Wednesday, June 12, 2024

General News

Ruling in Nchito’s own nolle case due tomorrow

Lusaka Magistrate Lameck Mwale is tomorrow the 2nd of March expected to make a ruling in a matter Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Mutembo...

VJ doubts PF- MMD merger can be realized

Veteran politician Vernon Mwaanga has described the hinted possible merger of the ruling PF and opposition MMD as being an over statement. Dr. Mwaanga does...

Government spends K3 billion annually to provide healthcare to road accident victims

THE Road Transport and Safety Agency (RTSA) is concerned that the health sector spends about K3 billion annually to provide healthcare to road accident...

Help fight tribalism, Lungu urges chiefs

PRESIDENT Lungu has urged Paramount Chief Mpezeni and other traditional leaders to join the crusade against tribalism and regionalism that retards development. Mr Lungu said...

Three hopefuls apply to contest the Senga seat on PF ticket

A senior Patriotic Front (PF) member in Northern Province says three candidates have so far applied to contest the Senga Hill parliamentary by-election in...

First Lady Esther Lungu and Vera Chiluba in Mansa to see challenges faced by women clubs

First Lady Esther Lungu arrived in Mansa yesterday afternoon in a trip meant to have an on the spot check on the challenges...

Discussions are under way for a possible merger of PF and MMD-Chama

THE Patriotic Front (PF) and the MMD are still consulting on their proposed merger. And MMD president, Nevers Mumba said party officials have not yet...

Inonge takes swipe at opposition

VICE-PRESIDENT Inonge Wina says members of opposition political parties are taking advantage of the Patriotic Front (PF)’s lack of membership cards to commit crimes...