Mr. Lungu to be where he is today.

Ms. Wina explains that it took God’s intervention for the party to come this far citing that without the hand of God they would not have achieved what they have today.

Meanwhile, Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba says Edgar Lungu is the one to complete were President Sata left.

Mr. Kalaba says if people loved Sata they will vote for Mr. Lungu for continuity.

Some of the notable people who attended the rally include; People’s party president Mike Mulongoti, Pf Secretary General Davies Chama, Transport and Communications Minister, Yamfwa Mukanga, chiefs and Traditional affairs minister Pro Nkandu Luo, Community Development Mother and child Minister Emerine Kabanshi, Home affairs deputy minister Nickson Chilangwa among other cabinet and deputy ministers and other PF officials.


    • The President in waiting Edgar Lungu
      @ kudos, katondo boys, gen, peter, eddy, comrades here are some accurate predictions for January 20…

      Predictions for PF/ Team EL 2015…
      Northern/ Muchinga….Landslide Victory
      Luapula…………………….Landslide Victory
      Eastern………………………Landslide Victory
      Copperbelt………………….Landslide Victory
      Lusaka………………………..Landslide Victory
      Central………………………..Landslide Victory
      Northwestern……………..Marginal Victory
      Western………………………Landslide Victory
      Central………………………..Landslide Victory
      Southern…………………….Narrow Loss

      There is no stopping Team EL2015, expect the same forecast for 2016 comrades…

      ******VIVA EDGAR LUNGU…

    • We cannot see the thunderous welcome in the picture. All we can see is Edgar Kaminamisa with his wife from Zingalume. A First Lady from Zingalume. Empela ya Zambia.

      Form 2 Inonge Wina, Kaminamisa’s supposed PF victory does not have anything to do with the hand of God. It was Kaminamisa’s own hand that organized his cadres to take over the convention as delegates and vote for him using a show of hands, so please leave God out of it as God has far bigger issues to deal with such as the hunger and poverty in your country. You are placing a curse on yourself as an old woman by uttering the name of God in vain.

    • Where are the pictures of the sick Edgar Lungu in Mansa? Zambians should be wise enough not to invite another presidential funeral.

    • Attention Lusaka Times. You provide a great balanced forum for contributors and intellectual commentators. Unfortunately this is being blemished by people who spew insults and make disheartening outrageous comments. One such insolent character is blogger Nostradamus who relishes in insulting the very contributors and commentators, some who have gone to other online outlets as a result. Take time to read some of the comments this individual has made and you will understand what I am talking about. While cyber space allows freedom of speech, Nostradamus insults are beyond the limit. He insults parents, children of contributors and commentators, and leaders. You have the right to censor him or risk losing some of your very able contributors and commentators. P/s hear my plea.

  1. As it was in the days of FTJ’s third term bid and the brown envelopes so shall it be. As it was in the days of RB’s most expensive campaign with GRZ machinary on his side & bid for his second term so shall it be. Ask RB and Mudala KK how they felt lossing to the opposition after those mamoth rallies whose attendees are ferried from other districts. As it was back then so shall it be when polling day shall come

    • You are Laughing at EL least the country knows his wife, but the wife of your HH is not known? And you want Zambians to vote for HH who has been rejected by his own wife? The wife of HH does not support him that’s why HH has never shown her to us Zambians, and us Zambians cant vote for HH who has been rejected by his wife.

    • @Truth hates(hurts)
      The Stunningly beautiful and humble damsel you are seeing in pictures by HH’s is Mutinta. That is Mrs. HH.

      Apparently you can’t read. Begin with the pics on LT.

      Eat your heart out!

  2. TIYE LUNGU TIYE!!!! Ba LT we’re waiting for the pictures like you did yesterday. Edgar naisa,nafika….mupeni ama keys yaku State House imweeeeee!!!

    • Good talking mwana wesu. Ala ifwe niba Lungu fye takuli naumbi.

      I liked what people are saying that votes must be given to the Bembas and the Ngonis chapwa!

      Abashala niba ngweleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  3. Am feeling for Lungu. He attracted a huge crowd in Mansa but failed to deliver. By the way PF has not paid farmers in Mansa and would you yourselves vote for them? Answer this with honesty!
    For you information PF may “pull” large crowds but the more people get to assess EL as he delivers his “written statements” the higher chances for opposition leaders to score high. On this point don’t forget that both Edgar and Rupiah are from Eastern Prov and Rupiah is also contesting. You know what my last statement implies.

    I like his mama. Walking with confidence.

    • walwala, we told you that PF will silent HH campaigns. This is just the beginning , it will get hot soon and HH by then would have retired from politics. UPND balwala shiki polomya bane. They do not know what has hit them.

      Tiye PF, Tiye PF UPND the under5s have gone to the under-clinic. They will come back again to try in 2016.

      Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia

    • And for that matter HH has not yet held his rally in Kitwe. He was just going around testing the waters. Just compare the calibre of people surrounding HH and those of EL. Ba Nsanda sure? I cant say the rest was spoken by Kambwili. Word of advice ba PF. Your thuggery behavior is what is de-campaigning EL. I would rather loose with HH than win with EL.

  4. Saleni tubombeko imwe ba HH and UPND. I think by now HH is sick and demoralized. Mr HH just keep on trying its not a sin. This one HH is losing for the fourth straight time.

    You are Laughing at EL least the country knows his wife, but the wife of your HH is not known? And you want Zambians to vote for HH who has been rejected by his own wife? The wife of HH does not support him that’s why HH has never shown her to us Zambians, and us Zambians cant vote for HH who has been rejected by his wife.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  5. Calling on the Embezzling Edgar Lungu to address the following. If in the liky event of PF returning power the following promises have been made
    1) Chishimba Kambwili for vice President
    2) Willie Nsanda deputy minister of finance and still head RDA
    3)Salemani Banda minister of defence
    4) Givens Lubinda Foreign affairs
    5) Simbyakula goes to justice.
    Can anyone imagine Kambwili as vice President? Lungu being spineless as he is will let Kambwili come down like a tone of bricks on the defenceless students at unza. They will do away with bursaries until 2016. So they can keep unza closed. As we say in zambia be steady who you vote for or wina azalila.

    • @loadist your fake predictions are desperate scare tactics …Kambwili will serve his purpose nd be done away with together with the likes of Nsanda such thugs have no place in PF and they may opt to join you in 2016. Lungu can never turn against UNZA you !diot he man is a former monk!

    • @loadist and further to what i just said incase you are an out of touch foreign based blogger for your information UNZA students rallied and protested against the barring of EL by Scott during the other words UNZA students are behind EL, Edgar Lungu can never turn against his own young brothers and sisters that has never happened where a former monk turns against his own..Mwanawasa was a former ruins monk and never once did anything bad to UNZA despite UNZA students initially being against him! Fact!

      *******VIVA EDGAR LUNGU 2015*******

  6. Really, as a level headed Zambian how can you vote for Lungu. The man can’t think for himself, other people have to write what he must say. Who reads campaign speeches, unless you don’t know what is going on. The man can’t articulate issues independently. He is not the right man for this country. Let us not allow thuggery to grow in our beloved nation.

    • iwe pointer every relevant politician has his or her speeches written. they can either decide to speak off the speech or read it and that has nothing to do with leadership.

  7. Iwe Truth Hates, HH has been moving with his beautiful wife in most of his campaigns. He introduced her at a Kanyama rally. Truth really hates!

  8. Couldn’t stoP laughing “Mr. Lungu notes that by 2016 by the will of God, he will come up with his own vision.

    Who is the campaign manager and PR for EL?

    • he is being truthful than promises loads of things you can not achieve in less than 2 yrs. he has my vote for telling the truth

  9. Lungu ni lungu….!!! Wether you vote or not lungu is going to state house in January and hh will be retiring from active politics in January,!

  10. A Lungu do not exasperate you health, concentrate on medication Zambia is tired medical tourism and state funerals. What we need is youthful blood in the nation to foster development.
    Viva HH2015 na futi 2016.

  11. Good to note that donchi kubeba will be on PF this time, loafers will go to their rallies but when time for voting comes. Everybdy knows its HH, mulimuchibe ba PF. But first, why did you fail to work when you were given an opportunity. Nzanu izo

    • any honest Zambian will attest to the fact that we have seen unprecedented infrastructure development. I have been to several provinces everywhere there are development projects going on. this government for the first time improved the conditions of public workers to the extent that even a cleaner can afford to buy a car. They are building universities in each of the ten provinces to provide skills to the youths that HH is talking about. these are just some of many achievements the PF have scored in 36 months. PF forever

    • @ Philosopher

      I fully agree with you. Country is littered with “huge” road projects badly executed, substandard quality or at standstill.

      As to the new universities, from where professors and lecturers will come from, never mind how students will be able to afford it is evident that PF has failed to manage current ones.

      Regarding the living condition improvident for average Zambian, well, I do not know about any. Real cost of food inflation can be seen on the shelf. You cannot eat 10-15 year old wreck from Japan.

      It looks like your “philosophy” its skin deep. No roots, no trunk, just few leaves.

  12. Very patriotic couple. A natural couple with no Western pretensions. A staunchly decent man with loyalty to his wife and children.

    Zambians have poor marriages, with cheating and multiple extra-marital partners. AIDS brought into the family, affecting the children’s future.

    Let us be proud of ONE God’s glory in marriage us shone. He will teach those tenets of faith, so our nation is glorified. Pour, pour Blessings of God on us through Edgar, the perfect servant of his master. Finishing his work and dignifying him in conduct.

  13. Nishani ba UPND! Yakaba bola tefyo? You have no message for Zambians so please stop wasting our time. PF has work to finish unlike you dreamers.
    The predication above is very accurate. Edgar will get 65% of the total
    Cast votes.

  14. This will be the ugliest couple ever seen in residence at state house. Now am even crying having the Obamas in mind. Zambia is cursed. What have we done to God to have in PF such a couple with mosi smelling all over their faces from husband to wife and followers, some of who are so educated to be the ones? Baza tibvuta aba bachakolwa. Amai ine!

    • So this is a confirmation that Edgar has white washed you ka HH. The beauty of a person is in the heart.
      Actually to me HH looks ancient and he needs to be told that times have changed. Zambia is not a kraal but a cosmopolitan nation.
      Edgar is few days away from the doors of power despite Scott, cartel and opposition trying to tarnish his good standing in society. He is a darling of the majority voters.

  15. @2020vision. You are the one that is in denial. Edgar is afraid of Kambwili that’s why he will appoint him vice President. Nsanda is financing a good part of this campaign. Lubinda gives him popularity in lusaka and mongu especially becuase he would need them again in 2016. If Edgar could control Kambwili why did he not restrain him when acting president over the youth center issue. If he cares about unza students why did he not condemne the irresponsibility statements atributed to some members of cabinet after the whole bursaries fiasco. Edgar may have been a monk but now he is a landlord all he cares about is October and the student center. Edgar is scared of Kambwili and if he won Unza will dance to the PF tune with band leadèr Kambwili at base. He already promised to sort them out

  16. Now this is real politics, the ultimate test of a man conscience may be his willingness to sacrifice something today for future generations. Whose words of thanks will not be herd.
    Edgar Lungu sacrificed the acting President……………………………………

  17. Chils @1.6 ,so you think people from Zingalume are not human but from NIPA? What a shallow thinking individual are you. Esther in the Bible was a slave but rose to be a queen, so was David a sheperd who became the most successful king of our time.
    By the way dont spread lies, Hon Inonge Wina has a degree from UK , a reminder to you her late husband was an economist graduated from a reknown university in UK. Go Mrs Lungu , who is a business person. Dont judge people how they look. The most rich people dont show it.Stay you keeping up appearances. What a shame.

  18. Go ahead and campaign countrywide Mr Edgar Lungu. But know that the people of Zambia are determined to move forward in the right direction but NEVER ever with PF. The majority of the people long rejected Mr Sata. Bear that in mind.

  19. Young man with a walking stick…doesnt inspire confidence unless you are Mabuto or Drug baron. …this is clearly another patient waiting to check-in at Embassy Park.

  20. But why bring photos of nomination day? Please help people see and hear what these leaders are talking about? When safe rings begin all of us including media houses will be affected! Let’s be factual. Today Lungs fail led to speak!! ZNBC bought clips of Kitwe rally! where are we heading to as Zambians?? We cover such lies and live the truth!! Let’s face the reality as Zambians!!. I’m disappointed with some media houses!! Sorry!!!

  21. 28 flag Katondo boys
    1 min ago Permalink
    Kalata kuli ba HH

    ichantanshi mutende sana. Bushe abana kumushi balishani? Nga abana bali umutende ninshi chawama sana naifwe kuno ku Mansa town tuli fye umutende.

    Ndefwaya ukuti mwishibe ati ifwe kuno ku Mansa town lelo twachiya ku mitingi kuli ba Edgar Lungu na ba mama ba Inonge Wina. Awe kwena, kwachiba umuntu.

    Ba Lungu bachilanda ifyamano sana. So Ndefwaya ukuti mwishibe ati ifwe tukavotela aba bene ba Edgar abo Bakateka, abayashi ba Sata bashilile ifyanso fya maka pachisungu abati instruments of power .

    Mubaposheko bonse kung’anda

    Napwa nine
    Katondo boys

    2015 vote PF ( Edgar )

    I thank you


    • Kuli Ba Katondo Boys,

      Intanshi ndeti mutende mukwai.

      Ala bane nalipokelela kalata ilya mwantumine. Awe chine nalimwene ifyo chikupiti wabantu wapokelele umunandi Lungu. Ichi chena awa champapusha pantu ine ilyo nali uko ku Mansa kwali fye utubantu ku airporti. Awe chali chansoni ichakweba ati na lali nshatekeshe iyoo. Bushe kanshi Lungu Bwanga inshi alebofya? Iyo kwena ine amaka nayampwa ichine chine.

      Napwa nine ,

      Hakainde Ichilema (HH)

    • Kuli Ba Katondo Boys,

      Intanshi ndeti mutende mukwai.

      Ala bane nalipokelela kalata ilya mwantumine. Awe chine nalimwene ifyo chikupiti wabantu wapokelele umunandi Lungu. Ichi chena awa champapusha pantu ine ilyo nali uko ku Mansa kwali fye utubantu ku airporti. Awe chali chansoni ichakweba ati na lali nshatekeshe iyoo. Bushe kanshi Lungu Bwanga inshi alebofya? Iyo kwena ine amaka nayampwa ichine chine.

      Napwa nine ,

      Hakainde Ichilema (HH)

  22. Some are tribalists… others have no vision… some have no MPs… others faint unnecessarily…. yaba what a choice!!!!

  23. Honestly,Zambia has gone to the slumber.How can you vote for some one who openly tells you that he doesn’t have his own vision for the nation but hopes to God will give him a vision in 2016.Wake up zambia!You can not develope a nation on someones ideals which you can not even understand your own.Sole Maningi,Mlungu tithandizeni thabvutika!

  24. Vote wisely, vote RB because giving the presential office to a new person is a risk because he might just think and embrace the bad vices thinking that’s how politics and leadership is supposed to be like. Rupiah for President

  25. “Mr. Lungu notes that by 2016 by the will of God, he will come up with his own vision”

    I hope Zambians understand the implications of the above statement. Uyu chakolwa admits he hasn’t a vision at all. He wants to carry on with Sata’s violent and stup!d vision! Bushe mwe bena Zambia, are you going to once again vote for a vision-less punk like this Lungu? Did you hear what he said? If he hasn’t a vision now what are the chances he will have a vision in 2016? Ichalo chesu chonaike shani ichakuti nefisushi filefwaya ukwingila mu state house?

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