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  1. Go ahead big man and sue the disjointed govt. Sadly another wasted tax payers money to pay you for terminating the contract fo0lishly. In fact, I feel sorry for Chikwanda with now too much kaloba the country is depending on in order to survive. Sata is Zambia and Zambia is now Sata, even the constitution is now Sata and Sata is the constitution.

    • Hello zambia!! go ahead GBM,, punch for punch..wapya muzi!!,, falsehood and dictatorship must crumble. jubillee 2014,, a new leader raises

    • I remember GBM defending Sata over the $100,000 issue which would have put him(Sata) in problems when he was in opposition.

    • That was a carefully laid bait ,Mr GBM. The stupid government swallowed it in one scoop like a gluttonous fo.o.lish fish.

      These are the results of Sata’s knee jerk reactions. He behaves like a boy who throws tantrums at any slight challenge.

      More money in GBM’s pocket again. I will try GBM ‘s strategy some time in the future.

      This is clear evidence that Zambia needs leaders who are not impulsive like Sata. And only one leader HH has what it takes to change Zambia for the better. UPND is the only party with capable men and women with the pragmatic experience to reverse the damage caused by Sata and his political slaves.

      The time is now to start thinking ahead and objectively about which leader to support in 2016. Forget Mmembe’s tribal mantra and support UPND and HH.

    • have just been watching a new years eve address to the nation. pray for him for his health people. we need him to see the difference between him and the next govt in 2016. just the reading was chaotic. yaaabaaa

    • Please Please Please GBM napapata, don’t sue the poor Zambians, Chikwanda can’t use Chinese loans to pay Arizona ltd.
      GBM we need to enter nolle procequi on this one!!

    • YES!
      GBM lets show some people that we cant be taken for granted! Is this how some of you people say thank you? Were is your loyalty honestly? GBM all the way……. how ever you scratched them wrongly, this haunting is cheap! Get the best Lawyer available Sir, something has to be done, someone has to surface and lead the way, taking people for granted like Mafias has no place in this day and age. HH, Dr Mumba all oposition leaders as well as well meaning Zambians join forces and take arms!

    • To put it in an shell Sata is well and truly Fcked. At 76 he knows one term is enough!!! Hence all the borrowing etc… It’s won’t be his problem in a few years time. Rb was the same!! that’s why we need a younger leader with thier head screwed on.

    • Dear Fellow Zambians, as we tick off this year and prepare for the next, we should take time to reflect on what really has gone wrong with our collective psyche. How could we deliberately put in high office an evidently deranged person, Sata! We were warned, many times, over many years, yet we willingly handed over power to a known tyrant. He is is now dictating and abusing his powers, and we seem powerless to do anything about it, scared of his soldiers and, especially his police, who are desperate to do his bidding without question. Other countries have had their dictators imposed on them by force of military power, in our “peaceful Zambia”, naturally, we had to hand over power to a dictator, Satan, democratically, through the ballot box. Who are we as a people?

    • It’s saddening how these people were abusing power! Just because you were in gvt did not mean your company should have been involved in those contracts, that’s corruption at the highest level. There are a lot of trucking companies owned by people who are not in gvt, but how come Arizona or is it Amazon get the contract? Corruption!! Wina azalila!

    • @Nostradamus
      iwe Nostra… GBM has been pushed far, who must he sue then?,,, 72hours deadline, all papers are ready, lawyers are just waiting for GBM to sign!!,,,

      and more claims are coming, K2.6 billion, all the money paid for the PF chitenges,,,muka yama ala fwilamo..

      mealie meal price will go up , transport will go up..mamamamamama…you dont mess with GBM,, 2014 wont be nice for Sata

    • @Nostradamus
      Ba chikwanda will just sign that cheque with chinese money on it quickily.. kaili his share ku Arizona ltd… things are bad for Sata
      meanwhile the chitimukulu is smilling seeing his children defending the kingdom from Bisa invaders

    • Most bloggers are inexperienced when it comes to African Politics. This is not Europe but Africa.

      In the first place Mwamba’s riches have come about through corruption with the MMD government and later on with PF. This Grade 7 has no more business acumen than any of you. This guy was just in a position to corruptly award himself those contracts. As such if he leaves government he can’t hold to those contracts, another corrupt chap will take over from where he left. Simple rule of corruption – Don’t bite the government that feed you!

      It was the same with Kaunda, Chiluba, Mwanawasa and Banda. Ask Kavindele about his railway line project.

    • Lusaka Times should emulate the Zambian Watchdog.
      Try to dig deeper. There is need at this stage for more investigative journalism to address the rampant thieving going on.
      Avoid the temptation of Sympathizing with the likes of GBM!
      His time is over.
      Let them fight each other but our focus should be on keeping the watch over the rampant corrupt activities and abuse of authority.
      Let GBM fight his own battles!
      They were together when they were awarding themselves contracts and the president was the one deciding who gets what contract!

    • Too bad bro GBM, reality is now showing that you’re a seasoned businessman, yet a political novice. You should’ve known when entering politics that in this game there are NO PERMANENT FRIENDS AND NO PERMANENT ENEMIES! I know they are playing dirty games on you, but as fate would have; your foes know all the illegal elements of your conduct and probably activities/ services you claimed, which in fact were NEVER RENDERED. To them, it didn’t matter then, But NOW IT DOES…

    • GBM, you’ve got big money. It’s time for you to assemble a serious defence team that will embarrass your detractors.

    • @Soulosi
      uliko,, compliments of the season, ,,,as your PF put the country into alot of debts and hides a `90 days` constitution in 2014
      Have a great new year`s party!!

    • @ndobo thanks man.I was even telling my homies in zed that i have a favorite online friend called ndobo a fellow Zambian.Compliments of the season too bro.Take care bro its now Jule Aften.

    • @Saulosi
      thanks man for spreading the news,,, how is Zed??.. the food, the good people??
      Politics aside… how is the economic situ on the ground?,,
      i miss home too ,,, cant wait to go and eat nshima and kapenta ya shaba

    • @ Saulosi,
      Welkom back, I was starting to wonder what had happened to you. Lucky you for taking a breather in the joyous sun of Mother Zambia, hope you packed all the food you could especialy that white slippery Mashroom, It’s my favourite!

    • @Zambiano…i missed you too bro.You and I have share the same idiology@Cindy…yes i have brought ubowa mama.I have what they call ubusefwa(mushrooms).

    • Ba Sauloshi, if Zed was “Rocking”, how come you couldn’t even afford to put in a posting saying you were in Zed where it was rocking??? Wa le pita fye munfinfi ku mwenso ati chi sata cha la kulonga mu “cooler”, ne fi chitina aba mu diaspora!!

    • Hey, Prof Chirwa has not gone to jail yet. But he will surely go to prison because he was a bit careless and excited and his enemies have first class evidence and facts on his alleged corruption especially his dormant company, Clavel Incorporated. There is no way he will escape jail for a minmum of 2 years but most likely longer!
      Sadly, his Finance Director is also likely to end up in jail because they were signing things off together!

  2. Which Court ba GBM, Sata’s courts with the shameless Lombe Chibesakunda prostitution legality at the helm? As Lapgreen & Zamtel…….Best is do a STRATEGIC KNOCK OUT on sata then sue

  3. Its not worthy for any sensible Zambian to continue supporting pf,these are signs of a primitive,unappreciative,arrogant and devilish mind operating human creature.why fixing Gbm,at the end of the day sata and his cohorts will tap tax payers money and pay gbm,and later come to the electorates asking for is time like these that Zambia needs the heroes like malala,snowball,madiba,benezia Bhutto.cry my beloved cry.

  4. how did you get the contract in the first instance? Was it open to tender or was it given to Arizona because of politics?
    i would guess in court your enemies GBM would say the latter.

    • A contract ‘tainted with illegality is not a good contract at law.second what goods did GBM offer FRA? I think it was his trucks which was a service. FRA will pay for transport he has offered so far into court and wait for him. Lastly no lawyer will defend him because he doesn’t settle legal fees!

    • Big sack, just be quiet Chimbwi aitile impashi awe nasho shamububa….ati nibe belele bafuma apasanseme baya apaleloko.

  5. Sata doesn’t think. Ni CNP Zoona, Does he realise that by so doing government will pay huge sums of money to ArizonaGBM? Nifi tashakafume mutumba yakwe mambala.

  6. I dont think taking stata to chibesakunda will yield any fruits because the two are one. The best thing to do in my opinion is to declare political war against pf by joining a progressive party like UPND and help organize the northern part of zambia nothing else.

  7. @ Ndobo, kapenta ya shaba? I have never had that – infact i did not know that it is done. interesting – I will request next time…

  8. Kicks of a dying horse, unfortunately. Is this not the man who, not too long ago, was vigorously pushing for the endorsement of Michael Sata as presidential candidate for 2016? Was that an attempt at trying to extend his political life and survive the heat within? He is clearly still a novice and an armature in Zambian politics. He better watch-out. Otherwise he may die broke!

    • What dying horse?? he has a winnable case…You will pay him for breach of contract and loss of business from the date 27/12/2013 and this is road haulage we are talking of here…he will go home laughing….did I forget legal expenses. Can’t you not see that its your sisters and brothers who will folk another cheque for these greedy people utterly silly childish tribal party squabbles.

    • Jay Jay, it’s like opening a can of worms. GBM may not be the ultimate winner in the law suit. Besides, it may dry-up the springs from which his business has been drinking. As a going concern, his business may be headed for the chopping block!

      Law suit, yes. However, GBM may not be able to out-wit the system which is already corrupt to the core, inclusive of the judiciary.

    • GBM managed it under the then MMD when he was in opposition…what can stop him now he will lose out on the corruptly acquired GRZ contracts but people will still continue buying his maize meal.

  9. Good evening

    I find it shameful of our government to play the bad card on GBM by disrupting business relations with him. This is the problem of concentrating so much power on the presidency, instead of dissipating it on each of the sections of government, the judiciary in particular.

    On the other hand, the man should have known that he was walking on a tightrope when he made up his mind to join politics. This is the price he has to pay. It should teach him not to put his eggs into one basket.

    • iwe nomba naukwata amano.its good you can now see through sata’s sure you regret having being a die hard cadre

  10. I am no lawyer and please excuse my opinion.
    I do not understand why the GRZ, the custodian of the taxpayers wealth should be dragged into this GBM vs Sata war. It would make sense if GBM sued Sata in his personal capacity since their confrontation against each other is purely personal. Sata should not hide behind the presidency.
    Secondly, this is 100% bemba war started by bemba chiefs and please hands off national resources. GBM may claim his billions back from Sata and his PF

    • I’m not taking anyone’s side but I think a Minister should never have a business that has contracts with government. It amounts to unfair business practices. A minister would easily influence a tender. Me as a private businessman tendering for the same job would unfairly lose out to the minister. This renders govt tenders to nepotism. It is pure corruption. Don’t these ministers have a code of conduct? LAZ cant you put a stop to this?

    • @Umwina Zed,
      Good point,, the minister must not have business interests? then the next question begs, who approved that contract to given to GBM, in the first place…cant you smell abuse of authority and corruption there?? it opens a whole can of worms.. neither way this is interesting

  11. GBM has a good boy sydrome. When he left MMD to join PF, it was for the purpose of trying to win Sata’s affection. Sata welcomed the idea of more money in his pocket. But GBM could not appreciate the fact that there were other “good boys” just as close if not closer to Michael Sata than him, the likes of Kabimba. He devised ways to sort these out and get them displaced. Unfortunately, that project did not go too well and certainly did not win him any accolades.

    Frustarated that he was not winning that fight, he now took on Sata himself, in order to get even with him by becoming a “good boy” with Bashilubemba”. This, he thought, would hurt Sata. Now he is talking of going to court. I will tell you what he needs to do, he needs to grow-up and be a real man and not a boy.

    • @Ndobo. very good observation how were GBM and other ministers contracts processed. Kabimba and his A team member, Gay Sitoti were right when they said many PF ministers are corrupt. H.H had requested that the allegations be investigated. Zambia is entering the new year with a lot of uncertainties with our ruling PF.

  12. GBM sue you will get your money even BY was given because of having a president who can’t dialog he his going to pay back you saved him during MMD time $100 000 today he would have been in chimbokaila GBM u are clean from time of Levy and RB they couldn’t investigated u want of satan with his falling GRZ

  13. “I will be left with no option but to sue” said Mwamba
    “They will have to pay me huge sums of money” said Mwamba.

    Brother GBM please learn to apply breaks to your tongue…

    What if you lose the case?
    If I were GBM, I would have waited for FRA’s response, for the expiry of the ultimatum, before going ballistic? Before issuing any statement? What if he also failed to fulfill certain clauses in the contract against which the government simply shielded him just because of his ministerial position? Did he abide by all the rules as stipulated in the contract such deposits and tax returns to ZRA?

    • Even then, there must have been laid down procedures including grace periods to correct those shortcomings!
      Nearly all large contracts of that nature have caveats and it is likely that the GRZ and FRA were behind in payments in any case!

  14. @@ Wanzelu

    I have noted you are really trying to join GBM with HH. I can see that this is about getting the Northern, Munchinga votes for HH.

    knowing that GBM is already talking to Nevers Mumba and strategic plans are already working supported by his clan ( Chitimukulu & BenaLubemba ), which has really angered Sata and the Cartel so much. – Are you really sure GBM can join HH?

    After all GBM can join anyone he wants MMD, UPND and so on…

  15. He will lose in court because the FRA through the AG will argue that it was a matter of national security. GBM is showing a political immaturity of the worst kind.

    • Whatever the reasons, those who break the contract have to pay the price for breach of contract and that’s where Govt will waste Tax Payer’s money because they didnt follow the procedures.
      Worse still FRA cant even give any reasons which means they see no reason and were just ordered to cut the contract!

  16. It would folly for me to sympathize with someone who acquired these million dollar contracts corruptly given that he was in a very influential high ranking position at the expense of hardworking Zambian entrepreneurs.
    Lesson to all when you acquire contracts using your position they will disappear the selfsame way you grabbed them.
    I only sympathise with the hardworking taxpayer (including you blind cadres) who will pay dearly for the recklessness of all these greedy selfish people. In 3 months time you will read these two very costly french words about this case “Nolle prosequi”.
    Zambians WAKE UP!!

  17. GBM, just conduct your businesses without necessarily being tied to government contracts. Scores of other business people like HH are getting by and managing very well. For all we know, this controversy is all ‘arranged’ so that millions will be paid to this guy in tax payers funds. Fellow Zambians, let us not forget that this is a form of plunder. We should fight hard for change of the current status quo come 2016 and prosecute this callous and wanton wastage of public funds .

  18. Sata has a short memory, he has already forgotten that it was GBM who saved him from the motor theft case. while in opposition GBM also bought sata a vihecle when he had no transport to tour the country .

  19. Frankly, after hearing GBM state the monies he financed Sata, it is really heart breaking. Not even HH or Nervers’ people can sacrifice K2.6M (REBASED). Not to mention he bailed Sata out of jail for K100,000 (REBASED) cash! Even Kabimba at this point must be ashamed, Sata certainly is, guys, honestly, if someone gave me that much I would not hurt them!

    • @ Voldermort,
      Surely they will have to reap one way or the other, extortion at its best, infact Maffia Law!
      How do you even pay back such a giving person? Shame on them, they will forever be indebted to him even as bones!

    • It is all down to the Unique gift that we Zedians have!! A VERY SHORT MEMORY!! The biggest “ka teka”(mouse) in plot one, is more than any of us endowed in this department!!

  20. What is happening to GBM also happened to the late BY Mwila on the Landless Corner Mumbwa road. BY won billions of Kwacha on contract and PF ended up appointing another contractor and this stretch of the road is now costing the government K200m(K200bn) from the initial cost of K80m(K80bn) had BY continued on this contract. Now in whose interest are these cancellations done?

    • But Ben Mwila’s Wade Adams Piling, was be paid about K44 billion by RDA over its terminated K80 billion Landless Corner-Mumbwa road project. Let me rephrase we paid him not RDA for politician’s recklessness.

  21. Perhaps we should focus more on how you, Mr. Mwamba acquired such a contract from the government without declaring interest? Similarly, the government should be worried about having accorded you this contract whilst you were serving in the high echelons. Frankly, we are done with messing about. All we need is NAREP and Elias Chipimo. Transparency, transparency, transparency! NAREP2016

  22. These cretins never learn. They always think the Party and it’s government – PIG, and send the compromised Attorney General to defend the BOMA. PF, PF awe mwe!

  23. It is unfortunate that FRA can act in such unreasonable fashion. GBM is making himself appear as a saint because of this pettiness

  24. Mylon Hankoli and Jay Jay, GBM shall consult Mahtani as he is an expert in extracting huge sums of monies from successive governments.

  25. Its so interesting to read how GBM has become a hero to some professional bloggers who a few weeks back he was a villain to them n they called all sorts of name. Political prostitution at its best bangwele.

  26. Sadly GBM opened a Pandora’s box. As the story unfolds, one sees where Kabimba was coming from. GBM has a major problem in being outspoken and scheming. HE Sata made a major error in appointing to his cabinet in the first place. GBM has made news since ascending to cabinet, mostly to do with abuse of position, his businesses being awarded contracts without due process. If I were him, I would negotiate behind the scenes, as there is more damage to come his way, if he chooses confrontation. Remember Kabimba is still in government. Some of us expected GBM’s exit a long time ago. HE Sata did well to give him a rope to hung himself. Adios. Long live the King!

    • iwe mufumbwe, te kanya, fumia fube fube pamenso!! GBM kale aamba ama business!
      What evidence do you have of ” contracts without due process??”

      Pa zed, it’s why we have ended up with pa mafi becoz of such “THOUGHT-PROCESSING” which relies on hearsay, believing anything that looks like smoke, has to have a fire!! Ever wondered why they call it “Fog???”

  27. Having watched a clip showing GBM resigning a few he’s after talking to the President, it reminded me of a grade 4 pupil with temper tantrums. The man forgot that he had huge contracts with Govt n only realised after he had vomited on his food. Come to think of it, how much has he reaped from Govt for him to complain about funding PF. Can someone with data tabulate how much he contributed n how much he has reaped from contracts.

  28. Open yo eyez, ths move wz antcptd, thy wl jst argue tht GBM got those contracts coruptly & tht wl b all…u wl tel me

  29. Saulosi, you were briefed well by Xavier Chungu? Sata will not cast you away but 2014 is cast in different clay and unfortunately for a few it is not going to be good for the privileged few under Sata, as wind of change is blowing at velocity unimaginable.
    Start packing bro.

  30. Sata is dull. Why to issue such a directive when the fat bag can be killed within a month. Stop his trucks at all road blocks, offload cargo for inspection. check trucks for fitness and confiscate trucks for any minor offence. And on top of that rainy season will spoil the cargo and FRA can claim millions from him for soaked maize.
    Does it need a genius to finish off GBM. A-Team is really dull. Modern day grade 4 is much better to strategise than oldie grade 4.
    And send inspectors to his milling plant to check pollution levels in the plants, health inspectors move in after 3 days and charge his companies and executives for dirty toilets and uneven surfaces and to put the cherry on the cake, labour inspectors move in to check his staff and other relevant records. And if that is not…

  31. If they are indeed Pathetic Fools (PF) as they are so often dubbed to be, then they may not have looked at the ramifications of the supposed cancellation of the contract. However that, if they so did, would have been a blatant error on the part of the government.

    The President has a plethora of legal experts around him, such as the Attorney General, the Minister of Justice etc., there shouldn’t be any excuse for such an oversight on his part. Such a presumption in most of the blogs above is therefore far-fetched and mere wild imagination.

  32. Imwe ba chitechi, where are your heads first of all? Minister of Defency is exactly the same as Minister Without Portfolio. Its an administrative position only. All Service Commanders report to the President directly. Another dull Zambian is happy GBM is sueing. Well you are very dull just like him, ba grade 4. GBM doesnt know that even if he put a relative as a front to win those contracts, he was not mentioned as an interested party so that this relative would have to declare interest and let the committee decide independently. Mukomfwefikafumamamomu. you dullads.


  34. GBM is foolish, and very corrupt. How was he engaged in the first place yet he was Cabinet Minister. GBM got those contracts becoz his influence as Cabinet Minister, and since he is no longer Minister, let government cancel all the contracts with GBM.

  35. Those supporting GBM should first read between the lines. You dont support him just because Sata is not your favourite. Look at the man first. He resigns on an ant hill without writing to the one who appointed him. No one threatens him but he goes on a local radio to talk about the money he gave PF during campaigns. What does that tell a level headed and impartial observer? Simple- GBM has been waiting for Sata to annoint him successor to PF presidency. He claims Bemba land is a no go area for PF so yo wonder is this guy aware that Zambia the country he wants to rule is not about Bembaland etc? But since we hate PF we applaud such utterances. It were Lubinda and his type involved I would take the issue seriously. But when it inolves a mrcurial charector, I will think twice. Any in Zambia t

  36. But when it inolves a mrcurial charector, I will think twice. Any in Zambia this not new. William Banda has been embraced by some political party after being ditched by MMD on account of being involved inviolence. Not a long time ago GBM was a punch bag from the sane charectors who are hero worshiping him now just because he has differed with Sata.

  37. With my auntie as Acting Chief Justice, GBM shall forget getting any justice. Lawyers will be delighted to handle his case, to milk him.

  38. GBM you committed no crime when you resigned but the mistake you made was to tell us what you discussed with the president ,shame on you change for once.When you divorce we do not expose our partners.many have resigned and say its personal.we are not interested in hearing how much you sacrificed for the pf,it is your poor calculation and are saying that this business is for your wife and children how come it was financing pf?



  40. I now know that GBM you are more logical than most of your former cabinet members. This has also helped to correct a lot of wrong impressions painted about you. Most sensible people in Zambia are behind you and we now know how low the caliber of the PF administration is.

  41. Lets see who we will vote for in 2016.if we let this go on zambia will be a living hell.we youth moved out mmd we can do it again. see how expensive life is in zambia much is ubunga,ka bear,traffic rules,airtime etc

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