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Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Liquidation Online Auction

Kambwili: Putting Lipstick on a Pig


Chisimba Kambwili at the PF rally in Kitwe
Chisimba Kambwili at the PF rally in Kitwe

Hold your guns Kambwili! Let me first define the expression “lipstick on a pig” lest you misunderstand me. To put lipstick on a pig is a figure of speech used to suggest that “making superficial or cosmetic changes is a futile attempt to disguise the true nature of a situation.” It is an old adage resurrected by Barack Obama in 2008 at the height of his campaign. In his charged attack on the impertinent Sarah Palin he said “you can put lipstick on a pig, but it’s still a pig.”

I use it to show that your recent threats to seek help from the CIA to clampdown on online media, the Zambia Watchdog in particular, are as ineffectual as those of your predecessors. Of course in your usual belligerent manner you see yourself as Beowulf, the hero that slayed Grendel the monster. Your intimidation does nothing but to show that Edgar Lungu’s campaign promise to protect the media was merely putting lipstick on a pig. He wishes to maintain the same repressive media environment.

Many media practitioners and proponents of liberal democracy are already lashing at Lungu for placing you in such a key and delicate ministry. They think it is a prologue to a farce. They believe you, a person known for your shrewd and confrontational political instinct, do not have the temperament and verbal facility to be information minister and government spokesman. Furthermore, they are fully aware of your deep rooted contempt for your critics and those with dissenting views and fear that you are likely to propagate your latent propensity to muzzle the press. I hope that in your “I never fail” exertion you don’t resort to the elimination of your targets.

Now, let me address your CIA scare tactic. In doing so, I begin with a quote by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. Following the attack on the French satirical newspaper early this year, he said:

“The murderers dared proclaim, ‘Charlie Hebdo is dead.’ But make no mistake. They are wrong…no matter what your feelings were about it, the freedom of expression that it represented is not able to be killed by any kind of act of terror.” And Barrack Obama added: “the fact that this was an attack on journalists, an attack on our free press, also underscores that these terrorists fear freedom of speech and freedom of the press.”

I shudder to think Obama and Kerry, both ardent proponents of press freedom, would support your idea of unleashing the CIA on any Zambian online media outlet. Charlie Hebdo was perhaps the epitome of slander. The paper ridiculed religious leaders including the Pope and those in authority, all in the name of freedom of the press. If the CIA was in the business of censorship its agents would have long pounced on the editorial board. Moreover, don’t forget that Obama himself has been a victim of some of the worst slander and caricatures in some of the U.S. papers and the international media. They range from “birther” conspiracies to being portrayed as Hitler to “not being American enough” and to being depicted as an ape. The CIA would rather be squelching such papers than going after the Zambian Watchdog or other online outlets.

So, stop using the CIA as a scarecrow. You make it look like an establishment run by oppressive and dictatorial regimes. They understand the importance of democracy and defend it by all means necessary. It is this basic principle that has profoundly shaped the U.S. into a great nation. They fully appreciate the fact that democracy provides the freedom to be creative, innovative and inventive. It provides rights to freedom of speech, and freedom of the media to criticize government leaders and policies. They know it is this freedom that has led to the production of great men and women—journalists, political pundits, inventors and innovators.

[pullquote]Since FTJ, the “Government Spokesman” at the Ministry of Information has become a “Propaganda Chief,” used as a mouthpiece to purge media practitioners and dissenters[/pullquote]

Like the U.S., Zambia too is a democracy. Back in 1991, we chose to embrace democracy as an alternative for the dictatorial UNIP. It was our sincere hope that with the introduction of multiparty politics, the running of the country would be a mutual responsibility between government and us; that we would use democracy as a tool for our advancement. We were hoping to freely share ideas and thoughts, propose and oppose, imitate great minds, and create our own paradise.

Sadly, FTJ took us on a totally different path with his own “lipstick on a pig” scheme and rendered democracy artificial. He exerted dictatorial control and commandeered the state media. Since then, the “Government Spokesman” at the Ministry of Information has become a “Propaganda Chief,” used as a mouthpiece to purge media practitioners and dissenters. Last year we hit the lowest low when the so-called government spokesmen exploited our lowest instincts and without shame lied about the medical afflictions of the late president.

Your threats show that you are no different. You too cannot tell the difference between a government spokesman and a propaganda chief. The latter is what Joseph Goebbels was to Hitler and the Nazi Party. Goebbels mission was to censor the media as well as the opposition. He made the kind of threats you are making, warning and arresting journalists, authors, actors, musicians and other artists who were critical of the Nazi Party. Many he eliminated. His regimentation of the media turned Hitler into a demi-god and led to the destruction of Germany. Similarly, some of your predecessors adopted the Goebbels doctrine and wrecked our country.

What this country needs is a government spokesman per se; a person with formal training in communication and public relations; one who can manage the dissemination of information between the incumbent government and its people in a nonpartisan manner. Such a person “must have enormous patience and uncompromising attitude about the truth;” he must operate above threats, scares, intimidations, fabrications, lies, and exaggerations.

As for you, it is not only coolness that you need, but also some element of proficiency. Taper your temper and surround yourself with media professionals. Formulate strategies that will address negative opinions without retorting to threats and intimidation. Deal with online dissenting views, derogatory comments, libelous, slanderous, treacherous and treasonous stories and articles evenhandedly. Devise convincing counter ways that seek a peaceful resolution rather than confrontation. You could make a good government spokesman only if.

By Field Ruwe

Field Ruwe is a US-based Zambian media practitioner, historian, author, and a doctoral candidate. Learn more about him on his website On it you shall access his autobiography, articles, and books. Contact him, blog, or join in the debate. ©Ruwe2012.



    • Freedom including press freedom is not absolute but relative. So ZWD should not hide in the cyber space and continue their propaganda with impunity.

      They have to be accountable for their unauthenticated and unverified and highly sensantionalized propangada and unethical journalism practices.

      The ZWD schemes and machinations are inteded to raise the profile of their tribal colleagues and sponsors in upnd.

      ZWD must stop their facebook journalism

    • I don’t like Ruwe

      How about writing an article where you praise this Government where they are doing ok, and or simply an individual

      You criticize and pretend to be much cleverer than you are
      I am doing my PhD and i can see through you drivel you write.

      You are no fan of MCS, of Dr Kaunda, and or Dr Chiluba, and you are already ridiculing EL, and this Government albeit subtly through Kambwili.

      I really hope you at least do like what is in the middle of you body! I don’t like your flawed one side articles.

      If I were near you, I would slap you to align you and make a lot more coherent articles

      All the f’ools that are singing your praise here and doing so out of sheer ignorance without substantiating reasons

      This is a warning



  1. this is F00lishess at its highest peak.
    how do u justfy that unethical jonalism practised by ZWD where by they dont even comfirm their stories they just publish anything.
    moreover where can u find their offices?
    ar they even registard?
    ba Ruwe take your rubish somewhere else not in zambia we dont want alarmist who can cause chaos with there careless reporting we only av one country Zambia.

    • Unethical is the way to go when your past and current govts. have never given Zambians their right to freedom of expression!!

    • The only problem i have with ZWD is everyone can see that the support UPND their stories are not balanced but that does not mean someone must intimidate them just read and make a judgement on your own the choice is yours not Kambwili he must not tell us what to read and not to read.

    • That is the biggest problem i have with Watchdog.They can defame pipo with impunity under the guise of press freedom and there victims have no recourse.In proper countries where press freedom is recognised the victims have recourse.They can sue and prove their inncence which the Bantustans running wathdog dont allow their victims.

    • Ruwe can best described as a coward. When he was in Zambia he would never dare write what he does. Since he is now in the US he writes what he can and wants to show he is courageous when he has never been. By the way, “PhD candidate” has never been used as a title anywhere. It is either you have a PhD like some of us or you do not have. I do not know for how many years Ruwe has been a PhD candidate. Let him just stop using this, lest he fails to get a PhD. He does not come across as PhD material. He is more of a fictional writer conjuring up all sorts of fantasies.

  2. People, understand that most people what they lack in competence they hide in intimidation. That is what Kambwili depends on to survive the political world.

  3. sometimes we dont just speak or write anything just becoz we av an opotunity to speak or write.
    ba RUWE the bible says even a F00l is considered to be wise when he keeps quiet.
    do you consider the human rights of those citezen they abuse (ZWD) by their publications.
    do try to justfy unjustifiable with your selfiness.

  4. Why hide in a basement, in a vest, in soiled boxer shorts, and be posting derogatory stupid articles and call yourself a journalist. Come out and talk to the people like brave men like ECL do. Punks like you are what we call “armchair generals.”

  5. This is very good advice. A minister of information must be sober, cool-headed, mature, and must have the right stuff between his ears. As for seeking help from the CIA to close some online publications, that is the Zambian joke of the year. What is the GRZ scared of? What is the GRZ trying to hide from citizens? Such backward attempts make the citizens start to smell a rat. Counter any false online stories with true versions. Remember that the “truth shall set you free.” Kambwili must learn to listen to the voice of reason.

  6. Great stuff Field Ruwe! I enjoyed every bit of it! The example of Goebbels fits in so well! And Chishimba Kambwili has an unparralled potential to become the worst Goebbels!

  7. I myself and I would not use the word shrewd to describe Chishimba Kambwili.A shred person is one who makes clever judgements based on full understanding of a situation and its implications.Kambwili is more like rhinocerous which charges blindly, without intelligent assessment, into every perceived slight or confrontation. He discerns himself to be a non-nosense tough guy when the reality is he is just a bully who turns out to be a damp squib more often than not.I am sure ZWD are quaking in their boots right now-NOT!

  8. Kambwili’s ignorance is to think that the CIA is a repressive machinery to be used to cramp down the media but this is to the contrary. There more controversial media in their own territory but they would not act like Kambwi thinks.

  9. When you live in Zambia and get comfortable with the status quo, you assume that is the best. On the contrary, freedom of expression and press is much more developed in other countries. All you people that see this article as wrong are backwards. Move with the times! When PF releases alarming statements its fine. But if its the ZWD, it annoys you. Lol. U are an incredible lot u zambians.

    • You are right this is the problem with most Zambians abroad. They think they know it all. That’s why MCS challenged them to come back home & be productive. Most of these arm chair critics of govt are supporting themselves in these developed countries working as cleaners & carers to support their stay or schooling. How then in that capacity do you have the audacity to criticise a policy maker based on hear say. If you where in the country that would be different because you have a feel of the mood first hand. Rude & your biased comments exposes so much of being aloof and an attitude of ‘I know better’. The people you are advocating for have never been Policy makers nor experience of managing massive departments such as ministries. Please tone done your biased criticism

  10. if ZWD were professional journalist they would not be hiding. do you see BBC or CNN hiding. ZWD & Post are media houses used by selfish individuals. it is sad that some Zambians are so thick in their heads that they fell to see that these do not have their interest at heart. if the Post or ZWD cared about you they would be reporting on how great and beautiful mother Zambia is. When the Post were in good books with Sata, PF was their best friend. and that things have changed they seem to have developed media diarrhea. I do not understand how some people will make someone rich by buying his insults. ZWD and Post have become irrelevant.

  11. some people can only make good body gaurds zambia was eliminated from the africa cup because they were shawerd with bad luck thru the coach by kambwili(hoe)

  12. First, who is the metaphorical pig? It is not Honorable Kambwili but nonentity Ruwe the author of the hate speech piece. It is not right to belittle a public servant. If you see a mistake, then point it out. You are shivering because your intentions are not good. There is no need to appease hate speech peddlers. Second, mentioning the CIA and/or other security agencies is not wrong in itself. It is also true that in many instances, the CIA did not live up to expectation. In case you forget, many innocent victims can not speak for themselves. If you are satisfied, then just leave the table. Third, your reference to German history is superficial. History teaches that every human tragedy is avoidable. So, what went wrong in Germany at that time? The answer my friend is blowing in the wind.

    • Well said – these arm chair critics who are just accumulating information without understanding are a disgrace. We are not saying support the govt. or policy makersbbut at least acknowledge when something good is done. You slander has gone on for too long it’s worring. I bet if you were offered a good job Ruwe you would come running. People you are supporting won’t be in govt at least for the next 6 years….

  13. Field Ruwe is simply the best. His critics will say otherwise. I dont support everything that the ZWD says. However, It would be wrong to try and close them down. The ZWD is simply a voice for the voiceless. Without media like ZWD, we would be stack with such biased papers like Zambia Reports, Tumfweko, Post News, Daily Nation, etc. Zambia Reports is the worst. I dont believe everything Zambian Watchdog says. Nevertheless, they (ZWD) make the ruling party a bit accountable.

    Zambia Reports is all about praises for RB and Lungu, and propaganda against the opposition. They are useless. At least the Post News has properly compiled reporting and superb editorials. But even them (Post) only made a u-turn when Sata past away. They are full of propaganda against the opposition.

  14. I for one do not think the statement made by Ruwe was made in bad faith. If he has talked about the person you like so much because of your political affiliations, i don’t think it would be prudent to rant against him like i have seen some comments above.

    Imagine if the statement was talking about HH or any person in the opposition, would you still rant like you did?

    Civility is very cardinal in our reactions.

    I think this article is very educative and full of facts to the level headed and neutrals like me.

  15. I totally agree with everyone who says the minister of information or rather every leader must be level headed. In the same vein every noble citizen with true passion for Zambia must be level headed. The issue of concern is that, people would like to know where ZWD offices are and who are the Directors so that if theres untrue reporting they can be held accountable or if need be, they can do a workshop and train others in journalism that people benefit from their expertise. Love Love should guide us not hate. ZWD should make efforts not to be seen as a vehicle for one political part. Ofcourse, like any newspaper not everything ZWD writes are lies. We see many apologies from Post, Daily Mail, Times, Daily Nation because they are accessible.

  16. Interesting between the lines here is all the crap about how great the U.S. media is for not being ‘controlled’ by government.

    Hear this, in the U.S., they still use money as the cover for what it is we hear, see and read. The requests for papers relative to any topic are ‘purchased’ along with the rights such that the U.S. person will never see the other side of any story.

    It has become difficult to understand so much of what is going on in the world with only U.S. media as the source. Beware of any body of power that seeks to ‘control’ the media. It doesn’t matter if it is the threat of money, or the point of a gun, it is still propaganda and it must stop.

  17. Oh shut up Ruwe.

    Of course the CIA would be interested in helping Zambia flash out ‘journalists’ threatening to bring this country to war. Your UPND is full of treasonous, seditionists who live in other countries in order they escape the law.

    Rwanda will look like a picnic if you are allowed to unleash Tribal war in Zambia, for that reason the CIA will help.

    Further more, comparing ZWD to Charlie Hebdo is risible. They put out satire, and were exercising their write to enjoy that type of JOKE. ZWD is not into political satire. But call themselves an investigative ‘ati shani,’ which is soooooo badly written, you wonder why grownups would waste time like that!

    • Further more, ZWD does not publish comments if they are not on support of UPND. IN ESSENCE CARRYING OUT A CENSORSHIP and preventing honest discussion. Is it not hypocritical of you to deny the gov’t the same right to censor your rubbish??

      Further more UPND Cadres are cyber trolls, threatening people online, CIA are interested with threats to people.

      Kambwili need not worry about taking ZWD on he will be receiving help which will help him to close ZWD.

  18. #1 did warn some of you minions. If Ruwe was wrong, I would not comment. Those of you in the USA, ever listened to Bill O’Reilly and Hanna? Think of Rush Limbaugh as you counter Ruwe’s article. ZWD is partisan, really. ZNBC has been building government image and you do not see that as being partisan. PF should be condemned to its vice. There is no way you it could be paying farmers in January and meaningful persons puts a blind eye to it.


  20. The ZWD is the biggest promoter of tribalism in Zambia. I had an experience while waiting for a connection flight at Washington’s Dulles Int. Airport. There was a gentle with a woman sitting next to me. This gentleman was on phone speaking to someone at ZWD urging them to work hard and finish off the Bembas politically. Apparently he didn’t realize that I was from Zambia and I understood his language perfectly. I had the urge to confront him, but barely restrained myself. Why should we let the ZWD destroy our country? It may look simple but this is how it started in Rwanda. Those who sponsor the ZWD must realize that if the ZWD destroys Zambia, they will never rule because there will be no Zambia to rule.

  21. Seriously??!! Ba Field are you really suggesting that ZWD can be respected a journal worth such a long comment from a scholar.

    Any well meaning Zambian knows that ZWD is about, innuendoes lies, hatred, tribalism, war mongering, false alarm, explosive exaggerations and cheap politicking. They are not even about satire, just plain destruction of Zambia and any good there might be in Zambia. No physical address, just like ISIS. No one is allowed to blog in the negative on their page unless you are blind follower of HH and UPND and are personally know to them. No independence here. Their sources are always those against Bembas, PF and government never in the positive.

    ZWD is journalist terrorism, any government is justified to bring them down.

  22. Well written but ZWD are also a problem they censor any article perceived to be against them. For instance I wrote an article challenging them to state their stand on the barotseland, they did not publish the article.

  23. ZWD does not request anyone to read what they publish, the era of praise singing is gone, yavana! Any leader worth his/her salt should be responsible enough to know the repercussions of their actions! If you live in a glass house, do not undress with the lights on and the curtains drawn. The Article has nothing to do with UPND! Nincompoops! In a civilized democracies, a president’s first ritual is to read all the papers, yes including the tabloids! Muleke vigololo, corruption, nepotism, then something good will come out! Praise singing brought down govts because leaders were not in touch with reality! Good article Mr. Ruwe. Chamubaba akanye! Viva PF support and sponsor!

  24. Very rubbishly dull article with stinking ZWD sycophancy all over it. Ruwe is running mad with bitterness at the horrible loss his HH-UPND suffered. How can a normal PHD person support the injustice and insults of ZWD? As much as I dont support press freedom suppression , in the same vein I dont support reckless and stuupidy journalism practices by ZWD. So Ruwe I wonder if you are a normal PHD student…for there are PHD students who are mad.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  25. like the article. let Kambwili move to Nigeria since he looks and act like one and leave us Zambians alone with our freedom of speech

  26. Pa LT pafulile fye ba PaFu. May the Educated Zambian find manure here.
    ZR is not mentioned by biased bloggers. They are just bent on zwd.
    If you are agrieved by zwd go to userfriendly media houses(eg znbc) and tell the truth.
    Why do you like reading zwd? Do they force you to read? It is a media of its followers. Keep away from such media websites.
    If you don’t want to polute your mind with zwd craps don’t visit their website. They don’t broadcast like a radio. Why trouble yourself browsing for things that do not force you to and end up breaking your heart? This is being stupid and madness. Why searching for insults you don’t want? Let zwd die a natural death. Kwena mulifipuba sana.
    Rural masses know nothing about zwd.

  27. “….Deal with online dissenting views, derogatory comments, libelous, slanderous, treacherous and treasonous stories and articles evenhandedly”. end of quote.

    Ba Ruwe, all predecessors had in one way or the other tried to deal with the publications as you said above. Remember, those that are written on have rights as well.
    Much as you would tell the Government spokes person to cool down, tell these publishing media houses to be professional as well, after role you are an experienced and learnt journalist who should exercise impartiality. Why don’t you advise these media houses as well to cool down? Be cool yourself, or is it that you are part of these online dissenting views, derogatory comments, libelous, slanderous, treacherous and treasonous stories and articles?

  28. KK used to say that when you point a finger at another man and call him a fool remember the other three fingers are pointing at you

  29. Ruwe s writing can only be appreciated by educated people, hate the man but read carefully what he writes, brilliant and i am someone who believes that those advocating for the banning of the Watchdog do so for fear that they expose the truth. The more calls there are to ban this online media the more popular it becomes, everyone will want to read what is on the Watchdog;

  30. I still don’t understandwhy EnCL appointed Kambwili as Information Minister. He is the wrong person! Too excitable and talks too much. It is all very well not caring what people say but in this case it does. He is the country’s mouthpiece and gosh what a mouthpiece it is! Does this man ever stop to think before he speaks? CIA is not a repressive machine. It pays to have educated people in power. He thinks being Minister of Info means he just talks. It is more than that. You can start by improving ZNBC infrastructure and facilities.

  31. You are just putting your tribal clique at risk. Its a wonder that f00ls from that clique are even praising their tribal f00l. if you didn’t know Ruwe, you are putting your tribal clique into oblivion

  32. The man is a runaway child and writing either from the comfort of his garden, porch, living or bed room. Come back and help develop Zambia you fool. If you thought you will only come back when your fools form government, then it is good bye Zambia because the time will never come. Continue living in a world where no one respects and still calls you kaffir or nigger.

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