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Home Ronnie Shikapwasha, Chanda Chimba III and others summoned

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  1. We’ll wait and follow closely. We were subjected to crap. Also help us to understand why and how our airtel numbers were receiving polical campaign messages from the former ruling party. I personally and of course were inconvenienced.

    • We also need to know the Merzaf flats scandal, the Carlington maize scandal, the Parliament 2billion scandal, the GBM procurements, WInter oil kickbacks, the list is endless. Just watch these kolwestans fight, that’s the way they are, fikabolala. We want a federal state, we can’t mix with such people. Twanaka an fi kolwe.

  2. PF feeling the heat of being in the driving seat compounded by the realisation that they are just clueless are begining to revive irrelevant cases that will not help them deliver on their campaign promises or even give them a plan to develop Zambia.

  3. justice is in having mmembe and nchito return our 14billion which has been rebased to 14million zmk. And continue trying kapoko and miti not tuma hearsay cases of self grandiosment by ukwa-cnp

  4. Ba PF and Sata why are you allergic to divergent views, ifyabupuba fye, spare our courts and taxi payers money to probe serious cases such as membe and GBM than victimising citizens.
    We will follow u also after 2016

    • Tiyoko chiwa , when sata was being politically assisinated mwali zee , payback.Tulemiponona muleshininkisa lelo

    • At least CC III is better than some of us because he foresaw the inability of Sata to provide progressive leadership. If only you we were sensible and listened to him we could have saved ourselves the trouble of spending our energy on discussing Sata terrorist-like behaviour (always thinking of how he is going to inflict harm on another person perceived not to his line of thought) against his perceived enemies.

    • and the ironic thing is JOB 13:13, cc3, was showing the actual clips as there were, there was no acting, no exaggeration just as they were!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so what is the issue kanshi? what did he do wrong?

  5. Ba Chanda Chimba mwakulile kwi? icibemba citila; ukupoka insenda ku nkoko ku nakilila. The Government Joint Investigations Team is now on your neck for your previous mis-steping rights and privileges of others. Mwamona ba cousin mwaikatila iciinga ukwakaba. lets hope that you haven’t forgotten about your journalism ethics……………..

  6. what goes round comes around. Fred Mnembe should take heed. let them explain their part but don’t vitimise them.

  7. Let them tell us why they stole our monies for a very crap programme. Let them pay back our money these thieves stole from us. They were so reckless in dispensing our hard earned tax money…yes today they have to dance to our tune.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

  8. When are you going to investigate the Landless Corner and Mumbwa rd project?
    We need answers from the General because its within his Keembe Constituecy

  9. Justice is only against political opponents. How are you going to build a demcracy in a country where all newspapers are praise singers. By the way Guy Scot, you promised to privatise government news papers. What has happened? Self praise has become sweet?

  10. I adjure all genuine anti-Satanic Zambian politicians to join us in exile while they can. Leave only quasi PF politicians like Nawakwi, Namugala and Chipimo to play around in their PF Merry-go-round.

  11. There are so many issues in zambia mwebantu, ubunga takuli ku livingstone, the hospitals are pathetic, youths are unemployed, etc, etc and on top of that you want to squeeze in abena chanda chimba, why? mwalipita ama elections!

  12. CC3 will be a lesson to those who are aspiring to be journalists. The gibberish RBs government allowed to be spewed from the mouth of this ***** was beyond journalistic ethics.

  13. I agree with UNDP. Dora has apologized. Just swallow your pride, bwana CC3 and show remorse. Ba tata may be dictatorial but he harbors no grudges against any one. RB is moving freely today.

  14. #23 Chimba was an embarrassment to journalism. Just as Fred is another embarrasment to this noble profession that seeks to inform in a balanced manner. Shikapwasha used chimba and has to pay for that. Journalists must try and bring some respect to this soiled profession. Just who will save this profession?

  15. honestly i am tired of these arrests, every day and no justice is seen out of them. I feel like its just making the zedian people feel like someone is doing their job but no no no! just lies. please zedian people wake up.

  16. What is happening are sings of a failed state. There are serious problems affecting Zambia and not these petty political cases. Zambians will not feed on these. PF will not be judged as to how many people they arrested but as to how many jobs were created and do pipo have enough food in the country. If the way you are providing arrests was the same with fertilizer, pipo would be happy. Not this drama from Ukwa.

  17. Another Useless man of the World Lefuland Shikapwasha has been summoned. In my opinion it seems to be difficult to find a True Man of God.

  18. What are you saying you dull creatures, when Chanda Chimbwii was insulting Sata, you praised him. When Chanda Chimbwii and Shikapwasha were stealling our hard earned cash by publishing nonsense, you praised them . But what has changed now when us Zambians are asking them to give back our money? This time you call Sata as a failure. Heey please, spare us from your bitterness and frustration. As Zambians we demand that Shikapwasha and Chanda Chimbwii must pay back our money otherwise they should be jailed..period.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.

    • Chanda Chimbwi enjoyed chewing our money and the time has come for him to dance and pay back our money. Prison is waiting for you Chimbwi and you ll be feasted upon.

  19. I rebuke whatever the demonic powers pf gov is using to make mmd people miserable..when is Zambian politics ever going to change? Every time who this who that. If that’s you plan to destroy yo threats, but you will never get away with this..In Jesus name! Thy shall not touch the anointed one.

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