Saturday, June 15, 2024
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  1. @1 good question. but the fellows are underpressure to impress mr Dario; so they do all even getting injuries. By the way not only enough injuries they got but enough yellow cards – this happened to the very key players for us. go boys this trophy I bet will be the second score for the mr kamanga led FAz.

  2. Go, boys go! Remember the days these teams never counted? Get those days back for us! Hard luck Lungu! Wishing you a quick recovery!

  3. Lungu hard luck!! My advise for you is to go home & start watching manutd winning this year league. I don’t support Zambian league as too much politics in the game. Hey tell kalusha & kamanga to form a pact just like a UPND & PF see if it can work…..

  4. @ 2 In case you didn’t know it was Kalu who was was present when the Boys were seen off from the air port and i bet he will be present to welcome them Back that is if we wont be suspended from Fifa coz of the wrangles at FAZ.

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