Saturday, June 1, 2024

PF not involved in any criminal activities in markets and bus stations-Chama


Davies Chama
Davies Chama

PATRIOTIC Front (PF) secretary general Davies Chama has said that members of the ruling party are not involved in any criminal activities in markets and bus stations.

In dismissing allegations that PF cadres are controlling affairs in markets and bus stations, Mr Chama said party members have nothing to do with the running of these facilities.

“There are all sorts of characters involved in various criminal affairs in most of these bus stops and markets but some bitter opposition political parties are now trying to use this to tarnish the name of the PF,” Mr Chama said in an interview in Lusaka yesterday.

Mr Chama said bus stations like the Inter-city Bus Terminus in Lusaka are controlled by people employed by the council and this is the case at other stations and most markets.

He said the PF leadership has advised its cadres against violence and they have heeded this counsel.

Mr Chama said the allegations against the PF members are mere utterances by political rivals who are bitter about losing last month’s election.

He urged Zambians not to believe allegations against the party members.

Meanwhile, Non-Governmental Organisations Coordinating Council (NGOCC) executive director Engwase Mwale has condemned the alleged beating of a woman at Soweto Market over the weekend.

The UPND has alleged that she was beaten by PF cadres.

“Violence in marketplaces can deter women from earning the much-needed income. It is a known fact that women, as mothers, bear the brunt of the harsh realities of the economy,” she said.

Mrs Mwale appealed to the Inspector General of Police Stella Libongani to arrest the suspects.


  1. Yes mr chama u r ryt sir,we hav no hand in the happenings in markets,beer halls and the likes,upnd cadres must jus learn to hav respect and there will b no unnecessary is a peace luvin party.


      Chama ,Zambians are no as f00lish as you are. They know the signs and evidence of PF cadres committing such atrocities.

      One of the prominent sign or evidence to show that, its PF cadres involved in these violent atrocities, is that police looks away when it happens. PF thugs never get arrested.

      If its UPND who commit such, offences even if in self defence, the police swings into action and arrests the perpetrators.

      There is a problem when you have an SG who was hand picked and not elected.

      Kabimba was not elected by PF members to be the SG. He was hand picked by Sata, look at how he turned out.

      Chama was also not elected but just hand picked by Lungu, look at what a savage he is. He is even worse than…

    • Zambians are very familiar with such PF refusals. Under Sata and Kabimba they were the order of the day.

      We all know that when PF says something, its always the opposite that is always true.

      Such lies will one day catch up with you CHAMA, just like they caught up with Kabimba when the very cadres he was defending turned against him.

      In case CHAMA, is not aware of what turned PF cadres against, Kabimba I will try and give him a gist.

      Kabimba, lost control of his command when cadres felt cheated because they were not getting any benefits in terms on allowances for harassing the opposition for the sake of PF. They told Kabimba about it, but there was no money to give them so they rebelled against him.

      In six months time, PF cadres will rebel against Chama demand his removal.

    • Iwe chile1 wait until Kabimba a fellow thug joins the campaigns in 2016, you see how PF and Rainbow party cadres will clash each other like hell.

      Mind you PF cadres and Rainbow cadres are sworn rivals because they feel kabimba was cheated by the Lungu faction which instigated his dismissal.

      UPND are disciplined and heed HH ‘s advice not to retaliate when provoked but when pushed beyond they can beat the sh1t out of PF cadres.

    • Fine, which political party is running Lusaka Intercity Bus Station. Because it is not the Lusaka city council collecting fees. Even fees for the toilets, those are PF thugs we find inside.


    Chama ,Zambians are no as f00lish as you are. They know the signs and evidence of PF cadres committing such atrocities.

    One of the prominent sign or evidence to show that, its PF cadres involved in these violent atrocities, is that police looks away when it happens. PF thugs never get arrested.

    If its UPND who commit such, offences even if in self defence, the police swings into action and arrests the perpetrators.

    There is a problem when you have an SG who was hand picked and not elected.

    Kabimba was not elected by PF members to be the SG. He was hand picked by Sata, look at how he turned out.

    Chama was also not elected but just hand picked by Lungu, look at what a savage he is. He is even worse than…

    • Mudala @ wanzelu stop advocatin 4 violence kabimba and his rainbow party jus need to respect pf in the same way that pf respects otha parties and they will hav nothin to worry abt,bt if they r goin to b disrespectful and provocative lyk u and otha upnd cadres then obviously pf cadres will b bound to defend themselves

    • @chile1

      Do you even know the meaning of the word “advocating”. Now I see why Lungu has not appointed you.

      I am merely stating facts here. Some former PF violent cadres are now with Rainbow party will stop at nothing to square up to their rivals in PF.

      Ignore my prediction at your peril!

  3. Such a strong denial is an indication of a disordered personality. A hardcore thief, even when caught redhanded, will still deny having stollen.

    • To start with I do not want to sound not respectable of our leaders. Our leaders need to give an ear to the cries of those affected. I would urge Mr Chama to address his cadres and discipline anyone who is involved in violent activities. It would be wrong every time blaming the opposition. This problem need addressing and looked at in a fair manner. The same with opposition they also need to address their people and stop any violent behaviours in the way they dealing with political matters. This is a two way problem. Please peace making institutions be vigilant and stop this nonsense once and for all. To those using abusive language on the media stop it. There is no need to keep insulting each other openly like that. There is a better way of pouring your anger and dealing with issues.

  4. A political party in power, with such mediocre caliber kind of approach just sends doom to our country! Leadership politics requires that you protect ALLCITIZENS of a country!

  5. In Zambia things are not normal, I think. You mean some people would just be claiming to be harrassed by the PF Cadres in such places when no cadre ever harrasses the opposition supporters? And conversely, if they indeed harrass them for political reasons, you mean someone, NORMAL, would be denying as this bufoon is doing? You mean there are no independent parties that can prove or disaprove such allegations, other than this guy who really like and looks for an opportunity to call UPND bitter – the trump word since 2011 elections, even when it is uncalled for to use such a term? I think the police in Zambia is worthless!

  6. Let us learn to respect each other. I know of a person who was insulting people in bars after losing the election and he was hammered.

  7. Ba Chama be reminded that UNIP and Kaunda had the most powerful cadres but where are they today ? Nowhere, so pls. Spare us from these criminals of your poverty foolish failed party. Thanks to UPND cadres for maintaining discipline in the party and indeed in the nation. VIVA HH.

  8. Ba Chama, the lady who was assaulted mentioned the name of one of your party officials based at the market! And why hasn’t this person been arrested by the police?

  9. The saddest thing with PF officials Like Chama is the failure to see the real cause of problems within their party. Just like Kabimba, chama is denying PF thugery not out of ignorance but by the failure to bring the situation under control. in PF, each member has a right to do whatever they feel like doing knowing that there is no leadership.
    Bachama if you were born from real human beings, better open your mouth and utter words that brings confort and hope to zambias. in that way you will market your party with diginity not impunity.

  10. Such fools like chama can really cause civil strife in zambia! He’s a bad leader for denying the truth! Bright Mumba is pf blood thirsty chairman who organised more than 10 hungry pf cadres to beat up and brutalise an innocent woman.

  11. It is so difficulty to define the pf mentality very pathetic. Pf have no shame on the violence they have brought in this country. It is an embrancement to be a pf supporter.

  12. It has been a while, both the PF and UPND are thuggish before these 2015 elections that president Lungu won. Both the the PF and UPND need to get rid of their respective national secretaries and appoint professionals. Also conventions need to be held within UPND. With HH at the helm Zambians are beginning to see the fallacy of UPND. President Lungu is no Sata, he has the Mwanawasa type of smart wise intelligence with added humbleness. As of now he is winning Western province; for the Barotse people have control of state house. Politics of the belly are being trimmed, a great Tonga cousin of mine is now BOZ ( bank of Zambia ) governor. Watch this space.

  13. Davies Chama might be the only remaining remnant of Sata’s sometimes vile way of politicking. He might soon be replaced by president Lungu, for everyone that the president has appointed to leadership positions seems to be qualified for their field of promotion. Even Kambwili is suited for information, due to the fact that he shall decampain himself if he becomes overzealous. Remember this is Lungus president’s first month in office, by the fourth month he shall know whom to remove from office and those to promote.


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