Sunday, June 2, 2024

Princes Nakatindi was a heroine of Independence struggle – Mutesa


File: Princess Nakatindi Wina (l) and her husband Sikota Wina before a press briefing at their resident in Lusaka

Zambia for Empowerment and Development (ZED) president Fredrick Mutesa has described the late princess Nakatindi Wina as a heroine of the Independence struggle.

Commenting on the death of Princess Nakatindi who died on Thursday at Mill Park Hospital in Johannesburg South Africa after a heart related operation; Dr. Mutesa said the late princess was a steward for Independence struggle and the political fraternity at large.

He says she made tremendous contributions to the political landscape of Zambia during her time and that her death must be a unifying factor in the country.

Dr Mutesa says Princess Nakatindi’s death is a great loss to the nation and he has since expressed his condolences to the Wina family.

The ZED president has also urged Malawians to remain united following the death of their sitting President Bingu Wa Mutharika.

And Foundation for Democratic Process (FODEP) president Alex Ng’oma says Zambia has yet again lost a gallant patriot who labored tirelessly to fight for the country’s freedom.

Dr. Ng’oma who is also a political scientist tells Qfm in an interview that Princess Wina will greatly be remembered for her contributions to Zambia’s political and social development.

Princess Nakatindi was evacuated to South Africa after it became evident that she required urgent specialist Medical attention and passed away on Thursday at around 22:30 hours after a heart related operation.



  1. Heroin?
    Was she on drugs? Heroin Kills

    No wonder, things are all coming out now, I hope there is no state funeral 


    • You retard! It means ” a mythological or legendary woman having the qualities of a hero or
      a woman admired and emulated for her achievements and qualities”

  2. #3 Zero Option, Mushota is correct, the article has “heroin” and not “heroine”…….what’s your argument?

  3. Dr mutesa seems to have mistaken this Mrs Mirriam Nganga Wina for her mother the late Princess Nakatindi. Her mother is the one who took part in the independence struggle.

  4. # 4 You are very correct and many Zambians are still confused as to why she was called Princess Nakatindi instead of Mirriam Nganga Wina. Yes her mother was a Princess and took part in independence struggle, but Mirriam’s contribution is probably infinitesimally.

  5. This is to inform all bloggers on LT that our famous blogger Mushota has passed on after a long illness. It has been reported that mushot was hiv positive too. MHSRIP. Oh may our beloved PRINCESS Nakatindi RIP.

  6. Princess Nakatindi Wina was a daughter of veteran freedom fighter Princess Nakatindi Yeta who was in the league of Mama Julia Chikamoneka, Mama Lombe Chibesakunda Mama Zeniah Ndhlovu. Her mother was one of the first Zambia’s female Ministers. Princess Nakatindi Wina was installed Chiefteness of Sesheke in 1966 so Princess Nakatindi Wina who was her eldest daughter assumed the mothers position and that is why she was famously known as Princess Nakatindi. MHSRIP

  7. Sorry meant to write her mother, “Princess Nakatindi Yeta III” was installed Chieftness of Sesheke 1966 apologies

  8. What have the Winas really done for Zambia?NOTHING. These were Greedy cock suckers who took advantage of the little man no wonder they failed to help in the development of Zambian medicines that these mother****ers have to now die in South Africa.What about the poor from Chipata compound,from Chawama who can not go to RSA.Bull shit these were not leaders wake up Africans

  9. MHSRIP. State funeral is in order. Let us learn as Zambians to appreciate positive attributes of our departed.

  10. Sorry to post this here. I just want many people to read this and do what I am suggesting. Ba LusakaTimes Crew and readers please listen to Joyce Banda, Malawi’s incoming President’s interview with Emmanuel TV. She has been to TB Joshua’s Church in Nigeria three times. Please go to youtube and time ‘EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Joyce Banda, Vice President, MALAWI.” I have just listened to that interview. I am now trying to asking God how prophetic Mutharika’s death is a prophetic one. I am confused. I don’t know how to interpret TB Joshua’s prophecy really. I am trying to “Test the Spirit to see if this really comes from the Lord…” Please if you are to comment do so only after listening to the interview.

    • I did listen to that a while ago,though she was talking more of developmental issues especially that which involves the youth.
      I had also listened to the prophecy on 5/2/12 when he prophesied of the death of a leader and also the London riots where he specifically mentioned a place starting with En.Enfield was targeted at the Sony distribution centre.
      Yes you have to test the Spirit and bear witness in your heart to perceive that he is from the living God.Pray for your wisdom and let God confirm all to you.
      Most critics are Nigerian but then we know that a prophet has no honour in his country.

  11. “Heroin” Honestly? Typical of diploma holding journalist. Please correct the heading, it makes me feel like puking 

  12. @12, Just be careful with what you see and hear around, the devil has got power to work miracles too such that if you are not careful you can easily be deceived. The Bible says to the Law and to the Testimony and if they do not speak according that standard then there is no truth in them. Following Jesus nowadays should not be based on miracles because they are not an absolute test.

  13. Nakatindi Wina was a great leader ,and she will be greatly missed by zambians, her zeal was impressive and people loved her including myself a great lady indeed she was

  14. IF only our leaders cn be using dt money to improve our local hospitals instead of fundg themselves for medcation abroad!My frend’s mom is at UTH wd a patient but she hs to go acros to chimbokaila for bathing imagn!

  15. I will always remember the Winas and VJ. Mwanga for their role in fostering the mandrax trade. nakatindi in particular will aslo be remembered for slapping a customs official at the airport for trying to is job. The Winas can never be political role models and portraying them as heros after death is simply laughable.

  16. I cling on to listening to the news broadcast lecture about receiving boundless online grant applications so I have been looking around for the best site to get one. Could you tell me please, where could i acquire some?

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