Sunday, June 2, 2024
Home Roan’s Kafubu Stadium to receive a face-lift

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  1. The problem, like Mopani, these facelifts they are doing are just patches on the old garments. What making a new stadium do these Mopani and compani don’t understand? Can’t they see Ndola and Lusaka Stadiums as examples of “facelifts?”

    • @ Iye, Facelift means working on the old one to give it some good standard. Like you have said, ” just patches on the old garments?”

      Ndola and Lusaka Stadia were built from nothing. That is the difference, which is expenditure.
      To have a new ultra modern stadium like those, it calls for money, which I doubt a company like CLM can fully commit towards soccer.

  2. These Chinese *****s have failed to maintain Luanshya Trust School,not even toilet paper,how will they manage a big project at kafubu?We are paying huge sums of money so that we get quality education for our children but it does not translate into meaningful changes,am told miners are paying as little as K70 but outsiders are paying K 1500 per term.

  3. I remember once in 1957 when my late Dad then Club Chairman, took me with him to watch ROAN UNITED football team wallop Bancroft Blades; captained by no other than ‘Ginger Pensulo’. It was nice, well managed team with an ever-green pitch and neat stands.

    Like the Indians who first managed Roan Mine, and who for reasons only best known to themselves cannot assemble 11 men (out of over a billion inhabitants) to play this wonderful game of soccer, how do you expect the CHINESE to do it? You mean the entire country don’t know that it can never happen? It’s only our copper they want and nothing else, they will not bother about such infrastructure we are talking about. Little wonder my Dad (MHSRIP) used to say; “Never known of a stupid people like Zambians”….

    • Which right direction? When did you last see that stadium get any form of help? In living memory only Dr Mwenechanya helped to even to make it stand today. How many companies have come and gone…… trace of thoght about the community needs among whom they operate!! Sad news indeed. Bakabika fye ama benche for coaches ati ni facelift.

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