Sunday, June 2, 2024
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  1. Sata just went mukulamfya ku Brussels. If he had appointed Mulenga Kapwepwe as Foreign Affairs minister maybe the PF could have looked more “sexy”.

    • The only picture with true hope is number 24, sad though that it had to be angolans doing it, but its a plus anyhow. If only our president, the cabinet, celebrities inspired the public to say, “we shall walk barefoot if need be, until we have shoes made by our own people available for sale”, then this trade of shoe making would grow. Eventually we would then also have schools which deal with the design and making of shoes, industries would then be challenged to make machines or factories for mass shoe production etc. more jobs and more jobs. When people are inspired, they can do great things. Mr. PS, dont just admire, buy those shoes. Zambian musicians/artists go and buy those shoes so that the young who look up to you and admire your stylish clothes,shoes etc go and buy the same shoes.

    • Point of correction Miss Mushota: quintuple signifies FIVE and not three. A group of 5 musicians, for instance, is a called a quintet. Remember The Broadway Quintet?

    • Mushota ubokopo surviving meaning abana bambi balifwa. You claim to be learned but some of your contributions are worrying.

  2. You want our precious ladies to move without pants and bras so that you ‘slaughter’ them. No way. Bleach those second hand ones and they will be safe!


    • I have put the word in inverted comas and this is an indication that someone somewhere used this term. You do not need to insult me because I am trying to protect women. You have totally misunderstood my statement. I apologize for any misunderstanding caused but I am an activist for the rights of women and the underprivileged.

  3. $800 is too little for such creative art work. In some countries one would never walk again after winning such, but hey this is ZED. The young man should put the publicity to good use by promoting his other works. On lighter note Namakau has really changed sir names, and from her good looks, it appears we still counting.

    • Kaili she thought marrying a Jayetileke made her special. Always marry your own kind and never leave the flock. I dont understand people who marry less melaninated people. Melanin gives you attributes which no one ever tells our people about. Melanin is the driving force of life, chemistry is the study of melanin. Why would you want to contaminate your good melanin with an inferior one?

    • I agree, at least K50,000 upfront would make sense. Then royalties for using logo as well as copyright privileges for 50 years after the winners passing!

      M ou madam DittA, something worried me when you said ‘in some countries one would never walk again after … ‘ Would a disease strike you and get paralysed or what … ?

  4. Each time I read Namakau’s name she has a new husband! While others have none she keeps tossing them and picking new ones! I see our prez with two of his useless ministers in pic 2…

    • Kalok, men are like common house flies! They tend to go where there is an over powering fimo fimo. Those ladies without should not worry … as they are probably clean and cannot attract anything …

  5. The jubilee logo really looks good. 50 years is a great occasion for celebration. I feel the designer deserves an award higher than that.

    Second hand underwear for sale? How and why? There is need for government to consider introducing regulations dictating what can be sold and what not – in the interest of consumer hygiene.

  6. Fifty yrs of utter poverty,very filthy streets ,used underwear and a crazy visionless president.The common theme in all that is MEDIOCRITY.

    Haha,nashukuru mungu kwa kunitoa kwa nchi hii ya wajinga .

  7. Is it “Zambian ambassador to Brussels” or “Zambian ambassador to Belgium”? Check your stories before publishing ba LT.

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