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Home President Sata has no powers to appoint Paramount Chief Chitimukulu-Bashilubemba

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  1. Nothing more than saying Chumbu Munsholowa is a lunatic. What he needs to know though is that we Bemba’s will straighten him en you know what happens to a sweet potatoe when you do that.

    • Ludicrous , he doesn’t have the power to appoint but he can refuse to ratify the appointment?
      Which is which? They should stop playing people’s intelligence.

      This government is clueless.
      When when a pawn becomes a Queen, it is important to realise that , it is merely a playing piece.


    • well this chitimukulu-bashibemba is not going away anytime soon!!

      now i completely dont understand Sata even chiefs shuwa,,, he wants to be appointing them like cadres and firing them,, someone must give the Sata his job description,,, the man seems to lost in presidency

    • This Mushota’s post…. reads so familiar am 100% sure my eyes have seen these words somewhere before on this blog by someone else, only then they were properly put!

    • @Ndobo,
      Hihihihihihi! Indeed ka Mushortage kakopela. I swear to God am serious I’ve seen these word right here on LT on a different topic but the guy put it so real, I think it was either Jay Jay or the Engineer, it could even be Wanzelu those vicious guys who always hammer hard on the Presido!

    • We Bembas are just a confused lot. Today we are calling ourselves the BRE (Barotse Royal Establishment). Yesterday it was LTC; Lubemba Traditional Council. Twalilubana kwena mutweleleko.

    • @ Cindy, for real! Mushota is getting cleverer by the day – the power of the internet. I urge all the people with the right skills and knowledge help educate the general bloggers and share in these fora. We are living in the byte age with all information readily available right down to our finger tips. When I first joined, I heard phrases like ‘lumpen’ and others that sounded very archaic and downright outdated but now the vocabulary is getting smoother and comprehensible. We can influence progressive change via the internet believe me. Back to the subject matter; I think this BRE topic has outlived its usefulness and distracting us doing real business in developing this country called Zambia. Mushota, well done – This is how we got Mariah Carey cooking us curry.

    • @Mushota, you will do well to explain this phrase a lot more for us who do not play chase. “When a pawn becomes a Queen, it is important to realise that , it is merely a playing piece” What’s meant by this phrase? I gave you a tick for the first part of the statement but I will be honest I am not fully conversant with that phrase and what it implies. I have an inkling of what it might mean but better here it from your on mouth. Thank-you

    • @ one wonder,
      You are right, I for one have almost perfected my English thanks to blogging and LT. Otherwise, Mushota will have a different opnion by tonight thats how she rolls, I bet she did that on purpose. All in all her point is well taken dispite her sense of humour, I know her better trust me!

    • @ One Hit 1.9,
      You dont understand that part because thats the copied one and I meant just that, otherwise, she may have just have been trying to pull a prank!

    • “When a pawn becomes a Queen, it is important to realise, it is merely just a playing piece’ Pawns can never become players.
      I have used the phrase several times here on LT. Most of my contributions if you search in 2008-2010

      You can not take people for granted. Even for someone that comes from rags to riches or one that is elected as the president. You are only in that position for a limited period of time. You can not forget the people that brought you there and in this case abuse the powers that goes against their expected expectations of your kind.
      Ultimately regardless of what power someone thinks they have, there is ultimately someone else who can take that away from them

      I hope that helps 🙂


    • I just came back from church, I prayed for Sata for his insults to Zambians, and Chief Chewe that he decline his appointment coming from a sinner.

      I didn’t for rest of you, next time.

    • Hello Cindy, why don’t you search LT , you will find that was me, i always use that quote. Prove me wrong 🙂
      I hate to be predictable and enjoy being a heel( if that makes sense to you)

      “Even if a pawn becomes a queen, its still just a playing piece. Pawns can never become players”
      Regardless of what power someone has, they can reach what they would term as the pinnacle of their career, they ultimately are just another subject who can have their dream taken away from them by someone else. You reach zenith , not alone but because of someone else who ultimately can take that dream away
      In this case the president who i have always supported but not his party, is guilt of the same transgression

      I used it several times especially in 2008-2010 here on LT.
      Enjoy your weekend…

    • Hello Cindy, search LT , you will find that was me, i always use that quote. search archives here and No you don’t know me, no one does.
      I hate to be predictable and enjoy being a heel( if that makes sense …) and No you do

      “Even if a pawn becomes a queen, its still just a playing piece. Pawns can never become players”
      Regardless of what power someone has, they can reach what they would term as the pinnacle of their career, they ultimately are just another subject who can have their dream taken away from them by someone else. You reach zenith , not alone but because of someone else.
      In this case the president who i have always supported but not his party, is guilt of the same transgression

      I used it several times especially in 2008-2010 here on LT.

      Enjoy ur…

    • A good example of Animal-driven constitution from the lower Zambezi where the President appoints paramount chiefs!
      We need to put age limits when it comes to politics.
      Only 40 to 50 year olds should be allowed.
      Reason-they will live long enough to know the consequences of their every action!
      Chumbu and team know that their days are numbered so they can do as they please without worrying about the consequences of their actions!
      Sorry for those outside the range! You have to be born again!

    • Hahahaha….an animal driven constitution which empowers a president to appoint chiefs…..ha hahaha….you have made night.

    • @ Mushota,
      Am very much sure it was your post I read now that you have mentioned it. My sincere apologies. The fact that you yourself acknowlege that you are unpredictable qualifies my point stating that I know you, I meant it on those lines not otherwise. By the way I enjoy your humour which is far much better than the depressing political Zambian news!

    • why am not in surport of bashi lubemba is that the consult spirits before choosing the chitimukulu.The Father of all spirits is God.The earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof.The bemba pipo belongs to God and not those spirits they have been consulting all these years.There is time for everything.We have declayed Zambia a christian nation.So lets choose God and don t take Zambia back into worshipping demons with these traditions.

    • @Mushota, I appreciate your taking time to explain your coinage of “pawn never becoming a player” in 1.1 above. Though I am non the wiser on the correlation between rags to riches and vice-versa with regards to how the president is handling or should I say mishandling things at the moment. It is also nice to know that you are person at the other end as you mostly appeared animated and detached – which is also wonderful! A great number of wrongs is being done in running the home and international political fronts at the moment in Zed. Need to go out and buy myself a chase board.
      No28 had this to say: “True chess players will agree with me that pawns do elevate to Queens or (any other fitting piece so desired by the player)provided they(pawns) make it to the other side of the board…

    • @Cindy, why are you so worked over Mushota, almost working over time with negative comments about her post. So what if she copied the quote? Everybody does so why can’t you be happy for her for once that she has made a sensible comment with positive feedback? Am I smelling a bit of jealous? I know Mushota gets on everyone’s nerves but occasionally she deserves a pat in the back to say well done!

    • @ Maverick,
      You misunderstood my post, we were all just having a laugh even Mushota knows! Jealous?c’mmon Maverick, then you havent followed my posts, I can throw some careless jokes here and there, you are welkom on board especially sundays cheers!

    • No worries @ Cindy… yeah obviously I guess I misunderstood you. It just looked like you were all over Mushota trying to corner her at every opportunity.

      By the way me thinks what my Bemba friends gotta say about the attire and look of the Bashilubemba in this pic as they are fond of ridiculing my Litunga‘s attire. Not the one to comment on looks but its obvious Bashilubemba are probably not the most beautiful people in that side of the world. But they appear like they have lots of wisdom in them.

  2. Bashi-Lubemba they are corrupt people.They lack education hence educated Sosala found easy to convince and bribe them with money.Am a real bemba so I will never support Sosala to be Chitimukulu until we scrutinize bashilubemba.

    • @cindy
      but! awe cindy, those faces in the photo of bushilubemba scares the heck out of me… shuwa,, looking at those faces i see utu lumba

    • @ Ndobo,
      I had to maximise the screen in order to understand what you meant, indeed they look like they dont sleep at night rather during day time after flying the sticks at night! I sure would scamper outta my bed if the one in the middle happened to stand in the middle of the room especially in that attire and face hihihihihihi!

  3. Mushota…for the first time…i beginning to like your analysis here. Nice one.

    The chiefs are cleverer than the president…they know more than the head of state. We all have reason to be worried as a country

  4. Sata has gone mad and Membe has become an axis of evil. Members of parliamen must prevail and impeach this man but as he rightly put it they useless.

  5. I’m sure that this Sata has always wanted to be a chief, only he didn’t know how to go about it. How else can one explain his meddling in the affairs of the Bemba succession? He seems not content with the presidency. This is going to get ugly for sure. Can you imagine Sata doing this in the succession of The Litunga? Wow!

  6. We non Bembas have an entertainment to amuse ourselves with between Michael Chilufwa Sata from Chatulika village and Chiti Mukulu of Bashi Lubemba.
    The horns are locked and lets see who has more pangas, machettes and utulumbas.
    The game is on Paramount Chief Mpezeni is referee and The LItunga will ajudicate the results. Enjoy the drama game and Mushota too.

  7. MCS would rather be fighting with his own subjects than engaging with people at his level such as presidents and prime ministers. He is so petty that he is not effective or recognised at international level except for his comical theatrics. At the end of the day, it is the Bemba people who are expected to recognise and revere the same person he has imposed on them. Examples abound of leaders that were a law unto themselves e.g. Mobutu, Gaddafi, Idi Amin.

  8. Wtf this president has now brains , he doesn’t have those powers someone need to read him the constitution in Bemba

  9. At last I have been vindicated. I have said on several occassions that Sata does not want to appoint a Bisa, Nkandu Luo’s brother (Bob Luo), as Chitimukulu but Chief Chewe who is a PF supporter. Sata knows that Kanyanta Sosala is too intellectual for him therefore he cannot manipulate him. Only God or voters will settle this impasse.

  10. Surprising, we now have two Chief Chitimukulus, one for Muchinga and the other for Northern Province in this latest Sata PF establishment. We shall see the genuine and the counterfeit one as the drama is still going on. Work up Bembas this Bisa Mwachusa cannot divide us as we Bembas know our bounderies. This is very srange and closer to madness.

  11. Having read Bashilubemba’s statement again, I can see that many people have misunderstood the issue. Bashilubemba are not saying that Presiddent Sata has appointed Chief Chewe as Chitimukulu but that he has imposed him as a chief without their consent. This is because Chewe is not a recognised chief by Bashilubemba because of his lineage – but he is Bemba. If you listened to the audio recording of Bashilubemba’s meeting a while ago you would understand the issue better. The agenda though is for Chewe to eventually become Chitimukulu.

  12. I should give it to MCS in that he has been around long enough to understand the mindset of a typical Zambian. He knows that after all the talking has been done, we will quietly cower into our closets and forget about it. Good examples are his salary increment, removal of subsidies, escalating price of mealie meal e.t.c. The only thing that will make a difference is turning such issues into affirmative action. Believe me you, a year from now this issue will be history and our children will be left wondering what it was all about.

    • The difference is, no one person or single person is responsible for any one of the issues you listed. BashiLubema, on the other hand, are the caretakers of the Chiti Mukulu throne.

    • @125, The point I was trying to put across is that we are known for just ending up at talking and complaining. This issue should be tabled in parliament and our learned friends, the law makers, should tell us where it says that the president can appoint or disappoint a chief chosen by a legitimate council like the Bashilubemba. The way MCS has gone about it is going to set a very bad precedent for future successions.

    • @Shaka. The daily acummulation of ill governance by Sata has not gone unnoticed by the population. The fact that there is no Ukrainian type uprising does not mean people have forgotten about:

      * 90 days false promises (houses, constitution etc)
      + removal of subsidies
      + refusal to give us animal driven constitution
      + riding rough shod over the opposition
      & deceiving people by riding the Livingstone mini-bus cos he wanted to be using a Chopper as his airport shuttle subsequently
      – rapidly accumulating unsustainable debt because he and Chikwanda now in the evening of their lives wont be there to repay these debts in 20 to 50 years time
      + deciminating the Kwacha to record low value Mugabe and Gono style
      + intimidating the Bashilubemba
      + showing brazen ungratefulness to GBM

  13. this is serious, if the PF want to secure a second term, they should avoid antagonizing ba Shi Lubemba just to satisfy one Prof. Nkandu Luo, who is a sister to Chief Chewe and Also Minister of Chiefs and at radial Affairs, Prof. Luo can not even stand in Munali in 2016, she is among those MPs who only won because of the of PF!

    So she has value to add to the PF at all and most importantly, she should not cost the party popularity unnecessarily!?,

  14. Bloging again… things you dont even understand. This shilubemba crap is as a result of wat the current shilubembas did to the ones they stole the kingship from. Sata has his point but sadly this is not a battle he shud be fighting.. let them continue bewitching each other and lets focus on somthing more important… national development.. you cant be a hero in all matters. Sadly Sata wants to be , by rectifying old stuff. Balekeleni baleilowa, balibelela.

    • Dim Wit has already said it was the Animal driven constitution from the Lower Zambezi that was used to impose a Chititmukulu over the Bembas…..

  15. In 1830 Chileshe chapel a with the help of the Bisa attacked Susula who was then the Chitimukulu from Ichinga? Chileshe Chepela belonged to the Miti clan (which is the clan of Sosala).

    After Chileshe chapels died around 1860, his brother Bwembya who was half embecile tok over but just for short while, because his nephew chitapakwa. The question bashilubemba should answer is who appointed Chileshe chapels and his nephew Chitapankwa?? Was it bashilubemba??

    HE is just trying to correct things and give the thrown to the true owners. These people who have ruling the Bembas are not royals open your eyes!!

    • The question is does he have the powers to correct that wrong?….to which the answer is a BIG NO. He is but just a political head of state…and the sooner he realizes the limits of his authority the better.

  16. Good evening

    I don’t see any value in challenging the integrity of the Bashilubemba. Has the president really no urgent business than interferance in matters of succession of chiefs?

    Why create problems where there are none? The only way to end this matter is to leave and let the people live. Bembas are able to control their own destiny.

    He that troubles his own house shall inherit the wind. Proverbs 11:29
    (And The Scripture cannot be broken!)

  17. Sata is unnecessarily antagonising everybody and behaving like a bully. I can see his end to be very bad and his children and wife nowhere to run. All those civil servants who are yesman will become witnesses the moment Sata kicks bucket or kicked out of Plot1.

  18. The Nation is still awaiting for the opinions or position of the Bemba MPs from Northern Province – particularly MPs representing Chinsali, Kasama, Luwingu Mporokoso and Luwingu, Mungwi.

    The people of Mpika, Isoka, Nakonde, Mbala, Mpulungu and the entire Luapula Province are merely watching the unfolding strange events from the fences. Indeed, Sata’s Presidency has petrified all the Bembas and Bemba-speaking peoples living along the line of rails. What offence have the Bembas committed to God to deserve such high levels of insults heaped on their traditional rulers?

    Had this Presidency been held by a Chewa, Lamba, Kaonde, Lozi or Tonga, HELL would have descended from Bemba political heavens!

    Where is Bishop Mpundu and his fellow Bemba priests?

    • That is the question people are asking, where are the Bembas? They are just watching their chief being tossed around. Are they intimidated?

  19. @ Mushota, I beg to disagree with your statement that,“pawns are merely playing pieces”. True chess players will agree with me that pawns do elevate to Queens or (any other fitting piece so desired by the player)provided they(pawns) make it to the other side of the board. Your statement points to beliefs such as,“you cannot teach an old dog new tricks”. Don’t you ever believe in such nonsense because thats an insult even to an old dog. I enjoy your posts though.

    • I’m a chessplayer myself and her statement suggests exactly what you have written – pawns do elevate to Queens and other pieces of higher value but the point is that even then, they will still remain mere figures on the chessboard and can never elevate to attain the status of a human player. This is an allusion to the presidential powers currently being played out against the chieftaincy.
      In conclusion, it can also be said that both the president and the chief are mere pieces on the board, one being of no more significance than the other (compared to the Creator).

      As for the proverb about the old dog and new tricks, this is also true for our difficulties in learning with advancement of age. For instance a child will learn a new language easier than an old man.

    • fwd@Mushota, I appreciate your taking time to explain your coinage of “pawn never becoming a player” in 1.1 above. Though I am non the wiser on the correlation between rags to riches and vice-versa with regards to how the president is handling or should I say mishandling things at the moment. It is also nice to know that you are a person at the other end as you mostly appeared animated and detached – which is also wonderful! A great number of wrongs is being done in running the home and international political fronts at the moment in Zed. Need to go out and buy myself a chase board.
      No28 had this to say: “True chess players will agree with me that pawns do elevate to Queens or (any other fitting piece so desired by the player)provided they(pawns) make it to the other side of the board…

  20. The Presidency is the most powerful institution in our land. The President can even kill or rather authorise a person to be killed. He is the singular hand with the legitimate use of lethal force. And yet as powerful and fearful the instruments of power he weilds, he is bound to use them sparingly and with grace. Wanton abuse of these powers elicit generational hatred and seeds of revenge and retribution. You can today humiliate Chanda Sosala and bashilubemba and even banish them. But you cannot remove the seeds of rebellion and desire to exact revenge. That is why up to this day, Isreal with its mighty arsenal has failed to vanquish the Palestinians. I speak on behalf of the well meaning Zambians, Mr President please allow the Bemba Royal Establishment do its work.

    • I speak on behalf of the well meaning Zambians, Mr President please allow the Bemba Royal Establishment do its work. Your hands are already full. The people of Zambia are demanding:

      1. That you address the collapse of the Kwacha from the current high of K5,800 from around K4 000 or so when you took over from RB
      2. Reduction in price of mealie meal, petrol and bus fares
      3. Removal or reduction of multiple taxes like fuel levy and toll gate fees
      4. People driven constitution
      5. Freedom of information bill
      6. That you stop borrowing like you are in Greece as we already were forgiven of $7 billion and so the multilateral lenders wont agree a hair cut
      7. That you reintate nurses
      8. Give civil servants at least 80% increment since they dont have free food like you.

    • All summed up by Democratic Legal. !!! That is not partisan but impartial and without any bias summing up. It’s what all well meaning Zambians of all ‘tongues’ (Maybe even the international observers too) can see in the matter unless the president knows something the nation knows nothing about. It would be laughable if it was so sad! What are the law implications regarding this issue? Can’t the BRE sue the head of state? Come on you lawyers help us understand the latitude of this Chitimukulugate.

  21. So disappointed with our Bemba brothers, they are so quiet, watching their chief being tossed around by Sata. Where are the Bemba voices? Are they so intimidated?!

  22. “Things done in haste are often regretted in leisure!”

    Sata has failed to intimidate us, hence he is barking from the confines of State house.
    Let him step foot in kasama, he will be lucky to leave the place alive!
    “We will get him!”

  23. Yesterday installation of chief Ng’andu of southern province was cancelled.who is behind this again? Correct me on the name.

  24. FfuSatanyokso or sorry I meant sata aka a mad president is a psychatrick. Patient who suffers from brain damage so he needs serious medical attention imagine what he said about the consittitution the animal driven and the people driven I mean the fool really insane

  25. The reporting is pathetic. What is the story above saying. Like someone else has said on another blog If the reporter cant understand the issue they should not pass it on to us in the hope we will understand it

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