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  1. A dark chapter in the history of our beloved motherland

    May the souls of the departed rest in eternal peace!

    God bless our country

    • Intervene in what? People are dead, my friend. Why do you people say stupid things like that? If you have nothing to say just keep your fingers away from the keyboard!

  2. That was poor attendance at the stadium. So its true that people shun Sata’s forced appearance at Mwanawasa stadium? The funeral would have been much better without Sata, people don’t want to go to a funeral to be shouted at by a president.
    Pic #1, all PF so excited, laughing as they await their king.

    • Iwe, grow up not vaupuba vamene ukamba. You think u r clever that u r alive? y do u ve to see evil all around? where did u grow up?

    • nastrawhateva ulindo iikulu why do u take everything mu ma politics we are grieved uleletapo ifyabupuba u dont what it means to loose a loved one.

    • I thot it was going to be filled to capacity but again its only the relatives and friends of the accident victims who could have attended and not everybody.
      After all this studium is filled up by people from Lusaka when its time football times.

    • LET REMIND YOU THAT have not yet grown up….. commenting on the funeral like that u do not know what who u are.. kindly Stop the nonsense of politizing every thing . CHECK AROUND YOU BODY U WILL SEE INDICATORS THAT U SHOULD REASON LIKE A GROWN UP.
      Our friends were mourning and u ar busy wanting us to focus on The president?
      Do not be Silly

  3. Nostradamus…This is not the time nor will it ever be a place to vomit garbage. Have respect and get your politicizing talent, shine it up real nice,turn it sideways and shav it straight up ur hinde parts! Gosh the nerve of some pipo.


    • If such organization was demonstrated in responses to the root cause, I would be there with you – fist thrust firmly into the still air. But awe. We need organization in not only in times of mourning.

  5. Naustraus whatever your name is. Tame your evil tongue, a funeral is no time for silly jokes. Keep your stinking mouth shut when you have nothing to say on a particular incident , than annoying those of us who have lost relatives to this tragedy. Your days are numbered, this is no time to show your poor understanding of politics. There are better things you can do in life. Leave politics to those who understand them. You are wiser than the people who died in that accident. Stop exposing your mediocre knowledge on things you least understand. There is alot of wisdom in keeping quiet than making unnecessarly noise like a Congolese baboon in the jungle. Your hatred for President Sata ,who was elected by the majority Zambians will send you to your early death. You link everything to Sata, why?

  6. We now expect something to be done,on the road accidents in Zambia this is a disaster, such a tragedy can’t just go silently,because that is what will happen.

  7. Ok, now that everything is said and done. We know the Post bus services paid for the coffins and other small things. How much did it cost the govt to host the funeral. I say this coz some pipo see this as an opportunity to steal

  8. Pic 24. The woman personnel in uniform is a joke. how can she work in such shoes? why didn’t she wear a combat n boats so she can show us what shes made of?

  9. Accidents are avoidable if only priorities and gooals are set.Zambia only reacts when there is an event .May the souls of our parted colleagues rest in peace

  10. ma friends kapanda milton and the soldiers that i used to play with in ndola nesta daka shoprite cairo road lsk espe ma best frnd mistaken identity milton boi can u narret to me if u were present how it was (king jc shimpundu 0972106936 )

  11. Picture number 9: My Pathfinders doing their thing – good to see them, but Dorca do show, to paint the place blue and white, why?

  12. please can someone release all the names of those
    who died in that horrible accident.i have been trying
    to get in touch with my girlfriend on her mobile,but
    unable to.Iam overseas and very worried.

    • @21 IDACHI,
      If you are unable to get a response from your girlfriend why not try to call her relatives or friends. Surely she must have a family and close friends.

  13. @Nostranda whatever you are called you are just like Nevers ,HH ,RB and Sakwiba who when pipo are mourning they go to a foreign land to spread their falsehood.


    The pipo you now associate with are SATANISTS-HH,SAKWIBA AND RB are argents of Lusifer.

  14. I think it is time for Zambian GVT to workup and do something on our narrow roads.
    How much blood do you want to be shed in Zambia so that you here that our roads are narrow.

    recently the so called great east (chipata lsk rd ) killed a man on spot

    Plz GVT yaba SATA work on our roads

    Peter Morris Ziba

  15. Pic 2. Now I believe that the president is always in DEEP REFLECTION. just check where the eyes are focusing, infact its the same in all pictures.

  16. Your captioning skills are very poor

    pictures number five and six . lories are clearly marked police not zambia army.

    Where did your photographer get the Zambia Army from?

    You need to Invest in a picture editor Or just proof read before going to bed .

    By the way in case you’re wondering by going to bed I mean before publishing that is the language used in jounalism. Good luck

  17. What is the meaning” Some mourners REACT???? what is the meaning of reacting in this context? Why few pipo attended at the gallant stadium?

  18. Very sad. But pics #16 & 17 shows that the clergy is a clergy woman a not clergyman. Pic #1 is a sad state of Ndola airport. Hope the don’t close it with plans to build a new one in Chichele plantation. Keep the airport as a domestic airport. Other Cities today have more than one airport.

  19. iwe chi Nosradumas! there is a time to laugh and a time to cry, don’t you realize ati ichi CHILILO wechipuba we? iwe fyonse ma politics. grow up you *****.

  20. May God bless and comfort the families of the deceased…we may not understand y this happened but its known only to him…this is sad and the only thing we can do is keep trusting and believing that we shall meet all that have gone b4 us…may God bless ZAMBIA.. <3 <3

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