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Monday, May 6, 2024
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Leaders form AU committee


African Union leaders have resolved to set up a committee of ministers to recommend the way forward in realising the proposed Africa Union Government.

The 52 heads of state and governments who included President Levy Mwanawasa, renewed their desire for a United Africa as envisioned by Ghana’s first President Nkwame Nkrumah.

A report from ZANIS who is in Ghana, Betniko Kayaya reports that the leaders have been meeting to discuss the proposed AU government as put forward by Libyan President, Muamar Ghadafi.

The summit officially closed, Tuesday.

Closing the summit, host President and AU chairman, John Kuffour, said the committee of ministers will be given 6 months in which to come up with recommendations for consideration by the AU leaders at their next summit in January in 2008.

Mr. Kuffour said among other things, the committee will be tasked to come up with a clear road map and time table for implementing the continental government.

The decision, announced close to midnight on Tuesday, followed three days of often heated debate at an African Union summit in the Ghanaian capital Accra that overran its scheduled closing time by half a day.

It represented a face-saving compromise between some leaders who wanted to set up a continental African government immediately, and others who favoured a more gradual, step-by-step approach.

“Clearly, we’re not there yet. it’s a step forward but we’re still a long way off,” Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf told reporters.

The decision to take six more months to study the implications and timing of the proposed creation of a federated African state stretching from the Cape to Cairo was a setback for at least two leaders, Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi and Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade.

Arguing that Africa, the world’s poorest continent, needed to speak and act as one in a globalised world, they had publicly advocated the immediate formation of a continental government.

They did this in the face of the more gradualist approach of presidents from southern and east Africa.


The summit host, Ghanaian President John Kufuor, sought to play down the divisions that had emerged at the meeting.

“The debate has not been about winners and losers, a majority or a minority, the ‘instantists’ or the ‘gradualists’,” he said in his closing remarks.

“We emerge with a common vision in principle for the realisation of a union government. We all have a shared vision of a united, vibrant continental union,” said Kufuor.

Gaddafi and Wade were not in their seats in the conference hall when the closing Accra Declaration was read to reporters.

While affirming the need to accelerate economic and political integration, the document said a committee of AU ministers would study how a continental union under a single government would affect national sovereignties and existing regional economic blocs.

The committee would also consider a “road map” and timeframe for the construction of a United States of Africa that would be included in its report to be presented to the next summit of the 53-nation AU in January.

The decision for more study reflected the cautious position of leaders like South African President Thabo Mbeki, who had recommended strengthening existing regional economic communities before any setting up of a continental union and government.

“Excellent, I’m very happy,” Mbeki said when asked how he viewed the result of the summit.

Kufuor testily rebuffed reporters’ questions about how long it could take before a United States of Africa was formed and what kind of government it would have.

“It is not something we can tell beforehand. Africa shall evolve,” he said, adding this would be the subject of the study.

But Kufuor said Africa in its drive for continental unity would not strive to copy the models of the United States of America or the European Union.

“We want to do a custom-made thing, something to suit the unique attributes of our continent,” he said.


  1. This an academic excercise,nothing will ever work with the current crop of leaders.These leaders if indeed are democratic they need a referendum in their respective countries and see if people are willing to have one Africa Country.Its greedy to always assume,people like me in Ndola I dont fancy this type of governance because my views are not representated.Levy went their in his capacity as Head of state but that doesnot give him a paasport that we all agreable.6 years after the disolution of OAU and birth of AU,we have not seen anything, wars keep increasing,Dafur crisis is such an embarrassment to Africa.Gadafi stop day dreaming.There are more questions than answers and I will gladly participate in the referendum if instituted.You keep bringing in the things that are white elephant,NEPAD is dead,AU is dead, some regional grouping are toothless so what more do you want when little ideas have failed to materialise?

  2. This is why i agree with Paparazzi when in his earlier remarks he said “integretaion out only work if we go by a Bottom-up than a top-down approach”.All this nonsense now of politicians integreting among themselves leaving their population in the dark is another African fallacy over an inevitable cause.

  3. Six months is not enough, we need more time as this decision affects all of us Africans.LPM need not rush into getting us to unite with the rest of Africa.Dont listen to Wade and Gaddafi they are dreamers who have alot of unresolved issues at home.

  4. Sophist#2 Dont trust Paparazzi all he does is copying from others what they have said. This Bottom -up than a top-down approach comes from the mouth of prime minister of Lesotho. Kuku#1 Refrendum is good I also want to be asked when it comes to matters that matter most. But pilz we should have our eyes much open when it comes to conflicts like Darfur, DR.Congo, Angola, Somalia, Uganda, C.A.R, Niger, Sierra leone, Liberia they have one thing in common. They are wars Interest and mineral resources. Those who engineer these wars they just look for a course to diverty pipos attention to the real issue. Ask yourself who is controlling the waters of Africa in the Horn of Africa, Mitteranean sea, Red sea, Antlantic ocean in the name of terror and the truth is taking charge of trade. Especially Darfur crisis there is too much propaganda. Some the pictures being shown are 7 years old just to decive Africa. We have stand and stood aside for a long time watching the image of our continent being..

  5. Selfishness and greedy has now rocked into the so called African Leaders. The formation of United States of Africa can not, and will not work in Africa because of diverse and different cultural, religious, economic, traditional, and many other backgrounds. This is just political selfishness, and power hungryliness by some leaders like Gaddafi and Mugabe. How do you expect West Africans, who are French-speaking, muslim inclined, and they don’t even know a single English word embrace the Southern Africans, who are English-speaking and christian inclined? This is just one of the many reasons why this “USA” can not work in Africa. Let these leaders start thinking about how they will stop the Darfur war and many other wars in the West and North of the continent.

  6. We dont need this,Gaddafi is beingover ambitious,if jst these regional groupings r not something to tal about,wat about africa as a whole.
    Wat we need to do z first consolidate SADC en COMESA

  7. ctd… fro 4. tarnished. All what we need is a strong army like what Gadaffi is saying readily to intervene in such conflicts. Have africans asked themselves how many army personals have developed nations like USA. War is one form of creating employment and also those who are convicted of crimes are given chance to serve in the military. We have personal serving in Darfur and they have intermediated very well you never hear such reports. All you hear is Bad, Bad Hunger, Killing, rape. My friend was recently in Sudan and he said. The war in Sudan is all about oil. Yes the west neglected Africa and they have found themselves friend in china who read to build hospitals, schools, roads and railways in exchange of much need oil.Can you imagine Britain built a railway line during colonial era no maintenance was being done until Sudan asked china to built a new line with the help of Germans.

  8. #4Easy look at people who are in the fore front,Mugabe a tyranist,Gadafi an oppressor,Wade is just another disgruntled comedian,John Kufour sounds reasonable but being host is being cautious.Iwe Chi Mugabe go and make peace in Zim which was a better country 4years ago,put medicines in hospitals,create jobs,repair the economy not just ordering business house to cut prices by half like you supply materials for production for free,Can someone arrest this chap and charge him for cases against humanity?

  9. Ba Kuku# when it comes to Zimbabwe in issue Iam support Mugabe. Can you ask yourself one question. Why does Zambia dont have same problems with white people yet the countries are neighbors and share the same history of colonial powers. Can you tell me how many people die every day in Zimbabwe because of attrocities against humanities. Cant see that there is an element of selfishness in the west. They use black pipo like Collions Paul to make statements agianst their black brothers. Mugabe can go and even if a new leader comes in and doesntaccept the directives of the west you have no chance to do the points you have mentioned above. The best is SADC should wake up and solve this problem. Removing Mugabe is not the solution but critical look at the root cause of the crisis is prima deffer. I have lived in Europe which African has land for farming even to build house you have to struggle with administration.

  10. 5# Kalembe Kafyuke your perspectives of this issue are wrong.In the European union how many languages are being spoken. Even in parliament popi use their mother languages. Maybe the only problem could be religion which a problem worldwide. Start learning other langauges if you want to understand other ethnics. Chinese are in Zambia you dont even understand them but they are your boss. My dear its globalization. Do you that Bill Gates developed software in swahili, chinese in 2005. Dont trail behind catch up with th rest of the world start learning mandalin chinese it will help you.

  11. 5# Kalembe Kafyuke your perspectives of this issue are wrong.In the European union how many languages are being spoken. Even in parliament popi use their mother languages. Maybe the only problem could be religion which a problem worldwide. Start learning other langauges if you want to understand other ethnics. Chinese are in Zambia you dont even understand them but they are your boss. My dear its globalization. Do you that Bill Gates developed software in swahili, chinese in 2005. Dont trail behind catch up with th rest of the world start learning mandalin chinese it will help you do business

  12. My fellow bloggers has any one of you been to Libya? or Senegal? I have lived in Libya and i have visited Senegal a couple of times and i can report that i would not listen to these two heads of states spearheading a union.They need to clean up their act in their own countries before they venture outside.No # 7 Easy , i have been to Sudan in the Darfur region and what you see is what you get.There is death in the air , poverty lingers all over.There is no propaganda pipo are suffering, and what hurts is Khartoum is so peaceful but Darfour is a killing field

  13. 12# Chimwemwe, your exposure is good please take time and go to Darfur and see for yourself the truth on the ground. Can you tell why there is hunger in Darfur when the west have over 2000 Food help Aid organisations. Is there sense in this? The Janjawides as you call them they were not formed by the government of Sudan but it was formed in Europe with the help of the west to bring in instability to the region. Remember the wall in Sudan, was between the south and north because of oil in the south. Immediately the war over Darfur spring up. Can we use common sense here why this Darfur war. I know some of pipo who are behind Darfur killings they are in Europe asking for donations and charity for darfur yet they instead by weapons. What hurts ba Chimwemwe is these are our black african brothers living peacefully in EU.

  14. LPM must focus on more important issues.An African govt. is not going to solve any of the problems we have as a nation.Can he return to Plot 1 and resume sensible causes like sorting out the energy and medical facility crisis.The MMD National Chairman can represent him, Zambia needs it’s leader back on the job!!

  15. It was undiplomatic for Gaddafi and Wade to be conspicuously absent when the closing declaration AU summit was being read to reporters. The decision to delay the realisation of the proposed African Union Government, I believe, was collectively. Even those who were against the “delay” were bound. The conduct of the two Presidents shows what kind of leaders we have in Africa where divergent views are not accommodated by either the ruling or opposition parties.

  16. #9 Easy mwaice what is that you support Mugabe for?have you seen a white person suffering in Zim?Who sends troops to beat and demolish houses for opposition is it a white man ?Its these levels of intolerance by these out dated and expired leaders,that the wish for One African govt is a mere dream and will not materialise.Imagine he does that to his tribesmen and women what more those others from difficult cultures like Islam?You think he can contain the pressure?Its joke mwaice wandi,these leaders should just get back to their regional bodies and pick it up from there.We need to be evaluating the progress of these bodies on a more regular basis.Otherwise those characters working at SADC secretariat are just getting paid for nothing,people like Dr Mutukwa, he almost bankrupted ESAMI and someone recommends him to SADC, Mu Africa muli ma jokers sana.That is why OECD will manage your economic affairs for 2 years because of your gross ineptitudeness.

  17. 14# Is Zesco still shedding? How about the Itezi tezi project how far is it. We need a three month report of the progress there. Medical facilities and trained pipo is another issue which we need to be addressed. Anything about winter maize project. The building of a stadium. Has the building a new hospital in Lusaka started this will be an alternative of the Morningside clinic. Trade amagimation is all Africa needs in the first place.

  18. FYI THE EU is not working as well as they thot it would.Among the main reasons is Language the same with Africa. Africa has more languages than Europe so it is double trouble for the dark continent.How can Leaders think of USA if one Mugabe cant accept other Zimbabweans to rule. What makes u think he will allow a Togolese to rule him.If Thabo Mbeki cant give a chance to a School Dropout to take over from him what makes us think that he will allow a vegetable to rule his gold blessed country.Africa is so diverse and unique one solution is not possible. The only common thing we have is too many jokers

  19. 17# Kuku big, For house demolation I have not forgiven Mugabe like Sata did it to Kanyama and Msisi. I even wrote him a letter I hope he got it telling this should not continue unless you govt build houses as alternatives. You in Zimbabwe they say if your neigbors house is burning and you dónt wan to help yours to will burn. We need solodarity in the issue of Zimbabwe. Zambia has done this in the past. An courages woman from Zimbabwe flying with recently to the UK she told passengers that she has the courage to remain in Zimbabwe its her country. This what we want from Africans supporting each other. COMESA, SADC are not doing enough to solve security problems.

  20. Ba Easy(14), Sudan is split into two: Muslim north and Christian south!!The northeners are Nilotes and the southerners of Bantu origin!! Sudan has oil, natural gas etc which the west will never allow to be peacefully exploited because it will result in reduced dependence on them.Ethiopians/Somalians are still starving just as they were years ago and to make matters worse they are now fighting and killing each other.It is so painful to see Africa perpetuating it’s own poverty through wars that make little sense.To us it makes no sense……but to those who are profiting from all this kafwafwa….. it is a God sent situation.Ba Easy, i am so annoyed that i choose not to continue becoz amaka yapwa!!!

  21. The so called ‘USA’ is not feasible. What should be worked on now is the formation of a single african economic organisation to eliminate trade imbalances. This would promote fair trading among african countries. AS for the zim crisis, Bob is the main culprit. The old man is holding on to power to conceal his crimes against humanity.I do not agree with Easy#9.
    Removing Mugabe will definately restore Zim to its former status as the bread basket of Africa.

  22. With much work on integral issues from a point of acceptable value systems, tariffs, immigration, resources distribution and infrastructure allocation, over time the inevitable union would hold. For now I presume its time to press on with broader economic and social integration before politics.
    Easy, So far you are proving confused with your regrettable tendency of sleeping on duty. This USA subject started running hot on the thread yesterday under the heading “Fierce unity debate grips African summit”. The Lesotho Premier Professor Pakalitha Mosisili just presented his fine tuned speech last night long after the thread here was running into hundred plus contributions. Why the confusion? How are you going to manage the successes of a burgeoning online media if our simple blog patronage purely meant to support you is already clouding with such confusion? Peace!

  23. 22# RN, Look beyond don´t just condem Bob. His staying in power was the popis wish as a founding father of the nation. In 2002 Mugabe was told to be undemocratic and they asked him to hold democratic elections and he won the elections. The problem is if you get money from outside for politics then you bring problems to your country. Its clear that the money pumped in th opposition in Zimbabwe didnt benefit the wellwishers. Instead thex started calling for Regimee change. Nambia is doing the land policy have you ever heard that the west raise against that countrys leadership. No at all. Guys be proud to be black and fight for equal rights regardless of where you are. You can be slaves for ever. Bob made one big mistake taking part in the Congo war this fatal and it has left the country in desolution uptodate. This is caúse of Zimbabwes colapse. Bob also intercepted a group of miseries who wanted to go and overthrow a government led by a fellow Africa. Bob is no yes person that is why…

  24. ctd.. 24 they gave a honours degree which they plan to withdraw because they thought he will change his mind. Remember Bob Marley sang Africa reberalite Zimbabwe with peace in Zimbabwe there is no peace and development in the southern region.

  25. Where will we find time for the discussion of the Pan Africanism when we are failing to reach a conclusion on our own constitution? Six months is not enough at all. This exercise requires more than a decade to study and it can work only through a referendum. It has to be done after all those who attended the summit are no more or no longer in those positions. Their influence is filthy. It can’t be condoned. First and foremost, did you realize that reading across the lines, it appears none of the bloggers can spell the name of the leader of Libya correctly not even the media? An indication that we are dealing with an individual we do not know properly. Some are writing Gaddaffi, others Gadaffi and also others Gaddafi. Which is which? I wouldn’t by any chance like this issue of one Africa destruct our attention on the constitution making process.

    And the issue of oil in NWP should also be handled with care. It is so delicate that should it be proved true that we have oil that could be the beginning of another Darfur. That is a suitable atmosphere which these colonialists want in order to bring about disturbance in a country.

    To sum it up all, I am very skeptical over the use of the word United States of Africa. We have so many learned people in Africa such as Historians, Philosophers, Sociologists, Psychologists, Composers, Theologians etc. Isn’t there any one who could come up with another terminology but of course meaning the same thing? Just imagine, our friends in Europe, were original. They used the term European Union instead of United States of Europe. That shows a lot of independence in thinking and what one intends to do. They have a vision. This issue of just one politician sitting in his bedroom and come up with a terminology to be used by the whole population of Africa is not conducive. It is a sign of tyranism. Let those scholars that can, please brain-storm and come up with a better term and not just a copy cut from the United States of America. Let us try to be originators and not plagiarists from the beginning. If I was in Ghana, that was going to be my starting point. But since people attend these summits without wanting to get ideas from their country men, the result is six months ultimatum to come up with a decision of amalgamation.

  26. 23# Paparazzi, sorry you are behind time what you did know is prime minister of lesetho was interviewed two before. He just repeated this yesterday. Please work up be alert and be at the right place to collect right information from the horses mouth instead of copy and paste you have been doing. Many and again you have been advised by fellow bloggers to desist from this art of informatiom collection because it one day put you in trouble. The world is changing. Check my contribution from yesterday and you will see that I was actively involved and activity.

  27. Nkataboy27# how about BAC, ACB, or Nations of Africa for peace& security, social-económic and development. Much better Land Africa without borders and endless possibilites.

  28. #29 Easy, Continue brain storming and please pass the information to Kuku because Ba Joze is no where to be seen. He is not even in Ghana. What kind of a president is he. Not even a single member of his cabinet attended the summit.

  29. USA will just remain a pipe dream and the committee of ministers setup is just a diplomatic way of saying no to the idea.Imagine,less than 5% are even paid up members of the AU and does anyone seriously expect these leaders to pay attention to this audacious move Ghadafi is pushing.I remember,there was a time the MMD youths where on FTJ`s throat coz they had thought that he wasn`t owninig up to the promises he made and so demanded a meeting at PLOT 1 with him.Before FTJ could meet these youths(3 members of each provincial executive)he sent the then State House Chief of Staff Alexander Chikwanda to inform them that FTJ had thought of opening a permanent office for the youth to be based at State house.All they had to do was to choose amongst themselves a representative to occupy that office.Unfortunately,just like all African leaders the couldn`t reach any agreement and when FTJ walked in there he found them fighting and had completely forgotten their mission.USA heading that way too.

  30. Ia there anybody here who will be be watching Zambia Under 20 playing Spain live.. Africa Unite…
    Let us start by strengthening our regional block and sign pacts which allow free Skilled human resources flow. Let us have a trade agreement and tariff’s agreement.

  31. #23 Paparazzi, Please desist from using the term USA. That term is only meant to be used as an abbreviation for the United States of America and no otherwise.

  32. From ZNBC, TV.

    Wazakaza Ng’uni dies in crash
    The Police Commanding Officer for Lusaka – Wazakaza Ng’uni has died.

    Mr. Ng’uni died in a car crash, near Kabangwe on the outskirts of the capital.

    Inspector General of Police, Ephraim Mateyo confirmed the death of Mr. Ng’uni.

    The funeral of Mr. Ng’uni is being held at his Kabulonga home

  33. #32 HK, I am also a concerned citizen on Zambia Under 20 playing Spain under 20. May those that have access to the match please post the results as soon as possiblem on the blog?

  34. Ifiponda Fya Celebreta yangu tata eeeeeye. Condolences to his Family. I did not like his tactics but admired his courage and dedication to duty. Mateyo positively utilized this man unlike, Chiluba/Ndlovu who used him as a Thug to brutalise the opposition and political ‘enemies’ Hamba Kaale Nguni. MYSRIP. You were a humble servant

  35. Kuku #1, i agree with you that this is a mere academic exercise,well better say it is just another one of those meeting where leaders have nothing more important to discuss than dream about a united africa.
    What has/have the AU,NEPAD,SADC etc that you’ve mentioned achieved yet and they are already dreaming of a US of Africa. I wish God would send someone and whip them at that conference as what they are portraying is a mockery to mankind.Rwanda,Sudan,Ethopia,Angola etc have all been in their eyes observing and laughing while their own brothers and children are been killed in the wars in their. Africans leaders are just JOKERS.
    #9 Easy,my advice to you is do not listen to these dictators like Mugabe,Gaddafi,Chavez,Castro etc whom you seem to support. They are greedy as Nkhataboy mentioned,and when they blame “racism” if they steal public funds.I hope you are aware of Bob’s expenditure and the sufferings of his people.
    #16 M Daka, thats just a sign that Africa can’t UNITE.

  36. Kayata#38, when it comes to land my dear brother I close my eyes and become even more partiotic. We Zambian are good pipo. A relative of mine had a battle at the Lusaka high court just for help refugees from Zimbabwe, South Africa renting a house in Woodlands extension. You can imagine they sold the house with the knowledge of the owner. To remove it was a Tag of war. So is the situation in Zimbabwe. Kayata do you without land you are homeless. In Libya there is one medical officer from Palestine charged together with Bulgarian nurses for infecting children with HIV virus in 1998. This man he the mostly the only one to be excuted because he has not identity. Dear friends, listen to innermost when you are talking of unity in africa and what we want to achieve. I neither a fan of Castro, Chavez, Gaddava, Mugabe. Iam a proud African and ready to defend our intergrity. Anything that is done in Africa to liberate it I will support it. Thats why we want economical unity. In the precivious..

  37. ctd. 39 topic I said we need the rhodes dream to be realised. If Zambia can make good road network and maintain them I see us not going wrong in our dealing. We have to penetrate the equatorial rainfall forest. Build roads and rail meanwhile go intergration the political processes. Chapi#31 You easily forgot, your youth representive minister end up to be Venders Desk at state house. Dont bloggers I will be my mini device in the stadium live. I will bring you the latest results. But tell Anonymus to stop insulting because he is not creative. Those who can watch Play to Play offered by FIFA. We wish the team good lucky with my entire family.

  38. I’ve been studying Easy’s profile. Here are my findings-

    He is based in china, thats how he claims to know another ‘international’ language and he is biased when an issue concerns that country.

    For example he views the racist sudanese govt as ok, because it benefits china.

    Easy has 5 computers, because they can be bought cheaply in china. of course, this is zambian kind of buying, we all know he personally only needs one.Hope he makes money when he sells the other 4 in z

  39. 10 BEST SCHOOLS IN ZED Raked as follows

    1. Chiwala boys (shock boys-Ndoligan)
    2. Butondo sec (nyoko boys-muf)
    3. Serenje sec (nsuko boys-)
    4. Monze sec (wanza boys)
    5. Samfya sec (mikamba boys and girls)
    6. Nakambule sec (sipiso breakfast pupils-WP)
    7. Mindola sec (chibuku warriors)
    8. Pemba boys (bulls-SP)
    9. Chikola sec (kakungwala pupils-Chingola)
    10. KK boy (katata boy-Kasama)
    None from EP pantu bakansulu ba ku EP baliba docile.

    If you were NOT at these schools listed above then you are not naturally intelligent. Ama-men from these schools tabawa pa Grade 15 (University) pantu ni shimbi NOT isha spoon feeding.

  40. Iwe 41# Shushushu u are funny. If I tell you that I can speak Portugese, French, Spanish, esparato english will be in living in all these countries and I am homeless. Who told you that I supposed the racist Sudan govt? Who told you Iam based in Ping Pings land. My five computers are requirement of the job I do my dear. All you know shushushu is a computer used for internet connections. You should know that there other technologies using internet basis technology. I hope you have heard of extranet, Intranet. Thats why you dont know even streaming technology. Ba Shushushu tamukwete fyakulanda. Contribute to the debate instead of studying my profile it wont take you anyway. I suggest you start the campaign of removing Kalumba as chairman of ZCID. This will do you good.

  41. This is for Shushushu, Anonymus, Chapi,Dr. HK, Paparazi, Hey, Chitoba, and Kayata. Life is either an incredible adventure…or nothing at all its also a stop over in the beauty industry so use your time when you still young plant trees like Vera Chiluba so when you are no more people will remember you. PS: “Yesterday is gone forever; Tomorrow is yet to be; Today is a gift, that’s why they call it the Present.” Kuku is the meeting over what have done to Ba joze look at this he is bringing again what is that I dont want to be part of this. I thought he was attending your meeting.

  42. I am an Africa, Zambian. I am very proud of that, and no one will take that away from me. Never be afraid to try something new. Remember, amateurs built the Ark; Professionals built the Titanic. I will build a good Zambia to live in and be proud of.

  43. Ba JOSE #42 Kuti Mwalabashani Chingola na Kasama boys.Mwaipushako ShiPanji Pali Chingola Secondary efyo twalemushupa.Lilya kwaleba ukutantama Esukulu lwamu welele pofye pa ZED.SCOPO yena teyakulanda pantu mudala ishimbi nishimbi.

  44. Ba JOZE #42 Kuti Mwalabashani Chingola na Kasama boys.Mwaipushako ShiPanji Pali Chingola Secondary efyo twalemushupa.Lilya kwaleba ukutantama Esukulu lwamu welele pofye pa ZED.SCOPO yena teyakulanda pantu mudala ishimbi nishimbi.

  45. #47 chapi, 62% bakasukulu pa chingola bali ma-decent elo ama boys matemwenue ukuteya sana basketball, like Mwenya Matete family etc. Kasama boys abengi bakasunkulu balefuma Lusaka (ama-forgery, so mali docile. But Malole boys (St Francis) pali bashoko nomba li-church lyabacitile humble.

    This is latest data from RUFQUA page 1111

  46. #48 BaJoze.Mudala ngawalolekesha bwino pama references yamu ABBOT level 3.Balilumbulamo special thanks to Chingola secondary pa macontributors.Ifwe na Galileo Galileo alitwishibe.OHMM`s law twalicitileko contribute nayo.

  47. #49 Chapi, nganacita compare Chikola na Chingola, ndesanga ukuti Chikola epali amashilu babana with natural intelligence BUT chingola abengi ali niba bookworm. May be Chingola kuti yaba number 11 fighting same postion with Bwacha sec (Kabwe).

  48. #51 Chapi, teti chingola inkume kuli Chiwala boys.

    First, we never lost ball games, ngatwamona ati we are about to lose nishi ni vundu kwiyima from nowhere until the ref abandon the game.

    Second, we used to drink with teachers (it’s true), insabubu and leading money to teachers, so teachers bali banensu.

    Third, teachers tabalefunda most of the times. Ama home work tabalecita mark. So chiwala boys yali ni mfuwe holiday. So imagine a child from this back ground going to do Grade 15(university) bushe nishi teshimbi te? In those days may three would go and do Grade 15, and expect them to finish. Thats what I call natural intelligence NOT those chaps from Hilcrist, Mpelembe, Ibenga ect aba spoon feeding. Ndesubila you got my point Chapi.

  49. Kayata 52# what is with 24# and why should I read it. I have not found any sense in your short phrase.What do you want. contribute to the topic what are your ideas.

  50. Ba Joze you are confusing us I am not understanding what this chiwala boys has tp do with the AU summit. Mwasoba Nzelu nishi bakalamba? You are intelligent and I expect that you have to use your head like in previcious topics.


    Bushe iwe Easy ubumi bobe wabafwe bali computer te? Do the following to prevent the brain MELT LIKE CHEESE pamulandu wa computer.

    1. Go out and have some fun, get some chicks even
    neighbours daughters its fine and share your feelings.

    2.You don’t drink and you don’t party and worse of it
    you don’t even go to church since you are always on
    the computer. Then find some games to do.

    3.Take a break and come back fresh with good English that every can understand.

    4. Sleep early and work up late.

    5. Do some laundry and NOT always on the computer.

    6. Get a girl friend to keep you busy. Oh yes its serious. Explore yourselves.

  52. #56 ci AU has got nothing to do with my katemba at interz and ci topic is of no interest ni ci history nomba. Nomba go and sleep Easy

  53. Resolutions of the Meeting held at Mukuba Hotel, Ndola 03/07/07
    Attendance :Kuku(Chair),Bajoze(Education policing),Nkhtaboy(Agriculture),Paparrazi&Chapi(Africa Union),Kayata(Zambia Economic Reforms),SAGE(Federalism),KC(Administration),Bauze(Health)
    AM,Citizen and Easy –High Tech of web cam to Lusaka
    Appologies: M.Daka,Born Rich,Mala ,Titus(Nano fimo fimo)
    1. Leadership must not be driven by Kleptomania and Community Empowerment must be emphasised
    2. Contain brain by impounding boatloads of Zambians heading to Europe of USA
    3. Western Corporations owning 100% of our resources must be revisited to get the right mix of ownership
    4. Strengthen Comesa to boost trade regionally than far off markets
    5. Dismantle and decentralized govt and boost local authority to handle , Education,Healthcare,security,encourage participatory budgets, reduce current 29 ministries to 10 and appoint effective men and women to be in these positions not the likes of Namulambe and Chituwo
    6. Concession management must be banned as it just breeds neo colonialism
    7. Land use must be encouraged most of our land is barren and under utilized to bring in multiplier effects which can grossly contribute to job creation and poverty eradication
    8. Profits from the mines must go towards infra structure rebuilding
    9. Today’s African leaders who wasted time in Ghana lack the genuine continental patriotism and failed to look at serious issues of economies and how compensating policy will be for poor and ravaged economies like Somali and equity distribution of income amongst Africans.
    10. Mwanawasa whilst in UK wasted time meeting retired ministers instead of requesting for meeting with Gordon Brown the man with a passion for Africa, to this we say LPM stop behaving like a class monitor and strategize what your roles are in foreign missions let people from Finance and Commerce handle these issues, your job is national consolidation .
    11. We must Combat corruption at all costs and we must buy software for tracking all sources of monies for public employees
    12. We must set up Zambia Anti trust Authority to look seriously into companies takeovers with a turnover of 5billion
    13. 4 years to before LPM’s govt is retired, we obviously evaluating the current crop of leaders and their manifestos and a statement will be made available at the next meeting
    14. Meeting successfully closed off at 17.12 , next meeting will be after 6 months same time, same place

    Note that those with contributions can email me at the above address-MainMasalaCafé

  54. # 42,
    Why is it that most leaders in Zambian Government, strategic public and private institutions are products of Munali, Southern Province’s Carnisius, Chiwala Boys, Fatima Girls, Mungwi Boys, Mpelembe, Chizongwe boys and Hillcrest High schools? Kaunda’s regime was full of Munali and Chizongwe Boys. Chiluba was of Chiwala, Mungwi and Carnisius products. Mwanawasa’s is all full of Chiwala boys,Mungwi,Carnisius, Munali and Chizongwe products with Chiwala leading. Someone tell me why things are shaped that way. What is in these schools that they should endear giving the nation leadership from Generation to Generation? Rupia Banda is Munali, KK Munali,Mwanakatwe-Munali,Mwanawasa-Chiwalan,Mpombo-Chiwalan,Gen.Tembo, Simbeye, Miyanda and many Defense chiefs are all-Chiwalans. Why????

    Mr Chairman Sir, I wish to clarify further pertaining to my absensure at the last meeting held in Ndola. I was still observing the behaviour of the carbon cylinders subjected to high frequency magnetic field inductions. However, the dimensions of the cylinders i was using where still big in size and closer to the micro ones. Thre was need to build them from the nano dimensional fragments so as to occupy a very tiny space on the chip. The findings will help to eradicate the ineptitudeness in most african presidents including…those that the meeting had to identify. I need latest power electronic microscope to accelerate the rate at which my lab is running, I will pass my lab report in detail by fax.

    Mr Chairman Sir, I wish to clarify further pertaining to my absensure at the last meeting held in Ndola. I was still observing the behaviour of the carbon cylinders subjected to high frequency magnetic field inductions. However, the dimensions of the cylinders i was using where still big in size and closer to the micro ones. Thre was need to build them from the nano dimensional fragments so as to occupy a very tiny space on the chip. The findings will help to eradicate the ineptitudeness in most african presidents including…those that the meeting had to identify. I need latest power electronic microscope to accelerate the rate at which my lab is running, I will pass my lab report in detail by fax.

  57. #42 Ba Joze,
    I am extremely disappointed with you. What is this you have done? Why did you not keep off the blog until a new topic is posted if the topic is not interesting to you? Why send in comments like you are a possessed chap? Have you forgoten that we hold you with high esteem? Leave that behaviour to Shushushu.

  58. #42 Ba Joze,
    I am extremely disappointed with you. What is this you have done? Why did you not keep off the blog until a new topic is posted if the topic is not interesting to you? Why send in comments like you are a possessed chap? Have you forgoten that we hold you with high esteem? Leave that behaviour to Shushushu.C u I am off for work.

  59. gadaffi didnt say he was gonna be the african president…with a united africa (one army and one foreign policy).. just imagine how powerful africa is gonna be?? ohhhhh…one more thing, china gat 20,000,000 soldiers at present, y’ll know what that means!

  60. 58# Kuku job well done. The Agenda perfect. More is to thank you despite you committments as I said you send some reporters at the international Airport to confront PLM over his yes to USA. Smile! LPM said he has to consult Zambian people first before any position can be taken. And over the chairmanship of the ZCID rumours has it that Lewanika has expressed interest huuhu are they just rumours. Keep it up with the good job. We only disappointed with Ba Joze no wonder you brought him down to education like Gen. Miyanda. Now our institutes of high will even suffer more under Ba Joze because he on sunday appointed Stephen Simukanga as vice chancellor for UNZA.

  61. So hows the president of the new USA going to be elected. Bakanyekanye limbi imwe kuti mwatontonkanyako, njafweniko.

  62. Gaddiffi and Mugabe, need to sortout their backyard mess before they start spearheading the Unity.
    The US of Africa with independent states is the correct approach than the proposed one. The concentration should be the economic integration and human resources free movement to acceleart africa development.
    However with the complexity of the world now where terrorism is at the cornerstone of every national building.. We need to maintain boarder controls and strengthen our information Systems.

  63. It seems for many Zambian people especially on this blog and a few i have asked questions about this DON NOT have the BIG PICTURE.Try to transcend the concept of having a united Africa, it will work.Read what Kufuor said, its not coping from the other united continents like America.Its embrassing people cultures.As africans we have common ground.The people on this blog those who say it can work.Listen to what is inside you honestly,i guess you say to yourselves the west will be always better than despise yourselves.(culture is not a problem America has different cultures,Australia has different cultures).There doing fine.Bravo to Muammar Gaddafi and President Abdoulaye Wade.I really want it to come soon.I wish gets effective by next year.We need not waste time for a united Africa.When Africa is united we would have no war any more becuase will have more soldiers(united military forces)who can easily attack the ones rebelling(causers of war) and we take control.I’m prayng for it

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