Saturday, September 21, 2024

Kitwe maid disappears with two children


Kitwe City Centre
Kitwe City Centre

A teenage maid in Kitwe has disappeared along with two children she was looking after.

Police suspect the maid has kidnapped a six-year-old girl and her two-month-old sibling.The maid, identified as Linda Chintu, 18, was last seen on Sunday with the two children.

Copperbelt Police Commissioner Joyce Kasosa said the two children were left in the maid’s custody by their parents at their home in Nkana East.The incident happened between 16:00 and 17:00 hours on Sunday and their whereabouts are unknown.

The father to the children, Kennedy Simfukwe reported the missing children to police in Nkana East as well as the missing maid.

“We have a case of missing children, who were left in the care of the maid in Nkana East but unfortunately the maid disappeared with them and their whereabouts are still unknown,” she said.

Ms Kasosa said police were investigating the matter.

Meanwhile, a Zambia Intelligence Security Services (ZISS) officer has been apprehended in connection with last week’s shocking theft at the Office of the President Kabwe division.
The office’s identity has been withheld but is confirmed to be in Police custody to assist with investigations.

Last Thursday, the ZISS offices which are highly secure were broken into and several computers and documents were stolen.

“We are holding an officer from OP to assist with the ongoing investigations. This is a sensitive matter and we cannot give out names at this stage of the investigations,” the source said.

The break-in had shocked provincial administration as the ZISS offices are directly opposite their buildings and highly secured.

“We are suspecting that this is an inside job, because no ordinary person can go in a highly secure location to steal computers and documents,” another source said.
The source said more statements would be recorded from officers who were on duty on the day robbery.


    • Always treat your maid with respect and pay them well and on time especially if they are looking after your children.

      Also know where they live and do a background check. Don’t just employ the cheapest and dumbest you see.

  1. Although wrong the poor girl who took the two sibling as hostages could have been working for long period and unpaid for several months. interrogate her boss you will found that she was straight brough from a village and unless otherwise she has return there with her hostages hoping that her family will help her to negotiate with her boss to recover her money against the children.

    • Kidnapping innocent kids is not the solution even if they had differences as employer/employee. The anguish those poor parents are going through not know the condition of there beloved kids is unbearable! The kids crying for there parents being fed lord knows what, is heart breaking… Ba police please find those kids!!!

  2. Well explained Ba Kamalondo,
    Straight to the point.
    I have friends who experienced similar fate in Woodlands Extension in 2010. When they visited Milenge in Luapula, the village of the maid, they found her and the two kids sitting under a Mupapa tree eating cassava and ground nuts.

  3. I hope the police will assist to find all three so we can learn what transpired. We should also begin to find out a little more about the maid; perhaps that could assist get to some unanswered preliminary questions. It is a curious anxiety-causing situation for the parents.

  4. Wow. This is quiet sad. I am thinking. could it be that the girl was coned by some crook to deliver the children or it’s an issue between the master and the servant?

  5. All working mothers take a risk everyday by leaving their kids with a help whether she has been with you for several years or 1 week.

    Poor kids are probably scarificed for money rituals by now.

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