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  1. Chipimo is an imposter! Why is he in pic# 1? He doesnt fit in that category of Noble men who have given so much to Zambia. Gray, Kenny those are men of men!


    • You your self are an imposter and the worst of *****s,not Chipimo.Don’t you know and realize he is more intelligent and mature than every one in the entire PF cabinet?
      Think you fool.

    • Its an important question. The other question is independence day celebrations. What Independence?? Elias Chipimo is very reasonable though. A good man that must be listened to.

    • That is so true and deep my sister – ‘Today Afrikans are in spiritual bondage because they approach their spirituality thru religions provided by foreigners,invaders and conquerors’ – words of Emperor Haile Selassie I

      Let me paraphrase – Today’s Afrikans are in spiritual decline and in free fall because we’re not practising spirituality. We practice religion and that’s the problem.

    • Awe Nubian, Elias Chipimo ali che. Infact all the opposition leaders should have been in the picture.

    • @2 I agree with you. Most people think Afrika is free. But she isn’t. We are still divided exactly as the plunderers from europe planned it. Afrika is supposed to be one country with one central govt and army, not cut into 54 unequal slices!

    • Why Africa is not free it’s because there are no new faces in our Government(s),only People born in the Colonial days are the ones still there.
      These People started serving first in the Colonial days,eating on same tables with whites then they continued up until 1960s,70s,80s,90s to date,what is it they have not done all that long that they want to do now?
      They are just taking us back ward and stealing from us,let’s just form Revolutionary Movement(s) and take over our selves,we can make positive changes.

  2. Ba Nubian Princess why ma jealousy kumufana naimwe. Don’t you know Chipimo is Zambia’s Next President?

    • Viva King Michael Viva! Viva, viva, viva!!!! Go on transform this country for the better! We will rally behind you through thick and thin!!!!!!! We know you mean well for us!!

  3. KK is not being abused. The man is up there in age let him enjoy and attend every public event in Zambia. The man is humbled to be honored and every time i see his pic I cant help it but be very proud of Zambia. Though not a perfect country but very peaceful and it all started with him.

  4. When I see Gray Zulu I just remember Mwamba Luchembe incident kikikiki. Ba Gray Zulu pa National Television ninshi nabatina

  5. Bane, if you are a nonentity and you wish to taste the trimmings of power and be elevated to a place where you do not belong and should never have been, form a party. See how this foolish and ugly little boy Chipimo and Mike Mulongoti (former guitarist of a band in Ndola called the Yatagans) are enjoying VIP treatment and respwect, rubbing shoulders with “Real Past and Present Presidents”. Another way to EAT!!!

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